Analyzing Evil: Davy Jones From Pirates of the Caribbean

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hello everyone and welcome to episode 56 of analyzing evil featuring davey jones from the pirates of the caribbean franchise a lovesick erstwhile fairy man of the dead davy jones is a seaborne horror of his own making a man who shirked the duties given to him by a goddess he loved transforming him into a creature of hatred and cruelty who knows no mercy for anyone who winds up in his clutches in this video we'll be delving into how davey jones transformed into this monstrous lovecraftian charon one whose brush with the sting of betrayal irrevocably altered his emotional and mental state a man so utterly overtaken by his own misery that he lives in existence dedicated to inflicting the pain he feels upon others now davey jones is an unruly looking creature and though tentacles are quite problematic perhaps he could have used a little help in managing his appearance with our sponsor for today's video manscaped manscaped is a company dedicated to revolutionizing self-care for men by 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majority of people who spend their lives on the open seas love the sea but with davy jones i believe this love was a passionate extreme one that marked davy jones as not just the man who loved the sea but a man who loved the sea more than anyone else in the entire world how else could a mortal draw the goddess and manifestation of the sea to them imagine for a moment that you are davey jones you've had relationships with women over the course of your life but you'd never found a woman that you could claim to be in love with perhaps because the right woman never crossed your path or more likely because your path has always led to the place where your heart and mind make their home the sea the salt on the wind the waves crashing on the shore the deck beneath your feet the sunrise peeking over the horizon the stars shining upon the still water on a clear night the adrenaline that courses through your body as a storm tests your will to survive everything about the sea is worth loving in your eyes it's no wonder then that upon finding a man whose eyes showed more passion for the waters of her soul than she had ever encountered that the goddess of the sea became entranced with him in turn revealing herself to him in human form and returning the love she saw reflected in his eyes for davey jones this was a dream come true everything he lived for had suddenly become flesh and blood a tangible creature that he could fully give all of his love to however loving an immortal being isn't without its problems for the despair that comes with the realization that you will one day die while your love lives on is no doubt crippling but with the powers of a goddess before you this problem is nothing but sea spray dissipating in the wind your goddess your love offers you an unimaginable deal dedicate your life to ferrying those who die at sea to the afterlife and in exchange you will be granted immortality the chance to be with your love for all eternity that is for a price for your duties as charon of the oceans requires that you stay bound to the sea for 10 years and only after those 10 years may you set foot on land for a single day to be reunited with your love the price may seem steep but what do days and years matter to an immortal being a single day following a decade becomes thousands of days spent with the woman you love over the span of an eternity and whilst waiting for those moments to spend with your goddess you get to spend your immortality amongst the waves you hold so dear a deal that you couldn't have imagined in your wildest dreams now everything i've laid out so far is of course speculation but i believe this is a great way to explain how davey jones managed to come in contact with a goddess and why a goddess would even bother with a lowly sailor like davy jones however though davy jones partly loved the sea for its unpredictability he couldn't fathom that the woman who represented it would display the same degree of unpredictability and when calypso was nowhere to be found after his first 10-year stint he felt betrayal like he'd never felt before not only because the woman he had pledged his love to had seemingly abandoned him but because he felt he had been tricked into becoming her servant and though he was still an immortal being who would roam the seas for all eternity his love for the sea had been corrupted and he no longer took the same comfort in it as he once had so despite the woman who had so betrayed him he conspired with the first brother in court to bind her and seal her into a human form essentially giving control of the sea to the multitude of pirates in the world and himself not that it matters too much but something that's interesting to speculate on is the time period that all of this took place in and thus the age of davy jones the time period that the first three films take place in is roughly around the year 1730. there was a book published in 2007 called the pirates guidelines that stated that the first brother in court met before greece was founded and though that makes for a legendary story as terry rossio pointed out one of the screenwriters for the films the kind of pirate activities we see in these films weren't happening during that time in history and thus it wouldn't make much sense for the court to have been formed that long ago there have been pirates in varying forms throughout human history however they weren't as widespread or numerous until the golden age of piracy the period of time that the pirates of the caribbean takes place in which in our world lasted roughly from the 1650s to the 1730s so it stands to reason then that the events of these films also take place during that time and to back this up we know that henry turner the son of will and elizabeth was born in 1730. now why is this information important in establishing a time period for the binding of calypso well because of the name we gave to this period in history the golden age of piracy this is obviously unconfirmed but others in the fandom have pointed out that the binding of calypso may have started the golden age of piracy and i think this theory holds a lot of weight after all what better way for pirates to have control of the seas than to bend the sea to their will so if the golden age of piracy started in 1650 in this universe as well and davy jones was already a man aged well enough to have a greying beard it would make sense then that davy jones at the time of our story is somewhere in the realm of 130 years old again this information isn't really too important but it's an interesting theory and if you have anything to add to it or you have one of your own let me know down below now after binding calypso a grief and guilt-stricken davy jones chose to cut out his own heart the source of all the pain and misery that had fallen upon him in such a short time afterwards choosing to abandon the duty he had been charged with due to davy jones neglecting his role as ferryman the souls of those bound for the afterlife were forced to wander the vast ocean of eternity forever stuck in limbo because of his selfish cruelty and now instead of ferrying souls he roamed the seven seas as a reaver tricking gullible and fearful men into serving on a ship under hundred-year contracts to escape death a contract that would end in their souls being bound to his ship rather than sent to the afterlife where they belong and after many years of neglecting the task he was given davy jones appearance began to reflect the beast he had become inside the devil of the sea who knew no mercy for the dead or the dying and now that we've covered how davey jones came to be the creature we see in the films let's take a look at who davey jones is now the one thing that is present in many aspects of his personality is sadism whatever sympathy or empathy davy jones once had has completely left him and the joy he takes in sending unfortunate souls to unending torment in his locker adding them to his crew as an alternate form of imprisonment and torture or harming torturing and killing people is made plain for us after all as davy jones points out life is cruel and more specifically was cruel to him so why should the afterlife be any different especially when you consider that the man who stands in the way of that afterlife is willingly dealing out the cruelty he felt in life back onto others his sadism can also be found in his twisted sense of humor as davy jones very much enjoys belittling others and he finds mirth and joy in taunting people and instilling into them a sense of despair though he seems to have a great degree of confidence davy jones is quick to anger and there are several points in both films where his rage overwhelms him and his snide demeanor falters as his enemies get the best of him his appearance which we've basically covered already greatly bolsters these qualities and it serves to instill terror into his prey but his menacing mannerisms amplify his persona as a monster tenfold before coming upon his prey davy jones walks slowly building up tension as the creature of these hapless souls nightmares comes into view no doubt giving our dear captain a great amount of pleasure savoring the fear he builds within his victims he speaks slowly and deliberately as well especially when offering a person the chance to join his crew instilling the fear of death into them as he coaxes them into serving offering a short respite from the inevitability of their deaths and we often find him moving in impulsive twitchy motions adding a degree of maddening unpredictability to his character a reflection of the rage that courses through every fiber of his being there's one more component of davy jones we need to discuss but that aspect of this man-turned monster is best examined while covering his actions davy jones is essentially a mass murderer one who either kills of his own volition or orders his crew to do so and if he's not killing he's dooming the dead to an eternity of psychological torment or to become part of his ship of horrors his crew is treated with little to no respect and he frequently orders or engages in the torture of the people aboard his ship making their lives as miserable as possible davy jones over the course of his 80-year reign as reaver of souls and scourge of the living likely caused the death and misery of thousands of individuals not to mention the poor souls who can't make it to the afterlife due to his neglect of his duty but why why does davy jones feel the need to go on such a rampage because though binding calypso may have momentarily satisfied his desire for revenge it didn't heal the immense despair he experienced from her betrayal and for the past 80 years davy jones has lived in a world of unending anguish his cruelty and his anger are a front a way for davy jones to bury the deep loss he feels masking his pain by lashing out at others he takes all these horrid actions because he does enjoy them to a certain extent but that joy was learned not intrinsic and every blow he strikes onto another person is a moment that allows him to forget the wounds he carries within his own soul for perpetual rage is a great distraction from unending sorrow he may have cut out his heart but those feelings still endure within him feelings that are exacerbated when his heart is near to him an echo of how he was unable to handle the pain that love had brought him within davy jones there's still a tender spot for love and lovers and his kinder side bleeds through when his attention is brought to the topic or when memories of the love he lost overtake him when he's not masking his pain with violence or cruelty he distracts himself with his organ letting his anger flow onto the keys as he endlessly plays the tune of the locket that came from his lover above all davy jones never stopped loving calypso and his sorrow not only shows us the pain he feels over her betrayal but the guilty feels over her imprisonment and as we see towards the end of that world's end given the chance davy jones would unbind her and become one with her as he had always dreamed despite the pain she caused him his decision to answer betrayal with betrayal would be his undoing and the very woman goddess and force of nature that he loved would swallow him in a maelstrom born from his own short-sightedness perhaps at this end calypso may have forgiven her one-time lover and davey jones may have fell to the depths to begin living out his eternity with his love but perhaps not nothing in the pirates universe is certain and in years to come we may find ourselves facing a reborn davy jones angrier than ever and more unforgiving than we could imagine and at this possible end who was davey jones he was a sailor who loved the sea unlike any other a man who was offered the unimaginable opportunity to express that love to the very manifestation of the sea itself upon accepting the proposition offered to him by this goddess davy jones would come to know utter betrayal tearing his heart asunder in a hurricane of rage sorrow and self-pity after taking his revenge on this woman who had so harmed him davy jones found that the pain she had caused him still lingered and though he had cut out his heart the love he felt for her and the despair that love had brought him remained so davy jones took to the seas to unleash his fury onto the poor souls that he was charged with caring for the monstrous man he had become on the inside poisoning his physical form and transforming him into a horrid creature of the sea over the course of eight decades davey jones would bring death and suffering to countless individuals luring souls to his ship promising them salvation from the death that awaited them introducing them to a world of pain and suffering that hardly made up for the delay from the ultimatum they so feared davy jones was ultimately a cruel spiteful remorseless and incredibly selfish man one who put his own suffering above all else decrying the wounds that had been inflicted upon him by inflicting greater pain upon others a man who deserves no sympathy for the grief-ridden tantrum that he threw on the high seas for nearly a century a man who willingly submerged himself into the dark waters of evil thank you all for tuning in to this episode of analyzing evil and i hope you've enjoyed what are your thoughts on davey jones did i miss anything let me know down below and leave a suggestion for a villain you'd like to see featured in a future episode while you're at it if you like this video hit that thumbs up button and make sure to subscribe if you haven't already a big thank you to all of my subscribers and to my patrons and a most vile thank you to those whose names you're seeing on screen now join the channel's discord server and reddit to interact with myself and the community and follow me on the social media platforms listed below to keep up with the channel as always thanks for watching and i'll be seeing you soon
Channel: The Vile Eye
Views: 631,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Kiera Knightley, Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, Disney, Pirates, Villain, Ocean, Sea, Evil, Kraken, Crew, Ship
Id: G1Aycgxxd-4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 59sec (1019 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 24 2021
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