Analysis of a Broadsword and Sabre Fight

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An interesting video with very detailed breakdown of stuff that can be somewhat hard to read from just the sparring footage itself. Here's the original footage. Thought you guys might find it interesting to see hear some justification of the techniques/footwork being used in the HEMA stuff you see on here. :D

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Raffaele1617 📅︎︎ Dec 13 2016 🗫︎ replies
hi guys and welcome back to the Academy of historical fencing I've had a lot of comments recently and also questions about the latest video we posted up just a couple of days ago which was a Sega vs. broadsword fight between Esther I and I want to talk about a number of things that go on on that video shown in slow motion and really to kind of break down an analysis of the things that you've seen in that video because I get all kinds of questions and I think there's lots of things to talk about in that video and I can give you lots of slow-mo replays and really go through it in some detail before we get onto that I just like to say what is going to change recently and that is when we've taught military Sabre for the last few years we've taught from the first edition of 1798 the first edition of Roth but recently we've kind of moved on to also using the 1804 Edition which is is the third edition really because there was a second edition in 1798 as well and it includes the ten lessons of John Taylor broadsword master who also introduced the system which Angelo shows on the Android posters which since getting really nice quality scans of the anvil posters which I since restored they've been really useful in interpreting the 10 lessons of john taylor in roth because they are mostly the same there's a few little differences here and there which I'm going to talk about in other videos but they're mostly the same and therefore we've been working through this 10 lesson structure and you've seen a little bit of a sort of solo stuff on the videos recently like Angelo's solo drill and what we found is that the uniform discipline system of the 10 lesson structure is incredibly effective and we found for beginners they're picking up footwork distance work much faster than they used to and our regulars are also finding out other problems that they've had in the past as well and the reason I think for that is using the Taylor 10 lessons there's a lot less one of there's no room for basically for individuality whether it's if you like and traditionally I suppose what we do drills we do it the way that most clubs I've ever seen do it is that you're so neutrals may be done in groups but when you do partner drills you pair off and do your own thing try and work it out and that's can really bog down but the Taylor system you just line up in a disciplined military fashion everybody doesn't the same and instructor can correct everybody because you're doing all the same action at the same time on command and you're gonna see those lessons appearing in videos quite soon like you saw the soul of drill anyway going on to the fight first of all it's not tuned to show off my favorite sort of all-time 18:03 pattern infantry officers sword which is really relevant to what we're doing here because it's the sort of pattern infantry sword that was in an era for the British and as you know now have two and is my favorite so of course I'd have to and I'm going to talk a lot more about these originals in other videos as well because I've got another example now anyway on that note the swords that we use in this video were steel as you can see it was the last farm video we posted up I'm using my sword smithy samer which is similar for this it's as basic stirrup hills as opposed to the slotted Hills but there's not much difference and the blade follows this exact kind of shape and size and curvature and significantly it's also the same weight in fact the sword Smith you see but I use in a spiral video is just 20 grams lighter than this original and that's mostly in this extra a little bit of protection on the hand here so you're talking about a realistic sword and the same 4's oh she's using a dark woods 34 inch back sword me by blade that is 34 inch bandsaw blades on a basket hilts made by dark wood armory which is about 1.1 I believe pushing up to about 1.2 kilos so that's in the historical weight and size range for a Scottish broadsword so we use realistic ways of weapons so the first sparring bat I've ever put up of Esther I use and steel which is quite nice because usually for those bats we've used synthetic right so put in the so damn what should we go on to I want to get straight into the video I suppose but before I do I would see yo Maximus ten lesson structure I don't think the thing is really in a different song as this lunch slip system which is just all the time because when you do first edition growth it doesn't say slip on every parry it says it with certain things like the guard st. George but if you use the ten lessons sort of poster of Angelo you slip that front leg on every parry unless there's a very specific reason to do it such as when you're already doing cancer time stuff and drawing your opponent in so it's sort of drummed in that regimented system and I think it's made some really interesting changes to people spot book generally I mean I used to slip the front leg an awful lot but only when I was attacked to the leg or felt some threat as opposed to doing it on all the parents so even for me this is the most my fighting style has changed in a long long time so I think that's really really interesting anyway I'm going to jump into the sparring clip yeah if you look at the stance it's nice and upright back weighted the roof manual is quite clear about that back waiting being really important because he wants the weight off the front foot so that it can lunge and slip really really easily and also notice that the points my swords are a little bit lower on the first addition row of these swords are much more upright and not just in the illustrations impacting the illustrations they are completely upright realistically but the descriptions is described being much further sort of upright in the descriptions of say outside and inside guard as opposed to the agent for addition where the tip is on line to opponent's face or just a few inches above so you notice it's a lot more point on line than some of the stuff I've posted before which is also interesting and it allow me some extra thrust work which as a rapist I liked anyway so that's just a bit about stance that you see there going into the start of the fight the first action ester attacks me and she comes in with potentially have been abandoned cats or it could have been known for my arms you know this ultimately it ends up quite high at my shoulder height and I suppose those doing for us and that's very insightful in guard and what I ended in was actually Priam hanging gut but you can move between pre and hanging guard and inside me it got really easily its sing God just different height level notice that back waiting that I had in my guard posture allowed me to slip that leg really quickly when she attacked and if you notice she was in in the end wasn't even in range to have cut my body because the slippered had allowed me to get out of distance and that's significant because not just in this fight but I won't know especially in this fight because she's using the sword that's much longer than mine that basket not she's using has about two and a half inches extra reach on the saber that I'm using and two and a half inches really does make a difference probably a more ways than one but it is significant so you notice that that slip mice back weighted stance that slip allow me to get out of there and anything left in range to her was my sword arm which had a nice strong parry so that's just the start it's the opening of the fight now moving on if you look at what happens here I initiate a cut to the leg which looks like it's going to be a powerful cut to the leg and if I wanted it to being it could but it's not intended to be a cuts below what I'm actually doing here is what seemed in two of the Angela Rothen tail effect matter ten lessons and that is the leg to allow us to parry the counter and strike back counter tine defenses of sure really quite nice so we for either cut to that leg but I don't withdraw back I'm wanting her to come back in with the head cut it's one of the automatic responses is that in fact most of the stars that we teach is when somebody cuts to your leg you move it out the way I'm I'm trying to provoke that exact response from her which I get I still shift the leg as opposed to doing the Angeles has been cut away and that's simply because I did network under the blade at that time and I go for her head she cuts go Saint George nice slip again which was excellent and then coming back at me and this is a setup here with inside guard that is seen in one of the Angelo lessons I believe it is lesson 5 where we take an insight parry and then use it to cut low and often to the leg although in this case I've cut to the foot to the the ribs and you can see that entire setup was started with a leg cut which has brought esta into a set sort of response if you like that allow me to set up that cut that I already wanted so that's the sort of first action gone through finally I'm actually launching an attack a fight start a bit extra attack in and then me fainting in the next sort of pass if you like and the third one now is me attacking aggressively with point work now I'm a bit more accustomed to use in thrust work simply because I've been a rapist for many many years but of course I do also have a shorter sword in this fight and I thrust high estimates through outside guard mins to go to Saint George as well which was nice and strong and makes a rather large slip with a foot one all the way back sort of full pass backwards which is absolutely fine and kept her really nicely out of danger in fact that slip back ensured that my thrust was not likely to ever land even if you haven't parried and the next thing you see is me doing these flourishes if you like each other closely called neural nets and or braids sometimes in disable work and you see those motions they're not there to look fanciful what I'm actually doing is I'm trying to present the fact that I'm cut in to her inside or something like cut one and then rotating into outside to cut her arm and two things really happen there is one she pairs correctly nice true edge on and two she slipped which made sure that she was really really safe now that's the kind of faint and cut to the arm on the outside but I really favor and you'll see me use constantly I love sniping people on the outside of the arm in that way it's a little bit more difficult when someone who's new in the basket held but still doable but in that case it was really nice differently defended against and then the next thing you'll notice is Esther launches a thrust Oh we've talked my sword whooshes her thrusters to come and bypass back parry and hanging guards which sets me up for a really nice strong candle what she Perry's in really the fastest way you can hear use an inside guard and again slips back which covers a lot of distance and then presents danger to me which is why I don't follow I don't chaser now throughout this fight it's very very clean there's one double hit in this entire fight and if you look there's a real attempt at defending at all times and not chasing the point and not going for that kind of sort of attack fighting it's something that we in cancer all the time in in Hema not just in in our club in in my say most clubs is that because we're doing it for fun people increasingly think to chase the point like you were didn't say sport fencing and you really don't want to do that because defense is ultimately the most important aspect there's no good getting the best hits on in the world on your opponent if you also get hit at the same time so there's a real attempt here to focus on not dying which certainly is something that should be emphasized in swordsmanship and you see another example of much the same thing here Esther faints and she's trying to take my leg and as she goes for that cut to the leg she pulls back seeing that she's gonna lose her head and this is the kind of situation where so often I've seen people carry on through surgery to try and go for that leg cuts knowing you know that they're gonna take a heavy heavy hit to the head and if you notice here both of us retract I basically stop my leg goes short and she withdraws quickly to make sure I don't take her head it was a far far better situation neither of this has landed a blow and both of us getting hit there's a real emphasis there on defense and not getting hit so we go back to first so I'm thrusting here in secand and thrusting second can be very easily parried by outside guard it can be bypassed really easily because thrust all the Energy's coming forward you don't need a nice strong parry you just got to displace very very easily but one of the nice things is that if you can constantly pressure people into wanting to take the hanging guard as Esther's done here this parrot is sort of the thrust of zircons can go just straight over the top and in fact it works even better or the curb blades because even if they start moving over into the clean I need a girl and strong there's curvature at the blade just takes it right right around so you see their thrust landed even against a strong hanging guard so the next thing you're going to see is something which I've never done before I've been leg slips but in this case I'm slipping the leg as a feint that is the interpretation I have for the Angelou feints shown in three different lessons of his where four divisions were on the opening feint the front leg or at least the legs are brought together somehow and I'm going to go into the reasons one I think that is in a separate video because there are quite a few reasons and it's going to take a bit of time but this is my interpretation is slipping the front leg on the feint and the interesting thing here with a couple of interesting things actually is one it set me up for the cut three to the wrist really quickly and really nicely and my lunch was fast I found this slip and lunge system to give the phone up kind of fast twitch actually really really fast which I'd been doing before against people attacking towards the legs but now I'm doing as feint and parents and all sorts but you notice here I don't land a blow why don't I land a blow because Esther's using a basket hilt which is an interesting difference between the Sabre and the basket hilt I set up my attacker and that cut three that I deliver should have been parried with hasser Bogart it's a fast snipe to the wrist and will be parallel with parried with half circle and you can actually see exactly why here because if that's have been a lot more to say but I've I'm using I would have had a handle wrist but she's using a basket hilt and therefore I didn't so you can see that baskets can be a little bit more forgiving in certain actions like that of course you pay the price in weight from that seen George I come back but she's still swinging and at that point I can just see it's too dangerous to go on and I stop so then she comes back in position with the thrust under under the sword just in - yes well it parried it in half sari in a side half hang which is a really good way to parry thrusts that I made under the sword of course it doesn't set me up particularly well for over past and in fact does her and she does come immediately in with a cut one or cut seven possibly and straight to the head but because I'd already slip back I'm in a really really strong position and can come straight back although once again you see she's in a strong position so I stopped and researched I didn't go after it sometimes you just have to calm down reset and go back at it now notice I launched a thrust and secand against her guards once again and once again she went into a hangar door possibly guarded st. George yes guarding George which was a bit stronger but most significantly she slipped and if you see it in slow motion if she had not slept good chance that she made that Perry my point would have gone straight into her face it's closed matter of inches away but the slip made sure that she was safe so the Perry was good but the slip was what really ensured that my point didn't land and you'll notice that she also as she comes back kind of cuts against me which would have had my wrist or hand quite possibly have I not gone into inside gut okay so here you're gonna see a different way of defending that is just using the body and this is something that I've done over the years through rapier work is simply void in the body so not parrying at all it's entirely possible and in under certain circumstances to avoid an opponent's blade just by using your body however it can get you undone as you'll find later on in the fight is that in this instance it worked perfectly well but I did what I really shouldn't do and I've been telling my students for ages not to do and that is void but not defend with the sword I lowered the sword that's exactly what I mean telling people not to do for ages so that just bugs the hell out of me pisses me off but that's good that's what these videos are for you can learn from them so yes my body boy worked there but you're going to see an example later on where it didn't and it really let me down so just because you body void don't forget to defend with the sword or cover with the sword so once again you see me faint to the legs is this half committed cut to the leg which is a really nice setup because it can beat your opponent into something but as a stopped recomposed herself and came at me and much stronger than what realistically I was hoping for however I came from a goddess Saint George and the last time this happened I cut over to her head and she parried it quickly with an inside gut and that was a problem that she snapped by the cut at me but now at this time I go under which is actually what's shown in the Angelo drill so you faint lo Perry gotta sneak George and then cut low and this instance I did clip her it wasn't the best of attacks because it was just with the tip but it was still a cut to the flank which was quite nice and her slip ensure that it wasn't a particularly heavy cut so again even though there was a hit there the slip made sure that she took a light blow as opposed to what would have been a really brutal rib shot so again praising the slip slip is awesome slip lunge and don't die the rule of life for saber and once again we three see my thrust in secand going straight over the outside guard and it did connect there was a little bit of flex so that would have penetrated Bella looks maybe inch into the body so it was a it was a nice thrust but notice the slip the slip ensured that she didn't take a much worse hit if she'd not slipped there and tried to stay with fixed foot in position that thrust would have been four or five inches into the body easy so already the slip was proven nice and strong and had she done it just a little bit faster would have saved her entirely so again really really working well and what do you see next well looks like I'm going for a thrust but look how half-assed that is that's not committed why is it not committed because like the feint to the leg I'm trying to base a response what I'm really looking for there is for her to go into hanging and cut me back so I can set up a nice counter-attack but she didn't commit to it and she tried to smack my hand instead which I did not parry as he was supposed to now this idea of you supposedly you know is supposed to use a parry for a certain thing that's just setting up a good rule of sort of a good rule to use in your fight so certain Perry's worked really well against certain cuts doesn't mean that Perry's can't have multiple purposes but in this instance she sniped towards my hand with cut three which is the one that I failed with earlier on because of her basket realistically there I should have used half circle guard or I should have sent the hand a little bit further to defend on the fourth of the blade of course if you do sink down into a lower inside guard there's a real risk of her beating through and strike it towards the face so yeah really I should have used half circle guard there and looking at it I think to be honest although we have a knuckle bone Italy I believe the blow did also hit the hand it sounded like it did so and a good example of definitely should have used half circle guard and then after it that's all I was talking about earlier at this point Esther throws a thrust now she thrusts at me using what will be cut although she's thrust on the outside line whereas cut would be normally used on the inside line and this is something we do in rapier quite a lot actually and this is where the body void let me down look what happened because exactly the same I tried the body void and I lowered the sword and from where we just were in our last positions we were I was a little bit too close now again all of those sort of brutal stuff we've been doing recently is being with Esther Knights being with the black fans of Sabres and basket hilt switch a few inches shorter and I just might misjudged the distance have you been using those Spassky hilts the black pencil ones my body void there would have worked there's a couple of inches make a difference but in this instance it didn't so when you do a body void make sure you defend with the sword not like I just done there that's just silly I must stop doing that and now we see here another example of that leg slit feint which of course Esther's been practicing the same thing so she knows what I'm doing and she slipped when you do the leg slip think I'm really hoping that your opponent stays in guard posture so they are they're not threatened enough that they slip back but she has and therefore she's really back in time to make a really strong Perry and I come straight down the fort or the guard of a sword so there was no real chance of hitting the wrist there at all she comes back in I parry gotta st. George once again my cat under I've often heard people ask in session why would you cut under after making a garden st. George Perry doesn't it seem dangerous well you can see examples here of how it can work perfectly there are loads of cuts going low after st. George Perry's a maid or hanging godparents maid so often you can set yourself up for a really nice attack because it's perfectly safe whereas if you don Heidi would have parried it much more easily and then set themselves up for a nice parry riposte so yes you can definitely successfully attack low after a goddess named George Perry and how does it end I cut in towards her face and she defends in a very high insight gut which perhaps if he she'd been using a stirrup ulted sword my thinking initiative had to say and then she moves up basically into half circle afterwards and steps back out but the buzz Club protected to her nicely so that was a nice close-range pairing both of us then got the hell out of there because that's just getting too close and the back close distance that narrow measure you can get a lot of double hits the risk becomes very high to both fighters that kind of distance you really need to be close in to grappling distance or getting back out to white measure so we see again I throw my point in now Esther here did exactly what I've been doing it's a looming bad lessons there I fainted and she slipped the birthday asteroid she body voided and brought the soul-sword down which is exactly what I've been doing but in this instance I didn't carry through into the lunge the reason I didn't character into that lunge just because that point looked like it was going to come for me so I held back and then I came in with what I've really been liking recently of that leg faint to provoke that response so I can get my countering but she's not falling for it this time she slipped back again that leg slip is ensure that she was safe and she's a nice safe strong position I was forced to stop what I was doing it was just too risky so the next thing you see is anneka lunch now I learned basically in what the medium on middle guard position which is a really common way of London with rapier but not so much for saver I cannot just like anything about regular a bit too much there that's not a particularly good thrusting angle for the saber because the curvature of the saber does tend to draw it completely off the line of target and I don't believe it hit anything there and significantly again what what made sure it didn't hit the target is the slip and he's just talking a few inches difference here and there the slip was made and ensured that she was safe and once again you see in my signature at this stage I suppose this is the thrust I've always liked and found very successful both the rapier and saber is plus and secondo gainst that's like guard when people are going to draw into hanging guard of course if somebody defends outside guard against you when you do this you can be really vulnerable to a cut to the face they can use a back edge or true edge parry that moves you opening out the way very easily and cut you straight to the face so if people are inclined to go into hanging guard thrusting secand over outside is excellent if they're just going to parry in outside guard you've got to be really wary at that counter okay so next up esther opens with a feint to my inside and go split cut to the outside which I actually misjudged the peril but what saved me the slip there's a damn good chance my outside my arm there would have been cut to the outside had I stayed in position but I made a slip and it got me out of the way and again she's got more reach than I have as well so you can see the slip made all the difference though okay so we're gonna see the slip faint again I think the inside cut to the outside it and cut the chest and this is what I found is that using the slip things you would think theoretically might slow you down but actually I found as you bring the body back if you keep the bar the upper body tilting forwards on the slip is the lunge is still really fast so I found that really quite interesting so even though she slipped there I was able to land the globe so there we've got a nice tip ago at the Angelo drill cut to the head responded with a cut to the head parody Garda st. George there's really nice and typical stuff notice I avoid another thrust at least my sword stayed up this time so that's an improvement so you see I this time open with a feint without the leg slip cut to the outside esta pairings inside guard and tries then to cut cut three into my arm as well which is interesting it didn't land but but it was quite a nice cancer it's quite a fast cancer so we move on to this next next exchange Esther opens the cut to my head Perry got a st. George and spawned now she defended there with basically half circle which is something which is not used for the high cut and it's something you will find in other Sabre systems and there's my experience of it if you parry high powerful cuts with half circle guards it is hugely dangerous when you have an open hilts stirrup hilt kind of saber because it kind of brings the hand in line with the opponent's cut you haven't got much hand protection it's really quite prone to get in his on the hand but if you do it with the basket hilt as you can see there there's a massive amount of protection and it can then set you up for a really nice cut to cancer which is exactly what she does and this thrust here is next placed I actually thrust looks like was going for thrust in to the medium middle guard and I turn it into your castle I'm on the outside and if it does land it's by a few millimeters but it was down and you notice I made all the difference here a leg slip probably worked fine had the leg slip being in place there would be no risk of that landing at all so yes again heaps of praise for the slip so what happens next s comes on the attack I make my pairing of my slip I'm expecting to come back but she hasn't let up which is why you see this odd kind of front foot coming for is in some kind of crazy dance move I was expecting to canter there but she came in with a second attack which meant I had to adjust so I stopped that foot I brought my body back my upper body came back and got in the strong parry and still slipped just after it as well so that was a emergency last ditch sort of response but the important thing is is that a blur wasn't landed sometimes in the middle of what you're doing you're burned or something unpredictable comes in an aggressive fashion or in a different way than you're expecting and you just have to stop what you're doing and defend and not to keep going off to the attack you already want to land because you're likely gonna get hit in the middle of it so at this point I tried the leg feint once more and she doesn't fall for it which is a shame because I love that leg feint set up so I instead go for a leg cut and he slips it really nice that would have taken the leg off or near enough she comes back in with the thrust which was defended in a nice girl from Georg Cantor cut was delivered notice it was cut one which again she defends with mmm it's kind of that's hide the opposition which Roth says not to use which is like Ida st. George but with a sword come up into the inside position rather than outside and she gets away with it once again because that basket helps quite wary of that one there's some nice exchanges here nice safe exchanges notice the slip making sure that the defender is kept nice mega distance but what happens here after my Pam I parried her cut I go for that cut towards the flank yeah to her ribs which would have worked really well but it was launched just a little bit too late notice there's a little bit of hesitation from the parry and after I've landed it look where my leg is it has not slipped quickly enough I didn't even make a full slip it did not slip quickly meso hesitation after the parry and not a good enough slip and as a result I got that rib shot and she kept my thigh as well so there's a good lesson there don't hesitate after your paring and make sure you make the full slip okay so once again I try and use the leg feint slip I come in to do what I want but she's already slipped back she's too far away and she's gone chin a counter-attack so I've had to change my footing go to guard and slip back as she attacks I deliver my counter and she comes into that inside or half circle guard comes back with cut too which is definitely Esther's favorite delivered sorry parried that's I got I come back in and smite the wrist now that is quite difficult difficult against the basket hills against open hilts that outside arm snipe is really quick really effective you do want to be worried against using it the basket hooks because the bus it can defend it and they just set up a nice parry riposte from it so do be a bit worried of that one so hanging about in the hanging guard it defends a thrust really nicely the hanging guards are is defend thrust really nicely and they can also set you up for some nice counters as well as the slips I'll the way my thrust no way that was ever gonna land that's a slip a win for the slip once more okay so that time now I'm mixing it up doing the leg faint but not going for the arm I go lil that's basically combining the two things together because as two again G's train the same thing as I have and she's got used to now this system of I think to the leg with a lunge or bring the leg back for a - so I mixing it up dose she doesn't fall for it though so it slips back and were forced to reset once again trust Harry gonna slip okay so here s launch is a lunge on to my outside and I throat I have parodied in outside garb which is the way I said earlier on she should have been doing but I've also taken a huge pass back and she's recovered very very quickly I really would have liked to have launched a counter from there but she's obviously seeing as I'm making my step and she called straight back out to do something else and comes at me with a cut but then notice that inside peri when somebody cuts to your face left side if you can set up this inside guard Perry the responses are really really nice from an inside pairing like that you can actually cut to the inside or to their outside from there with the basically cut - or cut six which is exactly that just be wary of fact that again your hand is vulnerable it's much easier to defend with the hanging guard against cut one as opposed to use an inside guard but if you can get the inside guard set up there the responses are really really nice that's a fence goes for a cut three trying to take my arm and notice I actually go into hanging guard there which will work fine against cut three but I slipped imagine if I hadn't slipped there there is a damn good chance I would have taken that cut on the chin tip of that sword was just a few inches away from my face that I can he would have been a chin splitter so again slip work really well and when a second cut came in I was nicely poised to defend on the inside already where I was thrust follows it and again I've got a good distance because I was slipping all the way now this is something I really like to use is a thrusting secand where I follow it with an inside parry which is what I've done here as I said before when you make an insight a nice strong insight parry you set yourself up for a nice response and I like to do it from the end of a lunge position because like with the feint of the leg - you set up by mice kind of time defense the inside Perry here works really nicely when you thrust somebody in am secand the likely thing they do is mula nets or parade and cut you to the face and cut one which is exactly what she's done and then inside Perry and then tried to go back but what's happened well she moved back to maintain proper distance and therefore I had nowhere to go normally I kill people's flank or their leg possibly even their arm and at that point and if you look here well I haven't see it Esther takes a smile on my hand and cut three I respond in a way which actually is straight out of Roth's first edition where he explains that there are various other inside guards and against the smite to the wrists this is how he defends against it which is by slipping the or passing the front leg back and defending with a very little inside guard so it does work but the later manual and Angelo prefers the half circle guard but of course we've been doing that version for so long right now it's just drummed into me but it still works notice the leg slip every single style that we teach in the club longsword rapier meza all of them and plenty of others it's the standard method somebody attacks to your leg you shift it and then reason you don't shift it if you're on a horse because you can't move the leg and then you have to parry it but the basic rule is if somebody goes for like the alert you shift it out the way and where possible hit them at the same time and that's shown really nicely on the Angela poster as well of course you look at the cars poster it's the exact exact example about happening so that would have been a really nice powerful cut with the broadsword to the leg it was definitely in distance it was gonna have me at the the shin brother looks and that passed back that's how you defend against the leg cut now how ro responds because after the cut esta comes back in we've cut one and I've defended with inside guard and look she tries to the distance back quickly but what has she done she even lowered his sword which is exactly what I've been saying I was guilty of in this fight as well is that we need to avoid this when you are moving back and void in don't drop your sword make sure it stays up there to protect you even if you don't think you need it and as a result I was able to snipe Rama and if you look here both of us wants to try and says that the leg thing which is hilarious to bill done exactly the same thing and they both realized a you can't do the identical thing we only got the distance anymore so you step back into guard Esther faint and then cuts to my arm outside and makes it which is nice she saw the faint really well cut to the arm outside and that's the end of the fight so that's the fight gone through I am hope you enjoyed watching I never talk about a lot more about the ten lessons of Taylor in the next few weeks I've got the posters which I restored they're gonna be linked so you can actually get to see those as well we found it massively beneficial to what we're doing the discipline structure has worked really well for our students they've also really enjoyed it and we've been able to correct and improve them a hair a lot faster Esther for example she always worked well with sword and buckler but could never nail to him single sword work based on the belief that staying forwards and lunging and what we found is going into the automatic lunge slip drill has fixed a footwork far quicker than anything else we ever managed to do or tried so we found it hugely beneficial and we've seen beginners have got into a really good system a really safe system of fighting very very quickly so what you didn't see lots more of that quite soon anyway I hope you enjoyed the video please be cool anything to sue ads or any questions you'd like to ask put them in the comment section and if you haven't subscribed please do so thanks for watching
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Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hema, fencing, wma, swordplay
Id: dCTcHMxMW70
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 56sec (2516 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 25 2016
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