Anakin & Ahsoka | Heartbreaking

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and who are you supposed to be i'm the new padawan learner i'm ahsoka tano i'm obi-wan kenobi your new master i'm at your service master kenobi but i'm afraid i've actually been assigned to master skywalker what no no no no no there must be some mistake he's the one who wanted the padawan no master yoda was very specific i'm assigned to anakin skywalker and he is to supervise my jedi training who's the youngling i'm master skywalker's padawan the name's ahsoka tano so i thought you said you'd never have a padawan there's been a mix-up the youngling isn't with me oh you could have gotten me killed i know what i'm doing i had everything under control i just saved your life your reckless little one you never would have made it as obi-wan's padawan but you might make it as mine such treachery from a jedi i assure you my wave is strong enough to catch your insignificant little padawan she's more skillful than you think ahsoka i need you to trust me on this one where's my padawan being a padawan is we might find something you don't want to find i know master but i have to believe how do you know master plo anyway he's one of my oldest friends who's master placoon who found me and brought me to the temple where i belonged now he's lost so i thought maybe i could find him i should stay commander bligh doesn't need my help anakin does master promise me that no one will ever open this bunker borrow power converter from j-bone reprogram it to feed our slow down slow down slow down you saw the master they're dying fantastic job today snips yeah you're right i probably do deserve most of the credit but not all of it it's a good thing i know you don't mean everything you say pilot get these two out of here thank you master no master don't do it i can't let you die master no i'm not abandoning her the bond between the jedi teacher and his apprentice is strong i will not leave her fate up to others i am so sorry for what for letting you go for letting you get taken it was my fault no master it wasn't your fault i should have paid more attention i should have tried harder you already did everything you could everything you had to do when i was out there alone all i had was your training and the lessons you taught me because of you i did survive and not only that i was able to lead others to survive as well thank you master you're welcome my padawan there of the is side planted by your master do you feel it no he is like no other jedi passionate impulsive but i trust him with my life there are many contradictions in you and in him [Music] i will do such terrible things be warned you may never see your future if you remain his student ahsoka what are you doing you didn't even try to come and help me they wouldn't let me in to talk to you you could have if you tried how would that look so good huh forcing my way in would have made you look even more guilty i am not guilty we have to prove you're innocent the only way we can do that is by going back i don't know who to trust listen i would never let anyone hurt you so never but you need to come back and make your case to the council no i'm not going to take the ball for something i didn't do i thought i was part of that order but everyone except anakin has abandoned me i'm not holding how much hope the senate will treat me [Music] by an overwhelming count of jesuit i hope you have a reason for bursting into our proceedings master skywalker i'm here with evidence and a confession from the person responsible for all the crimes ahsoka has been accused of barris offi member of the jedi order and traitor [Music] ahsoka i'm so sorry about everything back into the order you make up they're asking you back ahsoka i'm asking you back i'm sorry master but i'm not coming back [Music] ahsoka weight i need to talk to you why are you doing this the council didn't trust me so how can i trust myself what about me i believed in you i stood by you i know you believe in me anakin and i'm grateful for that but this isn't about you i can't stay here any longer not now the jedi order is your life you can't just throw it away like this ahsoka you are making a mistake maybe but i have to sort this out on my own without the council and without you i understand more than you realize i understand wanting to walk away from the order i know [Music] is that what you wanted me to say i still can't understand how she could have left the order it was a surprise decision to all of us it was wrong she's a jedi she belongs with us the moment there were any suspicions about her loyalty the council turned their back on her ahsoka i don't believe in it how are you where are you are you okay i'm all right thank you anakin good luck i will help you but you must answer one question what do you want with anakin skywalker he is my master's new apprentice you lied what have i done yes lord sidious right i'll do it rex what's happening stay back [Music] fight [Music] what are we going to do [Music] ahsoka it's all of us the entire grand army of the republic has been wanted to hunt down and destroy the jedi knights they don't care this ship is going down and those soldiers by grunts are willing to die and take you and me along with them they may be willing to die but i am not the one who is going to kill them [Music] i have brought peace freedom justice and security to my new empire i'm sorry he's amazing i've watched these recordings to help me with my own saber training you should have seen him in person anakin skywalker he was my master cayman said he was the greatest warrior the jedi had in the corners he was powerful rarely lost a battle but would have surprised people with how kind he was he cared deeply about his friends and looked out for them until the end do you know what happened to him the last time i saw him he was rushing off to save the chancellor then everything changed the war ended and the jedi were accused of treason one by one they were hunted down by the inquisitors or worse the horse is [Music] how can i help just remember your training i feel cold i think i know who it is back on the fall i felt something kanan did too the new fear the anger the hate [Music] it's the symbol we faced [Music] [Music] where were you when i needed you i made a choice i couldn't stay you are selfish no you abandoned me you failed me do you know what but it's impossible my master could never be as vile as you skywalker was weak i destroyed him then i will avenge his death [Music] i won't leave you not this time then you will die you can't save your master and i can't save mine
Channel: RIQEUM
Views: 777,657
Rating: 4.9663057 out of 5
Keywords: star, wars, star wars, star wars the clone wars, the clone wars, jedi, sith, lightsaber, anakin, skywalker, anakin skywalker, ahsoka, tano, ahsoka tano, apprentice, darth, vader, darth vader, heartbreak, star wars edit, star wars edits, english, mikeysvoid, star wars theory, star wars comics, master, disney, clonewars, clones
Id: KgjCFDevlNc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 22 2020
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