An unconventional approach to make TILES in games

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hi everyone I'm vector and this is the game I'm currently working on the taale of Lumi and if you watch the previous devlogs you will notice that updating graphics and the ti sets happens with some frequency but we got some pretty cool Updates this time so the big thing is that instead of just using Sprites we created a custom Shader to our details and create different styles for the tiles and the main goal here is to make them look less like tiles so here's how we're doing that so those were the previous Styles which look great but having only that as the ground can get extremely repetive so we created those tiles now you might be thinking what the actual well let me explain how they work so those Styles work in the following manner each color Channel represents a coloring pass let's say of each tile and we add details to each of them independently then we combine all all the colors to produce the final result so the red channel is responsible for the color blocking the green represents the line that we had on the previous Sprites uh this indicates the Shadow from the surface then we have the blue for the shadow gradient this is a different color because then we can separate those effects for different looks and lastly we have the black which is the surface color and oh yeah we have the alpha for transparency the cool thing about assembling the TS like that is that we can create different looks very easily we can overlay textures on top of one another we can add effects on certain parts of the tile which definitely helps with combating that repetition that we had before the other thing that we did on this Shader was to write one extra pass to the stencil buff by the way I couldn't figure out how to do that through Shader graph so I did it from the generated Shader code but anyways the reason I did that was so that we could add even more detail to the maps by simply setting the Sprite mask interaction on the overlay spr which I found to be pretty cool now we're testing performance but so far we had no issues including for external play testers so we're keeping this workflow for now so that's it for the tiles this time around I like the result and I like the possibilities to customize levels in the future but what do you think is it better or worse than it looked before all right thanks for watching and I see you you in the next video
Channel: Vector Game Dev
Views: 1,799
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: game dev, indie games, game development, vector, vector game dev, vector games, indiedev, gamedev, photoshop, illustrator, unity, art, digital art, itch, game jam, devlog, documenting, c#, visual studio, programming, game design, platformer, metroidvania
Id: LbCA5zK567o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 31sec (151 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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