An Outlaw Bandit Rides Into a Town, Unaware It is Full of the Most Dangerous Gangsters in Town

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Once Upon a Time in the late 1800s a gang of Outlaws arrived in a small town named Sweetwater their leader was a man known as Blackjack and his right hand man was Kevin as they settled in blackjack observed his nephew Sunny playing with the local children doubts crept into his mind about whether Sunny was cut out for the life of a bandit swiftly Blackjack reprimanded Sonny urging him to behave appropriately soon after black chick ordered his men to rob the town's Bank inside he forced the terrified bank teller to open the safe when the teller refused Blackjack ruthlessly shot off one of the teller's fingers to coerce compliance meanwhile outside the bank Sunny who was keeping watch caught sight of a prostitute named Dolly eager to impress her Sonny shared one of his cherished novels about Dolly a reputedly kind-hearted Lady of the night he asked her to sign the book unfortunately their interaction was cut short as the town's Security Forces entered the scene one of the gang members hurriedly alerted Blackjack upon hearing this the bandits prepared to make their escape however as chaos erupted Blackjack swiftly shot a threatening custom sending him flying out of the way amidst the ensuing shootout Sunny discovered that Dolly had been wounded by a stray bullet and was in dire need of help determined to assist her Sonny also came across a fellow gang member injured by gunfire and rushed to his Aid eventually The Outlaws managed to escape the town carrying their orgotten gains after putting enough distance between themselves in Sweetwater Blackjack ordered the game to Halt and divide the spoils aware that some of their comrades had lost their lives Blackjack warned the survivors that the journey ahead would be even more treacherous and more lives might be lost upon hearing this blackjack's brother Badger injured from the previous ordeal reassured them that he could continue thus they pressed on several hours later Blackjack noticed that the pursuing security forces were gaining on them they had no choice but to keep moving without rest Sunny however grew concerned about Badger's injury and believed he needed a break but Badger insisted on persevering despite sauna's predictions sadly sun is concerns proved valid and Badger fell behind stepping up sonny supported and accompanied him during their arduous Journey the following day Badger weakened by the loss of blood finally tumbled from his horse sensing his impending death Badger pleaded with his comrades to put him out of his misery but they refused as the others departed Badger called upon Sunny to seek a different path in life one far removed from the dark existence they led a life starkly contrasting the novel Sunny was reading in a heartbreaking turn Badger requested Sunny to end his suffering despite never having fired a weapon before Sonny reluctantly carried out Badger's final wish bringing an end to his torment the sound of gunshots attracted Kevin's attention prompting him to return and commend his nephew for proving his usefulness to the group however a sudden burst of gunfire from an unknown assailant behind the cliff startled them it became evident that Sunny had been hit in the leg by a bullet fired by the pursuing Security Forces positioned Atop The Cliff spotting the approaching authorities the group hastily fled triggering a Relentless Chase and shootout while on the run a bullet struck the horse carrying their loot prompting Blackjack to consider retrieving it yet upon realizing the security forces closing in Kevin firm asserted that abandoning the money was the wiser choice to prevent needless deaths eventually the pursuing Security Forces decided to call off their hunt the Blackjack gang pressed on with their escape navigating through a treacherous Sandstorm yet yielding no fruitful outcome after a time they emerged from The Tempest to an astonishing site a vibrant verdant landscape awaited them leaving them in awe while venturing through the peculiar Forest they stumbled Upon A solitary Native American man seated before a seemingly pointless gate soon after they discovered a small town as Blackjack and his men entered the townsfolk Gaze at them with astonishment sheriff for a step forward to greet them Blackjack eventually confessed that they were herders who had been attacked by Apache Indians leaving them destitute and seeking refuge in the town upon hearing their plight Sheriff Forest extended his kindness by offering them a place to rest their horses drink at the bar and stay at the hotel without charge the bandits couldn't believe the sheriff's generosity yet they found themselves unable to refuse such a gracious offer blackjick then asked Forest to guide them to the telegram office fading the need to contact act the cattle owner however Forest revealed that their town was disconnected from the outside world afterward Forrest assigned Deputy Glenn to accompany them for rest while a woman named Rose led the injured members to the doctor before parting ways Forrest reminded them to refrain from using profanity within the town except when in the bar as Rose continued to escort the wounded Sunny inquired about how long she had been reciting There Rose provided a detailed response revealing that she had been in the town for precisely five years one week and two days they were soon welcomed by Dr Woods suddenly Blackjack experienced a flicker of recognition upon seeing Sheriff Forest though he couldn't quite place where they had met before he informed the others that the townsfolk were unarmed making them easy targets for looting the scene shifted back to Dr Woods while observing him Sunny claimed to have encountered him somewhere in the past however Woods explained that he had indeed lived where Sunny had mentioned but it was long before suna's birth following the treatment Rose inquired about how many men Sonny had killed she also questioned why sunny and his companions possessed a surprisingly small amount amount of rope for a herding group Sunny refused to answer prompting Rose to depart however Sunny couldn't hold back and admitted that he had only killed one person who had requested such an action unfortunately Rose glanced back in that moment simultaneously Dr Woods revealed the forest Glenn a shop owner named Brooks and a farmer named lamb the bullets he had extracted from the herding group according to Forrest these bullets were never used by the Indians leading them to suspect that the Blackjack gang was not a group of herders however Forrest wished for them to peacefully leave their Town upon hearing this Glenn disagreed and opted to drive them away yet the other supported forest's decision preferring to avoid unnecessary trouble meanwhile Sonny joined the others at the bar before long black dick encountered Woods who happened to pass by and introduced himself as Jack Smith he invited Dr Woods to join him for a drink but Woods politely declined as Woods departed Blackjack couldn't shake the feeling that he had seen the doctor somewhere before as the sun began to set the church bells chimed drawing the attention of blackjack's group they observed the townsfolk flocking to to the church including the bar owner from this they deduced that the town was populated by deeply religious people Tevin remarked that their mission would be an easy Endeavor in such a place hearing this sunny inquired about Kevin's intentions but Kevin dismissively stated that it was none of his concern once the church service concluded Sonny approached Rose explaining that the man he had shot was dying and had asked to be put out of his misery Sonny shared this to ensure Rose didn't misjudge his actions additionally Sunny confessed his fondness for Rose however in a drunken State Kevin approached them and immediately assaulted Sunny for daring to approach a woman before him Cavin even attempted to flirt with rose witnessing this Forest became infuriated however in a surprising turn Kevin brandished a gun and aimed it at Forest but before Kevin could pull the trigger he was swiftly struck down and fell unconscious after subduing his Uncle Sunny apologized and inquired whether they should lock Kevin up in jail Forrest replied that they had no prison he then escorted Rose away from the scene Blackjack approached sunny and asked about the altercation but Sunny admitted that had collapsed due to excessive drinking the following morning Forrest requested Sunny to inform Blackjack that he wished to speak with him curious Sonny wondered how long Forest had been the sheriff of the Town Forrest revealed that he had held the position for a decade once Forrest departed Sunny opened his novel and made a startling realization the sheriff bore a striking resemblance to Wild Bill Hickok a legendary Gunslinger who met his demise in 1876 while playing poker and being shot shortly thereafter Blackjack informed by Sunny finally met with Forrest during their conversation Forrest expressed concern about Kevin's actions toward Rose the previous night and urged Blackjack to control his men inquiring about the person who had incapacitated Kevin Blackjack sought answers however Forrest clarified that he hadn't witnessed any townspeople engaging in such an act as Kevin was highly intoxicated that night and could have easily stumbled on his own intrigued Blackjack questioned why an unarmed Sheriff like Forest operated without a firearm yet Forrest simply replied that they had their own methods meanwhile Kevin and sunny ventured to Brook's shop up to Steel ammunition as a diversion Sunny engaged Brooks in a conversation about the characters in his Novel Collection in response Brooks intended to Showcase a selection of classic novels he had for sale in that moment Sunny realized Brooks bore a resemblance to the infamous Outlaw Jesse James who met his end in 1882 killed by members of his own gang however Brooks vehemently denied any connection their conversation was abruptly interrupted when Kevin accidentally dropped some items while concealing stolen ammunition in his coat cavan then distributed the pilfered ammunition to their group however they noticed Brooks engaging in conversation with the sheriff and it seemed likely that Brooks had discovered Kevin's thievery fatigued by the need for politeness Blackjack finally ordered his men to unleash Havoc upon the town plunging it into chaos amidst the unfolding chaos Forrest kindly implored Blackjack to reign in his men unfortunately Blackjack disregarded the sheriff's plea consequently Forrest positioned himself at the church door withstanding the barrage of knives thrown by blackjack's men their intention shifted from harming Forest to killing him yet just as the third assailant prepared to throw his blade a surprising turn of events unfolded the women of the Town gathered overhead suddenly lightning struck one of blackjack's men ending his life witnessing this unexpected occurrence Blackjack and his men fell into a stunned silence after everyone had dispersed the Native American gatekeeper arrived and carried the deceased man's body to a mysterious gate located outside the town his Knight descended Sonny stole a glimpse of Rose engaged in prayer impatience eventually got the better of him and he drifted off to sleep however he was roused from his Slumber by the sound of a passing horse-drawn carriage soon after the townspeople emerged from the church to welcome a new arrival Dolly witnessing this sunny gasped in disbelief for he vividly remembered Dolly's death before departing The Coachman handed a white rose to Forrest and cryptically mentioned that Forest would be able to return home in a few days perplexed by the turn of events Sunny attempted to catch up with the carriage but lost sight of it the following day sunny approached forest and Dolly insistent that Dolly had died in his arms in Sweet Water he was certain as dolly was the first person he had witnessed pass away sadly Dolly refuted his claim asserting that her name was AFI frustrated by the lack of satisfactory answers Sonny hatched a plan to Trail woods and call out to him interestingly this prompted a sudden reaction from the doctor as if he were about to draw a gun Sunny took this as confirmation that Woods was none other than Doc Holliday a legendary physician and Gunslinger who had succumbed to tuberculosis in 1887 however like the others Woods vehemently denied the allegation attributing his reflex to a natural response anyone would have called out to unexpectedly this led Sonny to question whether the reports of their deaths were falsehoods and if the town served as a Haven for notorious Outlaws hiding from the rest of the world Sonny finally disclosed his belief that Glenn was Billy the Kid an Infamous gunman and Robber supposedly shot dead in 1881. upon hearing this Woods inquired about the true identity of Rose leaving sunny at a loss for an answer Sonny then questioned why they had allowed Blackjack into their town when they could have easily defeated him inadvertently Sunny slipped and revealed blackjack's real name triggering Woods record collection of a notorious train robber Sunny pleaded with Woods not to disclose this information to anyone the doctor however issued a warning to Sunny urging him to make the right choices before it cost him his life Sonny sought out lamb at his farm immediately confronting him about his true identity as Lefty slate a renowned Gunslinger and criminal rumored to have died from multiple chests and risked gunshot wounds despite Lamb's denial Sonny quickly inspected his left wrist which indeed bore the scar of a gunshot wound Lefty Slade Finally Revealed himself confirming sona's suspicions before Sunny could delve deeper into questioning chaos erupted as two of blackjack's men vandalized Lefty Slade's Garden consumed by rage Lefty Slade retaliated ultimately killing one of The Intruders however the weight of his actions quickly overwhelmed him prompting him to scream and weep in regret the townspeople gathered around Lefty Slade who expressed the sentiment that his eight years of living in the town had been in vain suddenly they noticed a gatekeeper waiting in the distance helplessly Lefty Slade walked wearily with the gatekeeper unable to resist driven by increasing in curiosity Sunny attempted to follow them only to witness their entry into a misty gate a gatekeeper returned alone leaving Sunny perplexed meanwhile in the town blackjack's men continued their Rampage in response Forrest calling Blackjack by his true name ordered them to leave town enraged black dick attempted to attack but his punches failed to connect with the sheriff though Forrest had the opportunity to apprehend Blackjack he faltered allowing Blackjack to seize the upper hand suddenly an earthquake jolted the town interrupting the unfolding events reflecting on how his men had met their demise while attempting to eliminate Forest blackjack's confidence wavered prompting him to gather his remaining gang members when Sunny arrived Kevin barred his entry undeterred Sonny sneaked in through the back door eavesdropping on their plans to pillage and kill anyone who crossed their path disturbingly Kevin revealed that he had Rose under his control upon hearing this Revelation Sonny hastily searched for Rose and found her swimming in the lake once Rose was clothed Sonny noticed a bruise on her neck reminiscent of Lefty slayed scar it dawned on Sunny that this must have been how Rose had met her demise in turn Rose acknowledged that she had been the first woman to be hanged in the Arizona area hearing this sunny identified Rose as Betty McCullough who had killed her abusive father with a butcher knife however Rose disclosed that people often forget the years of abuse she endured at her father's hands since the age of 12. rose's confession LED Sonny to realize that the town served as a sanctuary for deceased criminals granting them a second chance of life however according to Rose this was their final opportunity following their conversation Sunny disclosed Blackjack and Catherine's nefarious plans to Rose unfazed Rose reassured him for the town had experienced something far worse than death however Rose agreed to disclose the truth to Forest and the townspeople that night Sonny joined the townsfolk gathered at the church it was there that Sunny learned the true nature of the Town it served as a place for deceased criminals to seek Redemption and cleanse their souls each person had to resist the Temptations and impulses of their past lives for 10 years to earn their place in heaven a single misstep could forever shatter their chances of redemption upon hearing that they had no intention of fighting Sunny feeling disappointed decided to leave unfortunately he was intercepted by punches from Blackjack and Kevin the townspeople although aware of the altercation chose to remain as silent spectators not wanting to jeopardize their own chances of Salvation after the two Bandits left Sunny unconscious they brought him to Wood's office for treatment when he regained Consciousness Sonny believed he was dead but Rose reassured him that he was indeed alive Forrest expressed his apologies for being unable to assist Sunny Sonny understood their difficult decision and declared his willingness to confront all of blackjack's men to protect the townspeople the following morning despite his weakened State Sonny prepared himself to confront blackjack's group alone Rose and the others pleaded with sunny to flee while he still could but Sunny remained steadfast in his decision meanwhile the church bells rang beckoning the townspeople to gather for worship as Dolly pulled Rose towards the church Sunny professed his love witnessing Sony's unwavering determination Forrest ultimately chose to stand by his side Forrest realized that for the past 10 years years he had only thought of himself but Sunny inspired him to fight for the well-being of others Woods interjected reminding Forrest that he only had five hours left to ascend to Heaven unperturbed Forest cast aside his Rose and armed himself with a long hidden weapon Bland and broke followed suit willingly treading the path that they knew would ultimately lead to damnation Sonny found himself deeply moved by the presence of Billy the Kid Wild Bill Hickok and Jesse James standing beside him in another Corner Blackjack commanded his men to set fire to people's homes at that moment Wild Bill Hickok and his companions closed in on Blackjack giving him a final chance to retreat fueled by overconfidence Kevin attempted to launch an attack but the legendary shooter Wild Bill Hickok proved his Lightning Fast skills rendering the bandits astonished unbeknownst to them one of blackjack's men tried to launch a surprise attack from behind but to everyone's surprise the man was swiftly shot down from behind it was Doc Holliday who had decided to join their cause the battle between the bandits and the legendary Cowboys became inevitable after an intense fight the legendary Cowboys successfully eliminated the majority of blackjack's men in the ensuing silence Rose rushed into Sonny's Embrace however Kevin witnessing this heartfelt moment promptly shot Sunny although Sunny managed to retaliate by shooting his treacherous uncle in the chest Sonny didn't succumb to his wounds and surprisingly felt no pain at all in that moment Forrest recognized that Sunny had been granted a second chance and warmly welcomed him into their Town however their respite was short-lived as Blackjack emerged calling out forrest's true name and challenging him to a duel reacting swiftly Forrest launched his attack surprisingly Blackjack seemed impervious to pain leading him to believe he had become one of them unwilling to accept Blackjack into their Town forests swiftly aimed and shot him in the head within moments the gatekeeper arrived to collect the bodies of blackjack and Kevin passing through the Misty gate the gatekeeper brought them to the edge of a Ravina Blaze with fiery lava with a grim fate awaiting them Kevin and blackjack cried out in agony as they were consumed by the Flames at the gate Glenn Forrest Brooks and woods prepared themselves to face the consequences of their actions however just as they brace themselves a horse-drawn carriage arrived the driver wore a smile as he beckoned the four men to enter explaining that the Creator was all-powerful but not blind their sacrifices had earned them a place in heaven The Coachman extended an invitation for sunny to join them as there was nothing more to prove however Sunny chose to remain with rose upon hearing this Forest passed his sheriff's badge to Sunny the train then carried the four legendary Cowboys to heaven where they found Eternal salvation the moral of the story is that it's never too late to change and do the right thing no matter how bad your past may be Redemption comes from making better choices and being selfless and that's how we find peace in a second chance in life [Music] thank you
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Keywords: film recap, fox recap, king recap, mystery recap, recap, recap king full movie, recap king anime, movie recap korean, movie recap sci fi, movie recap horror, movie recap superpowers, recap king assassin, recap king chef, recap king gangster, recap king korean movie
Id: yGM2qWfRmoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 2sec (1082 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 26 2023
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