An Inside Look at Ukrainian Refugees in Poland | EWTN News In Depth March 4, 2022

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carrying their children and whatever they could fit into a suitcase these ukrainians never imagined they would someday be refugees fleeing war in their homeland and walking across country borders seeking shelter and safety the numbers are staggering the polish government has estimated over half a million ukrainians have crossed the border into poland then boarding buses and trains and this is an example of where many of those ukrainian refugees will arrive the city of rothglove around 500 kilometers from the border with ukraine they come off the trains in a steady stream all day these volunteers polish volunteers are here to give them advice give them sim cards food and accommodation dazed and tired frightened and scared some have been traveling for days unsure of their final destination it's mainly women and children they told me their husbands and brothers have decided to remain in ukraine to fight how long have you been traveling for uh two days two days today is third days wow three days how are you feeling so long travel so hard are some of your family and friends still back in ukraine uh yes yeah our husbands stay uh stay there stay there he stayed to fight yes the local catholic church is here coordinating the humanitarian response offering advice sim cards for their phones food clothing and accommodation and so many young people are taking time off school and work to volunteer like anna so as you can see there is a kind of the big board with the trains coming so we have just when people you just have to imagine people getting out of the train after two three days you know of kind of a long trip what are the people like when they come here what state are they in they're in shock and some are still you know i'm quite impressed first of all with the children i have to say their majority very very strong i don't know how they get it really but they're super strong they're not crying people come in shock you can clearly see that although living in poland anna is from ukraine originally and her parents are still there today they're unfortunately in the place where they cannot get out from because it's turning which is on the north and basically the troops the russian troops you know they're going kind of through the russian uh border through the city so the city is kind of half destroyed being quite kind of elderly people right they went through the fear to the point where they start to be really angry you know when they even want to stay there and to help as much as they can you know to our heroic army hundreds of kilometers away in another train station close to the border the situation is much the same a crowded arrival saw of people looking for help outside on the platform waiting to board another train is angela i i live outside to keep like 15 kilometers so around our village was a lot of tanks and i hear every day the bombing hearing the russian army was advancing closer to kiev she decided to flee i came from yesterday nine and just arrived a few hours back are your family with you are they still back in ukraine my mother in ukraine and my son live in poland and what will your mother do she told me that that i'm leaving and she's told that i will be here because i live my life and if something happens so save yourself and your son she couldn't leave her home country no she couldn't leave because she's very far from here from trade it's like around 300 kilometers it's unbelievable to come what do you think will happen to ukraine to your home country we will survive and i hope that our victory day is near i hope so pray for ukraine please it's very really dangerous and very very very very bad angela's story is like so many others split families and uncertainty about what the future will be in a car park close by caritas has set up a tent helping refugee families get to where they need to go by linking them with locals who are willing to drive them i mean i've met people today who could barely speak people who were both smiling and crying i mean young children very tired young children running and playing i mean yeah it's a lot of children they need food and they need a place to get warm because they spend hours waiting on the border very often like the whole night and it's really cold it's like minus degrees and everyone's freezing and one polish man pulls up just as we're filming and a young ukrainian family gets into his car i'm taking these people from the border and driving with them to poznan they got some friends there so we are living there they are going to different localization and we are coming back tomorrow again how long is the drive there uh seven hours yeah and you're a local man you're just volunteering yes that's just i feel that i have to do this for these people and of course we are also afraid that putin will not stop there and he can come here so we have to do everything to help these people and win this fight because this is also our war what is your first impression of the family you've met today they are they are really happy yeah yesterday people was very afraid they even didn't want us go to the toilet hello hello how are you i'm fine oh you speak english so so so a little bit so you come from ukraine yes today this response by the polish people is something that we have witnessed in the various cities we visited and late that night in freezing cold temperatures at the border with ukraine people continue to walk across with no signs yet of the situation getting any better as the crisis in ukraine worsens day by day the refugees who you can see here behind me coming across the border into poland they are uncertain of what the next step in their life will be or what kind of ukraine they will be returning home to when the day comes they do get to go home until then they're relying on the polish people for their help and their hospitality in poland on the ukrainian border colin flynn ewtn news in depth you
Channel: EWTN
Views: 119,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: end21048, end_spot, ytsync-en, ukraine, poland
Id: j6UrbMS5n18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 32sec (452 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 04 2022
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