An Incredible Thanksgiving Day!

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hi friends it is dark and early I just got to my mom's house and the sun's barely come up it is 7:25 right now and I'm going to get going on shaping the turkeys if you missed it say hi Mom hi I'm not quite ready for the day yet so she is going to start bringing in stuff from the refrigerator she made a timeline I'll show you about that in just a minute but the first thing we want to get going is we actually want to put the mashed potatoes on low so those can start to warm cuz they are cold this whole entire crockpot is full of mashed potatoes and it's going to take a while to warm up so my mom and I prepped I think 11 dishes yesterday for today's Thanksgiving and now we're going to kind of pull it all together so first thing I'm going to do is actually bake the bread so that that can be out of the oven and we can get the rest of the food in the oven when we need to bake 425 and I'm going to attempt to shape this no need bread in the shape of a turkey we are going to see how it turns out we are eating dinner today at our goal is 12:30 but if it's 1:00 when we eat that's going to be okay my mom just brought in the corn casserole the stuffing and the turkey that is brining we're cooking two turkeys today and we thought we would do a side by side comparison cuz we had to cook two cuz how many people are going to be here so we have one that's been brining for almost 24 hours by the time we cook it and one that's not so we're just to run a side by-side comparison the no need bread is supposed to cook in a dutch oven and my mom does have two of those but I don't know if they're going to be big enough to cook the turkey shaped bread but we'll see we're going to we'll heat we'll preheat them and see if the turkey will fit these are a little bit smaller dutch ovens than my Dutch ovens I have the oven set at [Music] 425 I'll clean it after I shape the dough that's a little protector my mom puts at the bottom of her oven so if things boil over like yesterday when we made the pies it boiled over so I made this dough recipe I don't know maybe 100 times and it's looking a little bit looser than it normally does so I'm not sure sure if I'm going to be able to shape this there's a very real possibility I did not properly measure out the flower that was the last thing I did last night or the yeast or the water so I'm not sure if that bread is even going to turn out if it doesn't turn out I can whip together some 1hour dinner rolls really quickly cuz I know that our family definitely want bread I'm going to get a little water on my hands you can use water as a no stick agent instead of oil or flour okay so here's our dough this is a double recipe so I need to cut it in half I have found that using two forks can do this pretty easily we saw this one of my friends on Instagram sent this to me tagged me in this video and my mom and I were sitting actually while we were menu planning for this year's Thanksgiving and we thought we need to try to make this loaf of bread look like a turkey okay so what I'm going to do first is get it shaped into a ball this actually is looking really beautiful now that I've started working with it a little bit okay I'm re-watching this video for probably the 10th time to see if I can get this to shape up like a turkey so I think I want to get this into a tighter ball actually okay where'd my knife go just had a knife oh my goodness friend I just had a knife I can't find any more of my mom Chef's knives I want a chef knife to cut this oh here it is okay so let me watch this video one more time we need scissors too okay I think I'm going to just dunk my knife in the flower so the first thing we're going to do is make the wings we're supposed to cut it at an angle and then we're supposed to bring this up here like that cut side's a little stickier so I'm going to put the cut side on the loaf so it stays in place and then we're supposed to cut what ends up happening is because this dough is more hydrated than it usually is is I think when it's resting for the 30 minutes before it goes into the oven the dough kind of melts back into each other so the bread tastes delicious the texture is wonderful because it's so hydrated but it didn't have enough structure to hold its turkey shape I will show you what it looks like coming out of the oven and what I would do differently to get it to have its turkey shape this dough is pretty hydrated so there's the beginning stages of our turkey there's our turkey I think what I should have done is had my dough be a little less hydrated so that the dough was a little bit stiffer going into this process but I've never shaped anything like this before if you watch the friendsgiving we did make this bread recipe turned into the shape of a pumpkin but I think I was a little light-handed on the flower when I measured it out yesterday and so so I think if I was to do this again I would probably add maybe 1/4 cup more flour per recipe just so that it was a little bit of a stiffer dough I like the texture that a hydrated dough gives because it's going to be a lot chewier and more hydrated when it actually the final product it'll be less dry but I think when it comes to wanting to shape the loaf into something then a little less hydrated dough is going to do better I'm actually going to shape this like you would a Sourdough loaf this is not sourdough this is a yeast bread to see if I can get it to hold its shape a little bit better okay that actually is holding it shape better I should I'm going to do that one more time okay that looks great that's actually got a lot more tension to it oh yeah see how better that's holding up it's got much more height to it and it's more structured so that's good so that is the way to go so now we're going to try to shape it the same way we did before Yep this I can already tell is better Yep this is going to be better so here are the turkeys I think they look interesting that's a nice way to say I don't know if they look like turkeys so we're going to set these here for a half an hour while the oven continues to preheat and we need to tape up my mom's what is this called her timeline and we can kind of go over what the things we need to do I just asked her what what do we need to next next and she said I don't know look at the timeline and I have yet to set my phone with the timers so that's what I'm going to do after we discu decide what we need to do then I'll set my timers so my mom and I have created a digital ecourse where we go into depth on how we plan parties and chop for parties and decide what's the most important thing and then we go into very detail on the timeline which my mom is typing up right now and the cool thing about the way that we teach it in the course is that this is the timeline for our menu and our party today but you can adapt this to any menu any party whatever it might be and one of my mom's favorite things to do is once she has the timeline figured out she likes to tape it up here so she can see all the things we need to do and the goal for this timeline is so that we can get all the food out of the oven and hot at the same time which can be kind of tricky when you have 13 recipes like we have today and we got confirmation on uh two more people coming okay so we're up to 22 people now yes 22 and um a very significant thing to do that has saved my bacon is also the timeline is also to put up the menu so that yes otherwise sometimes when we're cleaning it all up and we're putting away oh the famous Jello-O salad is still in the refrigerator in the garage so we remember to get all the dishes out and actually served because when you have this many dishes sometimes they've been forgotten about and one other thing is that I have the guest list printed because we're always wondering is everybody here yet can we serve it is everybody here yet this way I can look and say oh no they're not here we need to wait or text and see their ETA yes so right now it is it is at 6: a.m. my mom got all the food out of the fridge so it could start to come to room temperature the potatoes are now in the oven at 7:00 a.m. crock pot yeah crock poot we're cooking the potatoes in the crock pot the bread is in the oven and now at 7:15 we need to get the turkeys ready to go into the oven it's after 7:15 but we're okay because we don't actually put them in the raser until 8:45 so let's go ahead and give us our little slush TB I will clean up my flower mess and my mom is probably going to get started on I'm do the turkeys the turkeys I don't know how the counter can get so bad I did it twice last night and I'm still finding sticky spots well I just messed it up already today well flower is not sticky we are cooking the RO the turkeys in the countertop Roasters but we're actually going to cook them in the laundry room because we have to cook two and two turkeys and two roers all the space in here for working oh well I guess my mom took care of the flower mess for me and I didn't need to do that all right now this one to stop and think about it this one I have to bring the rooster pans in to put them in here I can get this open for you all right we also need to unload the dishwasher we cooked all the food yesterday and today we're just going to heat it all through and finish cooking it some of the stuff we par cooked it and my mom got the sink emptied and the dishwasher ran but we definitely need to unload the dishwasher so that as we're cooking today and after dinner we have a dishwasher that we can actually load stuff into the rooster pan from my friend bang bang has been in storage and it needs a good washing my mom only has one and so she was able to borrow here I'll switch laces with you okay I'm going to go loc at some racks for these Roasters I have one for mine my friends didn't come with one in it we're going to have to improvise I'll see if I have one that uh a small rack cooling rack that might fit in there otherwise we'll figure something out yeah we'll make it work my mom just tried this one and it does not fit in either of them did you at one point have a bigger one mom um or did this go to your oven raser yeah this doesn't fit that goes to a rooster pan that goes in the oven okay there's one I'll wash this then while you're okay thank you doing that well then I can stick this turkey into on top of that so it's not in the sink anymore we could maybe use onions and peppers or not onions and peppers onions and carrots at the bottom if we need work too did you bring your basket of onions from your garden back no oh I have a few you okay do you you said you had some carrots we could yeah I do have carrots but I want to roast some separate for kids oh that work this is the rack out of my air fryer oh yeah that'll work okay now we have two roters oh yeah that'll work perfect my mom's going to dry the turkey so that it roasts up better and while she's doing that I think we can go ahead and get this bread in these dutch ovens I think they'll fit in these Mom okay think well that red one is my biggest one yeah you got my biggest [Music] ones so whenever I make this bread and I use a dutch oven I always keep the pot holder on top of the lid so that I don't grab the lid on accident forgetting that it's hot I am very prone to burning myself so we're going to cook these at 425 for 30 minutes covered and then we are going to uncover them for the last 15 minutes so you're leaving the pot holder on oh no no I thought that's an interesting plan no just until I put it back into the oven I'm going to go get some apples from the uh garage refrigerator and we will stuff the neck cavity with apple slices cut in half or an apple cut in half and pushed up under the skin and that helps the breast be moist and then we'll put some uh herbs and celery and onions in the main cavity okay we don't need to core these Apples because we aren't going to eat them it doesn't matter right but we will peel the onions I can get going on getting some herbs prepped yes well we don't really need to do much with them because we'll just stuff them in the cavity yeah so we have some Rosemary from the garden all this is from my garden I brought over some Sage thyme do we have any more Sage yeah I think so yeah oh good that's the the best that's what tastes like Thanksgiving I think I still brought more than we than we need oh yeah there's a ton of sage I thought I saw on the uh Instagram that you picked like a whole sage plant well it was about half my sage plant cuz my sage is not super big yet but it will get really big all right okay so there we got a bouquet for each now in the main cavity I'm going to put the onion halves did you just cut it in half yep okay and you peeled the onion and cut it in half yep there we go would you like celery too would you like me to oh yeah I forgot about the celery yesterday when we went to lunch I left the giblets simmering and really reduced it so I need to make some more we need some more broth yeah I'm going to dry it we want it to be as dry as possible so that it roasts not steams and then my mom has this rub I can link this recipe down below it's her five teaspoon rub we use it like on everything yeah it's really good it's an allpurpose type barbecue smoking rub there's more moisture collecting in the cavity I'm going to just pour it out and I'll sprinkle the rub on the turkey and then my mom can rub it all all over the turkey all right we got to get these legs back in you know I don't think we need that yeah well I'm going to get some string and tie it up because it will roast better if it's in a tight ball and I have let me get okay kitchen twine in the uh top drawer that drawer to the left right here in the back all right smells good it does it's got a little bit of everything really nice on it can you sprinkle some over here and we'll get this wing on the back side of the wing you can put some in your hand too if you want yeah thank you okay what do you have a preference which one that goes in I don't I don't I don't I've never used hers I've used mine 100 times so can you give me a little bit more yeah thank you mhm all right there she goes awesome okay so now we'll kind of reset and then we're going to get our second turkey which is the brine turkey are we putting the rub on the turkey too or just this one um let's we can we have some okay all right what I'm going to do here cuz I have to pour all that juice in the sink we decided that we needed to unload the dishwasher and get the dishes kind of put away get the sink completely empty cuz we were kind of tripping over that so we just took a minute to do that and now we can prep this second turkey this is the turkey that's been brining I was too tired to do it last night the dish yes the dishes okay I'll pull it up and do you want to dump it oh you know what would be easier if we put it down here and then I don't have to lift it as high the turkey that is that's a good idea so we're going to cook them same temperature same time is they're about the same size they're about 12 lb each oh you need more twine oh yeah I'll need the twine again sorry that's okay and then the only difference will be that one will be brinded and the other one isn't brined we're taking off the plastic TR trellis what is that what trussing the plastic trussing and we're going to go ahead and just use twine tressing but we're going to stuff it again with the herbs I'll save some for the for the other part we had a little boiling over there of the uh broth the stock okay I'm going to put the apples again cuts side down stuffed under the skin as far as I can go on the breast meat and that's supposed to help it be moist okay then in the body goes the herbs onions and celery all right can you pull that over and I'll lift this baby up oh let's turn it over the other way so it's raised here we go good idea then it's lifted up off the bottom okay so we are going to sanitize all the counter and get everything clean and then we can move on to the next step my mom's sanitizing the counter I'm cleaning the stove cuz we forgot to do that last night and the timer went off for the turkeys so let's see how they're looking well that just looks like a loaf of bread did it make it WR and that just we'll have to wait until we can pull back the parchment paper but right now they just kind of look like a yummy loaf of bread I did forget to set a time for this 10minute round but I think what do they look like oh I think they're looking pretty good yeah I'm going to I don't know how Brown they're supposed to be I think I'm going to give them a couple more minutes all right our turkeys are done just in time to put the real turkeys in the oven I'm excited to share with you what these cute little loaves of bread look like I think they turned out that you know what they kind of look like a loaf of bread a loaf of bread yep we got ourselves oh it's hot I think I'll just set it there and then yep they look like an artisan loaf of bread we did go ahead and got the whole counter completely sanitized sanitize the sink sanitize the handle sanitize the entire Island so that we can go into dinner with a clean Island now my mom is grabbing one more table because if few more people decided to come so instead of crowding everybody not crowding everybody but trying to put the leaf in and get way more people at this table we're just going to get another table out so that there is a little bit more Elbow Room now we're going to go ahead and get the table set the one that she's going to bring in just a Costco folding table and then she did get out some dishes here we are going to do paet style so we always do paet style along here just because there's going to be so many and so many tables it's not really easy to serve it on the table plus there's kids and stuff so just easier to do paet style so we'll do that here and we kind of have a little bit of a lull as soon as my Mom though comes in we are going to get the turkeys going those are supposed to start cooking at 8:45 according to the timeline and it is now 8:44 I'm going to turn the oven off because we don't actually need to cook anything in the oven yet when we are going to start putting dishes in the oven is at 11:30 to start warming them through the ones that we prepped yesterday so we are going to go get the turkeys roasting in the laundry room my mom has cleared all her clean clothes out of there so it doesn't smell her clothes like turkey oh that was a good idea I'm glad I thought of it yeah you didn't do that on purpose well I needed to make the counter space that's funny we are cooking these turkeys at 3:25 and really with a rooster oven you can't really preheat it it because the turkeyy in the liner so the the base was hot but obviously it didn't heat that space yet but it's 325 for about 3 and 1 half hours and we'll test it and then it rests for a half an hour and then I figured about 15 minutes to carve it and that is in the countdown clock and it smells good already there we go we're going to just line each one of these with foil so that when they go in the oven cover yeah covered them but at this point now that the turkeys have started we have kind of this L moment we're going to get the table set and we really don't have to do much oh we could get the drinks out too that's probably what we'll do now and then we'll take a rest finish our coffee my mom nor I have finished our coffee for the day she's got the table out right now do you need me to grab chairs at all mom uh yes we'll need uh all the green ones for sure we won't be serving up here against the window but because we will be Milling around before we eat I have the tables pushed up against the window and one over there in the entrance pushed up against the wall so there's space to get around oops this is the small one H there we go this one fits so the one thing when you reheat potatoes in a crock pot is because they're so dense you do need to stir them or they will absolutely burn around the outside where the element is grab one of the wooden spatulas so you can get the side thank you and a lot of times you need to add add a little extra cream or butter as it Cooks I did make these mashed potatoes a little bit thinner than I would if I was going to serve them for dinner that night knowing that they were going to go in this crock pot so we're just going to give them a stir this is probably one of three or four times I'll stop and stir this I think I have it planned about every half an hour so it doesn't what happens because of the F high fat content in the potatoes around the edges and along the bottom it gets really Brown which I like and some people like but it doesn't as appe peeling in appearance so we keep stirring it everybody loves the Crunchies I do the turkeys smelling really good out there so we made two pumpkin pies and one pecon tart my mom decided to go ahead and make just some plain plain roasted carrots that she's going to season just with salt pepper garlic and olive oil for the kids she thought that chipotle and chili might be too spicy for them so she is making another dish I'm going to go ahead and get the oven preheated for all the dishes we've been relaxing tables are set all we really have to do that's left on the list before the food starts coming in and out of the oven is to set up the drink station and it goes right there that's why we didn't want the turkeys here we are going to decorate my mom's Christmas tree today too that's a new tradition we're going to start so we're going to eat early in the day and then we will hang out for a bit have dessert hang out for a bit and then we will decorate my mom's Christmas tree that will be fun I would really appreciate it we have some tall son-in-laws and uh Mark and I have to get the ladder out to do the top yeah they've got a Tall Tree Way taller than our tree and my sister-in-law just text me and said said there's a bakery that's pretty popular it's a French bakery in our town and she must have just gone there for brunch because she said that they are selling Artisan turkey shaped loaves for $24.95 a loaf so right there we just saved ourselves $50 in bread might not be the exact shape of a turkey but it's going to taste I believe it's going to taste better yeah I'm going to go ahead and stir the potatoes again we have definitely had times where we've been able to sit sit down enjoy a cup of coffee and in between the breaks we get up and just check more things off the list one thing is to get the table finally set we do keep the plates next to the food you'll see the buffet in a bit but we do put the silverware and napkins on the table so that people don't have to hold that plus their plate and this corn sule does call for cheese and so I'm going to go ahead and put the cheese on stick that in the oven to warm along with the stuffy and green bean casserole we loved this corn Soule recipe and we will make it again for probably next Thanksgiving but we decided that it didn't need the cheese it was so delicious on its own and next time we are not going to add the cheese so Dad do you think we could start a turkey loaf business well I don't think so because these don't look anything like a turkey but it was really cool watching it being made on uh Instagram anyway my dad said those don't look anything like a turkey but you know what they'll taste the same yeah they'll taste tast better they'll taste better made with love yeah they'll go down the same with butter on it so I'm excited about these turkey loaves but have your own thought you think that looks like a turkey or not gobble gobble Goble okay so now we're in the laundry room my mom turned the fan on because there's turkeys cooking in the laundry room and they're done they're at temperature my mom mom tested them and so she wants to put them under the broiler how are you going to we're going to give that a try because they aren't very pretty when you do them in it in a roaster yeah they're they're not crispy yeah they're not crispy usually the skin is not something that you want to eat so you going to try to put this whole thing in The Roaster yes I'm just going to set it do you want me to carry it or you going to try to carry it in well no not the whole not the whole unit the you take out the lining okay right here okay so I'm going to put this here so did you turn the oven on to broil already it is on broil okay so the this is hot here it comes the turkeys are up to temperature it's 11:30 so if we have them in for about 10 minutes to crisp up we can take them out let them rest for their 30 minutes and then we can put the carrots in the oven cuz that's the only thing and the corn that needs to warm up oh that's a good idea so we'll definitely want to set a timer so we don't forget about the turkey yeah we can see it well see now I didn't press the button light broil startch I do that all the time well this is my new trick at home is turning the light on because I'm notorious for not setting timer so at least if I have the light on it reminds me if I forget to set a timer that I've got something in there but I can watch this okay we aren't going to go very far and then my mom did get some of the beverages out we still need to make the punch which need I forgot to bring the apple cider so it'll be a ginger rail cranberry that's good too though yeah it'll be really good is it crisping up in there look oh yeah it is crisping up it doesn't look like rubbery so my mom's timer just went off cuz it's 11:30 I think uh yes and I'm really glad I checked the temperature on those turkeys because I was supposed to check the temperature of the turkeys at 11:30 so they're already up to Temp yeah oh yeah they already were and one's broiling so we should check the bottom oven so we decided to put the stuff we cooked yesterday in this bottom oven at 200 about an hour ago just to warm up so we should see if we we need to oh yeah so that's starting that still has a bit before it's going to be bubbly that's the green bean casserole and then this is the stuffing so we might want to turn the oven temp up just a bit so let's cancel that start no it's smelling a little warm oh yeah take this out and I got to go buy you cuz I have to set it down on the granite y all right and I'll go bring the other one in do you want me to leave that open um it'll turn itself off if you leave it open okay I'll close it and then so is it one part cranberry to one part ginger ale mom yes please okay so I'm going to go ahead and get the punch made that's beautiful mom and do we remember which one was brind I think this is the brind one cuzz that was the second one one and that's the one with the air fryer okay perfect I totally forgot I totally forgot too our test was our test wouldn't work well we could tell if they tasted the same that's true but we wouldn't know which was which that's true great plan labeling I tell you it's I'm not the best at it so my mom here she has cucumber water with rosemary Rosemary it's my favorite uh drink for a party because it's not sweet and it's just refreshing and it's kind of cleanse the pallet kind of a drink and uh I I serve it almost every time yeah it's good okay so that turkey's got to rest for at least what half an hour or so before you want to attempt to carve it that looks great though mom yeah so do you want it like this mom yeah so some steam can come out yeah cuz you vented it a little bit you like tin it with foil and I'm out of foil this is the one we BR I'm pretty sure so now we can keep track of that once we start carving we'll really want to know which one is with I have two serving trays and one will be marked well we will know which one is brind and which is regular and then this is my turkey carving center with the the sheet pan to collect the liquid so it doesn't run all over my counter so she has a cutting board inside inside a sheet pan that has a lip and then my sister likes to use my sister's the one that always carves the turkey and she likes to use the electric Carver growing up we always went to my dad's parents for Thanksgiving so it's the stuffing recipe that is our family favorite is my grandma's stuffing my dad's mom's stuffing and she always carved the turkey my grandpa didn't and my sister always got in there and helped carve it's just the memory we have and to this day anytime time we have any family holiday if there's whether it's a prime rib a turkey Beef Wellington anything Emily does the carving so did you already put the corn Soule in the oven I did and now I'm going to broil the carrots well we don't need to yeah we don't need to broil them I'm going to roast the carrots and then we need to melt the honey and butter these are the carrots we par cooked yesterday they are roasted with Chipotle and garlic and chili powder and a bunch of yum spices and they might be a little spicy so that's why my mom wanted to make a second one and they are going to get drizzled with a butter butter honey glaze so we need to melt this so that we can drizzle that on top before those go in the oven and then we did fry homemade fried shallots and these are going to go on the green bean casserole we are now in the home stretch of pulling this Thanksgiving feast off it is now Now noon and people are starting to arrive our Target time for dinner was 12:30 and my mom and I kind of said even though that's our Target time we know we probably aren't going to eat closer till 1:00 and that is about when we ended up sitting down to eat was around 1:00 p.m. and it worked out perfect now here my sister made a couple sourdough fotas and she decorated one absolutely so cute in the shape of a turkey and then one with some tomato flowers the roast carrots are ready for their honey and butter glaze so I get this on them and then we pop these to finish kind of roasting in the oven we are going to put these carrots on top of a cream cheese chive sauce and the sauce is cool and the hot carrots going on top of it kind of melt the cream cheese and it is so good we're going to slice the turkeys even though these turkey loaves didn't resemble a turkey they tasted phenomenal that's the cream cheese sauce we're going to put the roasted carrots on and then this is a new dish as well so we made some family traditional dishes the stuffing and the mashed potatoes were ones we've had before but the corn sule was new these roast carrots were new and the brussels sprout salad was new we have decided that some of these recipes are perfect for a Thanksgiving feast we are going to probably make quite a few of them again next year cuz we all decided this was the best most well-rounded Thanksgiving we've ever had the roast or it wasn't roasted it was a fresh brussels sprout salad had the acidity you kind of wanted to balance out this entire kind of savory meal it was delicious so we will make that again and then it had a little bit of sweetness with the Cranberries in that salad and the roast carrots were so delicious the creaminess of the cream cheese with the little Zing you get from cream cheese and the honey and chipotle flavor together was the perfect addition to a Thanksgiving table we also are making or my sister is making the gravy she is the one that usually makes the gravy and carves the turkey so all the food is now done and out of the oven we did decide that the bring turkey was well worth the effort and we are going to be bring our turkeys moving forward it was really nice having that side by-side comparison and being able to kind of get the consensus from the guest that yes it is worth the effort of brining a turkey so my sister's carving the turkey my mom is going to get the last of the things out of the oven and our Thanksgiving is served I just want to thank you for being here I am so grateful for every single one of you for taking time out of your day to spend time with me and my mom in the kitchen I hope you have the best holiday with your loved ones and I'm just so grateful for you so thank you for being here thank you for being you I will link the recipes down below and the hosting course down below if you are interested in watching a few more videos with me and my mom I can pop those up here I hope you are having a fantastic day and I can't wait to see you next time bye friend
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 204,871
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Acre Homestead, appetizers, Holiday Cooking, Make ahead appetizers, Easy Appetizers, cooking from scratch, homemade, holiday appetizers, cooking form scratch, Thanksgiving, cooking Thanksgiving dinner, holiday recipes, homemade recipes, scratch cooking
Id: kmaXov0vtwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 12sec (2412 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 23 2023
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