An Extraordinary Journey to the Mysterious Galaxy of Andromeda | Space Documentary

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since the dawn of mankind the cosmos has never ceased to amaze anyone who looks up to the sky The Starry Nights move subjugate transport and Fascinate the lovers of the Stars the discoveries follow one after the other some confirming old hypotheses others breaking assumptions exposing us to more and more Unsolved Mysteries if we've begun to understand the functioning of our galaxy The Milky Way We also know that it occupies only an insignificant part of the spaces surrounds us the universe is so vast that the observation of its Horizon is still inaccessible to our most sophisticated instruments nevertheless we offer you the possibility to discover beyond our solar system a neighboring Galaxy just as marvelous and spectacular dear traveler good morning today we're going to explore one of the most beautiful spiral galaxies known to date the Andromeda galaxy but before leaving for a new adventure think about liking the video subscribing to the channel to not miss anything thank you all and have a good trip we invite you to take a seat in our spaceship make yourself comfortable and fasten your seatbelt today we will travel at the speed of light the smooth takeoff propels you beyond our atmosphere in no time the glittering darkness of space opens up to you here you are in complete immersion in this Cosmic Universe with its calm and Silent appearances let's take the direction of the Andromeda galaxy about 2.55 million light years away from our sun [Music] foreign Jupiter after having traveled 628 million kilometers or 390 million miles you could finally contemplate more closely this planet which is the fourth brightest object in our Celestial Vault after the Sun the moon and Venus admire the rings that Adorn Jupiter enjoy the ocher colors of this planet whose size is approximately 11 times that of the Earth maybe you'll be lucky enough to see one of its Splendid Aurora Borealis or to be surprised by a gigantic lightning bolt due to a storm like it always has near Jupiter you may also come across some of the satellites that revolve around it among its 79 moons EO is the closest in the largest you can see the strong volcanic activity on its surface your journey also takes you to Europa another of the four Galilean satellites Europa is the smallest of the four slightly smaller than our move unlike EO its surface is smooth Europa is actually the object with the smoothest surface of all known celestial objects in the solar system this is due to its young age into the composition of its surface which is a thick layer of ice resting on an ocean of water [Music] foreign system and resume our route this one brings you close to the second Giant gas planet of our solar system Saturn it is not necessary to specify it to you you recognize it thanks to its famous luminous Rings which give it the nickname of Jewel of the solar system [Music] moreover these are more numerous than we thought while thought there were seven main rings of Sandy tan color the latest observations of the probe's Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 have shown that it actually has several thousand the Rings A and B which were discovered first are the densest of all however despite a large amount of icy water particles Rock and dust there are respectively no more than 300 meters to a thousand feet thick in spite of their gigantic extent which goes beyond 282 000 kilometers or 175 000 miles of the planet some of them can thus become almost invisible if we observe them from their Edge moreover the closer we get to Saturn the more we realize the complexity of its rings separated from each other by relatively large divisions or even divided into a myriad of rings by gaps more or less significant these rings do not cease to radiate within our prodigious Milky Way but let's leave behind this Splendor of our galaxy our journey has only begun [Applause] [Music] another giant planet is waiting to reveal its Secrets Let's Travel 1442 million kilometers or 900 million miles Beyond Saturn and reach the mysterious planet Uranus you have 80 minutes of travel at the speed of light during which we invite you to observe the Limitless immensity that opens up to You observe in the secure environment a planetary shape taking shape on the horizon Uranus with its soft and uniform bluish color welcomes you with Grace here at the edge of the solar system is the first ice Giant moons are in its orbit but the largest one measures only 150 kilometers or 90 miles in diameter Uranus on the other hand is 50 000 kilometers in diameter or almost 31 000 miles it has nine Rings which unlike Saturns are more recent than the planet that holds them let's continue our journey towards Neptune another gas giant planet whose Azure blue color cannot leave you indifferent reminding you in this mostly dark Universe of our beautiful planet Earth Neptune named after the Roman god of the ocean is 1628 million kilometers or 1 billion miles away from its twin its diameter is about 50 000 kilometers or 31 000 miles this ice giant although it has slightly higher temperatures than its neighbor is one of the coldest planets in the solar system a large dark spot in its atmosphere is evidence of environmental Dynamics numerous clouds appear battered by winds blowing at 2 000 kilometers an hour or more than 1240 miles per hour although these two ice giants are known for their unattractive temperatures they do not take first place Neptune's largest moon Triton does this celestial object is the coldest ever detected in the solar system it's rough and icy landscape as well as its imposing core are troubling researchers especially since some activity is visible on its surface what if under this icy mantle constantly perforated by fumaroles there was a large body of liquid water here's another mystery to be solved which could help scientists and their understanding of the presence of water in the solar system in a more General way [Music] after exploring our solar system we have found that no other planet than Earth is likely to support Life as We Know It however the universe is so vast and the Galaxy is so numerous that we can still allow ourselves to imagine possible life well beyond our Milky Way are you ready to leave our solar system we will now leave the sun's heliosphere by Crossing its limit the heliopause the solar winds will no longer have any impact on your journey you will now travel in the interstellar medium first fasten your seat belt we must cross the boundary between the solar system and the interstellar medium the particles of the solar wind which move at a supersonic speed will suffer a violent slowdown as soon as they will be in contact with the particles of the interstellar medium the speed of the particles emitted by The Sun Will thus pass from 400 kilometers per second for 250 miles per second to approximately 100 kilometers per second or 60 miles per second all these particles accumulated around the heliopause emit a strong energy these particles heat up causing a shock wave or even several our vessel will thus cross this turbulent Zone always at the speed of light finally after some shocks without gravity The Vessel arrives for the first time and the interstellar medium what about the neighboring solar systems another planetary system at a distance of 4.244 light years from our sun and located in the constellation of the Centaur arouses our curiosity in the Milky Way Central star named Proxima Centauri or the Centauri star is the closest to our Earth after the Sun this red dwarf although not very massive with a size seven times smaller than our sun and weakly luminous is nevertheless the main star of a triple system indeed Proxima is accompanied by a couple of stars named the double star Alpha Centauri these two other red dwarfs Alpha Centauri a and Alpha Centauri B larger than Proxima are unlike Proxima well visible in our Southern sky moreover the double star Alpha Centauri is the fourth brightest star in our sky as we approach Proxima we can see large flashes of Starlight its brightness increases periodically Proxima is a flamboyant star because of the convection processes that are visible it is therefore destined to keep its average age according to scientists for another 300 times the age of the present universe but what makes this triple system fascinating is above all the recent discovery of a super Earth-like exoplanet orbiting Proxima this planet named Proxima B is causing quite a stir in the scientific community indeed its orbit located in the so-called habitable zone of Proxima offers it the status of a candidate to hope to find potentially extraterrestrial life [Music] but water must be present on the planet it must accumulate on its surface moreover its atmosphere essential for any life must resist its orbit Proxima B whose size is estimated at 1.08 times that of the earth completes its orbital path in only 11.2 days it is therefore experiencing a significant atmospheric Escape however why not imagine that this process is counterbalanced for example by sufficient volcanic activity let's now leave this star system I propose to you we travel more than four additional light years [Music] you have all the time to enjoy the interstellar spectacle constellations follow one after the other sometimes intermingling some more sparkling than others catch your eye others merge into imposing nebulae offering you a magnificent spectacle in the distance you can see a star that you know well [Music] despite a distance of 8.6 light years from our Earth it Remains the brightest star in our sky let's join the constellation of the great dog and discover Sirius the brightest white star after our sun it is the fifth closest star system to the sun this bright dwarf is 20 times brighter than our sun but Sirius is not alone it's an company of serious b a white dwarf who sizes close to that of the Earth its Luminosity being 10 000 times weaker than that of the primary star Sirius B has therefore remained Anonymous for relatively long time its Discovery dating only from the 19th century let's continue our progress still within our Milky Way itself belonging to the local Group which alone includes more than 60 galaxies during this time take advantage of it to observe with Wonder between the Stars some molecular clouds or other nebula their colors all more surprising and attractive than the others can only bewitch you we cross hotter zones than others in which hydrogen is ionized these zones exceed 1 million degrees Celsius other zones colder and denser and dust and molecules are close to absolute zero with temperatures lower than negative 260 degrees Celsius or negative 436 degrees Fahrenheit these cold zones dense and dust grains and gas which gather an interstellar clouds are contrary to the hotter zones immensely large with a little luck you'll be able to observe a planetary nebula but don't be mistaken it has nothing to do with a planet it is a shell of expanding gas ejected from its star at the end of its life a red giant that becomes a white dwarf this phase very spectacular is magical and colorful foreign s follow each other with Incredible quantities of stars after having crossed some of them like the constellation of the Unicorn Gemini are the giraffe let's go directly to the constellation of Andromeda located south of the constellation Cassiopeia and east of the constellation Perseus Andromeda has 300 billion stars [Music] this constellation in the northern hemisphere which is a-shaped is one of the 48 constellations identified by Ptolemy a Greek astronomer astrologer mathematician and geographer who lived in Alexandria Egypt during the Roman Empire in the second century his work is the continuation of a long evolution of ancient science based on the observation of the Stars numbers calculation and measurement he is the author of several scientific treatises one of which known as the alma guest means the great composition it is A Treatise on astronomy that brings together the most advanced knowledge of antiquity and mathematics and astronomy moreover this Treatise has known only a few minor Corrections during the following 13 centuries in Greek mythology Andromeda is the daughter of cepheus and Cassiopeia a royal couple from Ethiopia the legend tells that the queen Cassiopeia would have provoked the anger of the god beside it god of the sea by having affirmed that she and or her daughter was more beautiful than the narrates I.E the Marine deities as a punishment Poseidon created a sea monster that sacked the country an oracle revealed that only the sacrifice of Andromeda daughter of the royal couple would put an end to this plague thus Andromeda found herself naked and tied to a rock to be devoured by the monster however she was saved by Perseus who after defeating the sea monster married her moreover in English Andromeda is called the chained woman the representations of the constellation of Andromeda and the manuscripts systematic show this young woman almost undressed and with her hands tied [Music] but let us return to our stars in the constellation of Andromeda three of them are distinguished by their luminosity thus the main stars of Andromeda that appear at nightfall are alpha rats for the head mirak for the hip and all Mark for the foot also called gamma andromedae these three stars are located on the great diagonal of Andromeda which itself belongs to a huge alignment that goes around the globe moreover this alignment is a major axis for locating the sky the more the night intensifies the more other stars appear alpharads is the brightest of all very hot and Shining 110 times brighter than the sun it is blue white moreover it has a companion making it a double star granting it the title of multiple star mirak for its part is a red giant 30 times larger than the sun Alma which is also a multiple star has beautiful contrasting colors orange and blue the main star of this Duo is an orange giant 80 times larger than the Sun but especially 2 000 times more luminous than the latter at least three other stars revolve with it almak is thus part of a quadruple system the three other stars known to date being blue white stars of the main sequence they are consequently hot and very luminous stars these stars are particularly interesting for the search for extraterrestrial life because there's stability time on the main sequence is much longer than that of our sun what if a super Earth-like planet orbited one of these stars in the so-called habitable zone how would you like to meet a life form here more than 350 light years away from our beautiful Earth still within the constellation of Andromeda a dark red dwarf holds our gaze it is Ross 248. the ninth star known to date from our sun and distant more than 10 light years from our planet Earth the red color of Ross 248 informs us that its temperature is more than 3226 degrees Celsius or more than 5838 degrees Fahrenheit our sun which is a yellow star has temperatures of more than 5726 degrees Celsius or more than 10 338 degrees Fahrenheit this difference in temperature explains why the star Ross 248 belongs to the group of dark red dwarfs this is the main reason why this star is not visible to the naked eye from our Earth good telescope and certain conditions are essential however today you have the opportunity to observe this main series star very closely this name specifies that Ross 248 is still in nuclear fusion phase hydrogen is transformed into helium this phase will cover most of the total lifetime of the star before it becomes as in most cases a white dwarf but look carefully you can see that its intensity fluctuates occasionally this variability and brightness is explained by the flares that this star undergoes unpredictable and a variable duration these can be spectacular extraordinary [Music] it's fairy tale show makes us forget the environment of Ross 248 and for good reason it seems that this star exists alone no Planet accompanies it the nearest star is gliese 15. still named groombridge 34 gliese 15 which is 1.54 light years away from Ross 248 is a stellar and planetary system comprising at least two stars and two planets the main object is the star gj15aa or groombridge 34aa this variable star is accompanied by a second variable star much smaller and cooler gj15b these are two eruptive red dwarfs that orbit each other in a quasi-circular manner in 2600 years 147 astronomical units separate these two stars which represents more than 22 billion kilometers or almost 14 billion miles this binary system is accompanied by a super Earth and a super Neptune their Mass respectively three times and 36 times that of our Earth gives them the status of multi-planetary system closest to our system but this multi-planetary system benefits from unusual properties gj15ab the super earth makes its complete orbit around its star in only 11 days this means that one year on this planet lasts 11 days consequently this proximity eliminates any hope of life on the super Earth its surface reaching 276 degrees Celsius or more than 528 degrees Fahrenheit two celestial objects then orbit around each other's Center of mass known as the baby center like two children facing each other and swinging by their hands similarly gj-15 AC the super Neptune cannot Harbor any source of life this gas giant certainly has extremely cold temperatures due to its considerable distance from its star in fact it takes about 20 years for this super Neptune to complete its full orbit which places it very distant from the habitable zone of its star we will now travel much further beyond what we can imagine to do this our spacecraft must use space-time galleries thanks to these we can move in space-time and reach a galactic country in no time hang on you may be a bit shaken but it doesn't matter you'll be captivated even Intoxicated by this fairy-like Crossing [Music] we have almost arrived at our long-awaited destination the Andromeda Galaxy look straight ahead you can you can contemplate in the distance this luminous object contemplate This Magnificent spiral in front of you with its dazzling Center and its gigantic periphery glittering with a thousand bluish lights look all around it two other galaxies accompany the Andromeda galaxy admittedly they are small however despite their discreet presence these two Satellite galaxies appear in close vicinity of Andromeda giving it an even more spectacular dimension moreover the limits of the Galaxy are not obvious it seems to be surrounded by a gigantic Halo within which we can see gas particles as well as a myriad of stars that seem to agitate [Music] the Andromeda galaxy like our Milky Way is an elliptical galaxy with a barred spiral structure seven arms are counted more or less developed approximately 2.5 million light years away from the Sun despite this dizzying distance the Andromeda galaxy is one of the most distant objects visible to the naked eye from the northern hemisphere of our planet easy to recognize it is distinguished by its elongated shape and its milky color [Music] the Andromeda galaxy is also one of the most extensive objects in the sky with the diameter to the naked eye comparable to that of our moon when observed from the ground [Music] however when observed through a telescope this flattened disc is much larger than it appears this huge object covers six times the apparent size of the full moon this is why it is easily visible from our Northern mid-latitudes when the night sky is clear enough it is relatively visible all year round for at least part of the night if you need help finding it look for the constellation Cassiopeia which is the constellation of five stars in the shape of a w or M the first peak of the M or the second Valley of the W may represent an arrow pointing directly to the Andromeda galaxy which lies between the constellations of Cassiopeia and Andromeda despite its distance from our solar system it's been observed for a long time from our planet Earth its first written mention dates back to 964. it appears in the book of fixed Stars by ABD al-rahman al-sofi a Persian astronomer and clockmaker called the Great nebula of Andromeda it was photographed for the first time in 1887 by the English astronomer Isaac Roberts it was this mistake that led to it being listed as a nebula in miser's catalog under the object M31 then in the 1920s giant or supergiant variable stars were identified in astronomical photographs of this nebula from then on calculations allowed us to affirm that these stars were indeed extra galactic this is why Andromeda has only been caught a Galaxy since 1925. before this date it was considered a nebula for many centuries it was of little importance to astronomers except that it was the closest of the big nebulae in the universe its appearance as a spiral pocket of gas was all the more attested to because at that time for scientists the universe was limited to our Milky Way from then on spiral nebulis such as the Andromeda nebulae were recognized as independent galaxies in our Milky Way became one Galaxy among others in a universe without a visible Horizon the immense diameter of approximately 200 000 light years makes the Andromeda galaxy the largest galaxy in the local group with our Milky Way taking second place the Andromeda galaxy is the closest spiral galaxy to our own and contains nearly a thousand billion stars about twice as many as The Milky Way [Music] however its total mass is estimated to be around 1230 billion solar masses compared to 1900 solar masses for our galaxy if these two Galaxies have similar masses on the other hand the density of stars in the Andromeda galaxy is higher this is why its Luminosity is 25 percent higher than that of the Milky Way the total Luminosity of the Andromeda galaxy is estimated at 26 billion times the solar luminosity however the Milky Way has three to five times more star formations than the Andromeda Galaxy the latter seems to have reached a certain state of rest but if this rest is related to its production of stars the galaxy is well in motion starting from the galactic center the speed of stars increases to 225 kilometers per second or 140 miles per second before decreasing to 50 kilometers per second or 30 miles per second at 7 000 light years then increases again to 250 kilometers per second or 155 miles per second at 33 000 light years before decreasing again to 200 kilometers per second or 125 meters per second at 80 000 light years we can then deduce that the total mass of the Andromeda galaxy increases linearly up to 45 000 light years from the center then more slowly Beyond this distance the mass of the nucleus is then estimated at 6 billion solar masses now let's take a closer look at this huge Starry Island drowned in the interstellar Cosmos let's begin by studying its structure starting with its Center the brightest part of the Galaxy it's bulge this contains a very Compact and active Stellar cluster but for a few decades thanks to the Hubble Space Telescope we've known that this bulge is structured in two distinct components distant from each other only by five light years the first P1 is the brighter a very large and dense cluster of old red stars the second P2 is much less luminous and hosts a supermassive black hole whose mass is estimated at about 140 solar masses or 40 times the estimated mass of the Milky Way black hole Sagittarius A however this bulge has not set its last word indeed it seems much more complex than it appears the Hubble telescope has also revealed new images showing a mysterious blue color surrounding this giant supermassive black hole in the heart of Andromeda in fact this bluish color revealed a ring of hot relatively young blue stars 200 million years old located in the heart of the elliptical ring of old red stars swirling around the supermassive black hole thus indicating the exact position of the ladder this newly discovered ring consists of more than 400 Stars tightly packed into a disc measuring only one light year these stars under the gravitational grip of the black hole are traveling very fast at the speed of a thousand kilometers per second 621 miles per second the Andromeda galaxy thus has a double core with a gigantic bulge this double cluster of stars reaches almost 20 light years in diameter in total its box-like appearance seems to confirm that the Andromeda galaxy like our Milky Way is a barred spiral galaxy moreover the bar is visible in the direction of the greatest length of this supposed nebula as for all Galaxy the bulb Remains the most visible part but the closer we get to this luminous structure the more easily we distinguish its extent indeed the Bulge is surrounded by a thin but gigantic disc whose spiral-like structure reminds us a lot of our Milky Way andromeda's spiral arms wrap tightly around each other but two large arms Stand Out separated by a minimum of 13 000 light years although the spiral arms of Andromeda appear to be very close together they are still farther apart than those of our galaxy but let's observe this region with infrared you'll be surprised to discover a multitude of concentric Rings one of which located 33 000 light years from the galactic center contains most of the dust and much of the gas of the entire galaxy the reason this observation is only visible with infrared light is that the components of this ring are made up of cold dust with a temperature below minus 258 degrees Celsius or below 496 degrees Fahrenheit you can also see that the disk of Andromeda is not as flat as it seems at first glance indeed it undergoes a torsion which seems to be related to nearby celestial objects [Music] beyond the disc of the Andromeda galaxy Beyond its 220 000 light years visible diameter a huge Halo of ionized gas encircles the Galaxy this Halo is so gigantic that it meets that of our Milky Way it extends from 1.3 to 2 million light years in some directions this is a reservoir of gas that contains enough fuel for future star formation in the galaxy moreover more globular clusters already exist thus this luminous spiral with its Brown and bluish Reflections seems to evolve in the cosmos with an Olympian calm but this feeling is somewhat challenged when we observe the Galaxy for a longer time if you look closely at this luminous immensity you can see that a number of stars of a rather rare type are in the process of evolving about 8 000 Stars old stars that have completed their red giant face have spelled their gaseous envelope in fact these dim stars are undergoing a phase of instability they're cooling down before turning into white dwarfs [Music] thus despite Evolutions over millions of light years we can affirm that nothing is fixed in time not even the Stars nor the galaxies that live in the interstellar medium this last one is moreover abused by the turbulent even explosive life of its occupants but how are stars born what is certain is that stars are being formed at this very moment in our galaxy as well as in all other galaxies of the universe a star is never born alone during the gravitational collapse of a cloud of gas dust and molecules all these fragments of matter compress heat up and Shrink forming a protostellar core within the cloud this is what astronomers call A Star Nursery then these protostars contract and turn the temperature climbs exponentially until the inevitable threshold or thermonuclear Fusion reactions begin giving birth to a large number of stars star Grows by capturing surrounding matter they also create each their own accretion disk in which the Aggregates of dust then the planets will be formed each star giving birth to a distinct solar system thank you the star then shines brightly in the cosmos thanks to the process of nuclear fusion that takes place in its core composed essentially of 70 hydrogen to 28 helium the star Burns hydrogen it's only fuel when the ladder Runs Out hydrogen Fusion stops and the star becomes a red giant then begins a new Fusion that of helium and carbon and oxygen this phase much shorter makes the star unstable and variable it then ejects its atmosphere into the interstellar medium it is at the stage known as the planetary nebula in its heart remains a glowing part the white dwarf similar in size to our Earth but with a mass identical to that of our sun its density is such that it is of the order of one ton per cubic centimeter imagine a lump of sugar weighing a ton then depending on its mass it can continue to shine for billions of years as an iridescent planetary nebula before dying out by becoming a black dwarf now regarding massive stars with a mass between 8 and 25 solar masses they follow a longer and more spectacular process the massive star undergoes a real shock wave when the gravitation can no longer be compensated by its mass the heart of the star collapses on itself in a violent explosion occurs this is the supernova during the few days following the explosion the star shines brighter than the Galaxy that hosts it what remains is a neutron star about 10 kilometers in diameter spinning rapidly on itself Pulsar is born disrupting the surrounding gas of the nebula by its electromagnetic emission Jets unlikely as it may seem its density is one billion tons per cubic centimeter now imagine your sugar cube as heavy as a mountain as for stars with a mask greater than 25 times that of our sun they die by becoming neutron stars as well however their mass is such that the pressure of the neutrons cannot counterbalance the spatial gravitation a new collapse occurs on these neutron stars leading to a creation of black holes foreign it is certain that the Andromeda galaxy contains Millions even billions of planets orbiting its many stars however current technology although already very Advanced does not allow us to observe non-luminous Stars distant more than 2.5 million light years from our solar system but astronomers are competing with Ingenuity and do not cease to observe our Galactic neighbor moreover an object seems to have been spotted during a micro lensing event in 1999. what if it was indeed a planet [Music] this confirmation would make the headlines and scientific journals worldwide indeed it would be the first hypothetical Planet at a distance of two million one hundred and eighty five thousand two hundred and forty seven light years from our galaxy has been named PA 99 in two its mass is estimated at 6.34 masses of Jupiter or more than 2015.5 times the mass of Earth imagine that this planet orbits in a habitable zone do you think that a life form could be discovered there this is an essential question that always motivates scientists You Now understand that objects in the Andromeda galaxy that do not emit light are very difficult to detect it is even at present almost impossible however if the planets remain in the shadows for the moment other celestial objects each more extraordinary than the last allow us to admire as much wonder the Andromeda galaxy moreover a major event was observed in 1885. [Music] it is exactly on August 17 1885 that a supernova was observed for the first time at the observation of Rowan by Ludovic Gully it was the first Supernova observed since the invention of the telescope in 1609. this explosion was of such intensity exceeding the magnitude of six that it was visible to the naked eye between 17 and 20 August 1885. this Supernova is all the more historic as it is still to this day the only one to have been observed in the Andromeda galaxy several other astronomers had the chance to observe this extraordinary phenomenon but only Ernst Hartwig from the doorpat observatory in Estonia was aware of its potential importance subsequently in 1989 more than a century after the discovery of the Supernova astronomers from Arizona in the United States described the material that was expelled during the explosion this is the Afterglow which extends into space forming a type of nebula called Supernova Afterglow the observation of this Afterglow whose matter is objected at very high speed several thousand kilometers per second has led to the conclusion the Supernova observed in 1885 in the Andromeda galaxy was a type La Supernova not very bright thus a white dwarf from a binary system that could not absorb the gravitational collapse would have caused this thermonuclear supernova this Afterglow will probably be completely dissipated in a few hundred thousand years but for the moment it still offers us a nebulous spectacle of incredible beauty moreover many other luminous forms should attract your attention not far from the Andromeda Galaxy the latter is accompanied by 27 dwarf galaxies 14 of which orbit around it on the same plane in a huge disk 1.3 million light years in diameter and only 42 000 light years thick the satellite galaxies of the primary Galaxy seem to rotate in the same way inside the disk Among the Stars that make up the metal Rich Andromeda Halo many are of intermediate age suggesting that a single dominant merger with a large galaxy has taken place moreover M32 one of the satellites of Andromeda a small compact Galaxy also metal Rich whose red and yellow stars are concentrated around the nucleus seems to have a direct link with the composition of the Andromeda Halo the proximity of this small diffused ball to the primary Galaxy allows comparison of these two very similar formations scientists have concluded that about 2 billion years ago the Andromeda galaxy engulfed another much larger Galaxy previously the third or fourth largest galaxy in the local group the dwarf Galaxy M32 would then be the remaining core of the former Galaxy m32p formerly much larger this merger would have created approximately one-fifth of the stars and Andromeda would explain the unusual density characteristics of M32 compared to other elliptical galaxies of similar size [Music] looking at the Andromeda galaxy after locating M32 south of the core of the primary Galaxy it's easy to spot another satellite Galaxy of Andromeda located on the other side of the primary Galaxy from M32 to the Northwest you can see m110 next to the massive arms of Andromeda here is another elliptical dwarf Galaxy larger than M32 but fainer in luminosity unlike M32 m110 does not contain a supermassive black hole although it seems very close to the Andromeda galaxy it is however about 3 million light years away the same distance that separates it from our Earth I'll let you admire this wonderful spectacle that these three neighboring galaxies and at the same time so distant from each other offer you what a magnificent Cosmic Trio [Music] I now propose that you go and meet a dwarf spheroidal Galaxy Andromeda one located 150 000 light years from the Andromeda Galaxy satellite Galaxy was discovered in 1972 at the same time as the Andromeda 2 3 and 4 galaxies one immediately notices the difference with the previously visualized galaxies the stars in this galaxy which are mostly red in color are distributed spherically around the nucleus it is a small Galaxy with only a few million to a few hundred million stars moreover the vast majority of galaxies belonging to the local group have this same configuration its Stars poor and metals have characteristics similar to those of globular clusters but these dwarf galaxies although very luminous remain difficult to spot the Andromeda Halo [Music] another satellite galaxy of the Andromeda galaxy may also attract your attention it is the dwarf spheroidal Galaxy of Pegasus also known as Andromeda 6. it is located in the constellation of the winged horse its distance from our sun is estimated at 2.7 million light years this galaxy should not be confused with one of its companions d 0216 which is also a dwarf Galaxy and the constellation Pegasus indeed the latter is an irregular dwarf Galaxy of Pegasus and seems to be at a distance of about 3.3 million light years from our solar system unlike the galaxies described so far this one shows no regular structure neither sphere nor Galactic arm however like a nebula it is rich in gas and Interstellar dust as well as in Stars we will now focus on a Duo let's move away a little and join Cadwell 18 or NGC 185 and Cadwell 17 or NGC 147 which exists in the southern region of the constellation Cassiopeia these are two dwarf spheroidal galaxies gravitationally linked to each other thus you can contemplate this binary system revolving as a couple with an unchanging Motion in the Halo of the Andromeda galaxy at a distance of 300 000 light years from the latter Cadwell 18 has on the other hand a small particularity it is distinguished from its partner by the intense radiation on a part of the electromagnetic spectrum that it emits in its Center thanks to its very active Galactic core this particularity allows a better observation of its structure moreover its diameter is estimated at 10 million light years it is then labeled by some members of the astronomical Community has a safer type 2 Galaxy these galaxies are characterized by their extremely bright and compact nucleus and their spiral structure the nucleus of the safer Galaxy represents one of the largest known sources of electromagnetic radiation in the universe probably related to the supermassive black hole at its Center this hypothesis is confirmed Cadwell 18 will be the first known ciphert Galaxy in the local group and the closest to the earth the mystery remains for the moment moreover another mystery animates the scientific Community about this Duo a third dwarf Galaxy discovered recently Cassiopeia 2 also seems to be part of the binary system Cadwell 18 and Cadwell 17. as such it may be a gravitationally bound group within the surprising population of small galaxies the orbit Andromeda [Music] foreign [Music] most massive and easily recognizable is the triangulum Galaxy also known as m33 it is also a spiral galaxy from the local group but not as large as its name indicates it is located in the constellation of triangulum and its distance is estimated at 2.7 million light years its mass estimated at 60 billion solar masses represents only five percent of the mass of the Andromeda Galaxy a regular spiral galaxy with a disc its angle of inclination allows us when the sky is clear to observe it almost from the front with the naked eye from Earth the isolated Galaxy does not show a galactic bulge around its nucleus which does not seem to have a supermassive black hole either on the other hand the core of the triangulum Galaxy contains an ultra bright x-ray Source making it the most powerful x-ray Source in the local group astronomers are not yet certain that it is a satellite of the Andromeda galaxy but the contrary has not been proven either [Music] the Andromeda galaxy is a real Jewel box many are the stars that allow it to illuminate this part of the cosmos if the satellite galaxies that accompany it offer a beautiful ornament more than 400 globular clusters allow it to Sparkle with the Thousand lights let yourself be seduced by its Stars more or less tightly packed together observe their pulsations their palpitations it is a magnificent living spectacle colorful and luminous that unfolds before your eyes [Music] among the star clusters orbiting an Andromeda my out-2 is the brightest not only in the Andromeda galaxy but in the entire local group this globular cluster also known as NGC 224 G1 and located only 130 000 light years from the galactic nucleus of the Andromeda galaxy is immense and very massive in fact its size is estimated to be between two or three times that of Omega Centauri which is itself the most massive globular cluster in the Milky Way mile 2 contains at least 300 000 old Stars the presence of a black hole intermediate mass in its Center is studied especially since some astronomers suspect that mayal 2 would be the residual core of a dwarf Galaxy previously absorbed by the Andromeda Galaxy this globular cluster seems to have approximately the same age as the oldest clusters in our Milky Way they probably formed shortly after the beginning of the universe during the first era of Galaxy formation [Music] among the remarkable objects in the Andromeda galaxy an open cluster of young Blue Giant Stars NGC 206 is visible in the southwestern arm stretching over about 400 000 light years this bright blue star cloud is one of the largest star-forming regions of the local group it is also the brightest star cloud in the Andromeda galaxy visible from Earth like most open clusters it has between 100 and 10 000 stars of the same age revolving under the same gravitational influence [Music] another cluster of even more recent discovery is under debate it is the RBC globular cluster exta one of the brightest and most massive of the Andromeda Galaxy with 1.14 million solar masses it orbits 88 000 light years from the galactic center and its observation is somewhat disconcerting the mass of this cluster is not in agreement with the predicted value of its metallicity indeed the measurements of the iron and hydrogen lines as well as other elements related to iron such as magnesium and sodium do not agree with the established calculations of astronomers the more massive a cluster is the stronger its metallicity should be however RBC ext8 presents a metallicity value well below the expected value this one turns out to be 800 times lower than the solar value this difference could be explained by the presence of two distinct populations of stars within the same cluster this observation makes RBC exta a rare and precious globular cluster for astronomers always eager to understand even more the formation of our universe Beyond understanding the formation of the universe researchers are always hoping to find the slightest trace of life or the possibility of a development of life in any form beyond our planet moreover can the Andromeda galaxy support life the this is a question that cannot be answered today the Milky Way in which we live is still a mystery to astronomers they cannot at present affirm whether there are other stars in our galaxy that Harbor life whatever it may be imagine then how much more complex it is to answer this question concerning another galaxy as close as it is to ours however the Andromeda galaxy has very similar characteristics to the Milky Way knowing that at least one star namely our sun is capable of offering us Life as we know it why wouldn't there be at least one in the Andromeda galaxy by following the ratio of the number of stars present in these two neighboring galaxies and knowing that Andromeda probably has at least 10 to 12 times more than the Milky Way we can allow ourselves hypothetically to evaluate a dozen stars that would be likely to host a form of life within the Andromeda galaxy [Music] finally a big surprise awaits you as you have seen during this Intergalactic Journey although the Stars seem to be frozen in the cosmos this is not the case everything is in movement rotation Fusion attraction expulsion explosion collapse birth death Collision celestial objects cross each other brush against each other orbit with others leading a Celestial choreography with a Serene appearance nevertheless it happens sometimes that they meet with an unheard level of violence although these collisions are not so frequent considering the number of these objects scattered in the cosmic immensity they can have heavy consequences and impact considerably their environment you were able to observe the movement of planets alongside their respective Stars you've also admired the birth of new stars in the heart of The Marvelous and very active nebulae but do you know that each Galaxy also follows its own trajectory you certainly understood this when the Andromeda galaxy was mentioned which probably digested a large part of an old neighboring Galaxy in 32p nevertheless did you realize that if two major galaxies could merge it could affect our part of the universe in fact this is inevitably what is going to happen the Andromeda galaxy and the Milky Way are about 2.5 million light years apart for now the gravity of these two largest galaxies in the local group causes such a powerful pool that they're hurling towards each other at 402 000 kilometers per hour or 250 000 miles per hour or 9.6 kilometers per day almost 6 million miles per day but how can scientists confidently predict this future Collision it is in fact thanks to their mathematical understanding of the physical laws that govern the movements of celestial bodies Newton's law of gravitation allows astronomers to analyze and therefore anticipate the trajectories of the various objects observed in addition the European space agency's Gaia Mission which was launched in 2013 has collected a considerable amount of usable data these synthesized data have made it possible to create an extraordinarily accurate three-dimensional map of more than a billion stars belonging to our Milky Way but also well beyond thus this vast census has made it possible to map their motions Luminosity temperature and composition making it possible to push forward studies that will allow in the more or less near future to answer major questions related to the origin structure and even future evolution of our galaxy in addition the Hubble Space Telescope thanks to a multitude of photos taken at different times has allowed NASA scientists to measure the speed of movement of stars in the Andromeda Galaxy the highlighting of their displacement was possible thanks to their superposition on blurred galaxies located in the distant background moreover the huge gas Halos surrounding Andromeda also photographed seems to come into contact with the Milky Way Halo if the hypothesis that the distance between the two galaxies getting smaller has been affirmed for some time on the other hand the collision between them has not been so obvious to confirm after all they could simply be brushing against each other allowing their star streams to become somewhat entangled forming filaments but the scientific Community has concluded that the Andromeda Galaxy's own motion is Tiny which means that its future trajectory is relatively easy to anticipate as a result astronomers are able to predict that the Andromeda galaxy will collide head on with our Milky Way creating a single huge Galaxy moreover they've already named this future in gigantic Galaxy it will be called locomada this name results from the contraction of Milky Way for the Milky Way and Andromeda for Andromeda fortunately for us the considerable distance between these two galaxies leaves us about 4.5 billion years before this process of Galactic Fusion or coalescence begins here you're in front of two Monsters of the cosmos facing each other and getting ready for a future confrontation will it be a fairy Dance of the stars or an explosive confrontation to be honest when the Collision occurs it is unlikely that celestial objects will actually Collide indeed galaxies are so diffuse that the Stars within each of them are prodigiously distant from each other cerebral distances between Stars give them little chance to collide when the time comes the Andromeda galaxy in the Milky Way will make their first close passage at more or less 400 000 light years from each other then it will take another 2 billion years for this process to give birth to a new Super Galaxy in the meantime this duo will start a cosmic dance with periods of approach and periods of distance sowing gaseous and Starry tendrils in its path this Stellar choreography will upset the constellations thus offering over time a new pattern to our Starry Sky our Milky Way will undergo a global reorganization just like the Andromeda galaxy their spiral arms will be dislocated into a myriad of chaotic Stars according to NASA experts these two spiral galaxies during this very long process of fusion will give birth to a giant elliptical galaxy probably quite red what will happen to our sun are planet Earth their respective places will of course not be preserved the fates seem to be taking shape one would dictate that the solar system would be ejected at some point from the Super Galaxy at the same time or after the Collision causing little disturbance to the sun and the surrounding planets the other fate who are uncertain would cause a displacement of the solar system towards the center of the Collision the latter would then be at the mercy of supernovas in the heart of the Galaxy infusion in any case the Earth as we know it today will already be gone all terrestrial life will have already disappeared a long time ago why because our sun itself in this same period of time risks undergoing deep Transformations apart from the Collision in question indeed the star to which we owe life on Earth also has a limited lifespan could even be that our solar system will no longer be the same at the time of the collision between the two galaxies thus depriving the Earth of this Celestial spectacle the reason the death of our sun which is expected to be in about five to seven billion years but by then our sun currently considered as a yellow dwarf will have become a red giant eating more and more its closest neighbors because of the exponential increase of its power Mercury and Venus be disintegrated our planet Earth as well as Mars will be fatally burned however this is only one scenario some scientists speculate that the Earth's orbit could spiral outward taking the Earth away from this fiery Inferno [Music] deer space traveler our tour is coming to an end we hope that this Intergalactic Exploration with your head in the Stars will Dazzle you and then its Dimension as spectacular as intriguing would not have left you unmoved without a doubt this excursion although full of teachings is still far from giving you all the secrets of the Andromeda galaxy and even more of the universe in fact will all these secrets be revealed one day haven't you noticed if with each technical Advance discoveries each more extraordinary than the other are made new Mysteries appear offering scientists New Paths to follow to infinity and beyond [Music] thank you
Channel: Wondody | The World of Odysseys
Views: 122,224
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: wondodi, science, space, documentary, earth, space documentary, galaxy, milky way, black hole, universe, venus, mars, saturne, life on venus, life on mars, colonize, moon, nasa, abyss, ocean, maya, nature, extraterrestrial, alien, history, big bang, solar system, sun, life, water, history of the earth, dinosaur, extinction of dinosaurs, dinosaur documentary, origin of life, animal documentary, history documentary, natural documentary, dinosaurs documentary, dinosaurs, journey, andromeda, andromeda galaxy
Id: OCNsxmUpals
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 1sec (4141 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 30 2022
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