An Evening With Dr Michio Kaku ft. Veritasium - Melbourne Show | Think Inc.

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Kaku gives some interesting insights into futurism here. It's sad you're being met with such animosity in these replies. It shows how anti intellectual thr ufo community can be. You should repost this in r/UFOscience.

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Passenger_Commander 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

I like Dr. Kaku, but I take issue with one of the first things he says (in the relevant section):

He talks about "the connectome", and implies that memories are stored in the brain. This follows the material reductionist paradigm favored by western science and academia; everything reduces to matter, and everything can be measured.

If we are to believe, as Vallee and many others do, consciousness plays a central role in UFO phenomena, it becomes extremely difficult to reconcile that belief with the idea of material reductionism. This is unquestionably my biggest beef with western thought, and I flatly reject the notion that we are "meat robots" who just power off when we die.

As is "understood" today, here is the emergent order of everything in the universe:

Physics -> Chemistry -> Biology -> Psychology -> Consciousness

15 years of research and experience with psychedelics, TM/Vedic meditation, synchronicity, near death experiences, child past lives, and Vedic scripture has convinced me of the reality of nonlocal consciousness. The analogy I like to use, courtesy of Graham Hancock, is a TV signal (consciousness) to a TV set (brain/body). The signal exists with or without the TV. If you damage the TV, the signal will not display correctly.

When you add in psy phenomena — remote viewing, mind-matter interaction, precognition, and so on — to the mix, it becomes inescapable that consciousness is fundamental and not emergent. It's not generated, it is received. And so, the actual order of emergence is:

Consciousness -> Physics -> Chemistry -> Biology -> Psychology

This framework is not always directly germane when talking about UFO phenomena, but it can be worldview-shifting and help us look at the phenomena in new ways.

Much of what I've said here comes from Dean Radin's work. If you're interested in psy phenomena, please check him out.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/zarmin 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

so suddenly the people who have dismissed this subject for decades have all the answers? i think there is an impulse amongst some people (Americans) to believe someone simply because they have a phd. this is insulting to all of us academics who have silently followed this subject for decades, and are now being overruled by tv friendly scientists. fucking typical.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Ghost_of_Peter_Tork 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Awesome video - thanks for sharing!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Sneaky-Red-Fox 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Thought needs no vehicle to travel, once directed by intention its limitless

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/t3ntric 📅︎︎ Oct 16 2020 🗫︎ replies

Indeed a brilliant man!!!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/jayce5zen 📅︎︎ Oct 17 2020 🗫︎ replies
👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/CydoniaMaster 📅︎︎ Oct 20 2020 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] oh goodness so how are you finding Australia so far oh great I think I think there's a lot of energy vitality a lot of young voices waiting to be heard I think Australia is poised to leap into greatness to leap into greatness you mean we're not already great I think it's coming very soon but but there is a challenge that we're facing there is a challenge that we're facing in Australia which is that not everyone believes that science is maybe the principal thing that we should be funding I mean what do you think about that and the current current state of affairs here well let me be blunt science is the engine of prosperity you can ignore science as much as you want you will just be poor look at those nations of the world that say science but we want ideology we want certain kinds of forms of religion that are hostile to science look at those nations they are poor nations which embrace Science and Technology become rich the only problem is that the nations that forget this are the rich nations they forget why they're rich however there are some hungry nations out there China India you don't have to tell them twice that science is their meal ticket you don't have to talk to a young Chinese or a young Indian engineer that science is the way for them to develop for them to become great and prosperous you don't have to tell them that and just remember that if you don't embrace science they will well that sounds like a rather dire warning you've taken us through the past few hundred years and the awesome developments that physics has given us what about the next let's say 50 years what can the people in this room hope to see in their lifetimes that will really revolutionize the way we live well the first wave was steam power the second wave was electricity and magnetism the third wave was high technology and transistors and lasers the fourth wave the fourth wave is at the molecular level we're talking about nanotechnology creating atomic machines we're talking about biotechnology manipulating the genes which make life possible and third artificial intelligence all of them at the molecular level that's going to be the engine of the 21st century I think some would ask the question why hasn't artificial intelligence got further by now it seems to be the kind of thing that people have been you know prophesying for a long time and yet to me a computer doesn't really seem in any way sentient well you realize that we scientist underestimated the sophistication of the human brain sitting on your shoulders is the most complex object in the known universe if you were to take a computer that would model the human brain that computer would be the size of a city block one city block of solid computers it would be cooled down by a river and would need a nuclear power plant to energize but your brain does it with 20 watts so when someone calls you a dim bulb be proud be proud that you're a dim bulb you have a dim bulb on your shoulders and it is the most complicated thing in the known universe and physics has allowed us to peer into the thinking brain realize that we've learned more about the brain because of physics like MRI machines in the last 10 years than in all of human history combined we can actually see thoughts and blood flows moving in the human brain and we can even prove or disprove old wives tales that are thousands of years old it's an old wives tale for example that a man starts to act stupid talking to a pretty girl it's true you can actually show that blood flow draining from the brain when a man sees a pretty girl and acts it's true everyone always asked about hoverboards so so I guess I'll put the question to you where's my hoverboard people ask the question where's my jetpack where's my flying car where's my robot made in Butler well let me ask yourself a question who's the one who prophesize that we're gonna have flying cars and mechanical Butler's cartoonists cartoonists we're the ones who said we're gonna have flying cars physicists never said that sir so what do you as a physicist say that we will have well in the coming years one thing that's gonna hit the marketplace pretty hard is the fact that we're going to have the Internet in your contact lens you will blink and you will be online and the first people to buy internet contact lenses will be college students taking final examinations they will blink and see all the answers to my exams right there in their contact lens and when you see somebody you'll see a biography next to their name if they speak Chinese to you your contact lens will translate Chinese into English and you'll see some titles so at a cocktail party when there's some very important people there but you don't know who they are in the future you will always know who to suck up to at any cocktail party do not worry that this is just going to in turn inundate these brains with too much information I mean already you hear about people suffering fatigue of the data of always checking their phone or feeling stressed because of it do you not worry about those sorts of implications of these technologies you know those people have not discovered the off button there is an off button you know you have the option of just hitting the off button and isolating yourself as much as you want but you see people want it they want to be connected to their friends and finding out what's out there so I think it's a matter of choice people have chosen to be hyper connected but is this similar to saying like there's a heroin addict and you say well you can walk away you know like once you've given them the drug is it possible to take it back like might you ruin lives by doing this creating this technology but you see being on the Internet is not addictive and I think if anything it is empowering the people who have most to worry about the Internet are dictatorships because dictatorships are being thrown out about once a year now because of Twitter who would have thought that Twitter would be the greatest force against dictatorships in the world today and that means the internet spreads democracy and here's the lesson in the history of the world no 2 major democracies have ever Ward against another democracy democracies do not war against other democracies think of every war you have to memorize since you were in grade school every single war they've always been between kings queens dictators monarchies emperors never between two major democracies and so with the spreading of the Internet is the spreading of democracy the kicking out of dictatorships and the rise I think of a more peaceful world what's not to love well that is one of these these big mysteries of the universe I mean one of the other big mysteries I guess is simply why we're here why the universe happened at all and the string theory give us any new insights into that does it help us see perhaps what happened 13.8 billion years ago when the Big Bang occurred well Einstein gives us a picture that the universe is a bubble we live on the skin of the bubble we're trapped like flies on flypaper and the bubble is expanding that's called the Big Bang Theory which we see on CBS television every week now as the universe expands ok we now believe that there could be other bubbles out there other bubbles creating a multiverse of universes and so we know we don't longer believe in a universe we believe in a multiverse of universes and when these universes collide and create a bigger universe or the universe splits and creates a baby universe that's the Big Bang so would it ever be able for us to determine whether this is really true I think so just a few months ago gravity waves were detected in the South Pole we're talking about radiation from the instant of the Big Bang in the future we're gonna have satellites which will take pictures of describe gravity waves and we're gonna have baby pictures baby pictures of the infant universe emerging from the womb and maybe we'll see evidence of an umbilical cord an umbilical cord in the infant universe detected by gravity wave detectors in outer space connecting us to a parent universe and this would be tremendous vindication for string theory well that would be very interesting to see and I hope we do see it in our lifetimes thinking about that vastness of space do you think we'll ever be able to cross it as people I mean is inter interstellar space travel in our future do you think well getting into outer space is quite difficult first of all people don't really how expensive is if I take this which weighs about a pound and put it into orbit around the Earth it cost about ten thousand dollars to do that that's your weight in gold think of your body made out of solid gold that's what it costs to put you just in orbit around the Earth to put you on the moon costs about a hundred thousand dollars a pound to put you on Mars is about a million dollars a pound I'm just gonna change this for the Australian audience that's like 2.2 million dollars per kilo two point two point two million dollars a kilo yeah that's your weight in diamonds okay that's what it costs to put you on Mars so you begin to realize how expensive outer space is and then how distant the planets are and the Stars the Saturn rocket the rocket that took us to the moon the Saturn rocket would have to operate for a hundred thousand years to reach Alpha Centauri the nearest star a hundred thousand years we need a new man a space travel other than chemical rockets so I think that in a hundred years time we may have fusion rockets these are called ramjet fusion rockets they look like an ice-cream cone they scoop up hydrogen in the forward Direction fuse it in the back so we have an infinite supply of fuel hydrogen gas from outer space energizing a fusion machine that may take us to the stars and perhaps just a few hundred years so we need something different maybe antimatter engines something different to get us closer to the stars rather than waiting a hundred years now you've you've thought about ways of perhaps changing the the sort of physical embodiment of us if we're to do this because obviously if it's gonna take hundreds of years I mean our regular bodies just wouldn't seem to work over that that right in my book the future of the mind which by the way last year last month it hit number one on the New York Times bestseller list congratulations and they they used to think that books about science wouldn't sell is that right right they used to say the word physics would never enter the New York Times bestseller list and now you've had two of them just you I did it twice anyway the point is though that in the future we will have a disc called the connectome we right now we will have a disc called the genome that cost about a thousand dollars that is our genes all the genes of your body on one disc I've had my gene sequence most of them by BBC television in the future we will have a second disc and that this is the connectome with all the memories all the neural pathways of the human brain and we will put this connect home on a laser beam and we will send it into outer space and the connectome contains all your memories your personality everything about you will be contained on the connectome and to go to the moon will take about once we can shoot your consciousness to the moon in one second to go to Mars we think about 20 minutes 20 minutes we go to Mars not not thousands of years and to hit Alpha Centauri four years four years you will visit another celestial body so I think this is the neatest way to explore outer space forget booster rockets forget nuclear get accidents forget weightlessness forget radiation light beams is the way to go and maybe aliens in outer space have already done it maybe there's already an intergalactic space lanes of laser beams shooting consciousness throughout the galaxy and we are too stupid to know it when he would talk about time travel ya realize that Einstein's theory of gravity does allow for time travel in fact his next door neighbor was Kirk girdle one of the greatest mathematicians of all time in 1949 Kirk girdle found the first time travel solution in Einstein's equations if the universe rotates it the universe rotates and you rotate along the universe you can return before you left you can go backwards in time and return before you left by going around the universe the whole universe needs to be rotating that's right now Einstein was deeply worried about this and in his memoirs I in fact I quote from his memoirs Einstein says that I'm very worried about this but you can dismiss it because of physical grounds in other words the universe expands it doesn't rotate if the universe rotated instead of expanding time travel would become in place that would be very strange right now we have black hole solutions of Einstein's equations when you go through a black hole mathematically no one's ever done this of course but mathematically if you go through a black hole you wind up on a parallel universe and if you go a second time you wind up another parallel universe each time you go through the black hole you wind up on another parallel universe but you end up also stretch so so skinny you could never survive your your consciousness small black hole large black holes had very weak gravitational fields and you can travel right through a spinning black hole for example collapses to a ring not a dot the ring rotates very quickly that's why it doesn't collapse because it's typical for us if you were to fall through the ring you will go right through to a parallel universe without being crushed to death these are called the curse solutions of Einstein's equations and so it's like the looking-glass of Alice the rim of the looking-glass is the black hole the center is the looking-glass and when you put your hand through the looking-glass your hand winds up on the other side of forever that is a solution of Einstein's equations so we just need to find a rotating black hole now the create one of course would require energy that is far beyond anything that we can harness today so I think in perhaps hundreds maybe thousands of years into the future we just might have the ability to build a time machine but it's not for us it's not for us what do you mean it'll be for other people in other universes because we are very primitive we physicists rank civilizations of the future which are much more powerful than us a type one civilization for example can play with planets they control the weather they can control earthquakes that's type 1 a type two civilization could control a star like Star Trek the Federation of Planets will be a type two civilization and then there's type three a galactic civilization like star wars now on this cosmic scale of pipe 1 type 2 type 3 what are we x 0 we are type 0 we get our energy from dead plants oil and coal but we are about a hundred years from becoming type one but the time your type 2 a few thousand years from now you'll have enough energy perhaps to open a gateway to space and time but it's not for us what are the other big problems that you see that the world facing in the next 50 to 100 years well I said that in a hundred years we will become a type one civilization we are privileged to be alive to see the greatest transition in the history of our civilization the transition to type 1 however we may not make it because the transition from type zero to type one is the most dangerous of all transitions because the type 0 civilization like ours we just emerge from the swamp a few centuries ago all the savagery of nationalism sectarianism fundamentalism is still with us just read the newspapers every day it just jumps out at you but we are marching toward a type one civilization so I think there's hope for example what is the Internet the Internet is the first type one telephone system that's all it is we are privileged to be alive to witness the birth of the first major type one technology the Internet what language will this type one civilization speak probably English congratulations you already speak a language of type 1 and look at the European Union NAFTA we've seen the beginning of a type 1 economy look at the Olympics look at soccer the beginning of a type 1 sports look at rock and roll the beginning of a type 1 youth culture and so we're already beginning to see the birth of a type one civilization but as I mentioned it's a dangerous transition because we had the proliferation of nuclear weapons into the most dangerous places on the planet Earth like the Middle East and also bio journals weaponized germs if you take the AIDS virus and weaponize it so it becomes airborne you can kill 98% of the human population only 2% of the human population are immune to AIDS 98% could die if you weaponize the AIDS virus and so these are dangers that we face plus global warming I like how you just threw that in at the end there and you've taken on this mission of finishing that manuscript that Einstein couldn't finish how are we how are we going are you are you getting close to the end now we think we have the theory the theory of string theory we don't yet quite have it in one inch form now in ten dimensions a lower dimension we have five string theories they can be summarized by an equation one inch long that's my equation I wrote the string field theory which allows you to summarize string theory into an equation one inch long but now we have the 11th dimension where we have membranes we have beach balls and spheres and doughnuts we don't yet have that in an equation one inch long you know what's interesting about this is that most guys don't brag about how short it is if you know what I mean but short is good sure it is good right short short is very elegant right yeah you know if I was majoring in English literary criticism like what did Hemingway really mean by that passage it gets bigger and bigger and bigger physics is the opposite it gets shorter and shorter and more concise and more elegant and more beautiful you can summarize all the equations of the known universe on one sheet of paper one sheet of paper every single physical theory known to science can be summarized in one sheet of paper we want to get it down to one inch that is a beautiful and elegant goal yeah well I've had an amazing a chance to talk to you and ask you all the questions that I find particularly interesting over the last hour now I would like to open it up to everyone here if you would like to ask professor Kaku a question dr. Kaku you keep on talking about 11 dimensional hyperspace hey how is that derived from such a simple theory of vibrating strings and B I like to think of why we can't see these other dimensions is like where someone looking at a lamp Pole from a distance we see it as being two-dimensional but the act on the lamp Pole sees it as being three-dimensional the and can walk around but let's say I have my 11 dimensional lamp oh it's really is a lamp pole inside a lamp oh inside a lamp hall inside a lamp or etc that sounds it sounds very complicated can I ask how old you are 11 turning 12 you're 11 turning 12 11 he could one day be solving some of the problems that you're dealing with you were telling me you've got some some issues with the 11th 11th dimensional theory I should ask him you could you could use a hand but let me quickly summarize when I was a child I would go to the tea garden in San Francisco the Japanese tea garden and I would watch the fish swimming just beneath the lily pads and I asked the question that only a child would ask and that is what would the universe look like to a fish and I realized that the universe was two-dimensional the fish could swim forward backward left right but anyone who talked about the world of up up into the third dimension was considered a crackpot in an idiot but then I imagined a scientist fish living in that pond and he would say bah humbug there is no third dimension there's only the pond and then I imagine as a child reaching down and grabbing the scientists fish lifting the scientists fish into the world of up the scientists would see beings breathing without water a new law of biology moving without fins a new law of physics well today we physicists believe but we cannot prove that we are the fish we spend all our lives in three dimensions moving forward backward left right up down thinking that that's all there is when actually the universe is expanding perhaps into hyperspace and science museums I sometimes see children saying mommy daddy if the universe is expanding what is it expanding into and mommy says ask daddy and that is as ask mommy well if this picture is correct the universe is expanding into another dimension and that is the dimension of strength area and we are the fish yes professor Kaku you said that Australia is poised for greatness how do we get there and how do we support Australian science to help us get there considering the government has just got 111 million dollars from our premier scientific research institution in one in 10 CSIRO scientists are about to lose their jobs you know it's a free country and you can cut the science budget as much as you want you're free to do that you're also free to be poor because that's what cutting science does you are eating your own seed corn you are preventing new industries from being created you see politicians I have nothing against politicians but politicians are former lawyers lawyers see the world as a zero-sum game you sue Peter to pay Paul that's law sue Peter to pay Paul a zero-sum game when a lawyer becomes a politician they tax Peter to pay Paul a zero-sum game so the pie gets cut thinner and thinner and thinner well I'm a physicist we believe in a bigger pie not just cutting the pie we believe in making the pie bigger for example as I mentioned two inventions from quantum physics changed everything the transistor and the laser quantum physics gave two simple inventions that energize the world economy of today creating jobs industries how does citizens though effect this change if the politicians are making bad choices out of people of this country you throw the politicians out I think that is a brilliant note to end on the future is a freight train either lie down in front of it or get on board right so I want to thank you all for coming today I want to thank think Inc for organizing this incredible event those of you who are staying with us for the gala dinner please stay back for everyone else it is good night and I want you to join me in thanking professor Michio Kaku for a great evening [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Think Inc.
Views: 442,673
Rating: 4.8493676 out of 5
Keywords: Michio Kaku, Dr Michio Kaku, Derek Muller, Veritasium, Think Inc., Ideas, Physics, String Theory, News, Entertainment, Consciousness, think inc, the universe, Are there Extra Dimensions, Why Life Seems to Speed Up as We Age, What Exactly is the Present, The Illusion of Truth, the Evolution of Intelligence, kaku, dr michio kaku, michio kaku interview, michio kaku 2018, veritasium michio kaku, michio kaku string theory, michio kaku 2015, michio, kaku michio, next world michio kaku
Id: 6XOOXvXc640
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 04 2015
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