Amy Poehler & Maya Hawke Debunk 'Inside Out 2' Fan Theories with the Cast | Entertainment Weekly

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I feel like Bing Bong considers himself an old school performer you know I don't think he thinks he's a monster he's a performer he's a performer he's he's from the he's from Vaudeville yes indeed hi I'm Amy polar and I play Joy and I'm Mya Hawk and I play anxiety hi I'm Louis flank and I play anger I'm Lisa Lira and I play disgust I'm Tony hail and I play fear and we are here to debunk the wildest Inside Out theories let's check it out from at just the nobody's so there's a theory going around that Bing Bong is actually a monster from Monsters Inc that has visited Riley when she was younger and the memory of him has lived with her can you guys confirm or deny this the oh my goodness this gives me so much joy wow that's a cool one I've never heard that I feel like I cannot confirm nor deny I can only celebrate the creativity and the the joy in that yeah I I'm going to I'm going to deny deny okay I think no I don't know I just don't get that vibe from Bing Bong I don't want to debunk that I like that theory I like the kind of metaverse of Pixar that some they're all weirdly connected I like the idea that Bing Bong is still with us because it broke me when he left this is from at Pop Culture brain thinks eagle-eyed fans notice that Riley has a fourtown poster on her wall whose fourtown they're the fictional boy band from the movie turning red so either fourtown exists across multiple univers or turning red and Inside Out shared the same universe and maybe Riley and may could run into each other at a fourtown concert I'm just impressed fourtown has stuck it out as long as they have they've been a band for a lot of years considering turning red takes place in 2002 and the inside out movies likely take place years later that's the first I've heard of for to oh I remember them from turning red I don't think they're interconnected because of the time Gap so I think that they might be like a vampire boy band like 7,000 years old oh wow and there's like a band that looks young forever I remember my first fourtown concert um and uh I was just young and um yeah I went with my older cousin is fourtown a real band no oh okay sorry I got really I know you were going for a joke and then I got confused and I ruined it ruined it with my dumb dumb brain no no fourtown would forgive you okay oh yeah even can we go to a for toown concert together yes okay maybe she kept it as a Nostalgia item she got it it like a craft sale that's another theory that I i' really never thought of and won't think of again from hourglass dolphin okay all right uh anxiety exists in this film as a corrupt mixture between joy and fear Envy is wide eyed as if expressing wonder which I'd argue is connected to fear and I think this could represent disgust turning inward embarrassment is a combination of anger and fear finally unwe arises out of the way fear prevents any change from the emotional state of sadness wow that is did you write this because it's very fear based is this like a dissertation it is that's exactly it this feels honestly like someone who's trying to make a word count on their term paper yes because it feels like they're stretching this argument to finish their assignment congrats I don't understand any of that like I know in your brain it makes sense yeah I don't understand it no none of it look Joy anxiety doesn't exist as a corrupt mixture of joyan fear oh I I missed the corrupt corrupt and anyways we don't get it it's arguably debatable with color theory whether or not there are more than the three primary colors that are presented to us and I guess it's maybe a debatable with emotion Theory as well and I too I'm working on my term paper word count very cool I'm very impressed by the term color theory and how you've used it I think this is true because they've used parentheses and brackets and and that's when you know things are true and capitalization yeah and they've said which I argue and if you put that in something it's true you're 100% right I would grade this term paper um smiley face yeah smiley face cuz there's no more letter grades no that's over we don't do that from the hero but the E and hero is a three you will think that this Disney theory is unbelievable do you remember the scene in inside out when Riley steals her mom's credit card well what if if I told you that the credit card actually belongs to someone else the name on the credit card is K an Anderson Riley's mom's name is actually Jill Anderson but then who is K and Anderson the answer to that question is Bonnie Anderson's mom from Toy Story that means Riley's mom from inside out stole Bonnie's mom from Toy Story's credit card maybe that's the real reason Riley's family moved wow this seems like a nonsense s to me this one did confuse me are we sure that that's what it says on the back of the credit card are you reading it right let's start there yeah and and then what what would it mean that she stole it I thought she was they were going to say like she stole her identity like or like their sisters yeah or like and it's it was a whoopsie doole who's Jill who's Jill Jill is the mom inside out and K is the mom from Toy Story okay then oh wait Jill's the mom okay so what does the card say the card say K so they're saying Jill stole it from K what about the obvious that Jill is K's daughter and maybe she has what about the obvious is how does somebody even have the time to do this how do you even look to see what was on the credit card well leis n let's not bash other people's hobbies are you sure it's K an Anderson yeah he said it really confidently but when he showed the picture it was just blurry SC blurry cursive and I can't read my sen on the back of my credit yeah yeah yeah sneaking around in other in other animations it's this is madness Okay Z Chong 7 says as Bing Bong dies he says take her to the moon for me does Riley become an astronut or does she follow her love of hockey or does she discover something else and and does that wow I love metaphorically the idea that Riley is an astronaut me too that she's kind of dis covering different galaxies in herself and I think that's what Bing Bong means I think he means take her to the moon like get her there get her to being a grown-up get her to the moon in the Star right or am I wrong about that the moon also I you know what I love about that moment is Bing bong's take her to the moon for me is so oldfashioned take her to the moon for me okay he makes his grand gestures like he's in you know playing to the back of the house yes um like here's looking at you exactly take her to the moart I think she discovers something else and does that I agree I also I don't think she's going to the moon no I also think take her to the Moon not happening she's not going to the Moon she's not going she's not going who knows what she's going to grow up to be probably not a hockey professional hockey player or an astronaut no prob and all likely she'll do something be like a dental hygienist one can hope CU that's an actually great steady job a really good job really good job I think take her to the moon for me is a phrase It's not literally go to the Moon right oh yeah yeah yeah totally this is from be amazed media but where do they come up with that the names in 2015's inside out we take it for granted that the beings inside ry's head as well as her imaginary friend Bing Bong are either representations of her emotions or products of Her Imagination but what if they existed in a much more literal way real world research in recent years has hinted that bacteria present in our bodies and brains has the ability to influence our emotions and the functions of our brain so what if the creatures in Riley's head are actually some kind of mindrolling bacteria I didn't like that I I didn't like that uh there was a person in some kind of hazmat suit there was a microscope don't ruin it just like I guess ruin it like a don't make it yucky like why do we have to talk about bacteria like you're the one with bacteria yeah it also takes all the joy out of the film yeah just want to take a step back and just enjoy it man let's not break it down that much bacteria destroying that's like getting into alien territory mat yeah that's like nauseating mind controlling bacteria lapis lauli the best says given how brief and simple surprise is I don't think surprise is a character at all but rather the console's default setting it activates when Riley sees something new this is because surprise is actually a neutral emotion that is usually followed by another like fear or Joy the other five are activated when a character emotion takes control of the console surprise isn't a character who who who are we arguing with someone must have said surprise is a character going to be a character yeah it's a great question is surprise an emotion it's almost feels more like a reaction yeah Kelsey man the director said there's 27 different emotions I wonder if it's one of them I wonder we'd have to look it up too lazy to do it don't care that much just like literally my phone is right there I could Central Jersey says I have a theory that the elemental movie by Pixar takes place inside R's head in her limic system it's responsible for subjective pleasure coordinating some movements temperatures regulation and communication with the endocrine system its citizens can't logically conclude their in brain we're actors yeah literally this is not ER guys like what chill someone called Dr McDreamy I I can't answer this question where's Dr need more units of plasma I just this is not why I don't know two different movies and they're cool both of them individually that could be that Elemental lives in her brain yes wow I stamp approved delusional of course I'm delusional do you know how hard it is to stay positive all the time when all you folks do is complain complain complain Jiminy Mother Love and CH your shud if she's angry does this imply that each emotion has its own emotions HQ in their head we've been talking about this and the changes keeps continuing forever maybe maybe we were talking about this do the emotions have emotions I like that idea I know like she is accessing anger in that moment for sure and yeah when does that end like that's just like an mcer you know Loop That Never Ends they're definitely not one-dimensional characters they definitely do experience other emotions that was really fun to do cuz Joy never gets to be angry very rarely so when she gets to let it out it's a blast from at Dan bouille when anxiety moves into Riley's headquarters she brings a lot of baggage with her now while that is symbolic notice how the parents don't have the anxiety emotions or any of the new emotions really which implies that the classic emotions make it back to headquarters and defeat anxiety maybe not necessarily defeat anxiety but find a way to suppress it as most people learn to do during High School and I think sadness is going to play a huge role in this notice how in the trailer sadness is not with the original group as they're kicked off from headquarters which makes me think that sadness will join the side of the new emotions temporarily to defeat anxiety from the inside why does he have to talk so fast that's really fast man I would say to this user good catch that she isn't there but it's for a different reason than you think she does play a pivotal role still yeah she does it's a good theory for someone who hasn't seen inside out to which is come to theaters on June 14th from garon 0413 we see inside the heads of adults and they just had the same basic five emotions Riley had so if people get new emotions during puberty then why don't adults have them I think they come to the surface during events of extreme emotion like during adolescence and after that they go back in the background mind forever and they don't stay in headquarters forever that's cool that's an interesting idea the core f are there at the at the console right and then during the chaos of puberty anxiety you know embarrassment the other ones show up but then when we go to adults like when we look at the Riley's mom and dad they still have the core five so where did their anxieties go where did their embarrassment and they're saying that they go to the background mind area like they're in the back office and they don't stay in the headquarters I don't know because I I think as an adult it's still so challenging to get to the core emotions but as you grow older you know you kind of just basically deal with those five unless the others come into play for any reason it also might be interesting just a pitch for the third one where there's a place separate from headquarters where these more complicated emotions hang out like a lounge yes that where they're kind of waiting to go on yes that would be fun I'd like to see that me too where they're just kind of like in almost like an emotional batting cage and they're just getting ready yes I so I guess that that's a cool I agree I bunk that yeah me too I think there's a level at which this is psychotic oh okay not majorly psychotic with a small P yeah just a little nutty SC L is Middle neighbor's encouragement yeah did you get that well yeah but it's an odd thing to go into depth just enjoy it sure on June 14th go there sit down zip it and and have a good time and don't worry about the rest of it okay there are other things to concern yourself with like your own emotions I want your voice in the theater is just going like sit down and zpp in shut off your phones yeah good job everybody good job really my favorite thing about human beings is that we not only do we have dreams and ideas and tell stories we then tell stories about each other's stories we write songs about each other's songs we make movies about each other's movies it's really an endless Wormhole but it's one of my favorite wormholes in the world there's nothing more inspiring that should inspire you to make art then great art so I think it's really cool and I hope that every idea that we debunked someone just goes and does it in their own creative story yes and as members of the Illuminati we thank you for joining us today indeed
Channel: Entertainment Weekly
Views: 184,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entertainment Weekly, Debunked, pixar fan theories, pixar movie fan theories, inside out 2, inside out pixar theory, inside out theories, inside out theory bing bong, inside out theory stages of grief, inside out theory lgbtq, inside out 2 theory, bing bong inside out, bing bong monster inc, pixar film theory, pixar movie theories, Amy Poehler, Maya Hawke, Lewis Black, Liza Lapira, Tony Hale, inside out fan theories, disney fan theories, amy poehler inside out
Id: pvtZaXbsjfM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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