Amtrak California Zephyr - the most SCENIC ride in the USA
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Channel: Simply Railway
Views: 582,189
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Amtrak, Auto train, Superliner, P42, Genesis, GE P42, Acela, Amtrak roomette, Amtrak coach, Coast starlight, Acela express, Amtrak review, Amtrak trip report, American trains, Southwest chief, Union Station, Union Pacific, Sightseer lounge, Rail, USA, Amtrak Coach, Long distance Amtrak, American train, Viewliner, Silver Meteor, Silver Star, New Viewliner, Viewliner II, California Zephyr, USA Rail Pass, Denver, Colorado train, Utah train, Transcontinental railroad, donner party
Id: ZONY0pBwrsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 23sec (3143 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Man...I hope to do this one day. It looks like quite the journey.
Doing this exact trip in a little over a month! Itβs been my dream trip since I first learned about Amtrak.
So excited to experience the traditional dining on it as well!
It's still a bit disingenuous they call this a Chicago to San Francisco ride.
It would be like booking a train to Chicago and being dropped off in Brookfield.