Amos 3:1-15 - Hear This Word

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all right Amos chapter three now in our last song there we were singing tonight I want to follow Jesus I want to follow the Lord no turning back and I thought well that's exactly what the Jews did and what Amos was ministering to the people of God had turned back they had turned back into the world now in our second chapter from verses four through the end of chapter two there is a reproof given to both Israel the northern ten tribes and Judah the two southern tribes and so God has sent his reproof to his people now in Chapter three he tells them to heed and to hear that particular reproof now it's interesting if you look at chapters three four and five each of these chapters begin with the word hear and so what the Prophet is doing now Amos is beginning to apply the Word of God to these particular people so he has told them you have turned away from me you need to return and now he's saying here hear me heed what I have said notice verse 1 he says here this word that the Lord has spoken against you O children of Israel against the whole family which I brought up from the land of Egypt saying you only have I known of all the families of the earth therefore I will punish you for all your iniquities so here the Lord says some very important things to these people he tells them here hear this word notice he calls them the children of Israel the whole family which I brought up from Egypt I notice it's interesting here that the two groups the northern ten tribes and the two southern tribes they are a divided Kingdom at this moment but the Lord doesn't see them as diet he sees them still as his people the whole family that has been brought up from Egypt and so he speaks to both of them he is addressing them and and really encouraging them to hear his word notice that he says here in verse 2 you only have I known of all the families of the earth so he is declaring to them that they have a greater responsibility here because they have been specifically called into a covenant relationship with the Lord that they have a special relationship with him that no other nation on the face of the earth has so with special a special calling a covenant made to them and understanding of the word and the truth of God that has been given to them they have a special and greater responsibility now that is an important issue because that's exactly the same thing that all of us have today you see with greater knowledge with greater understanding with the covenant that we have been called to we have a greater responsibility because we know more and every single time you come to church here and you learn more the greater your responsibility is so you have to understand that this is what Jesus said in Luke 12:40 he said he who did not know yet committed things deserving of stripes shall be beaten with few but everyone to whom much is given from him much will be required to whom much has been committed of him they will ask the more so I think that clearly refers to each one of us you see we have been given much and of us he will require more so there is a very specific responsibility that you have been given just as these people were they had been given the truths of God called out of this world into a specific covenant with with God and now he is saying you are responsible for that and that is why he is going to judge them because they have rebelled against that that calling now the word here is a very interesting word this hebrew word here that very first word there in verse one is a word that literally means to heed to consent to to agree or to obey and so listening to something this hearing that he's talking about here is much more than just listening to what he's saying he's actually saying you need to heed what I'm saying you need to obey what I am saying you need to consent to what I am saying with the heart you have to yield and surrender to what I am trying to teach you what I'm trying to reprove you of and call you back to and so this is an essential thing for growth in their lives restoration of their lives or maturity in their lives again the same thing is true with each one of us you see you have been called to obey Him not just listen to him you see every time you come and you hear the word preached you are responsible to obey it every time you read the Bible in your daily devotional time you are responsible to obey it or to heat it to consent to it so that is an essential understanding and that's what he's asking them to do when he says here here this word he's not just saying listen to me he's saying obey me which is a very important thing in mark chapter 4 verse 24 this is what Jesus said to his disciples he said take heed what you hear with the same measure you use it will be measured to you and to you who hear more will be given isn't that interesting you see if I hear and heed what he is asking me to do then more will be given now this is probably one of the reasons why Christians Grove stagnant and stale in their Christian walk is what this is probably one of the biggest reasons is because a person does not do anything with what they hear they're listening they're reading but they are not heeding they are not obeying what the Spirit is telling them to do what he is convicting them about they are not responding to what he is encouraging them to do they are not actually doing and so what that does is it retards a person's spiritual growth because they aren't putting into practice what the Lord has given to him what the Lord has shown them and so this is an essential thing I really believe that in your personal devotional time when you sit down and just read the word you should come away with a specific conclusion what has he told me to do what has he convicted me about what has he encouraged me to do what has he and encouraged me to believe as a promise or or what command am i to obey I've got to come away from that time with something specific if you just say okay I read my chapter close the book I did my duty I did my Christian duty that's really not gonna do it again because you're not coming away with something practical so that's the that's where you should end your devotional time he is saying Lord what do you want me to do with what you just taught me is there something you want me to believe something you want me to obey something you want me to repent of what is it that you are speaking to me this is an essential thing that enables a person to really grow and mature in your Christian walk so if you feel like you're in a stagnant place where you really are not growing and maturing this would be a real good place to start looking as far as what is look the issue so are you listening and are you heating and are you obeying what the Spirit is speaking to you about you see this is probably one of the most simple and yet one of the most profound issues of the Christian life in Revelation chapter 2 verse 7 there Jesus said he who has an ear let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches so seven times to the seven churches jesus said the same thing now if he says something twice you should really sit up a notice if he says it's seven times in a row that's a big deal that is an important issue so do you hear and heed what the Spirit is actually saying to you so it is my responsibility to stop and ask the Lord to show me that for me personally it's your responsibility to stop and ask the Lord for you personally what are you saying to me what is the Spirit saying do I have an ear to hear what the Spirit is saying to me because I'm a part of the church so it's an essential aspect of the Christian life so this is why the Lord is correcting them this is why he is judging them because they have for hundreds of years been in a rebellious place going up and down in their relationship with him serving him for a while and then retreating serving him for a while and then retreating and he's saying it's time to wake up and to hear so let's just look at this issue of hearing a little bit more what is this hearing do for your life what is hearing the word do for your life according to Amos you see there are some very specific things that he's going to address here in this chapter verse 3 he says can two walk together unless they are agreed will a lion roar in the forest when he has no prey will a young lion cry out of his den if he has caught nothing will a bird fall into a snare on the earth where there is no trap for it will a snare spring up from the earth if it has caught nothing at all if a trumpet is blown and in a city will not the people be afraid if there is calamity in a city well not the Lord will not the Lord have done it and so here is the application in these all these rhetorical questions then he says in verse 7 surely the Lord God does nothing unless he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets a lion has roared who will not fear the Lord God has spoken who can but prophesy so here is what the word does let me go over with you several things that hearing and heeding the word will do for your individual life and this is the point of the prophecies here in Amos the first issue that heating and hearing the word will do in your life is that it will enable you to come into an agreement with the father now agreement with the father is a very important thing now I bet you many of you have heard this particular passage quoted many times can two walk together except they be agreed and it's a very powerful verse it has a very important question that has to be answered can two individuals walk together except they are agree the answer is no they cannot they cannot walk together they cannot walk in harmony together unless they are agree now the Hebrew word here for agreement is very important it means to meet to come near to come into an associate association with another as in betrothal now this gives you the true intent of this word agreement this is just not a mental agreement well yeah I kind of agree with you yeah yeah I agree with that but you know very it's just kind of on a mental level well this is more than just that it is referring to an agreement of the heart and it is clearly seen in the way this particular word agreement is translated in the rest of the new in the Old Testament one passage in Exodus 21 9 the word betrothed is the same Hebrew word agreement it says if he has betrothed this is Exodus 21 9 if he has betrothed her to his son he shall deal with her according to the custom of daughters so betrothed here is the same word meet together or to come into association with to come into a heart agreement and it's a love issue you see that's why it is described here as betrothal you see you're not going to become betrothed or engaged to someone unless what you're in love with them you have come into a love agreement with them a heart agreement with them and you are going in the same direction you see that's never gonna happen unless that occurs so that's what this word agreement means it's also translated in reference to meeting with the Lord Himself in Exodus 25 22 it says there I will meet with you now what is the Lord referring to well he's referring here to the Ark of the Covenant and to the mercy seat and over the mercy seat of this Ark of the Covenant inside the holiest of all is where the Shekinah presence of God dwelt so in the tabernacle in the temple in this holiest of holy places was where the actual presence of God dwelt and it was over the mercy seat inside this box but the mercy seat was on top of was the law of God but obviously the law of God that had been broken so you have the mercy seat and that's where the Lord meets with his people he meets with them and this is where agreement is found in pardon for sin it's interesting that in the New Testament it says if we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness the word confessed there means to come into agreement isn't that interesting there's no no coincidence there you see for me to meet with God to come into a real agreement with him I must come into a heart agreement this is sin I need your forgiveness and that's the only way I am going to meet with him and so this particular word is very important in its understanding so this is how someone comes near to the Lord and meets with him as they hear him they heed what he has to say they take to heart what he has to say and when you take to heart what he has to say you are going to repent you are going to believe you are going to obey and that's what brings you into an agreement with him a heart agreement with him it's what enables you to walk with him and to walk with him in a way that well you're gonna get where he wants you to go so this is an essential is now Jesus said that this was the depth of friendship that he was looking for in relationship with his disciples in John 15 verses 14 and 15 jesus said you are my friends if you do whatever I command you isn't that interesting he says you're not my friends if you just you know make a mental assent in your mind to agree with me no he says you are my friends if you do whatever I command you you see there is the heating I hear what he says and I consent to it I obey it I obey him and I follow him so this is really a very important aspect to the depth of relationship that you're looking for in your relationship with him and the depth of relationship he's looking for with you now your closest friends are people that you are an agreement with aren't they aren't they the people that you can openly share with and discuss whatever with and they can do the same with you you could talk with them about anything because that reveals a depth of friendship you know when everything is very surface when everything is just hey how you doing oh praise the Lord everything's great and see you next week well that's really surface and when somebody says hey how are you doing and you say not real good I'm having a real difficult time you know what's gonna happen between you and that person well I'll tell you you're gonna develop relationship because that person gonna say WOW let me can I pray for you can I encourage you can I share with you and obviously two people are gonna grow into a deeper relationship with each other I mean people that I spend any length of time counseling with I'm telling you you you end up being good friends with those those individuals because you get to know them they get to know you the more time you spend sharing the issues that you are really struggling with in your life you're gonna grow in in friendship with that person and so this is what Jesus is looking for John 15 again verse 14 and 15 he says you are my friends if you do whatever I command you no longer do I call you servants for a servant does not know what his master is doing but I called you friends for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you so jesus said there's a free flow of communication between what the father has shown me and what I have told you I've given you everything that the father wanted me to share with you so when is Jesus saying this on that last night before the crucifixion that last moment where he has to share some of the most intimate things in his heart with his disciples and so he tells them this is what it's all about this is what real relationship is all about and so you're not going to be friends with someone that you ask them with would you not do that I mean if you were like say you know rode to work with someone and you said hey would you would you please you know refrain from smoking in the car while we're going to work because I don't smoke and you do and then they lit up a cigarette you'd go and day after day they did the same thing or you someone you know would you please not do this or say that that really is offensive or it really bothers me and if that person keeps doing the same thing then you say to yourself well they really could care less basically they don't care they don't care about what I've just asked them I share this with husbands and wives I shared this with roommates all the time I go you know it if you want to have a lasting relationship with someone then you've got to listen to what they're asking you to do if you want a depth of a marital relationship then you've got to heed what you're being asked and if it's not something that's unreasonable you know or quirky or weird you need to respond so it's a very important issue so what does the Lord want you to hear tonight what is he saying that maybe you're refusing to hear or to heed very important question to ask what is what is the Lord been trying to talk to you about in the last week what was he trying to talk to you about today and maybe you resisted him very important question now verses 3 through 6 there are seven rhetorical questions here and these seven rhetorical questions have an obvious answer to them I mean can two walk together except they be agreed well obviously not will a lion roar in the forest when he has no prey no he's going to be sleeping under a tree someplace and so he says will a young lion cry out in his dinner literally this is in the Hebrew growl in his den if he has caught nothing that's the satisfied growl I just had a good meal and he says will a bird fall into a snare on the earth where there is no trap for it well obviously not you bird can't get into a snare if there isn't a snare in the first place okay will a snare spring up from the earth if it has caught nothing at all well no of course not I mean a snare is not going to be tripped unless there's something there to trip it something there to cause it he says will a trumpet if a trumpet is blown in the city will not the people be afraid well of course yes they will if there is calamity in a city will not the Lord have done it and so he's basically telling them here that calamity is coming upon their nation and it's going to be because the Lord has brought it to pass now his point here is that certain events are inseparably connected together they there's no there's a cause and there's an effect there's an action and there's a response to that action and that's his point here he's using this method to ask these obviously rhetorical questions here to get them to the conclusion at the end of verse 6 if there is calamity in a city will not the Lord have done it you see this word calamity some of your translations might have the word evil here but it is more correctly translated calamity this word literally means misery inflicted in judgment there are gosh I don't know there's probably eight or ten different words for evil or sin in Hebrew and each one of them has a little different you know tweak to it it means a little different thing and so this is the result it is misery calamity consequence as a result of sin and so this is the point that he is trying to get across to him here evil or misery is a consequence of their sin and their rebellion again what was their sin and rebellion you go back to chapter 2 back to the specific reproofs that were given to Judah and to Israel and you will see this is what they did not respond to they did not hear now it's essential that you should always make that connection there is an inseparable connection between sin and a consequence to that sin I did an entire study on this in our look at the life of David do you remember David sins and the consequences that went on for years after in his life those consequences are inseparable from what he did and sin will always bring a consequence in your life as well and you need to make that connection in Proverbs 627 there Solomon says can a man take fire to his bosom and his clothes and not be burned that's an obvious consequence correct you can't take a torch and hold it up next to your clothes and something not happen you cannot sin and practice sin and there not be a consequence in lamentations chapter 5 verse 7 there Jeremiah says our fathers sinned and are no more but we bear their iniquities Wow powerful passage if that doesn't reveal the consequences of sin I don't know what does he said our fathers sinned and are no more they are taken captive they are dead or taken captive one of the to Jeremiah was left and many of the there were very few people left in the land but those few were really experiencing tremendous consequences because of the rebellion of the nation Jeremiah experienced the consequences of the nation and it's rebellion we will all experience the consequences of our nation and it's rebellion you you experience it every day it's just sometimes it's just the frustration of you're living in this world with people or with individuals that really could care less about God I mean when a friend or a family member or a neighbor gets killed by a drunk driver that's the consequences of the sin and the rebellion of a people of a nation that is wholly given over to drugs and alcohol and God forbid that we should ever legalize marijuana because that will only make it just that much worse I don't want to be driving down the freeway at 65 miles an hour with a truck driver driving a 16-wheeler 18-wheeler that's high on pot okay I don't want to experience that so there are real consequences to what people vote in and what they agree to in our society today so it's a real issue sin brings real consequences now the third thing that he that hearing him enables you to do is it enables you to know exactly what your what God is doing what he wants you to do and how he wants you to obey Him that is clearly revealed here in verse seven he says surely the Lord God does nothing unless he reveals his secret to his servants the prophets now Amos is an example of just that he is revealed to Amos judgment is coming upon Israel judgment will come upon Judah did that prophecy and did the prophecies that we looked at in chapter two did they come to pass yes they did so God revealed that secret that insight that understanding to his profit and that profit revealed it to his people so why should they heed his word so that they can keep themselves from calamity using so they can know exactly what they should do and how to recover themselves out of their their faulting and their failing and their faults and so God spoke through the prophets he gave them us he showed them his sovereign plan he encouraged them to respond to that plan to obey it and to follow him he warned them if they did not do this this is the result and that is exactly what took place and so he the prophets are a powerful use of God's mercy sending them revealing the secrets of what is to come telling us what is to come so that we will heat it Jesus gave predictions in the New Testament the Apostle John in the book of Revelation gave us tremendous insight into what is coming upon this world and he wants us to heed that and he wants us to change our lives walk in accordance with him because we know what's coming you know what's coming to not turn is total complete foolishness when you know this is what is going to come to pass and so it is essential that you see this mercy is what warns a person before correction ever occurs I mean all through the New Testament you see warning after warning God says this correction will come upon you and if we don't heed that then we are not heeding his mercy its mercy that does this in Psalm 19 verses 9 and 11 or through 11 he says the fear of the Lord is clean enduring forever the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether more to be desired are they than gold yea than much fine gold sweeter also than honey and the honeycomb moreover by them your servant is warned and in keeping them there is great reward so the servant of God is warned now think about it for a minute have you ever had a servant of God a man or a woman say something to you warn you about some action that you're taking and you not heeded and then all of a sudden you think to yourself well they told me but I didn't do it I'd say yeah I bet every one of us in this room has the opposite is true as someone encouraged you in a particular way in faith with a promise of God you trust him and in so trusting and obeying you find the great reward you turn around and you look back and you oh wow you know be daeun steward there is great reward you see there's a great consequence but there's a great reward as well so many times people only want to focus on warning warning warning or they want to focus on just promises promise after promise but both are essential I need to be warned and I need to receive his promises and I need to heed them and in so doing there is great reward so whether it's encouragement or warning an essential thing hearing him enables you to know what God is doing and what he wants you to do specifically and then last here in verse 8 hearing him is proof that you fear God notice a lion has roared now remember this is where turn back with me to the beginning of Amos remember this is where this prophecy started remember chapter 1 verse 2 the Lord roars from Zion and utters his voice from Jerusalem the Lord roars from Zion and the Prophet is roaring God is speaking and the Prophet is responding he is listening and he is communicating what God is declaring and so if you heed and you hear and heed what God is saying you are proving that you fear God so in verse 8 he says a lion is roared who will not fear the Lord has spoken the Lord God has spoken who can but prophesy Amos is here giving a very personal statement here he's making it very clear if a lion roars you're gonna fear well the lion is roaring and if you hear it you will fear you will not only fear in the physical sense but you will fear in the spiritual sense you will fear God you see true reverence for God will mean that you will hear and obey in Psalm 112 verse 1 there David said praise the Lord blessed is the man who fears the Lord who delights greatly in his Commandments not just delights in his commandments but delights greatly in his commandments so the man who fears God the woman who fears God will delight in those Commandments to the point of obeying them you see jesus said if you love me keep my Commandments you see loving him and obeying him go hand in hand if you fear God you will obey Him if you respect him and reverence him so if you fear God you will heed him when God speaks that settles it now this is probably one of the most sensitive aspects I believe of the heart in fearing God when God speaks when you read the scripture and a passage of scripture just speaks to you and you just say that answers that question for me that is wrong that is right this is what I shouldn't do or this is what I should do that settles it for you if you fear God that's what your heart will do it you'll just say that's that's done it's that's it I don't have to consider this or think about this or debate this any more it's that's what the fear of God does that's what the love of God does in your heart when God has spoken that settles it I'm done that is what I'm going to do that is what he is asking me to do and then also it will help you to speak that word this is why he goes on to say the Lord God has spoken who can but prophesy you see for Amos he could not but prophesy you see because he was a man who feared God he was a man who said I will do whatever you call me to do now remember Amos is just he's just a sheepherder that's all he is it's just a regular guy out takin care of his sheep and you'll see that especially in the illustration that is in the latter part of this chapter at the end here in just a minute but he's just a shepherd that's all and it doesn't make any difference if God speaks to you he wants you to settle that issue in your mind and he wants you to turn around and speak that word to others as well he wants you to be just as clear about that with others as he has been with you and not hold it back in first Corinthians 9 16 Paul said for if I preach the gospel I have nothing to boast of for necessity is laid upon me yes woe is me if I do not preach the gospel woe is me if I do not you see that's the way you should look at it as he looked at it Paul just said look I I have been given the I've been entrusted with a Word of God you have been entrusted with the Word of God and you have to speak it you have to share it with whoever the Lord commands you to so you must proclaim it if it's settled in your heart then you must proclaim it as well now the latter part of this chapter is well it's very sad because it's the judgment that is to come upon them in verse 9 he says proclaim in the palaces at Ashdod and in the palaces in the land of Egypt and say assemble on the mountains of Samaria see great tumult in her midst and the oppressed within her notice here God tells the Philistines and the Egyptians that they are to come and watch the judgment that is to befall the Northern Kingdom of Israel now why does he tell them this well because in just a very short time in 722 BC the Assyrians would come and they would obliterate the Northern Kingdom of Israel there are so few ruins of anything left in the Northern Kingdom of Israel the Assyrians obliterated their cities their palaces and everything that they had and so it is he is telling them come and see it why because after the Assyrians came about a hundred and fifty years after that the Babylonians came and so the Babylonians came and destroyed the Philistines the area of Ashdod and the Egyptians so this is kind of like come and look at the judgment that I am bringing because if you don't turn this is what's going to happen to you as well pretty pretty serious then verse 10 he says for they do not know what they do not know to do right says the Lord store up violence and robbery in their palaces so the Samaritans had stored up violence and robbery in there they had robbed the poor and they had done violence to the people of the land basically because of their idolatry he says they they don't even know what is right and wrong any longer their conscience is seared and so he's saying judgment is coming then verse 11 he says thus says the Lord God an adversary shall be all around the land he shall SAP your strength from you and your palaces shall be plundered and that's what the Assyrians did they came and they basically took all of the wealth of the land and they basically sapped their strength and they laid siege to every one of their cities until ultimately they gave up and they gave in the Assyrians were incredibly cruel they would take the the people and they would put a fishhook in their mouth and they would hook them together in a line and take them captive into other lands I'm telling ya I wouldn't want to live in that time that's all I got to say and so the adversary that he's speaking about here in verse 11 is the Assyrians that are going to come then verse 12 he declares total destruction is coming except for a remnant here's the mercy of God again he says for thus says the Lord as a shepherd takes from the mouth of a lion two legs or a piece of an ear now I wonder where Amos got that idea a shepherd taking out of the mouth of a lion a couple of legs from one of his sheep or a piece of an ear okay so shall the children of Israel be taken out who dwell in Samaria in a corner of a bed and on the edge of a couch in other words nothing is going to be left but just a remnant just a little bit just a few verse 13 here and testify against the house of jacob says the lord god the god of hosts that in the day i punish Israel for their transgressions I will also visit destruction on the altars of Bethel now this is where the golden calf was set up remembered Jeroboam set up the golden calf in bethel and in the northern kingdom or northern tribe of dan when we go to israel we go to the actual altar that is left where this image was set up it's very interesting you can see the steps right up to the the altar area there in the city of Dan this is where they set the golden calf up some of you are smiling you have been there with us very interesting place and so he says he's going to visit destruction on these altars of Bethel and the horns of the altar shall be cut off and fall to the ground he said I will destroy the winter house along with the summer house the houses of ivory shall perish and the Great Houses shall have an end says the Lord and they had some incredible palaces tearsa and Samaria the cities of the Northern Kingdom of Israel were by historians incredibly beautiful cities and palaces there's nothing left of them they are completely obliterated so God says there is going to be complete destruction with just a leg or two left in the mouth of the lion remember the lion is the one that's roaring okay this image you see all through this particular prophecy and so he tells them here basically there is but a little mercy for the Northern Kingdom of Israel now this is a point and a truth that you will find all the way through the Old Testament and the New Testament when God speaks about judgment upon the nation Israel he always says but he will spare a remnant a very few and he does that out of mercy so that ultimately his promises to them will be fulfilled if that nation was completely obliterated there were none left I mean like there are no more Canaanites there are no more ammonites there are no more Hittites gears our sites there's no none of those people exist anymore they're gone they have disappeared but there are still Jews why because it says in Romans 9:27 here is a prophecy from the book of Isaiah that Paul quotes in the New Testament he said Isaiah also cries out concerning Israel though the number of the children of Israel shall be as the sand of the sea the remnant will be saved there is the piece of veneer and two legs that's what he's saying Romans 11 5 even so then at this present time there is a remnant according to the election of grace and so there are saved Jews and there are unsaved Jews still a remnant I mean you have gosh there's probably 6 million Jews in the Land of Israel today I don't know what the world population of the Jews are today but it is much less than it would have been I mean after the Second World War there were 9 million Jews in Europe before the Second World War there were 3 million after the Second World War and just a few hundred thousand emigrated to Israel and now there are 6 million Jews in the Land of Israel today and their population is growing but there is a remnant that is saved by the mercy of God so that he will fulfill his word and his promise and so even in judgment God here declares you'll still have a leg or two a piece of an ear but that's it there is going to be very little left after this destruction and yet God is going to do that to fulfill his promises and he will amen let's go to him in prayer father we thank you so much Lord that you are a God of mercy even in the midst of judgment and lord I know that judgment is to come upon our land Lord we are ripe for judgment Lord our land is in rebellion against you Lord I pray this this evening the Lord you will turn our nation or that you will bring repentance in our land Lord that you would bring an awakening orden you would cause people to hear and to heed your word Lord we believe you to do that tonight Lord cause your your people cause us to hear and to heed your word help us to be obedient lord help us to have that heart that Lord when you speak we cannot but prophecy we cannot but speak word to others Lord we believe you to do that tonight lord help us to become more sensitive to your voice and to hear what the Spirit is saying to us in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Pastor Steve Carr
Views: 1,971
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Book Of Amos (Religious Text)
Id: vtyc7BaJwAM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 34sec (3274 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 27 2014
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