among us with proximity chat | Disguised Toast Full Stream

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is this is a test that's a good time we can barely hear him running down the hallway that's good oh my god wow okay uh everybody break and play yeah [Music] imposter can anyone hear me i'm all alone i am doing tasks uh proximity voice chat is on can you hear me yeah i can hear you as they can't hear me yeah i can hear you i can hear you okay cool well you haven't killed me yet so i'm inclined to trust you yeah i ain't the imposter okay okay i i have some tasks to the left here oh yeah for sure just go ahead one two three four five six seven eight oh hi hello hi what are you guys doing oh just our task you're trying to figure out what the best spot to vent to to get a kill [Music] oh i'm just doing simon says this is really distracting actually trying to do the buttons and oh lights are out looking oh yeah just you you stand that time it says do not walk away he's walking away from the simon says he walked away from the side says i don't know where he is oh oh okay he's doing it oh okay okay wait wait where did leslie go i don't know she was with us are you safe yeah yeah i gotta hey i gotta talk to your little your little buddy hold on it's you hey little guy hey he's toast a bad guy don't talk to my son i'm so uh he just is he having a good day i apparently am the captain on this ship and you could sell from the hat and this uniform i totally didn't kill someone for oh no one's oh my god lupo there's two bodies in here and then she chases me away saying she's gonna kill me i know that it's not toast hey toast knows that it's not me that is true people are dead pretty sure everyone's dead i think it's not i trust the other person the only person i trust is brooke the only person i trust is well definitely not leslie wait wait where did you find the body out yeah yeah and electrical yeah wait wait wait wait ghost and i walked in there chased me out of electrical screaming you're gonna breathe let's hear where dream was was that okay oh dream it's dream then i just i'm locked i'm locked in cafeteria i just left corpse in cafeteria and he was setting up i saw corpse afk at the lunch table and i was trying to go towards weapons and i got locked in cafeteria i'm locked right now the doors are closed i'm not lying hmm oh that's true brooke the doors closed just right right they did they did but corpse is dead and corpses i'm currently you think dream killed corpse and locked himself in there yeah it makes no sense that makes no sense you're right you're right i mean well i don't want to point any fingers but leslie did chase me out of electrical yelling that i'm gonna breathe my last breath why'd you say that leslie yeah leslie what was that i was testing the the new the feature we we just added it's fun okay did the feature come with a kill button where's the bottom both body so toast and i were chilling i was doing the the uh the push the buttons thing and we walked into power and there's two bodies in there so there's got to be a double we have to vote right i'm going to vote for the person who screamed that's gotta be leslie cause she screams you guys are gonna vote for me oh great she was gonna kill me nice there's no way i don't think that it was less no it's we were right all right now you know i'm starting to think it wasn't her either oh no oh okay all right okay we can communicate we can fix the sabotages right sekuno all right secular you're gonna fix the sabotages right probably gonna call reactor uh did you see the car cycle okay i'm going to fix the [Music] reactor i think happy i tried to ask what the song was the holiday christmas donkey and they both ignored me and then dream murdered me that was like mud i didn't know what the song was right yeah i didn't know what that was in my life again you also came on me in rockets and said i was suss i did what he did what did he do what did i do to your rockets hello oh my god okay oh my gosh are you good i hear you toast you're a little bit low though it is a little low test test okay toast your son is break dancing on the table i apologize that is it come here come here junior hi everyone come here don't wanna be all by myself [Music] anymore or okay doing my task i'm a crew mate i'm a crew mate i'm going to do wires oh hey oh hey toast hey toast what's your what's your pet's name uh junior that's also my son not my pet oh are you so quiet brooke i was i was making sure you were doing your wires you know i just insulted those family you're dead you're dead good luck have fun bye toast if you kill him i won't snitch don't worry okay oh you won't snitch okay huh wait wait he was in that room and then he wasn't in that room it's courage it's curtis he went into a room in the hallway have you seen courage he went inside the room and he he oh my god it's courage guys it's courage courage protect me protect me from him okay just run around and circle he's super sus who's us bodies what what happened [Applause] right in front of me this is not real how am i black oh we i deserve to be killed yes you do it's you it's courage i was just an electrical with him and then he left and then i go down to fix the lights and there's a report but there's so much murder oh leslie don't do this to me right now okay okay well i'm not sure it's you okay i ran out bottom left and i was yelling i hope no one's dead and then i saw toast uh dream and lupo altogether and then we began to like shimmy down towards electrical and then the body was reported what what do you think dream toast what do you see i i i don't i don't think it's toast that's my my only thing is i'm like fairly certain it's not toast you think it might be jack no i think it might be you and leslie it's not me it's so it must be leslie whoa whoa i'm thinking it's rey in dream what's up uh well if toast can vouch for dream then i'm inclined to trust unless it's dream and toast but well toast might not vouch for me because the lights were off but yeah i just don't think it was him because he was talking guys i have information what's the impact so i was i was singing holiday cheer and then i found a body and i reported it and the lights are off so i didn't see much where where did you report the body though the body was right outside of electric and wait leslie you said you were in electric yeah i was why did you not fix this but why didn't you fix it leslie i fixed the lights guys i'm worried it might be courage man he went into a room and then he disappeared from us it is he disappeared toast you are mad that i called yourself i didn't mean encouragement run people agree too many people agreed run run for your life running running come fix reactor all right you're gonna fix the top reactor right [Applause] [Laughter] the cafeteria and then she came up but i killed her i don't know how i felt for that ray i can't believe you made me do that all right you know i i thought it was the perfect opportunity i started picking it up and then i was like wait a minute and i tried to run i tried to hurry it was like okay it's like of course to people because it's like you had now you have talking like running around getting problems and stuff it just all turns to hell so fast what's going on it's chaotic my ears there's a lot of talking all right let's go again talk with all this stuff in your ears i feel like do you want do you need to turn the kill cool down down a little bit is it too fast no i think they just lured us in don't don't trust me yeah don't trust ray what i'm an awesome player i'm going to the left all right okay everyone went right so the person who comes left is an imposter one two three one two three four oh my god it's like what did you see oh jesus okay i'll be honest i was trying to uh you know troll ray and pretend i was the killer um leslie just alerted her to the top of cafeteria right um and then and then you know right right she ran away because she actually started thinking i was the killer and she said watch as cycuno kills me and then she ran down and then she immediately died and i reported it um did you see anyone you didn't see who it was must have been someone in cafeteria but i mean jack-jack i wasn't in cafeteria i don't know you just sounded suspicious sorry oh no sorry oh well i have some information oh what do you have one way we were talking about sorry muted we were talking about the retail stores oh oh there we go the retail store we're talking about the retail store known as target in admin room this included dream myself and corpse and brooke i was there yeah i believe all four of these people are innocent i agree excellent i mean only for this kill because there's only one person dead i am suspicious of dream because i brought up the story about how when you're parking you'll turn down the radio to get more focus and he didn't say yeah i know what you mean which was weird maybe he was focused on something i agree yep i just thought your story was dumb and so i didn't want to reply oh this is hurtful this seems like something this seems like a round where we should just you know take more time to think i agree and randomly shoot someone you know what sorry i'll open you ray anonymous we'll avenge you ray we'll avenge you yeah i have a stupid hat that's constricting my brain flow psycho like you know try to be more you know attentive next time you know yeah yeah um i'll get them next time for sure probably pretty sure probably okay okay who wants to stick together i'll i'll stick with you hey toast actually one of the the last people that stuck with you died so i'm actually good i'm gonna go oh god oh god stay still take me protect me protect me hello [Music] wait wait oh i knew it was going to happen i was spamming the report i knew it was going to happen okay i can i can prove i can prove that i'm innocent i was telling which light switches it was three and five you heard me yelling it he is actual factual true that's that was the switches but you could have killed them previously and then opened it what the dream the body well i was moving on and on anybody here dream right now because i can't yeah standing okay i get a i wanted to report the body and i did um there's no way i would have reported that fast so i did the kill but right did you see the body i saw blood splatter on my screen i saw him i thought [ __ ] so who was there oh my god um i'm pretty sure i saw courage and leslie i have a theory dream i have a theory i would like to hear your theories well what color is blood red red say no more guys guys put the guns down put the guns down i don't know i got him you got him he killed him he killed him he probably didn't talk all right just so you know i literally cannot hear dream at all whatever in your dreams just so you know i have no idea what he just said yeah i don't know oh i tried to do that what did he say he said jesus what corpse dumb dream just click on the thing maybe hit control r no no no no no it's all good it's fine oh you guys are wrong be careful there's two kills we might be wrong definitely wait i can't see anyone hello come to the left you like a good little crewmate oh this looks like a double killing we're probably is oh you shouldn't have left to find the body and then brooke you know how i play i troll all the time you know how i played yeah i wouldn't have called out courage so why courage right but we don't know it was curry i know it was courage and i'll tell you why i saw him kill rey in the first round i didn't want to i didn't want to you know point him out um but after he killed toast and ray my my two pals you know i couldn't let him go besides uh i know the ghosts could talk to each other during the year i have two pieces of info the first piece of info is i passed lupo and storage and that was yelling that i was in storage when the doors got locked was that you in power that was talking that was me yeah yeah okay i couldn't tell because your second piece of info is i passed leslie with cicuno actually and dreamed they were an electric do you remember this cycuno and the doors were closed true yeah and leslie said i'm gonna murder you i remember her saying something along those lines okay so gets to get away with it being a jokester but i i i was doing that too she did do that to me i'm voting for lesley oh you think he would they're so quick to help me okay did you just say script why are you voting no don't put me don't pull me don't do it wait so we were right we were right there voted me no wait yeah we had to say okay no no one is gone i think i think one is gone but i think so i'm starting to think blood might be the other one oh no we have lights we have like everybody we're going to save the tongue as soon as i press this button all right you might be honest i really thought it was leslie there um i think we should go here me ludd and brooke just got locked in storage at the same time true i don't feel i have a feeling that if if it is blood he's gonna go for a kill on brook and then frame me because he was just using me last round i i'm gonna i hear you guys and i actually i i love how out loud why well really go on i'm listening i passed dr lupo in storage now i was suspicious because that was close to the body okay okay okay looks like you know just just 15 seconds of your time i passed lip balm and this is the exact quote whoa i'm in storage so far away from anybody's anyone in electric that's not even close i'm voting i don't know about that bro goodbye you're trying to extend an olive branch and i promise ludwig i will vote myself in your honor okay thank you guys all voted for him right like we're still going to win right there wait who are the two people who else voted for you it's got to be ludwig it was love to try to tie it okay no this is fine this is fine we're fine that's what we're supposed to do because the other pair but it's not all right he literally that i've done none of my tasks i'll be honest i don't want to see it i was the one who got courage out right so yeah i encourage you get together guys we gotta stick together the only way we lose easily is if we um you guys know i'm innocent right i got courage out okay i feel that's not it it's yes yeah i really don't know who it is at this point but i think i'm gonna walk away for two seconds one of you do something all right all right okay bye i mean corpse is innocent hey he did anything yeah that's in the corner doing nothing i don't know i don't know i know what's happening over here okay no no i sure would be upset if there was a lot of killing going on right now okay let's go do power let's stick together everything's fine guys don't worry i got it all right okay okay just double checking let's go we go back check it out okay okay okay nothing happened this is not it has to be cyclo then dude if it was me i would have killed one of you and accused the other one right now that's the only play here oh jesus it is it is it is oh my god in front of me no hold on we were remember when we started [Music] it's okay corpse do the right thing bud you can't hear you right now you can't corpse you know it's dr lupo right i wish you could no i don't know that all right okay any questions you can ask to assist you with this um well you didn't vote ludwig ludwig was actually really well look we were together we were hanging out i thought we were pals um my vote didn't matter so i guess it didn't matter too much but i really i wasn't sure if it was him i should have trusted him more though but um he was right he was right about lupe it's lupo it's luke so so what was with you guys coming from navigation where the body was talking about killing people oh wait hold on hold on so oh that's because um uh courage killed array right in front of me and i let it go because i felt you know like i didn't want to ruin his game but then he killed toast and he killed two of my great best pals you know and i just draws the line at total oh like that's beside the point we would have won the game because courage was a killer i saw him jack might not have been one and look i wasn't looking for the people that jumped on board if i was the imposter i would have jumped on ludwig too because we know he's innocent right i was the only person who didn't want to kill ludwig the pairs were lupo courage and you and ludwig and both are suss as [ __ ] oh god it's it's courageous you gotta believe me corpse you gotta believe me you know right here dude come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i'm this is hilarious [Music] because uh we would hear when someone vents disappear okay uh you miss your dream now lupo like did you guys think oh yeah i think they were they were joking right weren't they joking i could i just dreamed say something hello i can hear you now i can hear you oh good good good last lobby no joke i literally couldn't hear you oh okay that's why when we were over at nav i was like dude i can't hear you and then i thought to myself i'm just going to kill him so it makes my life easier i was screaming about how you're going to kill me really yeah all right let's do one more on this map and then we'll switch it up okay okay and we're talking about killing people yeah i really thought it was no that was so funny all right are you innocent yeah i am where are you i'll toast you too oh oh hey oh wow are you all innocent hey guys hey innocent crew that's what it is can i talk to you in the corner for a second yeah yeah of course you can um would you like to go ray staring at me she's staring at me protect me protect me i can't see i'm at the top left i'm at the top left where's the where's the off the cafeteria marco um no you can't hear us she can't hear us at you guys hey don't move she's like a t-rex she only can see her movement where'd they go all right i think all three of us are innocent what do you think oh jesus oh my god oh my god we found a good body where is the body his body is in weapons no no [Laughter] i was there for two seconds while you were counting asteroids then i went down i did two tasks inside oh two i went to nav and then i went down down to the bottom did shields likely story was it messed up oh asteroids leslie asteroids asteroids that's where the bodies met with me yeah it ain't brook or courage thank thank you corpse yeah i don't know how old this this body is do you smell it oh and screamed and reported that was pretty much it who's we okay okay me and ray oh yeah okay i got scared yeah there's blood everywhere well lupo where were you i literally just said where i was i wasn't listening guys holy [ __ ] have we considered have we considered that there's two people here that are lying about looking for each other yeah there might be two people you know impossible imposters uh-huh jack is it you oh it's not me this time ben i swear i was saying i only have one question is anonymous voting on yes yes perfect and i voted lupa okay [Music] you know i so that makes me innocent because the other two imposters jumped on it right i thought it went for right here you guys got to protect me right right kudo you're going to die you're going to die no no no i'll be fine i'm about to kill him be mean ah stay together hold on am i included in this oh jesus okay okay okay okay where did you go i was walking i went down to do the little trash shoot down the bottom did you kill brook cause you're the last person i saw in that hallway on lights and you are not here which is why you are weird because you left before me i heard you i heard you singing going in the left not a self-report don't vote me out i'm approaching lights right now i went down to do the bottom trash chute as lights went off so i did the trash shoot and then i'm going to the left i tripped over brook's body in the hallway i'm sorry brooke's body i think i kicked it all right listen corpse dude dude i vote for what's happening i voted for again it is not me confidence no he is not percentage confidence yeah who voted for cycuno hmm spilled the tea it is not me oh the bad guys i may have but two other people still voted for me who all is it who else is in power right now with you it's just me at the moment which is why i thought it was weird lupo because you left before me and it's gotta be you then dude cause nobody else went across there's the lights were off you were the one that was right there i i confirmed there by multiple people because i was screaming lupo went somewhere weird lupo went somewhere right here i did the trash shooting i saw a diamond slide out the fresh shoot you did not do the trash i did that is well you are wearing a hat a cap that's a cat we got him dead to rice okay wrong way dude we got him guys you can't just yell wrong and be right lupo yes i can because i'm really oh my god you guys are thrilling let it be said ludwig's only ever been wrong once with cat he's got 95 accuracy sorry lupo wait was it actually not him i don't know it sounded pretty interesting i thought it was him too yeah i love wigs hey ludwig you're not lying to us right what anyway gotta hit my tasks y'all gonna make me we we got an imposter i was trying to vote him last round but i mean you can't vote me you just suck for me i think i don't think leverage are the first kill i i i didn't i didn't do either kills what who do you think skipped there we're trying to decide if we should throw out ludwig to finish the 50 50. you know all right okay there's four people total i'm leaving oh jesus ray oh my god so many people are dead it's courageous hold on let me explain why it can't be courage he said last round he said remember last round when i stabbed rey and then he made a screeching noise like a psychopath yeah and now ray's dead well i remember how he just killed in front of me just now yeah yeah it's it's courageous corpse corpse please breathe for a second everyone to breathe for a moment okay wait a minute you just ran down you just ran down right yeah uh corpse did ludwig just run out of admin what did ludwig just run out of advent no it's it's it's not i know it's ludwig because he didn't report the body okay corpse corpse listen i was walking up from bottom leaf felt i saw toast walk down to the left i screeched at him just like this yeah that's the screeching noise that's great he ran away and then as i'm walking up the body's falling over you run into uh run out of admin and i run up on the body if you're saying you saw ludwig there then it's ludwig not me i think it's i think it's not courage i think courage is clear here i think we all killed no matter what you it was not me i'm not the imposter look courage wouldn't screech like that if he was the imposter right thank you very much for watching five seconds give me five seconds okay no so much weaker no it's not weaker it's just it's oh jesus bye bye did we win okay the other one's courage by the way oh literally do not vote me it is not me i'm fully innocent okay um listen i mean i'll be honest you did say remember when i killed ray last round and then screeched like a dinosaur and then ray remember remember when you switched to me like last second there and when i didn't suss you last second that was ludwig no i mean ludwig last second was like actually yeah because guess what he was in full panic mode he was eliminated basically literally saw a courage kill and i'm going to press the button we're all going to decide here whether to or not to corpse but i can't look bad in front of people twice corpses oh no listen i'm not saying that no let's not back up corpse on this no guys guys don't let corpse look bad two games in a row or he's marinating everyone i'm begging you let me explain let me explain why he's not gonna um we know corpse won't look bad because if he's the impostor winning by killing you he'll look good yes and then if he's innocent and he's killing you and he's right then he'll look good again no but so he literally can't look bad because he can run i'm not it's a win-win situation yeah let's back them up guys let's go i get to be in corpses video let's go meet guys but you know we would back them up all the time right corpse my god sorry i noticed that that loophole was it was unmuted guys i was fixing that all i'm going to say is this i feel like what against this it wasn't me i don't think actually i um and i'm pretty sure it's not toast so i feel like it has to be their corpse or courage well the game's over because oh god oh it's over made a graveyard you guys actually killed him what do you mean what do you mean corpse he's the bad guy sweaty what do you mean what do you mean we backed you up he's gonna kill us he's gonna kill him he's gonna kill me i'll kill you he's gonna kill me my theory was oh my god i can't believe you just got away with that almost ruined that for me uh that's so good oh man he played it so well new code corpse all right all right this is the vent i was literally on my hands and knees begging to not be killed and then psycho and toast let me let me explain this video when corpse voted me off i wanted him to look good so i was like the only way to help my horse look good is by voting with him because if he's imposter you're a good winner if he's not imposter then he'll look big brain so i just want to make him look good you know the only person that heard it though is you because you're the only one that's just made you say remember when i killed rey and then ray died and then you screeched like a dinosaur so i mean that was a little incriminating if i had cost you that corpse i would have felt really bad i would have felt i'm glad it was just you though oh mira let's see black purple black purple black purple purple black purple white green black purple white green black purple white green red brown black purple white green red yellow green purple white green black green brown pink there's toast that's the three of us [Music] guys another one another one oh jesus all right died oh wait oh girls oh he goes up there okay really why are we guys going to vote him out for fun wait where is he going i feel like i missed something yeah yeah we were just gonna we're gonna push the button and then the reactor was called right when we were going to and then yeah me and mudwig just did it me and ludwig just did yeah we just did react so ray it has to be someone in that group yeah it does wait why would they little jack though if you're gonna vote them off ever in advance you guys fix uh um the sabotage right yeah we figured this out real quick so that you guys are both innocent right we were right on top right on top of it but reactor is left and right that means you guys were standing in separate sides when it was caught both on the left side oh they're both on the left side and i just ran to the right yeah it was just he's just a quick runner he's just okay i think toast is on to something i think i think it's not rey it's not toast it's not corpse hold on guys i have important information no because jack wasn't on that side i was at the spawn standing on a vent like i always do okay leslie and brooke knew i was still there and then i'm talking i heard leslie and brooke talking about what did they say they saw me and then leslie said should we just kill him now brooke and i said then the lights went off the lights went off and i lost them when the lights were off well i think it's either leslie or no no it means they're both innocent because they couldn't find me when the lights were off oh yeah yeah yeah that's right leslie yeah yeah okay yeah so i have no clue who it is but um oh jesus wait that's two that i voted for him i voted for the doctor oh why why just admit that you're threatened by my prowess when i was counting the colors why didn't i count your color oh i left late i didn't see you when i passed by oh really late yeah pretty late because i was standing on the vent i overheard leslie is right behind you staring at me um i've been here so we're all why don't we all stand in here yeah that seems safe to do that what what are we what are we doing what do you guys think we're just talking we're just talking wait there's four people in here i don't like that that's double kill that's a double kill waiting to happen oh is it under the walls oh oh wasn't dr lupo then wait a minute down the hallway wait where's the it's the lower cafeteria oh lord this is really bad wait wait that's awkward so ludwig and i were uptight oh no we haven't went in towards reactor who all was down in cafeteria who stayed there everyone it definitely wasn't toast or corpse though it was i don't think it was perfect we were at like the vending machine area and then we went to the watering can room and and then all the guys were in there can i hear a dream because we really step forward right like let me stream have 10 seconds to talk to see if we can hear him i voted for lupo okay that was radio silence he voted for lupo get him i don't hear him he said he voted for me but i was with ludwig the entire time yeah but yeah not dream didn't we just run out of double kills jack died in the first round leslie's only one day all right leslie died last round so we've only had one person per round and i was with ludwig that whole time i'm down to skip what happens yeah i skipped i mean it's just it's just uh it's just my gut feeling but i trust you're gonna have good guts yeah if lupo's alive we vote them out next round you lose weight [Music] if [Music] no no this is a private oh we gotta fix the guys fix the sabotage oh an oxygen call wow lupo fix oh no i still you were with it was it you and brooke brooke yeah toast and who toast and lupus on oxygen yeah yeah we were top oxygen but i was there first loophole came late and when i went down the body was at the intersection wait toast the bodies in the intersection that means you killed rey didn't you wait lud and dream how did you guys not see the bomb no yeah we didn't i can't hear dreams mute silently doing a task in reactor uh then the thing got called we both went down to do listen this is easy i think i'm pretty sure the murderer you guys were already there i was with luggage that's not yeah that's not what dreams said hi uh uh dream uh mud says hi okay anyway they're both dreams they're good me toast lupo yeah i think i think i think does he want to vote i'm so so toasty i've been no i know i mean i was with ludwig [Music] it does rey says she wanted to kill lupo and ray died of course whoever whoever of course whoever the imposter is will kill ray then all right um that's weird it's not me i'm here okay what did you do there brooke all right wait wait you broke you through no i said i hope it's not toast if i just threw because i voted lupo i swear i swear you wrote a luffo that was really bad timing i voted too who's the third person i voted lupo okay good okay so we think we're right is to break another pair i think no no no no no no no we get toast we get toast here dream you know it's not listen no no it is toast listen corp okay toast was calling for the last thing i remember about that round was toast calling for rey and rey is dead and toast loves killing ray but the pair was lupo toast and if we double down on a pair then we can well no no no no i want lupo one of them we just have to prove that we were right so why would we thank you bro we've missed one of them i think so yeah we gotta go for toast we gotta we otherwise we'd be dead i believe dream because they would have won if it was dreamland okay okay brook and lud yeah we are the coalition of trustworthy people no you're not toast don't hurt yourself what's wrong with you blood brook how long how long were you with corpse just on o2 that was it yeah but there were if there was a body in the in the middle where they're saying that means i couldn't have been i think it was funny to vote for brooke because she said i threw that's where i was no no no no no dream of saying devoted toes just i will not i will follow dream and i will vote i don't know what [Music] convince me it's not the only reason i think it's used because i don't i don't think it's them because they were doing bottom oxygen we know it's lupo else we would have lost right and you're gonna kill me down here let's go let's go somewhere let's go somewhere more i feel like it's not you because you were pushing lupo day one i was i was pushing the whole time that's why i'm inclined to think it's corpse because that corpse was doing bottom oxygen i think was killed on the way because i saw rey's body at the intersection but when i reported it green popped up they both died at the intersection but the other person said that corpse got there first and they got their second damn let's just do awesome this is very confusing hey corp it's not you right oh no no no cor okay you can fix it i'll watch you fix it all right okay you're doing a great job yeah oh nice nice nice okay yeah they would know they would know if you killed me there maybe it is broke for the eye through comments what did you just say toast nothing what did you just say to me you said it's me i just called this button can't hear anybody this is ridiculous this is crazy okay corpse and i had a longer stuff to be my translator okay okay i i really do believe that led me and toast are fine that leaves dream honestly okay the problem with dream is that is he talking no he's not no okay the problem with dream is that i spent the entire round with him muted walking up to reactor where there was the double kill so i just can't dream wait brooke why though because he pushed the vote we got the vote out on was it lupo all right toast yeah okay dream says vote for whoever toast votes for okay okay i believe you toast who are we voting are you gonna vote for your [Laughter] listen corpse convinced me that it was [Music] give me the word toast vote corpse toast doesn't like when i talk fast but i have to explain sorry wait this is a diary i wish i could hear people but i i i i [Music] you said you would vote with me and you went back on your word why do i just trust corpse what the hell the dream audio okay yeah okay all right uh you can try control r to reset it at least yeah i tried to control r but it didn't work for me to hear him i don't know he tried it i tried that as well all right let's try again look wait have the talent has the town won one oh yeah they just did it that was the first one good job town and running and running hey lovely weather we're having huh who's saying that you can't see me wait purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple purple white i'm sorry purple white blue purple white blue lime black orange black orange pink purple white wow my doctor said i should get scanned five four six five three four five three sixteen twenty twenty 25 30. no no right right since you actually did it i don't want to go i don't want to go please ma'am is this guy bothering you yeah this guy's bothering me hold on she willingly ran on top of the vent i'm just saying no way right before her death she said lupo really what i decided to hide above the electric room the entire round all right so like the body of your head i'm standing when i walked in whatever dream is saying by the way i can't hear him and i saw somebody kind of suck standing next to the body all right all right what would i describe them dream describe them yeah i i i'm pretty sure it was courage but i'm not i'm not 100 sure oh he says it's courage the light fix was by brook and here's what happened i was right above electric the entire time listening in like a creepy person would and i heard brooke walk in and she said lupo lupo she died and then the vet opened all right i trust that i trust that guys hold on hold on yet lupo what do you think happened i i i wish i could hear a dream dude i feel like i'm disconnected oh you can't hear him stuff wouldn't trust lots of word because he did something really sus at the very beginning so i'm walking down the hallway i'm complete i can't see anything no one's in my vision and i hear ludwig say hey toast what you doing there no and then after two seconds he comes into my vision oh sorry yeah i said what oh and then he came into my vision suspicious volume [Music] you know it's like you just want to vote for him i just thought you saw him i'm going i'm not going [Laughter] okay and right before i ran into him i heard him running away laughing maniacally too yes it's not me what happened is i saw leslie and then i went uh she said don't kill me and i said i'm gonna kill you and then she started running away and then i started laughing maniacally and then i said okay i have to go back and do my task and that's where i met up with psychos two you guys vote who'd you guys look at exactly tell us who would you vote for um so here's the thing i may have prematurely voted but i can't say for who because i think i'm wrong if i say that person's name out loud the other two impossible jump on it i think we do four skips four skips and then we fix oh nice jesus oh that's true we can fix lights no we should vote here and then fix you need to skip here you need to skip psycho lipo no because that means that we get wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait look you're appealing to saikuno wait so if we if we we gotta skip right because otherwise oh my god who is messing with the lights toast who was doing it good job corpse okay for sure innocent yeah okay uh also i think it's weird that toast wants to skip on six oh it's because we're at the lights well no it's a little weird yeah no but like if the lights are off that means we shoot and then we shoot again hold on yes remember the last thing ludwig said before he died okay right let me explain so if you shoot there one imposter messes with the lights and the other one kills isn't that the same if we shoot or no no if we don't shoot they have to do a double kill which is impossible because they can't both [ __ ] with the lights and both not [ __ ] with the lights uh-huh i i don't get i don't get it well no i don't get it either but but here's what i think what um you understand that we've been through that scenario so many times yeah yeah yeah but it's like right he's right so based on the timing if you if you do shoot one down who do you think the imposter is oh wait you're making me so sensitive that you asked we've been in that situation i don't get it toss i don't get it we can uh we can explain it afterwards right okay guys remember the last thing ludwig said right what said he heard brooke saying lupo lupo before she died yeah it was not me i don't know what else really i thought was just pulled lupo out of sauce when we voted courage that is true no no no one that skipped really toasty oh no no no i i i i'm pretty sure from round one i've been sussing love this reaction we have to go lupo here we go nice i mean oh no i mean oh no no i didn't vote for you i voted oh god i was so confused you were right no here's how that last section works so lights are off already and there's six people alive if you don't vote then to instantly win they have to get the double but since the lights already off and the timing of the kill cooldown makes it so that you can get a button press off if you fix the lights fast enough and get the next again but if you vote somebody off and it goes down to five and there's two impostors left one imposter stays and messes with the lights the whole time to slow you down so the other imposter can get through was that happening i still think it's better yeah it only works if there's six people two imposters and the lights are off ray were you accusing toast i was suss of toast for skipping on six yeah what about the light flicking oh yeah lupo and toast were definitely messing with the lessons oh yeah we were both we were both up there yeah ray out game this area she got it super fast you guys remember uh when you guys voted at the start of the game yeah won't it was not me i swear right guys i i'm there i don't think oh hey is it you no it's not it's not okay you want to go do lights or you just want to let's just hang out here guys i knew it wait oh i don't know i think that was that ludwig in the hallway uh ludwig yeah look looks in uh the reactor let's go check if he's still there yo ludwig you're still here quick hello wait where's holy [ __ ] in the hallway oh my god um wait dream's dead oh it was a very fast kill jack where did you do it kill where's the body i didn't kill he's in the hallway from spawn wow it wasn't there when i went up to lights yeah me either i was right behind of course leslie you know we're both innocent right yeah i think they're in this i think it's not tycoon andre yeah yeah you know no we're not excited no you didn't kill dream but i don't know you're innocent okay it's not them for this kill or myself or me or me race leslie okay we're holding hands in the hallway up to reactor it's not us on this kill okay that only is um tell us let me sleep toast no toast is with me wait wait yeah uh well i i'm in uh i'm in reactor i'm doing tasks there what to ask wait yeah which one i did the sorting the ship i'm so good and then i saw it guys let me explain so i i did i did the first task which was sorting the gems and then the lights turned off and i thought well i'll stand right on this vent that way if anyone leaves the vent they'll have killed someone electric and i can see who it is but no one ended up venting so i just ended up standing on the vent for most of that round oh you stood on that you killed dream who hasn't been able to talk and has been dying in the beginning of every round dream one question guys i gave dreams voting on that's [ __ ] up anonymous is on by the way in case anyone wants to throw a vote out there no i voted i tried to save you oh my god you guys actually killed him i don't think i don't think it was ludwig when you figure out who voted i told the truth but good luck oh wait it really wasn't you guys sorry no i don't know if if he was in there toast and i never saw him come out and he was fine but he sounded really guilty didn't he hey leslie you voted for ludwig no i skipped okay all right all right i need to interview everyone hey sakuno did you vote for lovely oh uh yeah i mean he sounded a little guilty but broke you voted for ludwig yeah i did yes uh correct you voted for ludwig yes i voted for ludwig and i fixed lights last round by myself i'm going to go get the watering hand oh did you vote for ludwig i voted for ludwig okay okay guys that's all five all right i'm writing [Music] oh yo so you admitted to voting for yeah he deserved it okay what's going on here i'm interviewing one of the witnesses all right wait what's happening hey you're late to guys party okay no don't don't don't don't do it don't don't do what don't kill me i'm not gonna kill you here there's too much witness okay there's too many people around this one yeah i would wait until we're in a corner you're gonna wait okay that's fine is it both of you i mean are you going to make me regret going to lights maybe okay i'm waiting back here fix the lights don't worry you you guys okay okay thanks okay i did it we're good we're good we're good i have a million tasks up here excuse me all right um i'm gonna do upload eight two seven three six please let me live wait who's dead somebody dead wait a second i'm done why did five people admit to killing hey bro hi toast what were you doing down there there's no bodies i was looking i checked there wasn't can we can we uh have a meeting okay where okay uh at the balcony at the balcony out of balcony okay okay okay so we're both going each other all right wait wait wait can i talk can i talk real quick can i talk real quick yes yes you can talk okay i think it was someone that was in that group with us because we were talking about how we could see the body on admin and then comms went off okay i also have very important info very important info hey go on okay i saw a very pink body hop into a vested oh my god enough for me good enough no brookie did you event bro she died are you frowning because rey caught you i'm friendly because she's 100 100 is [Music] i was kind of like let's have a meeting that's right it's not telling you guys it's right it's right it's right she killed those she killed us on the balcony i swear i swear did you see it brooke did you see it i watched her do it yes 100 i don't know where the body is wait wait wait hold on wait race off brooks brought you some bodies that's all we need it's crazy that brooke mentioned a body and we've never even talked about a body before oh there's a body down there brooke no she reported a body i swear you're blind on your screen you're bugged in your butt no no ray wouldn't lie to us i believe in rape i don't like you you guys hear ray making animal noises earlier i think ray and i think ray would lie to us but she's not lying right now yeah ray only makes animal noises when she's in good job right that was my normal voice oh it's your normal voice you saying are you saying i sound like an animal and then you call me a t-rex earlier because i'm blind you know you know ray i trust you i locked in brooke's vote two seconds after you called her out easy sorry all sorry surely this will work surely this will work surely to work jack has been with me a lot could have killed me multiple times got a a no so i just who else corpse leslie i fixed the lights you fixed the lights jack and i did bottom 02. ray was with me earlier i think it's quite corpses i was with leslie she started screaming so i walked away from her i ran down through the lower hallway hit the spot let me explain i saw the vent opening and closing and jack walked up with us the thing is the issue is um i saw leslie run down from the north and so she's not near the vent i'm confused but if we got no no she was she was wrecked the body could be somebody i also saw this i know brooke was correct i saw our event i am [Music] together and i saw the vents open there's can anyone else hear corpses i can't hear that you can't that's what he said but i'm voting corpse uh and then lupo you voted corps ray you sus brook between lupo and corpse i'm gonna vote [Music] is it's courage right i think it's probably more likely of course yes no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no right right i couldn't hear you oh i'm talking guys because i'll be honest forgive me i'm pretty sure it's okay you say the words doritos hey toast how's it going yo what's up wait what is what is ghost go oh it flew away corpse if we lose you know what they should i mean they should know what do i do here they should know was in this predicament he said oh god oh god i can't believe i saw that but this time he was like oh yeah i mean oh my god i can't believe i've seen it courage it didn't fit with his punchline perfectly where he's like no one's been killed yet and then why was he not well i'll be honest i thought it was correct who is the imposter time when you mean it's locked up together yeah it's always corpse huh oh yeah it wasn't a shocker to me i really thought it was you sakuno but it's definitely not psycho look it's right right who do you mean what yeah because i'm not i'm an innocent you're just me right you know you know it's corpse right wait did corpse just say he's locked in on rey was away from them after saying that is this come on there's nothing weird about it you know it's corpse right i actually don't know that you may as well lock it just lock it in lock it right please just lock it up didn't you i thought so yeah no i was like 90 sure of course because we walked off in this auto van my favorite thing of all this so far is the number of [ __ ] times i've seen ludwig jamming his ear up against the wall listening to the conversation yeah he's just spying on people yeah it works so well but no it does it's just so funny you're like in a corner over here just just listening not moving yeah that was a while around yes i could see i could see ray listening to on the right side of the wall there because i have imposter vision and nobody else could see it so i knew she was listening the entire time i i was like i gotta say stuff that seems innocent so it's like i think it's right and i could hear i could see the v in your name like through the wall no way yeah oh my god all right one more on this wrap and then we switch the fullest yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah hey i love polish i'm never venting ever again hi toast yo i'm gonna do this med base can okay okay i'll watch you hey thank you all right you're doing it scanning five four three two [Music] you're scaring me do you have scan oh wait let me check you baby beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep beep we're hi okay on your card what's the numbers on your card every one of the games uh five seven six five four i do a bunch up here actually hello mr venter hello anyone an event anyone event anyone in here hello hello mr imposter mr imposter are you in the vent i mean the vent oh great imposter off the vent what is your wisdom vent mr imposter i know you're in the vent hi hi hi mr impostor hi hi hello i'm i'm really lonely and i don't have any friends mr mr imposter mr imposter hello hello mr imposter are you there are you hiding in the vents looking for a juicy little boy to murder hello you can pop out look i'm not hey hey hey it's dark it's dark i can't see anything i can't see anything oh is there no one in the vent oh my god ray no um okay oh no oh saikuno dream where did you find this bodyguard of yours what this bodyguard did you pay did you did you pay him yourself yeah okay because how much did you instruct him to just kill random people oh no i don't why the [ __ ] is he dead no no lut is alive let us know he's talking about i'm alive and i've protected dream this entire game i have done my job okay med scan i dare you is your favorite thing to dance on the dead bodies of dr lupo is that like your thing courage i don't know what you're trying to encourage okay it's courage it can 100 i was love was next to me the whole round thank you courage is saying thank you it's courage wait wait he never left my eyesight the entire barely played today i am telling you the truth courage how about we both just skip put the guns down okay let's just skip if it means i get to play another round and not everyone just votes for me just because someone says something else [Music] [Music] what if it's dream and ludwig osaurus my client has done all tasks hello hi hello hello impostor an event is there an imposter an event impossible event is there an imposter hello hello is there an imposter hiding in the vent right now just hiding in the vents hello mr impostor are you there mr imposter mr imposter are you in the vent i are you in the vent hello all right let's just finish this task up how do i do this i don't even know how to do this one oh yeah there we go this way [Music] are you in are you in i'm on the other side of the door wait for me okay great oh where's your bodyguard he's right here in the middle oh god hi lud we're all pushing the hell away from my dreams i fixed the lights again it has to be brooke no i'm in the reactor no no no no no no no no i mean it could be brooke but i know i was with blood the whole time yeah this is a very calculated letter listen over deduction leslie i think we know what to do here i know what does that mean i'm voting courage so guys we all know what to do here i voted laundering okay he's trying to get free votes to make it even i'm telling you yeah that is what are you who are you voting for hey listen listen you can ask brooke i literally just said my last task i i literally just saw him in reactor yeah he followed me around we i literally just finished my last task and he has like a few left of his yeah bro you're being marinated here i promise you i played myself the whole time you're dreaming marinated by a gorilla i'm not being marinated i promise you i don't think i i i oh man i dream i think your bodyguard is crooked yes right right okay listen like trust me you know i'm good at this game it's courage okay he was with me that last round yeah but he may be marinating you himself then i'm not marinating anybody yeah yeah i'm telling you all right last round is not getting marinated he's been protected by maybe them it was a successful protection [Music] my word means bro dream got marinated wow that's that's [ __ ] insane marination i hate this bro man [Music] oh we were just going to be the third imposter people it was going around chat was good i just wanted to live that's evil i'm very sorry toast dream oh yeah no i knew the whole time man i thought you were getting like really badly marinated yeah me too i can't hear them crew link and restarted a new lobby i could hear jack oh yeah refresh your crew like yeah that one time at fixed and we went in and out of a meeting right here right right yeah yeah i don't know i don't know yeah okay did you do to fix that did you i just restarted my my crew link okay i think that's the number one thing it has to be the curling yeah yeah yeah all right cool i can hear everyone now all right let's go this is the best map hands down wait wait wait wait wait oh ray has my color oh oh whoops you and i are switched okay all right so if i stay on admin oh oh i'm gonna pop into electrical for a quick second here and he's in office he's in office hey who's in there oh god you're lying he's gonna kill me he's gonna kill me he's not chasing so great he's not chasing him why isn't he chasing me ridiculous that's so weird have you ever actually heard me saying bro yeah poop something out for us belt something else are you marinating them or do you want a double kill i was joking i was joking that was a joke that was a joke i said brooke is wonderful remember it's gotta be you let's take a short walk all right okay let's see the number last was the last round yeah we took a walk um well i don't have it right over here oh no just stand here anyway oh okay okay yeah yeah now right in the corner right right yeah right there right all the way to the right yeah okay uh now what ah dang you know i'm innocent don't you i do well what do we do now um i don't know what should we do i don't know maybe this wow brooke what are you gonna give me for not snitching i will give you whatever you want please walk away walk away come here all right you promise not to kill me then right your mom's not going to kill me right you will not kill me you promised you you won't kill me you're going to keep me alive come here okay i'll i'll keep your secret i'll keep you a secret all right i love doing the download about you yeah i love downloads [Music] who would kill psychology enough of the reindeer let me tell you a story real quick yeah just give me a moment okay okay all right he's waiting thinking of a story stalling no i'm not saying kuno's body is on message you get my pipe oh you're getting you're gonna tell you a story about a man called cycuno i like it already he's a good guy i started this game out muted i'm not gonna lie i'll keep it a bunch of guy i forgot to turn it back on and i turn it back on the first thing i hear is seikuna going bloodwig i said hey what's up hey ludwig uh i was just keeping you protected and then i was like great we should play the game together and you know what he says to me he says i want to keep dr lupo safe he's been having a tough time he says he says to me do you want to come with me and i said yeah he's like you guys both have the same first letter i think you'd get along [Laughter] [Music] i kid you not 10 steps he finds dr lupo and he says all right i'm going to protect lupo now and again do you and and then i have a question for you do you think we live in one reality a where cicuno failed to protect dr lupo lost him and died or b did dr lupa betray our beautiful cycuna over my time on gaming i've experienced a lot of top tier performances from people but this might be the strongest third i've ever seen oh look guys i do think ludwig is innocent so i'm inclined to believe him here i just think that's a strong performance in general we gotta go back to uh doing simon says remember yeah yeah no i know but i don't know the courage is in this room with me okay wait on my screen you're in you're in the main room with me wait what okay okay okay okay all right we're good that was close he could have killed you right there cody come on could you kill me you would have look at no more i got the horses in the back all right you're going to put in a good word for me right absolutely so you better finish your simon says okay yeah yeah okay i'll i'll protect you sorry thank you thank you yeah yeah if you if you know if you know the other one shows up you gotta yeah yeah oh hi hi ray we'll see you later we'll see you later oh okay i'll see you later i'll see you later we'll see you later later you gotta go you gotta go you gotta get out see i told you i promise you're a lifesaver i don't see anything broke i have my eyes closed you know if something was to happen really yeah yeah no i don't see anything i'm just just like you did right before you killed me last game oh really oh no no broke i think the camera was up broke i think the camera was on brooke what what is he saying i know oh my god he said i think the cameras were on brook but i don't know why i was in um i was in uh comms doing my uploads singing breathing by rna grande i heard that that was like okay trying to get it in the middle really yeah that's my it's my twitch stream streamer repellent so that's how i make sure i don't get killed by any twitch streamers um so um then toast and brook walk in and toast says i thought the camera was on so then i ran to where the nearest camera was and there was a dead body yeah so i don't know why he said that i was like actually confused so brooke were you with him the whole time but for the most part yeah okay you know what's really weird i went into specimen i saw toast and broken there and then they were both like we'll see you later ray we'll see you later we were having i was like why can't i hang out we were having a thank you what was the discussion about well because toast looked at me funny and then he pushed me to the ground when i was trying to check vitals oh first and foremost leslie you were in med bay the doors to re the special oh yes who went in them i went in them oh interesting okay what does that mean how long were brook and dream together what yeah i don't i didn't see them all together no we just weren't together we i saw jack and leslie we should skip you guys i don't think lupo was right oh oh my god okay oh yeah i was full cap on the skip it's totally toast i almost would've toast did you just say cap oh god oh god oh god okay broke down to us broke down to us oh wait you guys are afraid yeah trying to frame me you guys like please leave me alone sir toast no no bro i thought we were friends okay okay i thought so too okay no one can hear us okay you can't be honest i think that people can't oh so you want to move a little further in leslie okay what do you need oh hey oh okay oh were you about to get double killed let me find out go ahead and do it double kill you're gonna double kill you guys here oh go ahead brooks brooke you gotta keep your lies broke you gotta keep me alive brooke i have no vision of you i don't know where you are because i don't have impossibility up here i'm up here i'm up here i'm literally in front of you purple and orange just died in the last two and a half seconds not even okay i can't protect brook anymore i saw her kill sakura round one no [Laughter] okay okay right literally we were having a discussion because i told him i would protect him that's why i told you to get out of there okay literally and then he said cameras were on trying to frame me and now he's saying it's me when it was him he killed seikuno and i'm voting for you that's me let's let's let's let's let's talk for a minute so yeah were any of you did any of you guys were any of you guys in weapons just now like i don't know five seconds no i was on finals well what do you guys wear when do you guys get a kill in weapons but oh well that's for the body usually fusely brook all ran out the left side of office if i'm not going to the left side of office correct brooke we yeah we went off the left side where's brooke where's brooke where's brooke trying to kill me look here's my here's my here's my safe theory courage you ready yes this is what we do okay there was a double kill all right and we were double coil on the left side of the map now toast is accusing brooke and brooke is accusing toast there's two imposters so rey is the same vote i i voted brooke no i think race might be innocent wait why would you listen to this courage was not courage was on vitals okay courage was on vitals and i can pretty much back that up did they the kills happen at the exact same time they were within a what happened just now they have no dream i was walking okay courage okay toast who did you vote for i voted brooke i know she's a pastor from round numbers bro who do you vote for i voted 150 toast i voted toast i don't know oh is oh my god okay okay okay okay okay oh brook stay away go to fixing lights whatever impostor's here you'll never beat me oh let's go i just propped off okay all right all right hear me out this is what i'm saying nobody vote nobody vote okay okay if you're innocent you need to listen to me toast is accusing brooke and brooke is accusing toast it is one of them it is not both of them i was on admin table courage was on vitals the only other person that could have participated in the double kill is rey so in both scenarios rey is the other killer ray is the safest vote who voted skip by the way uh okay okay listen listen listen this is wrong because i am innocent they if that if they're the only two possible options i think they're both imposter and they're just trying to kill each other but i'm down to kill if we kill one of them the only chance is that the only chance is that it could it could be both of them but i think it's less likely that it's both of them the okay but the problem is if you vote me we just insta lose oh because i'm innocent all right here's the question ray you said you wrote a brook right i did yes okay did anyone else vote brooke i bought a brook tree but i voted broke you didn't vote brooke wait what why wouldn't i vote brooke i've been screaming brooker at day one that proves that it's toasted i skipped wait who voted toast wait me ray and dream is lying dream this is so sus no here this is what's happened totally i voted first i literally was the first dream why don't you think it's ray that's lying i think that you you're trying to big brain i think i think it's toast i think i think you just screwed up now i think it's just right you tried this it's toast ambrose i'm putting i'm voting let's toast no no we have to go broke we need to go everybody number one there we go and i'm sticking with my gun this is what i can't believe you alive from this is what i get for leaving you alive yeah yeah [Music] oh god so hold on so toast with strolling and new brook let it go okay so i don't feel bad about how that happened i don't know if he tried to reverse it on me that i said no we have a good deal because the rest of it wasn't making any damn sense yeah the problem is we should have gone with ray but in the last second because toast brought up the voting i was like is he trying to bring us and i got two words that happens that happens when i was right about everything i said except for just who the imposter was don't stay away from me will we ever do without corpse a dream ah no carve dc this feels bad toast that was the most menacing thing who wanted the color white change oh it's just the instant wind killing glitch because then i look i'm like i'm the captain of the ship in my outfit oh yeah i guess we're not going to [ __ ] anymore so this doesn't really fly i'm going to put the blue i feel like i'm so used to you being blue oh my god what happened jax i'm gonna sound like a nerd but they just added kratos to fortnite and i'm lit off of that because i love the other war did you see the leak about uh yeah master chief yeah bro they are popping off with their partnerships what are we missing um [Music] oh it's lead oh okay who hasn't been imposter oh yeah yeah i remember i didn't get to update the game for some reason oh maybe this week they're trying to disable your hacks yeah does it still work yeah it works yeah nice no man crew mate i got top left i'm going full detective mode this game was it toasted just said crewmate yeah all right tell us is one of the imposters this is impostor i'm going to stand right here you better kill me imposter i'm standing right here okay do it do it leslie do it i'm creamy the stupid hat didn't work brooke the driver you guys are twins oh let's see we look so cute all right i promise it was funny the first two times and it wouldn't be funny at third it would not be funny at third it wouldn't i can't even do it to kill you oh let's see leslie might know i'm going to run this thing why are you tapping huh that's like captain bye i just wanted the impostor so bad but the game don't give it to me right but what what right oh oh blood is our dead body well what's over here ludwig ray we gotta stick together let's gonna kill one of us he's gonna silence he's gonna get silent he's gonna silence us wait this is the best place to kill us over here oh fine i'm i'm nervous about cicuna and corpse's well-being i saw post and ludwig up there and ray was saying this is a perfect place to hide a body i could hear her through the door so i ran up there she's up there i went down to see if toast or lead were anywhere in the area they weren't so uh yeah and then you guys were all running and then it wasn't bad i will say this we were talking about it the whole time and hold on it was really bad on you it looks really bad on you bro you said it you said it was brooke right you said it was brooke yeah wait was it was it brooke i'll be honest with you at this point it was not me i swear i just saw her body i went to go look she's cracking me out but there's definitely two lefts it looks bad on me yeah i honestly i just voted really sketchy yeah where's dream i got a i got to have a chat with you yeah hey guys where's dr lupo hey hey hey what there's someone in the space wait guys there's four people on the advent table wait no way there's a guy in the bed get out of there hey hey i'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of you if you don't come out i think you guys are talking about me it was just me oh oh oh what are you doing hello hello hello where did lud go he's not fixing life wow that took a while oh yo what's up i need your help man okay what do you need help with follow me follow me please yes sir just trust me okay i trust you with my life courage post yeah what's up brooke was the other imposter i'm the other imposter i got i caught brooke killing ray help me here man i'm begging you i need something okay what do you need i just need you to help me win this game it's my other imposter is out already uh me versus the world okay okay okay okay all right well if we move together they won't suspect that there's two impostors left right yeah yeah okay all right all right let's just go together well there is someone hmm all right i have i have the med base stand post okay someone someone just went to the specimen room oh my scan is halfway done toast that's a little fast what do you mean i've been on the scan for five seconds already see my skin is done all right i was successfully scanned okay i'm gonna go okay okay so i'm really worried oh the double kill happens you'll know okay okay uh would you like me to tell you who it is or walk you through what happened because i can do either walk us through all right walk us through well he's right here right now making noises jack sounds like a squeaky toy in the background he was the scariest thing of all time here's what happened what happened so so i met basically and i got done med base scanning i go to go down to specimen toast was following me all game lights go out a person just sprints through us and kills toast and then ludwig instantly reported a body so i'm assuming it's him okay oh i was gonna say it's courage so this is awkward now so it's probably courage right no no no wait wait first off i got brooke out last round and second well we don't even know if it's her it could have been you not you yeah i was i was in the i was in the specimen top specimen container and i was listening to through the wall courage and toast talk and courage was like i'm screaming so it's like that's cool to signify that it finished and then they both were walking into the specimen i walked out at the same moment and i saw toast's dead body i don't think another person came in i'm pretty sure it's just courage uh no a lot blood because i finished you remember you know ludwig is a cute accusing jack and uh ran down to go to space jackson are you talking to then i'm talking to ludwig can you not hear ludwig either cycuno oh no no i meant like ludwig said you were talking while doing the med scan right yeah cause toast was with me and then i go to run out of spa i go to run into specimen a person crossed my path in like a blur as lights are out and then next to you know the body's reported in a blur then a blue dream the right idea this sounds to me like courage guys i think it's courage i'm telling you it's not me it broke out and i think i literally got brooke out if you think it's well if you think if you think it's brook then seven i guess i'm telling you it would have been very scary for someone to have come in and invented yeah i'm 100 telling you well if it wasn't brook though then [Laughter] so why [Music] thanks to all the new members yeah oxygen yeah become a member today please oh my god where am i oh my gosh imagine if you could walk down there as a crewmate jack can win because he got you out so hard yeah yeah that was so unlucky we're both here he's dropping [Music] is it corp back are you gonna kill me in here oh at least tell me ahead of time before you do i'm not gonna kill you and protect me while i do download okay think about think about all the time we've spent together jack you wouldn't kill me what are you talking you on download ben i'm not killing you i'm not a killer we invented four tonight battle royale dude steel battle royale experience it was never available now yeah yeah yeah yeah hey you wanna watch me med scan yeah sure i come back and stare at my body you know my favorite about oh it didn't give it to me this time usually i get blupo b-l-u-p-o or zero that's why i run blue from med scans big brain giga brain bigger brain [ __ ] wrinkles on this thing i'm at the i'm at the the temp thing i'm doing nothing nothing minus 17 degrees i'm doing the switch over here right bye i literally think me and ludwig are being framed to be courage because no one has died and i think he is very adamant that it's not him so he's trying not to kill anyone no one's not gonna marinate lupo what is going on here because he's marinating him so hard my bottom water wheel and weapons and that's it okay mega marinate what's up guys all right i need to go do comments let's do that real quick hi leslie what's up kill jack i like him i'm not killing anyone i don't know i'm not moving from where i am with the lights out ben's i haven't seen ben crossless i think he's still above us i'm still up here i'm still at the button it just completed i'm laying down i'm right here i'm right here let's go all right he's going for the long run okay i think he can win he's going up he's going up going somebody else one three four one do you think she's using voice commands she's like a pokemon oh my god okay this [Music] out with dreaming corpse in the past oh that's what happened made a mistake there you made a mistake that is such a shame oh you screwed up walk me through that courage you saw it on cams he was with dreams of course the past five guys guys guys i already voted for myself i didn't realize brooke had killed someone up in top left and i got my own foster teammate out you you [ __ ] married me that whole round i saw i saw pink i deserved you know jack i think you could have won that lupo was so marinated but no kills were gonna happen yeah that was my bad yeah i think if you if you would have split up all right brooke i i don't know you had through the window and thought they were going to go check anyway so i was like oh let's go up there then next you know you're walking from a dead body and i'm like oh wow okay i convinced her to kill me there yeah she was actually imposter though imagine for a moment the codes leaked so maybe oh that's true let's imagine it okay is everyone in that's we're talking about we're going yeah everyone's saying everyone's in but everyone's in everything all right all right spaceship i got i got both seconds bottom right right it's not me i'm fixing the lights characters on lights hi it's me don't kill me oh bro did you get brooke i need you to be honest i swear it's not me but everyone's running around saying it's broke it's brooke's brook so i'm hiding and i promise i won't kill you it's not me you swear you swear pinky swear pinky square stamp it it's not me okay okay okay okay okay but why would they say that it's you then because they you you've been it super consistently i will admit that yeah i have i have no tasks down here so i'm just gonna chill with you you want to live toast leslie's right next to it i mean yes this is yelling leslie is yelling leslie why was that oh she said she said nothing she didn't say anything she's completely innocent okay correct nice turn over the panel in front of my boy brook which ones which switches did you have to do on lights i was i was watching you guys yeah which ones was it though you're not actually the killer right oh yeah i do want to live how can i how can i live uh uh i haven't thought that far because i've created two you could make yeah yeah yeah we're both i guess okay okay wait how do you know i'm i'm crewmate uh it's physically likely that your crewmate all right i just took a take a vet what a nice view isn't it i free [ __ ] because the lights are out right right right right there's a body oh my god oh oh oh my god oh my god oh god there was a body up there how'd you pass it wait it's like kudo wait you really don't have imposter vision i don't i got confused and there's a dead body um where's wow that's a lot of dead people what okay okay so this is awkward okay sakuno and i are definitely clear smells like toast wait i was just walking up i was just walking up right i don't actually have a reason i just i just feel like it does he tends to go on murders around storage yeah i was yelling for a cicuna okay um where'd you lose cycuno and where's leslie yes okay i'm telling you guys right now it's like there's corpse why am i the only one fixing lights excuse me i think i fixed the first lights and the second lights of this game yeah i'm in right now i was on weapons yeah zero percent chance it's me or it's zero percent chance of psychonauts zero zero i'm like 75 sure it's not toast oh that would leave me encouraged as a pair i can't vouch for him because i wasn't all right okay so i think that it's toast and leslie then because they're vouching for each other wait you you had psychonauts before you killed them we're not throwing stuff on you guys leslie saw us go to left reactor at the earlier hold on hold on toast i think it's courage and corpse i believe i could hear ray on left side when i was doing light shows exactly i i just was walking up from admin and weapons area and heard her as well as i was about to walk into life wait leslie were you on life is that where you sang you were toast all right well i voted courage there's no other way no shot i'll fix the lights i'll fix that don't worry i'll fix the lights no no i'll fix the light no one else touch the lights no one touched their lights no one touched the lights i'm touching the lights me i'll fix the lights i'm reporting spam report oh my god hello sorry it took a while i double checked and corpse only had one thing who was at the lights i was there chris was there listen no listen i'm back corp said that there was only one switch left i ran up to the lights there was only one switch left it was the far left the safest thing to do is try and break up the pairs right i'm keeping my vote on toast we were wrong i'm keeping my vote on toast but toast was with me for so much of that round but there's and there's four people dead but it could have been posture duo who did the other i'm telling you leslie leslie to break up the pairs we have to kill either you or toast right okay no no no no you guys are apparent you guys realize that right oh yeah but all this is true but both people are so innocent or so you push the vote super hard right ray checks ray i heard ray at the end of the round as i was walking up the weapons corps said there was only one switch left i walked up there was only one switch left it was the far left i think it's clear tried to push tried to push a vote right there and that's that's that's you guys when you don't do 50 50s you double down on your decision and you live with it now i'm going to talk to you wouldn't it be safer to break oh my god no no i don't know i i don't know who it is i don't even know if corpse was it what if it's ray what if it's red it's not it's not it's an insult to me because if i was imposter i would have messed with the lights and leslie would have killed one of you guys you guys aren't imposter by thinking i couldn't mess with the lights because there's only one switch left yeah i was the one doing it courage was watching me leslie didn't get on i could have switched all other four switches off what do you mean he's right i'm voting for curry what are you talking about i went to the lights and opened it and it was the far left switched and it was fixed hello what are you talking about he just took one last marinade with him to its death i have i don't know you're all suss except for psycho no oh yeah yeah not me not me i like that i'm just getting anywhere else i'm just gonna wait should i call a meeting i'm just gonna sit still i'm not gonna move i have so many times i haven't done any tests so do i i've already done my how did you get voted i'm not moving from where i am i do but you do i'm not moving from where i am no i could be in the imposter right now couldn't i no you can't no i could be i'm great at marinating rich children let's try and check vitals in case one okay they're here leslie if it's not you it has to be jack it's not me it's literally not me jack right i'm telling you we just got we just got coast out and forbes story lined up perfectly all right i'm going to here's why good lord good lord yes i'm going with this 100 clears leslie and toast is innocent purge doesn't that mean it's courage leslie so okay so uh the reason why sacuno and i are innocent is because the game's not over and we are vouching for each other if one of us would ever one of us can't beat the imposter because there's four kills and we're both uh yeah i mean i guess another day another getting killed for catching on the foster i actually voted for courage the other guys won of course thankfully um courage and corpse photo for me i wonder if they knew it i was going to do that they could have tied their head oh oh don't mean all right all right just based off of that we know we know who it is wait a minute it's jack what are you talking about i'm here well i'm gonna go fix the lights um when you know who it is you know who it is right jesus christ [Music] i'm on the lights there's two light switches left i'm literally about to fix them ray remember when you said you thought i was bad at marinating yes what if i just killed and self-reported to make courage look like he's guilty a secuno i know you're not good what do you mean you know no no no no what if it's me well actually i mean if jack is at the lights then yeah jack is at the lights yeah the body i guess i've already voted for cycuno yeah i'm going to get both imposters out this game and i'm a hero who's the first imposter post was the imposter really yes he pushed the vote on course which was wrong and now about to wait that's impossible what's impossible why did if it was uh you should have killed me courage you should have killed me and blamed leslie like i told you listen wait i'm not going to talk already in my vote i'm not going to talk anymore if it was toast we would have lost already yup cause now ray knows i'm innocent because she should have accused leslie i mean i could be the killer i might have marinated you ray what if i want to vote for you seikuno because it's like sounds evil right now right now i'm gonna vote i'm kind of interested you can vote for me no easy win oh i i still want a second no talking like that we were together the whole game it's um it was corpse it couldn't have been on the verge of having six kills in round one yeah that was not look i don't i just wanted corpse to kill me and then you killed me oh i'm desperate my i'm gonna i have to far away make some sort of video from this i'm just gonna make some some title up i guess i do terrible in among us that's a good one that's a good one it's gonna i just i keep getting crewmate over and over and over again that's what an imposter would say yeah same same same very crewmate i'm so crewmate oh that sounded like a stressed side toast high test test wait listen listen i've i've died up here twice almost already i don't think i should go up there again [Applause] because i have a fear of the grudge that was actually my first childhood nightmare where's the grudge that movie was horrifying but stop it oh my god i found leslie's body at the the spawn point oh interesting what i left her there wait i'll be honest but i kind of need to go back if that's okay yeah we'll we'll see if somebody's in the bathroom so it won't go to the next round um corpse is a hundred percent clear he definitely would have killed me for revenge right there and did not yeah as well are you not gonna clear me brooke oh well lupo i mean lupo was doing tasks so i absolutely was 100 percent doing tasks real ones not faking them he was not thanking them speak um dream dream did a screech he's clear as well yeah my ears it actually was very corpse brook i fixed lights uh and the doors closed on me in lights oh no one was there oh except for lupo who i saw at the door blood that's true we faced did you did you eat breakfast today who who no i guess i had like a like a lunch or maybe like a brunch okay don't you guys not hear a little egg or jack or something i can't wait no i can't hear him i hear everything it was just a weird question a weird blood wait how was a question about food weird from jack are you sure oh yeah wait you okay okay killing time for our good pal to get back here wait is not here he's going to the bathroom wait so was it was it it was toast making the noise not courage because i assumed it was courage doing pterodactyl but i guess his toes doing that was dream doing pterodactyls pterodactyls are pretty much a really good stretch yeah you do pterodactyl now i did i did cherokee i did tear down what yeah incredible truly all right guys here we go again good round guys [Music] go closer i feel like i'm playing phasma could you um um who do you think it is i don't know oh totally you don't know oh ghost is pretending he's role-playing as the grudge have you ever watched that movie nope is it scary oh wait there's no it's scary right grudge it's scary it's a scary movie and it traumatized me she comes out of a staticy tv and she has really long hair and then she goes uh that's exactly what it sounds like oh [ __ ] wait was there actually oh i thought that was on camp's oh my god [Music] so ludwig go ahead well i thought there was a dead body on kim's lupo oh so it's course um because me and bro i you yeah you went to the outside vent popped in when brooke was standing on the vent in front of me no i ran the left no no no no no no we were locking eyes outside because i asked you a direct question which you lied to me by the way i said are you a monster and you were like let me explain what happened after all every time okay you hit like all right i went inside found out you vented killed her in the left so i was alone i was alone with brooke uh ray was like you know we ran right me and brooke she just cleared me last round by the way so i don't know why i would kill her if i was cool only one person was was dead last round could still be you why why would i kill the one person clearly yeah i know this can't be corpse because he knows that i know that he was last with her and luco literally just ran with her into mad bay and now she's dead and i don't know why lupo would kill here either knowing that i know that so did you guys see dream no i saw a dream i saw a dream yeah courage told me uh uh where were courage and dream oh nowhere near yet no no no he was nowhere near it and i hope he can vouch for me that i was known for he yeah no where where where were you guys if you don't mind sharing no no no no we don't want to you know it was a privet affair you would say yeah i don't know what that word means but yeah private with an accent no no no no there was uh there was nobody in your office uh uh yeah no problem but i think it's pretty unlikely i believe wrong it is corpse toast no it can't be corpse it can't be corpses oh yeah the one you put on your fingers and pretend like you're a witch oh guys guys i did i did i did a fine because he's impostor so the delight doesn't matter to him protect me not protect me [ __ ] you from yeah protect me oh xylophone ludwig ludwig's an english major how you been man that wait where's your son is he is he at school no he was giving me away when i was never possible you think voted for corpse oh i did i did it so that's why you feel felt suss about it or you're the imposter yeah that's why i felt suss about it so lupo voted corpse and i vote of course right wow that's a bad thing lud you know that's a bad thing still right here blood love do you have the information lord lord lord you'll have to kill me from this spot where i am hello hello are you guys not moving are we not doing lights i'm standing still ray's eating popcorn toast is blood come to us blood come to us from where it's blood it's blood it's blood yeah you better kill me now you better kill me right now okay well we need to go fix lights corpses let's go to the next dream let's go let's go we gotta go we gotta go let's go fix lights okay dream if i die you'll carry on you'll carry on the torch do it corpse i know you're here somewhere come on corpse you're gonna kill me i'm right here you better kill me before i fix these lights oh oh i am so sorry i i i do apologize there we go we got it okay i know here we go here we go yo okay all right listen blood lud is one of them okay uh cap oh [ __ ] all right here's what i just say lord how did you find me down there dream that is my spot not your spot for you my spot your spot is you said you said something like oh are we not going to fix the lights and then you ran down to me and just found them yeah because i went to go my spot i didn't want to go fix lights i'm going to goddamn die i don't know a lot of that's true that is my spot i literally what do you think in that exact spot for sure well okay first of all first of all first of all let's think about this for a moment there are five people left yes yes yes okay yes so that means that if there are two imposters i could have just killed and won the game right well no because if you're kill cooldown because there there wasn't like these really good like kill cooldown what do you mean people just died while we were at lights i know which is why it's not me because i've been with courage this entire time yeah how the one person i know for sure is innocent so tell me what you think well i have some thoughts but i don't want to share anything man i'm scared right now courage we have to vote here we have energy because we have actually listen listen listen listen yeah i'll tell you what i did i thought i saw someone event so i wanted to go see who it was okay that's all i was by that the whole time you said the no no i was there the whole game and then i thought i saw some events so i went to check the event all right what do you think toaster that's not what happened because i went down and then you left and then you said it was me so it's not that you saw i have information but we only have 10 seconds i'm not in a pair so it can't be me it has to be dream toast or courage it's got to be loved [Music] oh no my phone didn't go through who'd you vote for courage i bet it was the right one i voted dream oh damn it all right all right so who is it come on i know you're called a sabotage just fess up let it see who's in it you sort of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] you son of a [ __ ] do it do it i'm just happy to be here listen these games don't make any sense because we're voting [Music] but the thing is that i trusted the rest of the roommates that got lupo that said that was lupo i'm sorry i don't even know who to trust anymore and dream you gotta realize i could have killed you so many times doing keys i'm gonna stand here for a really yeah i'm totally still doing keys i'm doing all the keys all the keys wow well i'm looking for oh hey it's the three of us you're looking for what what are you looking for um courage he's um so i'm i'm red now what do you think wait what were you looking for you said you were looking for something um i was looking for you know a pal to stick around that keep me alive wait that's really bad wait what's up jack hey brook when i came on cam's toast right here yeah so i was on cams right okay and i'm talking about how i'm gonna catch an imposter on cams and then brooke runs in and goes oh are you in some creepy way okay keep going and then what happened uh oh my god this is dead oh my god okay okay okay a lot of the time so so at one point all of us were stacked up at the bottom of the the uh right under the thing it was rey me cycuno ludwig courage brooke and leslie i've been doing tasks three of course the only two that weren't there well listen there's one there's been one kill the entire time all right okay so yes there's only one kill so that means it is either corpse or dream so why don't we just vote them both out guys brooke brooke was with me twice i i was with dream twice he was on camera so how can you say that let's just i think i don't i don't think it must be but mark was being very threatening and also i've seen her wrongly i've seen so many of you get to play sooner wait it's a win-win [Music] wait who were the last people to join the stack uh leslie i was on camera i have to go wash my hands it's covered in popcorn can you guys not know me okay we won't kill you don't kill me protect yourself one of them corpse is it's it has to be either you or dream just because of everybody well it's not me you're not even looking at me when you say that you're just well that's not me all right i believe i believe you know hey guys do you see me looking through the window yeah very weird jack wait guys guys guys i'm gonna act like i'm like all innocent and like i can be killed and you guys will see them through the windows okay okay all right okay [Music] [Laughter] did it work hey lupo come over here oh god something i do for you young man you're out got you red-handed don't do it are you effing kidding me leslie please don't hurt don't turn me into a twitter clip please okay wait it's i think it's oh no it's like oh this is good let's go listen i promise listen let me explain what happened let me explain what happened i was following cycuno i was making me look like this made me look guilty but why would i report this body in the dark in the lights if it wasn't me okay this what happened cycuno what's trying to lose i can't hear your dreams yes we can okay the lights went off yeah and the lights went off and he lost me and then i saw the report button and i reported why would i report that body if it was me when you just saw me brook with him i was trying to fall asleep it is not me i'm the most innocent person in this lobby right now oh oh okay he said he's the most innocent person in the lobby which makes him extremely suspicious can we just have somebody follow dream around this entire day i want to clear my name too i know a lot of you guys are probably thinking that it's me the fat guy eating but it's ray i feel like but you know what if we just vote for one of you one of you though what if we just go down because no because you the kill could have been before the stack i saw a bunch of them the whole round i saw leslie and i saw brook later i think sticking with lupo you can kick me if he dies i voted for dream yep i'm voting for myself now now they're just gonna kill him but if i i will i voted for myself you can't trust nobody not even yourself true i voted for this way oh you hate me but you love me hey corpse um oh my god oh no this couldn't have been dream this round oh my god okay that couldn't have been leslie sorry my mic fell off the stage my heart just sank where's the body what's up jack the body is in uh o2 area okay so you can vouch that this wasn't me because you saw me leave too well yeah i think i don't think this was corpse all right sick i think that i could have sworn i saw lupo and brook in that area okay well then it was [Music] no lupo where did you guys come from we walked straight out of admin and went right into weapons weapons so you didn't come from o2 no no no no and dream and i can vouch for that because we joked about a double kill in weapons so we can solidify here that it's not me or dream and you guys got played okay who's pushing the hardest i think i saw i think i saw five of you guys there yes yeah your your story's a little fishy okay no so i 100 can vouch dream me brook and leslie we are all near each other ray where were you that round i was in specimen i did the simon says and i'm heading north to do medscan actually so i'm nowhere near the bottom wait where where are you where are you north ray uh i in the decontamination corps where were you okay i was in o2 with courage left he saw me leave met up with leslie and brooke in weapons so there's down time between there you could dude i think it's corpse you could have gone yeah i don't know what that story was i'm pretty sure i saw all seven people down there that rounding that clears me right right i wasn't near the body okay okay it's like really confusing corpse yeah we were right i just wish people had you know the huevos and the rancheros to vote on their instincts i knew we were i wasn't on the stack because anyone here killed there for the content you know facts i would have yeah i was exactly i said you and ray definitely would have i would have look i was i was open i was i thought i would maybe magically wake up and be impossible yeah i was hoping that too but you know we were right about both which is cool yeah yeah but we're both dead now so yeah i think we're going to lose i think courage saw me get murdered but i think he just wants to be in a youtube video you know how it is oh yeah yeah i'm not sure what uh i mean the tasks aren't done i'm just gonna probably just not even do mine yeah i'm not doing mine yeah yeah i don't think yeah i'm closer task when i get all fine but everyone's having fun talking to each other you know no i'm playing world of warcraft in the background right now oh what are you doing oh no i'm doing um my ma dailies wait look do you play oh no i used to play dolphus though you were played dophus oh yeah i was an ika flip the gambling you were kidding me i'm not kidding you played gophers yeah oh my cousins played us the summoner someone's a little i was in osama does too yeah oh the yeah you summon the little birds and when you level up you get the goat the goats john yeah a gobble a gobble guy gobble gobble yeah yeah wow that's crazy what a rare game to play yeah nice you still play i i haven't played in a while but i haven't yeah i mean either yeah it's it was like it was really fun remember what love would you get to do um not not super high not super high fair church yeah just kind of fun to wander around most of the time you know lab wow i'm surprised i'm surprised you played yeah i i i am too honestly it's kind of like a random game that i played when it is i wasn't allowed to play wow because my mom wouldn't give me membership money oh yeah fifteen dollars a month yeah yeah it was too steep and uh so i i just did free to play how do you how many times gonna go anyway i just played free to get play games like dolphus and runescape oh yeah yeah me too me too yeah [Music] oh this dude lured me into the wilderness and killed me and took my stuff and then i just i just never played again i quit because i had an existential crisis this guy paid me to mine six thousand run essence and it took me two weeks of uh full-time work after school and then after it was done he gave me a hundred thousand gp and i was like what is this really worth to me and i didn't think it was worth two weeks yeah probably not how do you unlock the mod dailies i still haven't unlocked them yet oh you just do all the main quest line okay i got i got a couple left i'm a little behind okay where'd you go uh this this way they're on oh man oh that's pretty cool one week i i didn't know um we go check out what corpse and stuff are doing like yeah they haven't killed anyone yo what's up you don't upload minecraft to youtube ever nope huh just gonna keep doing the amongst thing yeah i don't know not a not sure how i do with the minecraft audience sure sure sure makes sense make sense have you tried it yeah it doesn't do that great for me it doesn't feel that great for me but what's weird is the clip channels do really great so i think it's a me thing you know the content's good people watch the content but it's a me thing i can't get them to watch my minecraft content yeah yeah i think you just gotta you know convert your audience over yeah maybe that's it that's like you tried posting minecraft stuff yeah yeah is that working out pretty good for you it's going pretty okay yeah yeah that's how i feel but there's like a clip channel it's like post nukes and then say it's like psycho kills and then it's like 800 million views and i'm sitting here before yeah it's real weird like what a surprise that was so hard that what are you doing jack we called it really i really didn't want to kill him he'd be like vouching for me but wow i'm never listening to either of you ever again that is tonight anything else i should get on it other than eating uh a little bit i'm not a big fan of the bean sprouts though not gonna lie oh yeah what about seaweed i like was exiting i see them in the back bringing in like packets of shin ramen no no what wait where was that in l.a in l.a downtown korea town whoa all right i'm gonna go do my okay tasks hello wow proximity is pretty cool do i drink more caffeine i'm supposed to go to the gym tonight but i don't want to i don't know [Music] i finished all my tasks right i'm gonna call a meeting no wait how did you get there so fast i used wasd on my keyboard um i just completed the world record for invent or anything can you hear dream listen i just got the world record for most completed tasks in the least period of time congrats thank you wow thank you uh i mean our tasks are only two to three so it's not that unreasonable i finished my test i'm done he said he's done he's down now now what will you do dreams now yeah what are you going to do now that's actually i think i'll retire maybe i'll go to disney i don't know mm-hmm well this is why you call this meeting it's closed corona you know yeah that's true okay after after where was ludwig's body by the way oh yeah where's lead i haven't seen him i didn't dream i would see ludwig's body no dreams i pressed the button there the person i saw while i was doing my task was race surprisingly well corpse had just come back towards the end of the round so we're just skipping and leslie and i were standing there watching him talking about how long like it must have been a pretty bad amount of people that was like oh guys ran really fast i think he's been he's been working out you know he's hacking that's true i think one of them is cycuno so i went into top specimen and then i came out the bottom and he was outside the bottom one before i got through whoa as i said i used wasd i don't know if you guys have ever used the keyboard before you just push the keys down and you do things well i'm playing online because he just pushed for a skip and then saw an opportunity to try and save me even though there's no yeah i'm actually [Music] the comedic timing in this and this is awesome like it happened so often i really can't comment yeah i was there for that you were there for that no oh i nearly went after them in weapons yo leslie what's up hey ben don't kill me wow you you just trust me huh leslie physically it's not you toast and you've had my back for many a game so i know you wouldn't betray it this time i trust i'm doing it i'm doing it no ray was surprised when she got here and saw us that's because and lupo with three mil three mill in one hit dude stop what is this insane this miss pandaria all over again jeez that's crazy basically plus you know i'm innocent right i do you because i did the node yeah you know you were watching you were watching huh i was watching i i know i know i know i knew that you know that i knew that you know that i knew that you know that i was one you were watching me i knew it anyway where are you going bye brooke and corpse rolled up together you must oh hold on someone's over here who's all here hey ghosts just me and dreamweaver i was just explaining how he sims for you he said he got promoted yeah yeah good job obsessing uh posters oh yeah but you never finished your story dream you want to finish that story what story was it the one you were telling me about brooke in the camera room oh well that was that was oh that was another game toast that was another game we don't need to that's fine we don't it was another game was the story oh no no that wasn't that was another game so i mean i i i just i i killed post and it was it was last game oh let's go oh man it is so hard for uh imposters to kill anyone hey hey hey guy on camera can you hear me like if you if you're on camera can you hear the people actually let me let me come ask you oh god am i dead so ray can you hear me talk if you see me on camera yeah yeah i don't i i can hear you talking to me i saw you on cameras can you hear me yeah yeah i can hear you yeah yeah wait you're not gonna kill me no okay okay cool cool i like that i'm fixing the lights ray if i stop talking you know someone got me i'm still talking i'm still talking i'm flicking on the lights it's so hard to turn on and there's toast oh you thought you were dead hi ray oh hello i'm just on cams because i'm done with my task hey brooke hey brooke hi you wanna kill me no i can't i guess i would you sure you can you don't have to pretend brooke we both know the truth do we we both know the truth so why don't you just get it over with get it over no i can't i can't wow on my own pretend oh hey leslie oh my god lupo was protecting jack that whole time oh jack and i were standing on con are on ron vitals and uh we literally said oh nobody's dead and then jack [ __ ] died next to me yeah i saw you guys next to each other like the whole oh my gosh oh that's unfortunately i haven't all right so who was it lights uh not yet nope bottom line is that we were talking about how ray said the lights are on and the lights turned off right when you said that so yeah that was quite that was a crazy coincidence but i'm telling you the killer is brooke what what yes because no there's no way okay there's literally no way i thought of this yesterday there is a foolproof way to always catch an imposter with one question right wait what look are you the imposter okay she took too long just kill her okay cutting you guys oh wait her mic was cutting oh my god i can't hear you oh she can't do that yeah i can't hear her what brooke are you the imposter no i would have killed you in storage trust she said no okay i'll be the i'll be the judge of that okay um corpse what's your lie detector saying is she the imposter i think i i think we give it another run wait i'm confused as to why ray said it was me okay the reason why i know it's brooke is because leslie and i were on cams we saw toast and brook bottom left we went down and brooke was gone we see dream cycuno corpse inching from office together i know lupa was last with jack i don't think he'd report this body so the last person's broke uh-huh um that's right you guys were 100 on top of each other what if someone's simping i think because yeah what if someone's i'm like approaching electrical but i'm not even in that area [Applause] saved what maybe i have to med scan okay okay wait leslie meds can't wait [Music] [Music] i don't think hmm i'm done has been together for a long time oh yo what's up where are you oh there you go i'm right right right next to you please don't be dead corpse words corps you lied he lied no it's a party over here what happened so turkeys oh hey brooke nope bro brooke why are you chasing me bro don't chase me oh she's chasing me somebody somebody help she's chasing me she's gonna kill me so she broke his chasing me hit the button oh let's go oh oh whoo brook's chasing you yeah brooke was chasing me i swear i know brooke is guilty [Music] it's not me oh no it's just toast hmm so i know corpse and dream are in specimen okay they ever come out oh god oh my god oh god oh my god oh god oh god oh my god oh my god oh my god somewhere oh no dream [Music] it's not i spit her on my task what happened what's happening i can't hear dream what's he saying he can't dream is uh he's not saying much oh wait wait wait wait wait wait he spent run i did first round i got him all done he's been with me almost the whole round for the last uh dream no he was with me almost the entire game except for the last like stream you went into specimen with corpse what happened oh well we came out alive okay and then what happened and then we walked out of med bay and when he was alive uh-huh and then i lost my memory for like five six seconds but i think he was still alive whenever i yeah and then he died he died he died i don't i don't remember him dying but you don't remember him dying um cycuno so you were with dream at the end there um up until the last like 20 seconds but we were together almost the whole round he never killed me you think dream is innocent sakura i mean you're starting to make it sound like he isn't but saikudo is he simping for you what oh no i wouldn't you said that at the beginning of this game i never i never it's like the imposter dream no no no no saku no saikuno would never be the imposter oh i might be the imposter it would be dream then should we vote if you're gonna vote for dreams wait wait for me i'm voting for myself okay we go dreams no dream no no no dream i'm sorry i i voted for myself [Music] [Music] yeah i closed the doors yeah it was might have been comedic timing toast and it was funny because like we realized like because we went down and it's like just killed someone right in front of us and we were just all screaming running away i forgot obsessive brook that's so funny nice job all right maybe maybe okay all right you know what i'm gonna speed around my tab zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom [Music] okay oh [Music] oh yo what's up nothing you know too okay cool cool see you again you're not really youtuber all right so courage is with leslie sakuno is with dream and yeah that's all the information no no corpse of course you're hiding a body aren't you corpse i'm gonna find it i bet there's a body right behind this door and there's nobody's here three minutes i'm gonna tell you you're my favorite hold on i'm waiting for the upload to finish okay well no one has died yet so i'm just gonna keep doing my tests again did you find that body you're looking for ah no don't do it don't do it don't make my body the body i didn't find one either oh hey guys what's up you're my favorite youtuber wait you said that's leslie curbs tell you that you're his favorite youtuber too yeah he did yeah he did he came up and said he's still there wait wait wait wait wait wait wait no one's dead i if chris i think he's the imposter said that you're his favorite youtuber i thought he meant it i'm a small youtuber in this group i was i was flattered should we vote just for doing that no we should vote him for lionel you guys should skip but i voted because this is a little person i voted to skip i voted he is the imposter the other imposter is going to have a rough time sure wait are you talking about yourself you're lucky i saved you to kill your biggest fan he said he was your favorite youtuber i you can uh so who is it really jack huh jack who is it really tell us guys nobody else tell us jack it's ninja what oh no why did people want to kill courage five people voted yes five people who voted no it's got to be not courage right it's got to be not covered huh let's open the door i'm too lazy thank you yeah yeah i got it uh all right i got i am flicking on the left nice nice second what are you doing oh hey there hey the lights turned on or something no i did i was trying to uh what do you think i was ducking in the corner to try and get a sneak hello yo what's up oh god okay ray ray ray when the lights went out he was just standing in the corner looking at us that's kind of weird oh wait wait what are you screaming about right i heard i heard corpse i heard so this is going to sound so dumb of me okay okay so here's what sorry in my mouth can you guys give me just 10 seconds yeah i don't hear him shooting he's lying i'm backing away from the mic what are you eating eating cinnamon raisin bread from starbucks he's about to post a picture of it in the chat i've never had it okay okay huh so i i have a cinnamon raisin bagel from starbucks with cream cheese and i was talking about how much i liked cinnamon raisin bagels and and then i had uh some adulation repeated that same adulation from corpse and dr lupone dr lupo said to me he says to me he says hey a lot of ways how about you how about you take a big bite of that yeah and i said all right dr lupo sure you're a doctor yeah so yeah i took a big bite i took a fat bite he said he said get a lot of cream cheese in there huh so i get a lot of cream cheese on my mouth huge right and i'm staring at the camera because i'm like i'm trying i'm not trying to sell this to him that it's like delicious and then and then the lights are off and then i you know i'm chewing it and you guys saw it shoot for like 40 seconds when i'm done chewing his dead body's there i didn't see who it was who killed him okay so did you close your eyes well let me help you with your search um i know 100 it's not brooke and i know it's 100 not cycuno yup there's no way it's brooke yeah why why does everything cycuno says always sounds like he's being sarcastic no no no let me explain guys let me explain i lured her into a corner and pretended to threaten her as the killer but i'm not the killer threatening somebody well like as a meme because obviously i couldn't wait can you do that to me next round i want to hear it you guys guys i just want to hear what he sounds like when he's mad that's all yeah what don't make this weird guys i just i've no i don't know [Music] like you hate it you have to sing it now two seconds um yeah that you're a good friend you want yeah remember that dinner you know we we had agreement for yeah yeah yeah who do you want to invite oh well who do you dinners to uh uh well you know the deal was just uh you and me right and like maybe like a couple of people from the lobby yesterday oh yeah yeah well um i mean i'm okay with anyone no no i need you to list specific people okay so you how are you giving me a bigger list and then i'll be leaving oh goodness okay yeah uh someone was dead right there uh i just opened the doors to the lights this wasn't sick who always taught who always talking ray psycho corpse me mm-hmm i mean i i was i was talking to you a bit um wait ray cycuno corpse curry jack yeah toast toast and leslie were you no we were uh tell him leslie we were by the love well he owes me dinner because of something from yesterday so we were planning that out on the by the lava pit if i'm thinking okay it's not under him okay the michelin star restaurant right yes yeah yeah oh yeah you owe all of us that by the way toast huh uh-huh oh yeah wait like it can't be them it has to be one of the body room yeah probably probably what do you guys think i killed them while i was running around talking to you guys in the dark when you couldn't see me well now you're why why you saying don't sound sarcastic no that's not what i did i i'm innocent um reactor with reactor not going off he definitely would have killed me are you are you sure brooke i mean yeah she's sure she's sure yeah i'm sure yeah she's pretty sure i'm sure yeah yeah yeah i'm pretty sure too yeah but i think that's why there haven't been very many kills sure because of what someone's getting marinated no me marinate ray you know i'm bad at marinating right so it's it's not me i'm bad at marinating wait you if you were innocent you would say you're good at marinating so now you're imposter because you're saying you're bad at marinating i mean i'm good at marinating um okay she thinks i'm innocent right right yeah i definitely think it's like totally innocent see yeah you guys both sound so guilty i don't want to like yeah you know yeah yeah i'm innocent i'm innocent who killed right in front of us what the heck guys oh my god it's so dark here i'm just gonna stand still okay i'm still in shock standing still i am standing still nothing bad is going to happen to me i am doing my target or something oh eyes are gonna oh hey leslie where'd he go oh hello if you if you killed corpse or toast in front of me at all i'm not the imposter so uh my kill happens in front of you say anything if a kill happens in front of me you have an opportunity i will snitch outs if you kill toast i'll pay value money hold on do it leslie if you kill toast right now i'll buy you a another dinner oh it's not me it's not me though that's all stacked up right now i'm leaving 10 subs 10 guys we should go oh wait i thought you're not the imposter i can't afford 10 subs my water bill um i'm going to fix the lights oh exactly it again okay good job it isn't oh okay oops i did it again again that's an admission the bonnie is on top of cams oh jack hold up we just got david jackson here wait it's not cycle or leslie god okay leslie it's definitely not me i fix the light hear them talking to you and i decided that i'm just gonna sit on them for the rest of the game and now the body was apparently in camera so it looks bad for me um that's fair i mean he did turn off the first lights and the second light so well all i know is i was in in uh like cafeteria the whole time and i heard saikuno and leslie talking to each other the entire time uh yeah we're both innocent told me that he grew up if i killed toast that down leslie would have definitely how do we get to that well i i think it's not uh it's not corpse toast or leslie at this point if you want to vote for me then do it but it's not me fair enough what have you been doing i had one task left and that was my card flip did my card flip went to lights fixed the lights and sat on the lights panel the first lights i fixed was light switches one three and four seconds where where was everybody at the end of the round he did he did switch off lights because reported the body and where was toast how was that like okay toast where was uh oh yeah yeah okay courage i don't really know what everyone's like here yeah brooke was in there and i heard toast nearby oh we voted corpse whoa it was me disguised you think it's orbs i mean it's not leslie or psycho no who did that kill did corpse kill and report knows what did you say wait what i said kill wait oh wait oh sorry i'm right here sorry i thought he said kill someone no i said that corpse kill and report oh i am internal internally monologuing and talking to my chat so if you can hear this you are hearing the unfiltered thought process of one disguised toast i believe corpse may have killed or and self-reported dream was not accounted for that last round which is also scary jack was fixing lights and i know courage likes to go for big brain plays big brain plays to gain the innocence of people what gosh she keeps killing me i have a mask on for guys where is everyone guys you scared me i just want to let you guys know that's not me [Music] i couldn't find it oh my god ludwig uh here they did that double killing thing huh yeah yeah yeah they did do that did you guys just leave it cause i think they couldn't hear something he said what the [ __ ] has it sometimes wrong oh i don't know they're back now toast and who's five who's five come down and say hello hello hello five nice nice who's six six brooke i was like i still can't hear your dream for some reason i didn't hear brooke okay brook and dream can't hear each other all right i think last time we made a new lobby and it worked or restart or both refresh your things also works yeah go re reset your i might have to refresh mine i don't hear dream okay i refreshed mine something oh honestly surprise no one just press control r on the clock there we go i just heard it nice blood i was gonna say last time i was like sitting next to you guys in the dark and then i heard you say i'm about to take a big bite you ready three two and i just killed by the way dream that's messed up now that they're thinking about it common man's chew farming information about you look out oh wait i meant he's farming information about you okay this is what i sound like yes i'm from jersey what's what's the problem from joycey saw me right i promise all right and you know you also promised when you were the imposter have any of you guys ever heard the song over and over again wait what brooke you getting poster more than anyone ever it's so often i don't know oh how god oh my god shut up all right i think they just left can i be can i get seen if i'm here by the imposter the imposter coming in should be able to see me right let's be very very quiet leslie do you wish you were imposter this round yeah let's listen closely for some clues baby bb hmm clicking so whenever you're doing past i know you're actually doing it really no way so now next one posture i'll just fake click exactly i knew it brooks dead bodies and weapons oh brook's finally not impossible well leslie can clear me because yeah this kill couldn't have been sakuno or leslie yeah we were both together in specimen jack and i were together yes uh-huh she was just there with us with so many of us who left her who was it who was it i know courage was with us a dream ludwig oh ludwig was there wait ray you were never with us yeah bottom left okay i heard you guys sure what kind of ramen is he ordering then you said you were there right you just answered the question well when i talked about it yeah i'm voting ludwig because he's suss wow you said two you said two things it starts with the t right check right don't say yes you didn't hear anything you said talk talk over some [ __ ] guys ray was not there for any of it what kind of how would i have all right what kind of ramen do i get what kind of ramen do i get i was only there for a i walked past you guys so then why are you claiming to have been with us it was me lupo and courage and that's it and all of them know say it lupo and courage what do i get sweet pork yeah that's what you said i'm going to skip for the sweet pork then sweet pork [Laughter] now jack and i were in weapons with ludwig we went into coms the three of us and then literally went out party oh you couldn't say that earlier lupo huh i i was trying to do whatever i know he's right right but you live together never been to a land party before i think you're right i i think i'm right too all right a lot door closes on the left no door closes on the right this is someone who does door closes looks like everything has been closed all right oh oh oh i have a big brain id i have a big brain idea i have a big brain idea yo lord come with me come with me jack come with me i got a big brain idea i got a huge brain id you guys we're gonna get the kills right now everyone follow me everyone follow me everyone follow me everyone follow me okay okay okay all right i don't want to die here huddle them should we go to lights no no no no no no we're huddling huddling okay we're huddling we're huddling okay we're gonna wait okay here's what we're gonna do don't move from this spot no matter what happens do not move from the spot okay i'm about to i'm about to galaxy brain i'm about to galaxy brain here um okay toast i think blood is a killer and he's here with us oh wait look i am then it's fine right i'm one no i'm not he's not killing anyone yeah who just showed up who just showed up okay wait wait wait wait why is no one fixing lights hey who's that wait is someone here hello i heard a dream i think oh i did hear someone i do it wait you're hiding in the corner straight guys guys one of the mistakes all right let's go let's go fix the lights let's go fix the lights let's go together together strong apes together strong oh hello apes together strong there's a body we have surgery and i was making a joke i was like well if i kill if i kill leslie right in front of you will you report me and then um and then she's like no no it's like i won't report you if you kill him and then i run i juke him at the thing and then he's like oh don't worry i can see you through the door i wasn't near the door i could see leslie through the door i assumed you were sticking together dream it's not i'm sorry it's like you know i'm paranoid it's like who knows made me paranoid what i i promise you dream i will wait leslie is alive no one died well because he was explaining to me that leslie's had been having a rough night because she uh she hasn't had impossible ever in like 20 grand yeah he hasn't had imposter all night counting maybe maybe if you don't get impostor again leslie we can have an imposter do the kills for you and it's like you're impossible yeah that is correct wait wait i need everyone to follow me i have a big brain idea i mean that it's so good i have a big brain idea okay follow me follow me follow me wait let's go fix lights and then follow me lights everyone fix lights and then one day we'll do lights okay oh they shut the door on me come here come here come with me all right everyone stand here everyone stand here everyone's dead no one don't open the door don't open the door stop stop stop i want you to stand right right here right here and i want you to open the door all right wait this tour yeah all right lud's not a killer because he would have gone the event button standing so close to the vent you're cleared you might have been too far away oh let's get lights listen this is what's happening it's like kuno it's like like bringing leslie around like giving her his ability as imposter to make her i don't know wait [ __ ] are you kidding me they totally said and i quote she said kill ludwig i know wait wait so so they're the only two left that's not in this group right so listen listen they're not they're not imposters but cycuno is an imposter and leslie's not it's like kuno is letting leslie use him as an impossible she hasn't gotten impossible no one's gonna fix lights except for us oh my god we gotta go fix lights guys if i just came up with that idea and that's what they're doing that's insane that's it that was crazy i promise you that's what's happening i promise you all right we got we gotta we gotta kill them i just thought of that as like a potential thing we can find them we can find them oh wait oh oh corpse is also here i have information oh i'm mind blown right now absolutely not absolutely not so we were staying in a group having a conversation about uh cycuno and leslie and then who did i run into but seikuna and leslie trying to have a conversation i i was asking you about your favorite childhood okay elephant in the room it does feel like a lot of us may or may not have overheated yeah some things from leslie and tycoon i that i heard and you guys dish back if that's like what you meant by that so this is what i heard and i'm i'm playing the role of leslie okay um cycuno kill lodwick so now what did that mean like what was the subtext behind that i heard leslie say we shouldn't kill ludwig this is what i heard i heard okay why is it always me every time that you're trying to kill what the hell is going on uh listen um well okay uh um um wait i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea i have an idea let's do the thing let's do the thing with cycuno oh okay it's a thing oh the thing how about we do the thing and the thing is no no we we can do the thing to prove his theory though yeah yeah that thing what okay i'm in don't worry i'm in all right we're gonna have to wait for the thing to be a thing though you know yeah yeah that thing's got to become a thing first all right we all know what to do here we have to vote sikuno we have to vote cycuno skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip lupo toast skip oh okay yeah the thing guys oh i'm not on the same page with everybody i don't know what the [ __ ] going on what's the what's the same don't worry guys don't worry just don't worry about it don't worry about toast oh oh the thing yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah sakuno come no one to open the door don't open the door we're going to have saikuno stand on the vent secure stay on the vent everyone back up back up back up all right all right all right sakuno i want to see it's like a magic trick i want i want you to stand right where i'm standing right here right a little yeah yeah open the door open the door cycle now what oh he's innocent he didn't go into all right well because if they're imposter they would get the vent button right i know oh no all right listen okay listen listen there's not another way to open the door i hear toast toast your plan worked and i'll tell you why okay why your plan just exposed both imposters the imposters are cycuno and ludwig huh wait how would i have done how does that make sense listen ludwig just now when this time ludwig opened the doors like who know was amid saying what do you mean when the door opened and ludwig was standing on the photo did you open the door weirdly i was just confused why you guys were telling me to open a door but did you open the door you're don't split don't split votes i'm just a pawn in your guy's game now trust me he positioned himself by he positioned himself how could you do that ludwig wait how did i do okay how did i do the first story i want to hear that explanation you you you could have been i don't understand that logic well i i didn't think it was you until you you opened up he's playing with cap he's like all right [Music] oh yeah you guys aren't actually going to vote me now no no we're 100 gonna vote okay okay can i come clean yeah go ahead yes i did the first store okay that means i'm 100 doors that means i can open the doors no because there's no way to do it dream will try you okay listen this is all i know all i know is this okay i know that i don't i don't know how you did the first door but what i do know is on the second door no i did the first door because you opened the second door well let me explain i did the first door because i'm town okay i did the second door because i'm in love no no no no no you did the second door you [Music] that's why you couldn't kill ludwig i don't know i actually don't know that's the one that was you definitely did that second though i could tell i didn't do the first door someone else you guys know my plan i thought me and leslie were hidden what just happened you know what happened dream has such a [ __ ] wait wait wait wait wait wait wait can someone explain what just happened well that's a combination of coasts came up with this plan to open a door in a spot where you can't open it because the open door is the same as the vent for imposter and so it's impossible to do so i stood on it and i was imposter and i couldn't open the door but then somebody else did it and so then toast said i was clear he asked like coono to do the same thing and i homie saikuno and i opened the door for him why i know i could totally i could tell that you were going to open that door though i was like looking at you and i was like what is he doing and then posted everyone back off and you didn't even move and i was like interesting and i was watching you and then sakura was mid-sentence when the door opened and i was like oh no no no there's no way wow i actually can't believe that i don't know who opened the first door that's so interesting i actually can't believe that just happened who opened the door oh i think i opened the door jack damn it jack i'm being told by my chat it was me so so how does that work like how are they so if you're in that position you can't open the door because the button is to vent oh okay wait is that a title i could use no no no no no the plan worked for all of us how i ruined toast's youtube video i'm gonna walk away whatever happens happens all right all right that's crazy scary oh it's toast yeah yo what's up to your strategy it was genius i knew it was going to work i was like why didn't it work the first time the second time i was paying attention because i wondered if somebody opened the door so that's a good observation that's a good observation sorry that i nearly threw that i didn't understand the beginning what was happening i just tried to open the door and i did it and i guess courage courage you threw you through you're out the gang no no curtis was helping dream get a youtube video [Music] all right i'm sorry you're back in the game together no courage courage we got we got to come up with another big brain play okay but we can't let them know because like if the impassa overhears us they're gonna be on to our tricks you're gonna kill me i'm not gonna kill you yeah i am okay so i don't think it's courage it's probably not tycoon though if leslie's dead it's for sure cycuno but if i outside kuna now that feels kind of bad okay okay where's this body where's this body dream dream where are you dream don't worry i'll find your body i'll go go go get it home i'll get it home to mr stream you're gonna have a open cask computer bro oh my god where is it dream dream where are you dream oh god oh god oh i need i need to find dream man someone overheard us so so me and dream me and dream came up with this this plan to catch the what sorry oh god oh god guys have you seen dream anyway have you guys seen dream anymore oh my god oh my god guys we can't fight guys we can't play dreams ludwig asked me to step on him what's that mean that conversation was interesting i just i heard i heard the whole thing lupo i heard the whole thing okay leslie leslie leslie is your kill cooldown ready yep okay what are you standing here for what are you i don't know oh okay that's good hitting you i think we just don't i don't know i don't know i don't know what to do okay let's go let's go let's go how can it be good okay uh leslie and toast it's very challenging to scream and yell that we just double killed when literally corpse icuno and i uh we're we're sitting on vitals chatting we're kind of kind of about together what's going on in this game yeah and you just split off from them and did what they did just now in front of me and that's correct justin toast okay no guys guys you're being marinated i wasn't trying to stack i was just going by vitals for a second and i was like oh there's two no no vote leslie you know what if it's between me and leslie vote leslie leslie deserves to live longer i deserve to live though she was gonna kill you and i was telling her don't do it don't do it okay i kept you alive i'm the imposter oh my god i don't think that really killed me no she would have i had to whisper to her don't do it i know for sure she wouldn't i know she wouldn't have right it sounded like a [ __ ] tire screech yeah i i wasn't trying to stack all right i was just looking at vitals for a second it just happened well if it wasn't coach we just lose yeah no i was for sure him yeah i i was like everyone voted for him right so otherwise the votes would have tied so oh no no oh that's right test oh hey dream hi i was saying how good all your youtube videos are going to be and then the window that's crazy what's happening well uh leslie murdered courage in front of me corpse you're saying corpse did it yes right about toast you admit that yes you're right about toast well it could have been me i guess i mean i cannot believe it was chosen corpse i could have sworn i saw courage do it though leslie i will vote for you if you do the following yes you have to one admit that you were incorrect about accusing me and courage last round okay and okay you have to you have this you have to say you have to say you have to say um um um uh yeah who i should vote okay vote corpse and you have to say the first part oh all right i was wrong i was wrong about it being courage and led it was actually i don't listen to people who are wrong i listen to people who are right i voted leslie what i'm voting for ludwig thank you why too ludwig you told her if she apologized you wouldn't vote for her yeah but then i don't i don't listen to people who are wrong because then i can't put a strength like that no that's my thing it is yeah you know the casino i just felt bad you you told her you wouldn't do it and then she did what you said and then you did it again why i thought i thought don't say exactly it didn't feel right you know you told her you wouldn't you would you would be on it your youtube video still has hope do it i can do this you can smoke anything you want i suppose but smoke cigarettes and i like it and i like you know what i love doing what do you love doing i like slicking back my hair and she won puncturing car tires it was [Music] never kill i appreciate it you don't have to keep me alive in the future [Laughter] it was just really unfortunate that like we all kind of went to vitals at the same time and within like three seconds two kills happen yeah jack where were you crying i was running around everywhere trying to find you oh well dream said dream dream said that uh i i'm i'm out of the crew and uh i went to the lava pit and cried for about 30 seconds until someone acknowledged me i was in specimen i could hear you crying how are you guys feeling on time are we going for longer or uh this might be my lg oh i'm down oh no say yo what's up man do you think for this game you could just not kill me give it to me uh oh no i wouldn't kill you it's not me either is it you maybe uh i i you know it's okay you know if you you gotta kill someone first right that's true i mean if it were me okay especially right now yeah your next event this is when i would do it honestly this would be so i would hit the button i would just vent and i'll probably go like tree you know so if it is you you could do it right now and do exactly oh i i can't do it i don't have to kill button do you have to okay do you have the kill button i don't currently have a kill button oh it's not on my screen at least don't see that oh who was that oh hello i'll grow it hello russell i can hear you through the door okay hi hi don't do it it's not lupo he could have killed me he didn't okay yeah clearing both of you all right okay what's going on on your side nothing absolutely nothing well brook walked down that's all i got okay okay leslie here's what you do here's what you do you move you just they can't see us here right so you just say the name of whoever you see and if you're dead it's them bought it okay i am walking down the hallway anyone don't see anyone yet no no keep going don't worry i promise lastly you there everyone's coming yes hello nothing i'm all alone in this corridor being suspicious oh no it's not just there a body down here somewhere nope hey leslie is there a body anywhere nope no body anywhere nope oh you're being real suspicious oh still there yeah we're still here die ray is a hundred percent innocent oh okay wow hello there's been a murderer uh-oh this was brook's body you see i found her up in uh med bay there do say the hallway um this person likely entered from left side murdered left back out left side was not me for sure i kind of want to vote for that's not me yes sir i'm eating pretty i don't think that saku no rey or courage are impossible yeah same yeah definitely not right rey courage saikuno dream clean well it's like the only reason to be fair the only way i'm saying ray and cicuna because it's like they're vouching for each other unless you say oh yeah i had a secret tech that i used on ray to confirm she's innocent i feel like he could have killed me well we came and checked drop ship because we saw on well um what's this all on uh yeah oh dream i can tell you about my secret tech later um i just don't want to reveal it to everyone yeah don't don't don't tell yet don't tell you okay secret tech if i die ray is like 99.99 innocent i think okay what about me uh i don't know about you rey is probably innocent wait so did dream did you encourage do you guys scan each other is that what you said no no we were in specimen and we could have killed each other but no one was around us and then court and then i saw corpse on the way out but i did see met up with brook last yeah carter was doing tasks he did he did like med drip and stuff medicine thank you did you see anyone else with brooke of course um after we passed each other i don't think so lupo's quiet i was just letting guys talk i was hanging out with toast toast goodbye just guys yeah just hanging out there's only one death so all right uh you know let's uh let's try that thing again for those in the know you know what i'm saying no i feel like a weird door opening thing no no it's a new thing we're doing a new thing we're doing you thing what's your technology over here dream over here no no no no no no no no only only verified people can execute this uh strategy i'm verified on twitter i don't know i know yeah i'm verified on twitter too oh why are we bringing this up poor's like come on toast wow all right leslie you know what to do right what is it i wanna know no [Music] i'll do it because you know i'm a little juicier you know oh yeah you're definitely all right dream's like 100 innocent she was talking then she stopped talking she was talking to you it was it was dr lupo it was disguised toast and it was leslie all stacked no many of them in hell ray was there too no ray left because she said they did this to me last time i can confirm it's not dreams and leslie were like do the thing he was like do the thing and last game they double killed toast and leslie did so uh while leslie's dead so that clears me right oh i don't know i'm under the impression that perhaps a murderer here is dr lupus it's no no i don't think that not lupo then it's toast no no no no it's neither of us because we have we have a thing we have a thing a what yeah i know it's not a dream we were at specimen okay so i have a thing with green oh yeah and ray have a thing yeah he's laughing because our thing is so it's oh my god it's not even worth like taking the time to explain he's trying to find a pair no no we no we got a thing we got a thing of course right remember because the god no because you wait you don't have uh oh well for sure i already have my what the heck you guys tried to kill ludwig i mean you don't have a thing bro i mean i get it no no we have a thing it's guys it is okay to not have a thing i know it's okay let's go you know it's okay whatever of course do our thing right it actually assesses us more to have a thing oh ray they tried it okay okay nice nice nice nice all right i i get inside you get outside yeah yeah yeah [Music] you can hear me right yeah i can hear you cameras no tycoon is way over there what one of them is dream what about scream dude okay so here's the thing uh that hallway on the left side is i heard dream walking around uh the lights went out toast was inside the hallway and i was right outside so we were close enough that in case one of us died we could hear the other person say the other person's name but i didn't hear toast say dream i heard him talking and toast is dead it was in the hallway you know what i was saying did you hear what i was saying it was i wasn't 100 sure but i heard your voice i was just i was literally saying toast i heard toast voice and i was yelling toast toast if you heard me yelling you would have heard what i was saying and you would have heard me say okay and it wouldn't make sense like i killed them if i was yelling over and over again on the entrance to get in the lights like the one that's in the inside i didn't be fair just to clarify i never saw toast i heard toast say something and then i was saying toast worried because lights around i was like toasty toaster he never said anything so i'm guessing he was already dead and the lights are still off so i think we can double shoot yeah okay so going back to the last round that kill had to have been ludwig or lupo so i'm really scared that they're a pair no no we don't have a thing i was with courage for the almost the whole first round and i was just like the whole second round and both of them were vouching for me now cycuno was dead so yeah what i'm saying what i'm saying is that i'm going to say it was clear we did the thing i'm so sorry i think yeah i think i'm i'm pretty sure it could be lupo that's what i think because lupo is saying that i was stood outside i'd say i'd say with like 90 cents lupa oh oh my gosh why would you we have lights we have lights oh we okay we have lights it's okay yeah i'm gonna sell one button okay actually no i'll i'll say and dream huh yeah yeah i i really didn't think it was ray yeah a little bit do you like that heavily marinated you got married maybe they did me a favor it there you go eating eating the meeting eating eating eating eating i forgot that she wasn't i'll sit on the button oh my god i wasn't sure when when you hadn't pressed the button i was like okay maybe she totally didn't connect the dots you did you did that's right hi chad i hope you enjoyed that uh little game uh yeah it was good times it was good times scar online i'm gonna go chill for a bit
Channel: Disguised Toast - Full Stream
Views: 13,348
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: disguised toast full stream, disguised toast stream, disguised toast gaming, disguised toast among us, disguised toast, among us impostor, among us imposter, among us gameplay, among us funny, among us big brain, among us big brain plays, among us funny moments, offlinetv, offlinetv and friends, disguised toast among us full stream, among us imposter gameplay, among us impostor tips, among us gameplay funny moments, among us gameplay impostor, among us impostor gameplay
Id: ddCkwseKdAU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 248min 4sec (14884 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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