Among Us Except I'm Dating Everyone

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hello everyone i'm the lover with tay i gotta go with tay come on tay you got anything here tay no you got anything here tay all right all right i'll do it with you today oh jesus christ huh so i saw who did that but did you lie am i alive wait no what wait did you hit the button wait z in half so i reported it but z is alive i'm not gonna say anything okay uh i didn't kill him car if that's what you want to know i didn't kill him okay am i am i allowed to speak yeah if you're alive my perspective i just went on the stack i'm the sheriff and then i died and then i got a second animation and chilled killed me did someone no okay so should i explain what i did or so i'm i'm shifter he's sheriff i'm currently the sheriff now that's why he didn't died you could report it that's so weird looks like you're killing them he's not the sheriff he's not the shipper i am the shifter this is and don't call the cops for no reason okay just just keep it going yes this is i didn't know it actually like let you report that's so weird well that was weird you must have caught it right though like the like we did at the same time i think i think we did this you could shift that's crazy did you shoot chill that's true i i i [Music] maybe i will spawn dead let's see what happens oh my god this is really funny i like all the different things that could happen with this let's use dad where is he is he dead [Music] i didn't see anywhere where's these i'd be like i'm dead on my screen but i'm alive in the music like are you voting or what what keeps happening i don't know let me try let's hopefully vote him out oh wait i can't vote i can't fight him everyone just vote him out just phone them up for me yeah yeah yeah okay so i stole his role in his life are you but are you alive in the game yeah i'm sure i feel like and i'm pretty sure tay wants to come back and shoot me if i'm honest wait so how did what i just watched so at the yeah time that z tried to shoot a random person chilled changed rolls with him yeah you know to steal his role i guessed i just i guessed i'm like well he's not doing anything weird yeah i just have really bad vibes for tay if i'm honest really bad vibes because you hung around by the button and then you left and you realized there was two of us there oh i was looking for z and i was like z's not here yeah i was running around looking for z as well i did a few laps as well yeah i have a feeling this game is going to break if you vote me out but just please let's try it let's try it i want to try it oh yeah z can't vote i forgot i fell right yeah my trap oh [ __ ] you've activated my trap card the sheriff roll then like yeah chill this sheriff now yeah they're going to stab me so if i can get bodyguards please killed this is a great imposter or a jester play rather just clean it on your you literally screen do anything oh yeah yeah if anyone would it would be chilled wait see are you a ghost in the game i was i was a ghost in game and i'm like it doesn't show i'm dead in the meeting but i can't vote [ __ ] i know that's you i know you're to stab me this round tay i know you're going to stab me is going to stab me right now she's going to do it [Laughter] oh weird oh wow it's been eight months you've become my favorite streamer to watch and i pretty much every day thank you i don't talk a lot about what i'm here okay what are you doing and i like went to do my test and then someone called the body is already more chaotic than almost any other game of among us i've played and the imposters haven't done [ __ ] yet yeah you hear that impossible okay wait wait do we have mafia or imposters we have mafia oh this is going to be oh this is terrible we have to vote wait didn't vote on eight does that mean there's yeah or seven played this yet so i'm trying to show that i mean seven yeah i guess through seven the janitor can't kill the mafioso will okay so this is the same as like the stamp what the [ __ ] [Laughter] oh my god okay take it easy [Music] okay let's try to get here oh wait i'm done you still have stuff in here okay this is the most ridiculous game i've ever seen [Music] anyone dead oh my god i thought z pushed the button yeah right i got it [ __ ] okay sorry no one's dead just rude would you like to tell the class something are you the jester no huh i'm usually the weird guy i'm usually the weird guy on med bay scan but this time it was scotch pulling a brood and i walked up because he was on it to confirm him and then i just started scanning and i decided to promptly run away but i didn't button because that always happens to me and i didn't want to do it so we're going on about my day we're just saying scott just faking med bay yeah just being weird because it was brutal i think it would be funny he pulled it he pulled a brood he pulled him away oh god but he could be the jester right i mean to be fair zee did that earlier today too just for the hell of it so what do you do guess i'm just a trendsetter yep this is just a trendsetter absolutely everybody want to be brewed faking my base can before it was cool setting those trends um so pretty good button here pretty good yeah just make sure women die because like because when they when the mafia kills someone you never find the body you know and i just needed to know oh my god i'll die i'm skipping for what it's done to you oh yeah there's no overlay i gotta get the overlay yeah hi guys thank you running away hmm so i feel like we need to press the button i'm so scared hey oh god okay let's go let's go that's good you gotta hit the button i know i was trying to signal to tay to press the button i'm sorry scotch is just chasing me around the map yeah yeah kill kill please kill just kill just please kill anyone yeah anybody can't do nothing i was like where's cara well how many people did you kill uh just two yeah they only needed two yeah yeah that's why you need to vote pretty early if you haven't voted out an imposter you've got to assume the bodies of mafioso don't mess with the godfather the godfather kiss her hand oh my god that okay we have the overly now mayor's interesting and he exploded so i'm assuming sheriff or shifter who was he near no because then he would have he would have i would have exploded no is anyone the sheriff oh he uh he tried to do you he explodes oh i don't know who he's trying to do you're the traitor not hearing another sheriff claim oh you sheriff no one's sheriff anyone shifter nope so he tried to kill you okay it's a bird like i'd tell you that's assuming that chill didn't just kill vince no what's the uh percentage because the only the only killing i don't know 90 but the only killing role is the the godfather uh and they would he wouldn't do it when he's not next to the janitor so vince had to be the sheriff so wait should i just not vote is skipping counts as a not vote this happened in like eight years well i guess i guess so i might be clear i'm in the clear sure he does not trust me at all unless there's a secret sharing i have to withholding information and you're gonna get shot seconds left i had to vote there and hey i just finished that pretty fast i guess he could have been there before anyone dead anyone dead drunken taste bad new know who that was any death dodge and the hooligan and junk went off somewhere someone dead insecurity i'm getting nervous i'm not finding but um she's i'm pretty sure cheesy's in okay wait who's an electrical cheesy dad okay i think some there might be a dead body at the top of cafeteria because no no no no i i think i know i think i i just came out of electrical because there's no bodies there okay the body's in security but if the body gets turned into security yeah body gets swept up does it still show on the admin table i don't know no i see it actually on the vitals it'll show you the person okay who's in security then i don't know easy i just passed two people come out of navigation reactor but i did not have security okay so to choose these bodies in security obligation who do we pass you past uh myself and scott yeah and again are in nowhere inside junk and tay we're on weapons or near weapons mindset we i'm only mindset i went to check the admin table and i tried to there was some stuff one person in cafeteria and i was trying to run around to find those report buttons that was me okay and i didn't find that i was i was i was doing trash shoot and then i'll just see if the body was in there and there's nothing in there do you feel we shoot on eight because otherwise two kills 45 seconds i just passed i think lagoon scotch and nav i saw chilled go in there and i was doing my leaves okay what's happening i missed we have to cheesy died a while ago oh [ __ ] sorry [Laughter] look we because if we don't shoot any it takes 45 seconds and it's over because there's still a godfather in jannah you have two people traveling together every time i see him i always see scotch and lahoo traveling together but they did not get this kill yeah they did not get this kill we don't know how long they'll be dead i saw them on the right the whole time yeah but if they're traveling together it's the only two we were seen on the right side of the map the entire round the entire time the entire time yes i saw them the entire time [Music] i'm so i'm confused guys don't listen to me there was a body insecurity think that's the button before i could get there oh my god why let's talk about this because you two are trying to find somebody because i'm angry i voted i voted for you chilled because you were trying to push it on us after someone had said that me and lahu have been seen on the right side of the map for the entire round can also be a jester or she can also be your other buddy legitimately i am confirmed vince is the sheriff he tried to shoot me and exploded we don't know we don't know if he was charged yeah he could have also been shifted i don't think for two reasons why would scottish first [ __ ] round vince is not the [ __ ] sheriff it's me and i did not want to say anything because because then i have the [ __ ] thing on my head that's a jester play that is a gesture though yeah i'm trying to find him and then the lights are out i've been driving that is a hundred percent of jester play no no she's been running around i haven't been seeing her and literally she should have shot me because we crossed we crossed paths so many times then shoot me shoot shoot me then shoot me then so we can lose quicker okay i also would like to point out calmly that there would be no reason for scotch to button here if it refers to the fact that scotch is not an empty legitimately i ran up to the go button as well went down to edmonds as well the only reason i can't confirm that is because i had the window up the whole time okay you're right i was right so i could tell you well scott i can tell you where location was you were north of the button you weren't southern you were north of the button because when i came up there that's exactly where because i came up the button as well because lahu and scott are moving together which makes me think they're cleaning up bodies and i'm sorry if it's not you but we should be voting somebody on eight and uh we know where the body is brown scotch and i went i went down to storage i saw a blip in security and no one claimed they were in security it couldn't have been if the bodies cleaned up there should be no blips and they're going to clean up it may not have been cleaned up i don't know yeah maybe there's a shitty janitor no one's claiming they were in security if you want to shoot me in line [Music] i don't understand that someone needs to explain me that one because that's the swapper the swapper everyone wants to watch yes lovers i knew that'd be too i should use my votes on chill don't listen to me don't remember when i speak man you called it buddy i know i know said that it was probably uh chilled had been an imposter and killed vince in the first round well it wasn't so vince was actually the shifter and he shifted on me and i had i had no option right there when somebody shifts on you and they explode you're like well [ __ ] there's a body you weren't so bad though you were still bad naughty boy very naughty [Music] [Laughter] [Music] yes i'm getting all the rules this time i didn't get to use my mayor role oh okay [ __ ] up so we all we all just saw that right no what happened i actually didn't see who did it i saw the report but okay so tay just killed chilled but i kind of want to find out why am i alive yes yes what yeah oh no are you sheriff i was i was sheriff i don't know if i'm alive right now you are you are you look alive to me i just i saw you killed chilled on my screen you're super alive and something what happened to me did you get shifted didn't you see an animation yeah or like oh did you have in-body experience i don't talk until i see if i'm alive or not you're alive you're like you got [ __ ] like z where like you know oh okay okay so what what might have happened is that chill got killed and then the shifter just exchanged rolls a few yeah were you sheriff tay how does this keep happening so what happens when you get shifted is that you see uh you see a yellow like kill animation and someone killing you yellow yeah yeah yeah wait so are we saying that tay just killed chilled as sheriff and someone just stole her role as i called the body just got shifted having having seen this yeah unless she'll let's kill the shifter and then just yeah what if they both targeted each other at the same time no no no okay so actually i saw the animation play it was definitely taye doing a kill yeah no i killed him i killed him i thought i died that's why i was like wait am i wow i've never been shifted before so that's why i'm asking welcome so you're a body shifter i've never seen more action in the first eight seconds than the last like four games yeah it happened fast come on guys let's get oh it takes again couldn't vote when he was technically dead can you vote oh you can vote so yeah i think you're allowed to take compose so taylor's taking vote she's fine nice let's go let's go let's go here we go you're the mayor the suspension [Music] [Applause] if i get wind and doubted after being shifted with tay i'm gonna oh did vince wait until the end or did he not vote he's probably mayor then how are you doing what you doing tay where you going where you going bubola oh i got shifted oh [ __ ] um i just saw someone hop into the vent like literally just now hey tay and i are enough i can also confirm it i was on cameras i saw zee walking around in that area as well so which event are we talking about here like the cafeteria event someone just went into the cafeteria event oh like justin thing is jess yes they just jumped in so if you see somebody right now it is not that exactly yeah i i i just passed i who was over there in the area then anybody me i passed lahu going into storage and the who went up towards nav i passed car on weapons and i went up to download and then this is happening i didn't get to finish my uh junk did you see anyone in cafeteria no i no i didn't see anybody that's so weird about this where you at i saw i am at i think shields right now i just passed lu he's on the right side of the map i saw him on cams i'm chill i'm chill i can't say that i saw who yeah i can't say that i saw z but only because i had my wires task open so i can't confirm but other people are confirming that z was in that area mm-hmm i think i can see i think it's sky gen z oh man do we reveal our secret this is supposed to be guys lovers [Music] [Music] be back give me back can i shift with him give it back no give it back where'd he go give it back junk give it back oh [ __ ] i don't have any ass oh this sucks the lovers are dead okay cheesy verify each other i haven't seen cheesy and cara at all but i've seen lahu and junk together a lot it's not chasing junk i'm just trying around i'm still i'm confused okay wait wait wait wait wait junk were you with lahu like that last like 10 seconds yes i was chasing junk and then junk disappeared i saw you i saw tay i was i have not seen cheesy at all that's what i'm doing easy out oh my god what if it's tang oh my god talking about what is lying about being in past about being sheriff i was so they they have swap roles three times now um yeah that's all why do you guys walk left but i didn't know hey are you still officer are you still sheriff did someone switch with you i want to talk about that so taste started as the um shifter to walk with cheesy then they swapped back and then they swapped back again no they didn't i've been seeing it swapping on my uh on my screen well junk and i have been swapping the past like couple rounds so no and i so weird and i keep thinking i'm dying and i don't die so i don't know what the hell i'm doing i think i haven't sort of i kind of think it's tay to be honest i don't know what about that i don't know i i have been alone pretty much okay well junk let's vote cheesy and then do your thing all right yeah buddy here we go here we go cheese oh my god what's good oh my god yeah oh thank you oh my god oh my god thank you i just what's good [Music] i like this better i i see her she oh you said yeah i got it do you want me to leave and come back yeah i think just to make sure you get it yeah if it's so everybody get that yeah just so we can just be late at the beginning i guess and i thought i died i was like what the hell and then austin i'm running around i'm alive i go what the hell is this yeah yeah the same thing they got to change that animation yeah so here's the thing in that first game i was sharing i was trying to kill chill because i was like 20 gifted subs and i'll [ __ ] shoot him in the face and i got it and then all of a sudden you won so i was like sure if i get sheriff again i'll try and kill chilled and then i got him again i was like here i come back oh wow so you got 20 gifted subs to shoot chilled as sheriff whoa cool oh it was sheriff and then president in this lobby i can't tell what i am or not oh my god wow crazy that you don't get harassed for doing that [Music] i missed who is the team godfather oh there's the janitor i see they're gonna get caught if they do that yeah i'm the mafioso running around doing whatever [Music] everybody is chasing everybody she's chasing me i've seen so much chasing me no i'm trying to run away from you everybody is running away from reactor why did you run away from reactor when it was still going off i hit bottom reactor in that car i had to go up to the top cheesy did the top actually yeah because you're chasing me then scotch turns around i'm like i'm out of here and scott starts chasing me as we run towards the reactor and junk comes in and take was running away from reactor when i saw him though yeah i'm suss of junk cara lahoo and tay well i was i'm touching brood he's following me why isn't me huh we still have a gesture in play though so anyone chasing anyone could just be trying to get some of these tattoos have a great time everybody i guess i just do nothing vote with the imposters brood went up to the top for some reason no i can't swap the votes what what the hell where somebody this doesn't look good for me i found tay on the lights i thought she was saw us doesn't look good for you i thought she was sauce oh i was oh was that what today's last comment i walked up on the body i'm afraid that tay is sheriff and brood killed her before it broken before take and kill her because now be the third time they're over tay after tay was saying brood with suss i know it could be in cross but that's just my working theory it's false or okay or what was if tay was the sheriff and she thought brood was sus that went to she shot him that's not right herself yeah yeah what did you do oh okay so what happened i was just simply wrong i thought she was sussed from her movement on round one oh so you didn't do anything nope but i do feel guilty though what why do you feel guilty i thought she was for sure and now did you kill her did she shoot someone no no i just no i just walked up on her body on the lights i just walked over z at weapons cheesy why aren't you saying anything it was more it's more like cafeteria but whatever why do you say anything cheesy girlfriend ran out of gas on a highway um so you can help her i'm i'm texting my mom right now to see if she can go get her um you gotta go get her no worries you know what's gonna happen he's a jester he wins he's gonna be jester for sure okay where was looks like you're dead did anyone was anyone in med bay or security or come out of there recently no i wasn't nav like the whole time i think chilled was there junk and i were in i think weapons could just be a self-reporter i was just sitting there like you're just saying ridiculous things which makes me think you want to get voted nope i didn't do it i swear to god if i do get voted [Music] no he wouldn't do that he wouldn't do that the mayor mayor put votes on me rude that's right [Music] [Music] i i i saw i saw like two votes on someone and three people skipped and then there were seven people in the game yeah yeah so i'm sure the mayor put it on me maybe you killed the lovers oh dude you killed john rude you mother that's what happened hey that was hilarious yeah lovers lovers started with it was so funny so scott i was totally chasing you in the cafeteria and chill was behind me and that was that was fun no i do i know both of us got to tell you yeah that's how i feel like if i knew that if i dropped dead you had died so one of those days where i keep being right did you get killed or i got killed i did not you got i watched you die junk you guys so when you see even if you killed right there were six of us oh and you killed the two there's four okay okay yeah i guess yeah it worked out regardless yeah of broken for sure oh very broken with three imposters that the lovers die is just like yeah yeah i love what lower the lover's amount i think that's a good idea yeah because like the other thing about it is it kind of doesn't even feel good to get lovers yeah it doesn't you're just like forced with this person you gotta be with now well it's a good process of elimination too i mean yeah but you just you just have to know that you're probably gonna die at any moment if your friend is so rude so the reason that it was helpful there though was that there was the round when everybody was saying okay my suspicions are on cara tay junk and lahu and i was like well junk and lahu are fine i know that for a fact and then tay died and i was like okay cool vote cara out and it was right car could not have killed and i just yeah i actually did not kill her she tried to shift me yeah because me and brood kept shifting back and forth and i couldn't find him in the dark and i was like i'll shift the next person it was car and like killed myself i was like oh no i should have just like vented away but i thought i could like do something else with i love you so much and i was walking around but nobody could hear me so i do like to do if the lovers are on that they do do the love or suicide otherwise yeah that seems like part of the role yeah yeah the romeo and juliet is just a lot when you've got the whole mafia involved and then you and you got the mafia you got to change your votes like this mod is a [ __ ] greek tragedy so yeah i think the affects tom and dumb dog because i know they want to play the mod as well uh gets back to tom is replying is he down oh tommy okay so why you we're while you guys are looking for somebody i'm going to take a i got to take a [ __ ] take it oh no no well i got to talk to my chat because i i'm on a fundraiser thing that i'm doing and they reach some they reach some uh what's them called thresholds i gonna like chug some hot sauce and stuff oh excuse me they're gonna drink some hot sauce that's what i'm doing wrong i'm not doing that damn no i'm not chugging hot sauce i got a hot sauce time and i got to do i got to take a shot of tuna madu and i got to dance tell him then and then uh i got to do something else i already i've already done my thing with my wig i love it junk i love it for you well i'm gonna take a couple of seconds to uh thank my community because tomorrow is my birthday so they're all hanging out with me right now thank you almost tomorrow i'm gonna go ahead and mute and thank them for subscribing brb cool i'm just gonna sit here and do me [Music] there you go scotch it looks like your little guy's bouncing on your head from my screen oh yeah he's having some troubles there sorry what your your baby's bouncing buddy all right he does that don't worry about him i don't i don't see anything i don't see anything either but i've refused to put my hands on my keyboard no it's real special on my screen that one's had a keyboard nice broke oh god it's not so freaking out me i use uh it's i don't know what you call it in my mind that's right nice is that a is like a usb port or no no no honestly the typewriter it's just a uh it's a vga cable oh okay make sense oh brizzy wanted to play too she pinged me a couple days ago did tom say he was out tom said he's out dumb dogs out apex didn't give back brizzy wanted to play a couple of days ago i'm going to see if she's around she i think she's he's down she's just in my chat okay what's platy up to uh he's offline at the moment glad he's always blessed let's see who i got on my roster hey uh z you're uh my chat wanna let me know your your kid is uh he's freaking out over here uh he's a piece of [ __ ] that's my kid that's my kids no that's carl's child yeah yeah but they're married oh that's true it is our child it's apparently ours yeah yeah he takes after both of us he's a he's a piece of [ __ ] he's not he's never going to win well he's got z's energy yeah he really does play dates play date it's scotch's child also doing that uh i can't get him to because i suck uh did aphex i know there you go you get it you guys oh look at that oh they're friends look those tykes go look at them run around do your homework stop playing so proud of them oh tradie is also here oh trey oh [ __ ] he's fun tradie's fun brizzy just came in so if somebody else drops we can definitely do that trading free was fun this afternoon i enjoyed it oh yeah treaty is great hello hello hello how are you do you have any oh great okay you pull that up uh the code is in uh i'll copy and paste it again i'll just send it to you actually there you go come on in hell yeah you have a lot to live up to cheesy blue nips is a hero oh please let me live past round one yeah you've been worried i want to play you did get completely murdered by switching okay wait i can't wait until the time is okay that one and that one alone was my fault that's true until the time master shows up has the shifter shifted with not an imposter today yet i don't know right yeah yeah yeah the the la hooligan junk me shift yeah yes i have gone uh for all four rounds i have had a roll so it's been interesting well most of them turned up pretty high so like yeah being love her twice was tough though oh my god i got it so many times when i played this five times in a row i think um brizzy if you wanted the kind of periwinkle blue i just gave that up so that's still available as well periwinkle blue let me switch to non-cyan brood has a color that he likes i think you also have uh i also have fruit's that's okay because there's a couple of people uh that did do much it has a whole line so now they do a lobby they'll say that starting for him a oh no what happened well he either shot me vince or who else was on the roof that's brood or brood and either all of us are clear or all of us are imposters okay so yeah z z definitely is either a sheriff who tried to shoot somebody or a shifter who just tried to shift into an imposter true true true well narrows it down walking away yep and it's either one of those or vince brewed and myself i'm not sure which one's either one of those or none of those okay or no i'm voting whoa you voted brood i voted chill now someone vote vince so i was watching i was watching z walk up through the um the screen on weapons and i feel like he was closer to either chilled or brutal i think he was chilled i think he tried to shift on chilled i don't think too many sheriffs are shooting this early i feel like it's nice that would be incorrect right tay shot me right in the face yeah but is tata sheriff last time he's also shot immediately i think sheriffs are blowing their load quite fast it feels weird that you want to deflect onto me are you hiding a secret why is that deflecting it's just a because it feels like you're trying to say that it's just a shifter that's targeting me as opposed to a sheriff that we've targeted this is why i voted brute this is why it's an educated guess the man's just expressing his feelings 90 percent for steroids drunk vote brood yeah john clean yourself up don't vote me a nice meeting i'm hearing he's getting pied right now he's that i walk needed the weapons and i get off what let me play the game i just walked over i'm getting voted out you jester no i'm just dead that's a bummer did we win oh my god thank you okay [Music] one count of one dead yeah i just uh came up on vince was it vince's body uh vince's body in navigation um and i think i should not know how to clean wrong button i don't remember i don't know oh i left a good question i don't know if you can uh there was three or four people up there and i just didn't know quite a lot actually he did i walked down this is going off i yeah what do you mean are you you're the [ __ ] gesture get the [ __ ] out of my life [Music] nobody was around me at all so then why didn't you do the thing i was i was doing the code bing bong in my eyeball i'm getting whipped cream out of my eyes well then we should get you out of the game junk so you can go attend to that we got one person out probably i'm cleaned up i'm just a criminal don't kill me i'm a crew mate i've got i'm no rolls i'm not i believe junkyard i'm just don't hurt my job well okay why did i don't know man he's got he's got whipped cream in his eyeballs he's trying his hardest he can't see don't vote junkies do you guys vote each other no well that was clearly incorrect oh my gosh oh [ __ ] oh poor lahu i think she mis misstepped yeah i can't hear where are you where are you okay just gotta kill a couple more couple more vote out brood let's just vote out brood round one whatever i don't know what that vote was i had to go with it i don't know i can't just said it i wasn't gonna i didn't beat it wait did you press the wrong button did you the uh the event slash oh i see yeah i think so that one i did mean to report and then obviously like cleaned up a jungle box i just have one all except for one game today so a non-voter is the opposite [Music] everyone line up let me do a soul read right [Music] wow i just want to just do the time thing oh who's the gesture who's the gesture oh yeah i just killed anybody i mean if you want to vote for me i'm waiting for z to do a thing [Laughter] oh vince vince uh yes i'm a killer junk all right wow look at that in colorado look at that rainbow beautiful i can't wait to see what it looks like when there's a mirror oh beautiful yes it's going to be like wait a second i'm definitely counting this i thought you guys were still playing yeah try again we just end it there you go i see cara question [Applause] it's [Music] dance let's go what is he doing oh i got the lobster child okay so by the way real quick my screen's been black this entire time i can't see anything oh hey really yeah i'm completely black screen so i gotta exit the game i'll make it make a new lobby or yeah maybe we should try that yeah maybe it happened again this [Music] oh god this is this mod is something else who was it i shot you lahu i legitimately oh my god i killed my i killed myself nope and that's something i was like oh my god the curse i need to make sure i saw who killed z and it was you killing you i wanted to help you out here i keep getting never mind but uh yeah it's lower case but yeah you were janitor and i'm like vince follow me what are you doing janitor i'm talking about i'm like i wonder what i am right now yeah i saw you following me for a little bit and i'm like does he know how to where he's playing this mod right janitor is is really interesting i love the janitor i smell whip oh i'm sorry guys that's not your fault no worries no you're good you're good i wasn't going to count that game anyways because i was a weird shade of green i wasn't my normal blue so that game didn't count for me i'm counting on the win who are you party chat private chat right above it party here chat there you go i added you in it i can always copy paste if for some reason you can't see that but you're seeing you here it's at the party oh i'm gonna click it a minute what happens i'm cooking it you're naked though [Music] yes i hate being jester i hate being jester right now oh today's been weird i mean that's fine she'll just like nope nope i'm not taking it back chilled i'm not taking it back i'm not taking it [Music] i panicked i'm sorry if i hit a body wait what are you what are you panicking over that is such a classic children right there because i saw a brood come up from the bottom of shields but i thought i saw him up by weapons i'm not [ __ ] boating for brood i saw brood specifically in storage prior to that so brood was not in weapons oh it's a morphling i thought i saw you come up maybe i'm seeing a different color maybe it's brizzy's color but i kind of swore brood was above and then he came up from shields bru did you come up with shields nope you didn't come up from shields did my card swipe did storage did shields passed you saw you do a little dancing press a button yeah you did come up from shields yeah yeah yeah there's not crazy are you being a jester right now no i'm being someone that's making the proper accusations chilled i thought you said that brood was coming down from weapons no i thought i saw brewing the round started up at weapons and then i go down to navigation and i see him coming up from shields i was like how the hell yeah we're trying to figure out who murdered him who said last night's fall z was in nav huh um oh so it is so it's probably i think lahu and chilled i think don't it's not chilled it is not i got it nope it's very much i'm a good noodle we're both i was in storage and then went to the left-hand side of the map to do you doing my gas can which is where i saw brood when i was filling my gas can so oh yeah i was not even over by navigation at all no you're right no you're right i'm thinking i saw children somebody else come out of navigation and i wasn't like counter clockwise came out of navigation yeah that's what i said i thought that's the last time i saw z look at those two oh it's not anonymous voting oh no z but then he got murdered that's unfortunate it's over here and it's not shield okay goodbye i'm gonna switch with lahu come here lahu come here come here come here i don't know who it is though what this is freaking chaos you got vincent junk hanging out together step in step step by step wait what the heck where is this cara okay oh my god this is so funny oh my god okay so i was shifter and i switched with lahu and i got sheriff and i think she switched back with me but then somehow killed herself as to sheriff what what no there must be a glitch where if the shifter switches with sheriff the person getting sheriff now dies or something no no no no it doesn't make sense i don't know what just happened because i'm cause i'm shifter now i am i allowed to point out glitch i think i said no no no okay meaning what about what then i think this was actually glitch which is what i was trying to say or you're guilty no no jill do you you would know that i'm not guilty i don't know apparently all the ladies here know that that they know something about me which makes me concerned [Laughter] monogamy is my friend and there is no love around at the moment plus that's not my child so did who just like dropped okay yeah she just dropped i was doing um storage and i saw the shift um animation and then she was dead so when she stole from you and then well i think what happened is she was like spam clicking shift and then right when she switched to sheriff she tried to actually like accidentally shot me in the same spot okay well let's just talk um how we're kind of nervous at the moment because now there's two good people dead and uh there's three evil people yeah so that is kind of bad yeah i think we really shoot in the head no i'm my guy camp over brood stop it oh my god no am i the new winner right [Music] you're right about that but no hold on no no because i voted three times last round meaning i'm the mayor so brizzy maybe but hold on let's just go back there let's say look guys when when when who died i'm trying to show up with junk okay he's trying to tell him cara died which means so i'm gonna tell you what happened tara is sheriff cara just walked up to junk and yeah or no i don't know because it wouldn't make sense and somehow cara became a lover i literally said i was shipped our last round wait if there were three imposters left wouldn't we just lose right now or no yeah so we did somebody what's breaking my brain with an impostor to show them that he's imposter because i said i was shifter i know what's happening my brain hurts all i know i was standing there and cool chuck if you're actually voting me you're evil junk if that's one vote for me you're actually evil i'm always evil i'm always evil then you're actually interested it's definitely true then you're the other one and then i like [ __ ] brizzy yeah probably me oh i'm innocent i'm just a crewmate i don't have any choice whatever you say junk okay chunking brizzy [Music] chilled his jester because he switched to me it's uh it's scotch and junk but i almost feel like the the play for imposters in this in this game mode is just not to do much well like i tried to shift to junk so it would show that i died shifting to them but no one remembered i said it was shifter [Music] i was trying to sacrifice myself to get a bad guy out and they don't remember i don't know why they thought you were a lover there's no lover yeah why i mean shield is jester so thank you thank you tay thank you thank you good luck i did not like that thank you wait what did you see tank i didn't see anything okay so i'm pretty sure brood how come you didn't click the button right there let me just share everybody's route at the very left side i saw brood well bruce ended on the right side what so you have brood you have brood is chasing me uh so i'm going i originally i go down there on me oh i'm telling you i'll tell you my route first so i go and try and hit the button because there's zero on it there's zero seconds so i couldn't junk's in the [ __ ] cafeteria so i run left to avoid him then he stops then brood starts chasing me so i run away to get away from brood and bruce is following me all the way to the button and then we run past it and then you click it save in my life i think it's junk and brood right now i want to vote no hold on let me get my p let me get my piece though no it's both of you guys were chasing me junk was originally chasing me you saw us pass in the cafeteria then you took all leopard top so i saw chilled going to admin i want to do electrical and i saw the vent flap and i was trying to figure out who it was i saw tay first and then i passed chilled i did not and the weirdest thing is oh he can't vent no i swapped with him already i'm a good role yeah if someone if a swapper tries to swap with a bad roll they die that's why chilled is good oh i'm a good engineer now it's brutal it's brood and junk you think it's johnny why do you think it's me children why do you think i'm just i don't understand why you think you're you're chasing me this whole time and then you're saying i'm chasing you yeah you're so wrong you're you are chasing me and i'm running all the way to weapons i think do not i'm the mayor chilled i voted for myself i'm throwing bruce first and junk second too yeah wait no brood is the mayor brood is the mayor hold on yeah junkyard [Music] if i can vote several times i've made a mistake you know what it is technically voted for himself i i'm not even upset i'm not even upset i'm not upset about that one son of a [ __ ] oh if only my brain was that big and i i i said last round i'm shifter i'm so i'm so disappointed i mean gg i guess um to be clear i that was a glitch cara had stolen sheriff from me and i wanted it back so i shifted i literally only hit it once because it was a click and it killed me instantly and i don't know why this is a spicy mod i'll tell you what i said i'm shifter you haven't seen the next round i shifted onto junk and you guys are like oh she's lovers well i couldn't say that because i was a jester yeah you know i know oh my god what's that cackle okay this is happening okay don't know and she tried to shift onto z which means tay's bad is that what happened yeah okay well then i guess z is the sheriff okay so hold on let me tell you what i saw so i'm on leaves with brood and junk's also i think on the stacker next to us z walks up and just pops nope no no no no no z would have been the shifter no z would have been the shifter then i literally oh yeah sorry z tried to shift on tay and just explode right now tate just [ __ ] went over there and she was like hey neighbor to be your host she's evil she's 100 people you got to put it down you got to put it down please i didn't see tay there though oh she was that's decent probably but she was there he wants to die hey where were you were you there yeah where were you unless we're in cafeteria okay we'll tell you what what happened from your point of view yeah nothing there's literally did you see and skip me one of those gestures hold for me vote for me i want to see what happens between all right swapper you know what to do is probably i agree with brood no i agree with bird between children tay one of them is jester no no taste is [ __ ] evil [ __ ] crazy oh god it's still gesture [Music] really really you guys you guys are idiots [Music] i don't know she just tried to shift on junk and fell over dead i think junk is one of our bad people her body was also disappearing as i reported it wait hold on so is that very funny visually i a lover's thing i think i think it's a lover's thing that just happened it happened immediately like yeah it was immediately there as soon as he was dead yeah that was not a shifter thing so that in that case then that would mean that chilled and tay were lovers and yeah that they were at each other's bodies that's why we're laughing that makes sense absolutely okay i didn't touch anything on my i'm so i'm oh my god what's happening with this mod hold on first three seconds in what did you do i voted cause she swapped me in john glass game and then we lost okay i'm fighting brood then yeah that's fine i'm ruining scotch just because he keeps calling my name i have no idea what's happening i'm not willing to waste i think it's junk i think it's i don't know who it is but i'm just bonus gosh what the hell i have no idea who's going to be voted out i'm going scott probably me because all right i think we have to skip now but you're going to know it [ __ ] it oh my god i don't know what's going on oh is hooligan the mayor is that why you're waiting don't call me out dunk what are you then [Music] i mean i'm deafening all right i i'm gonna shoot junk where'd he go where'd he go we're junko oh look there was an arranged marriage i was unhappy with and i thought we just both died damn it i was gonna shoot junk i didn't have time to shoot oh it's so good oh my god wait junk i knew it was you in admin when i saw you doing download and then you re-adjusted your placement on because someone has read again i was just knowing that no one has your questions someone's cleaning up a body in front of it [Applause] i also saw the body slowly disappearing oh scotch is red now okay i'm orange on my screen oh i'm red on the thing hold on keep the red no no no no not your orange now can we make sheriff cool down the same as impossible down yeah sure make it a little risque yeah i was like spamming that button yeah you don't know who's gonna explode first almost too well yes wait did you actually clean it but i i actually didn't swap that yeah he just disappeared he actually cleaned her body at the table [Music] [Music] you know the worst part about that by the way not only did no one believe me but junk was saying he was going to vote me i was the jester i wanted to give him oh my god oh holy [ __ ] i also voted you oh my god uh i think this is just getting hammered at the moment i can't host it it was my first time there we go okay it's my first time getting freaking mayor and vince is like oh look who's not voting the mayor i mean it's a great problem it didn't matter you know what here's the thing i just i wanted to be able to do something with it and then everyone did you did you really yeah when i got married that happened me too um what is everybody's ping i don't know because i'm not in a lobby i can't see him i just made a lobby and it's two thousand okay i think they just had a hiccup or something yeah it's below 100. put it in the private can you imagine this game on mira for this model no i cannot oh my god i don't think it would be that bad i feel like it might save me honestly at some point you don't even notice that there's more chaos that was crazy i was born in the chaos i know i i just saw i didn't realize that everyone would see the body disappear but that made sense yeah that that's amazing i see it looks like it's like am i the only one it's like the seventh time i've been right tonight and just no one cared dude i'm losing my damn mind i'll listen to you i'll believe you i'll believe you oh gosh i won't believe you i know i'm here buddy oh my god but i was just an agent of chaos hopefully you and i could be a bopper is really fun oh my gosh it is i like when me and brood were just going back and forth trying to get yeah whenever i get it okay me and t are playing this game i died by my own hand more times in the impossible i feel like i haven't heard your voice tonight i just i keep getting sheriff i keep getting shifter and i'm killing myself that's what keeps happening i i think i've died to the imposter once or twice every other time it's been by my own hand has anyone been time master yet no 50 percent it was the one day we the one time we had to redo it draw it right okay insert keys okay i gotta stick with brood guys stick with the brood [Music] is he dead you will never know oh he's alive he laughing i think he is wait get back in the voice i went inside of five different people and i i did shift and i stole somebody's role but i won't tell you what it is gross serious i had a death animation on my screen am i definitely just saying no you're alive you're dead yeah you got shifted no you're alive of course he's traumatic i swear to god i also got shifted yeah amazing no he wants us to vote him out like the jester play again no i'm dead i'm dead no no thank you you're not dead can you vote can you vote you're good i can't vote i can't vote i will not vote him i will not this is a jester play like last time i will not vote it could very well be it could be it could be i'm dead i don't i guess we'll stay alive but i'm dead i mean you know big i can't do anything guys i can't i can't refuse what if he's just mayor i'm not buying this charade do i have time to uh use the bathroom then can you do 40 seconds because i can't do it three seconds sp anyway i was thinking i took somebody's job and i'll go to work tomorrow in your body i'm gonna say chilled i'm just gonna say if i had a role at one point and it was something i hadn't gotten before and i was really excited to use it yeah and hypothetically you stole it from me literally at keys oh boy oh boy where's this going uh i think that hypothetically i'd be pretty pissed at you right now [ __ ] him up again good english speaking of hypotheticals i'll be elsewhere thank you wow junk see where our friendship is oh my god i thought we were gonna shoot him i'm going into the light [Music] oh he's alive what a little troll i should go kill him i want to go kill him so bad ready run [Music] [Music] who well i i specifically was uh the jester at that point in time but i no longer am oh but i thought i was jester you were [Music] okay you guys are in lab right yeah okay yes i'm currently in london brood where are you i just walked through bottom specimen and i didn't see him vince brood and cara just came out of oh was that you scott g yeah yes well scott didn't kill me he's probably top decon true big mood so what else is going on junk was that like was that leading somewhere or oh i'm a little bit of investigation here don't worry that's my investigation if i know if i in that scenario i spell boy boi and fully accept that as a title so e-o-i oi boys yeah boy wait where'd food go what i take care of the business and i do what i need to do i kill a killer what is going on what junk i killed brute because i know he's a better guy open and shut i have i have a gun on my holster and i kill him no junk this isn't italian and i'm i'm offended why yeah uh scott just the body i just found wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait junk you wait junk you said scott was impostor yeah i felt oh that's that's what okay okay i am no i'm the sheriff that's good what's good i'm the i'm the investigator and lahu is the jester scotch was the shifter so scotch wasn't a bad guy i think i think junk is an imposter kill him yeah i i'm the investor i'm the sheriff so here's the problem with that z the only problem i literally came in to find cara standing yeah i came out of weapons and i see no no no no i was in weapons doing my thing doing my guns and then i walk out and i see two bodies well i saw junk kill but scotch was already dead so i'm like what the heck just happened here i thought you said i thought it was in scotland all three of us were standing right next to each other so that means scotch tried to either either scotch tried to shift with brood and then junk killed brood or scotch try to shift with junk and z i stole jester back from you because i felt bad about it too many unknowns it was so weird i don't know what to do just gotta kill two people i guess oh he's gonna go in oh i i know who our killer is vince i saw your footsteps coming from tay's body in weapons and vince was faking uh asteroids and weapons and i ran past uh tay going down that way hold on where's the body body isn't weapons i saw you running out of weapons i also saw your footsteps they were coming right from tay's body on asphalt okay first of all hooligan you're the most obvious goddamn gesture oh she's the jester she took it she took it i'm admitting to being the jester but vince you still did it i know i'm not definitely right now i did i did open shut for me i did weapons but hold on no tay was not there when i left vince i don't know i saw the arc of the footprints following your exact path or your footprints man i'm the investigator to your medscape have you have you been investigating this investigator you can see footprints you can see people's paths yeah and again i know i'm not gonna win his jester so i'm not even gonna lie god good luck everybody good luck look oh my god i don't know how i'm gonna get this how am i gonna pull this out of my ass keep framing my teammates i'm gonna call the button okay well i just found z's body right outside of the door into specie hello yes yeah no i'm i'm i'm listening sorry okay um so which store the lower door so where where there's a conundrum here i know it's brizzy because the who is jester but she's gonna always vote for herself so the thing is i am not the killer so it has to be you cara if la who's jester brizzy what was what was your pathing throughout well i went for the next time to try to do my bed scan i actually succeeded this time z checked on me a couple times then i came down checked vitals no one was dead so i said okay let's go into specie do my artifacts and then as soon as i got in comms went off apparently for some reason or other i couldn't fix again i guess because we haven't had a meeting because i fixed the lights that happened while i was on oh are you engineering i'm engineer hmm a likely story so it appears that it is cara she's trying to say she's engineer yes i am engineer i fix the lights wait lahu you're you're jester you went for the kill you're a jester what are you doing i knew she would no i admitted the entire time that i wasn't gonna win the reason i took jester back was because i had outed z and i felt badly about it carl why did you kill tay right on top of me i did what oh because i didn't see anyone nearby i was like all right we're safe i'm sorry vince's dirty you see actual footprints yeah there's anonymous footprints on so you just see a bunch of gray feet just like your feet you don't know it's mind-blowing because it is then it could be no but you can follow the path you can follow the path and in this case since they're all gray it's always vince yes i know someone's in she's so upset with chilled which is understandable you gotta be upset with chilled man it sucks i was trying to kill everyone else before brizzy got there okay don't kill me don't kill me on this please yeah i like swappers swappers talk to me brizzy she just died um attempted to kill me died where i don't know if this is true or not lights go off and look who tries to attack um why wouldn't you just walked brood walked up to me i fixed lights brood was really job junk good job could it be a shifter play a jordan it could be outright just brizzy could outright killed why would why would she shoot someone a sheriff immediately doesn't seem like who at all yeah it's it's very much a me play so the sheriff is not i love shooting just being real the sheriff's not going to shoot in the dark at least not yet i totally agree with that i think hoogan's either shifter or if chilled saw brizzy on the body then brizzy killed her either way that makes brizzy and impossible yeah i want to vote i saw brizzy running in a circle around here so either she killed because i don't think yeah why do you shoot in the dark unless you get scared i've done it before unless jokes are your first aim later but what's brizzy's story here someone pressed communications before i could do reactions i saw this person fall over dead but then why are you like dancing around the body like child said it seemed like a good thing to do [Laughter] okay [Music] oh boy by one she's jester yellow is the fastest gesture wait maybe she's oh [ __ ] she voted for herself with no kills [Music] oh why would she vote for herself if she did she voted for herself always this that was so funny i was gonna ask you if everybody's okay but clearly that's not the case was that was that a time on med shift you keep med base scanning but like while you're going backwards yeah that was really cool that's right by uh that's outside of storage right or sorry how did you know it came up because i just got the flash of the report button oh wait so do you think scotch died twice does the does the rewind reset the kill cooldown no it doesn't but if he got if it was the exact timing mid animation he would have died in the animation twice so if it was because i checked i checked vitals after the rewind and then scotch died so like it was like three or four seconds after the rewind then scott's dropped on what if we believe you vince you should doesn't it doesn't it reset the time of the the godfather's kill time no it does not it stays at the 20 something so sorry where's scotch outside of um thanks drunk okay where were you coming up from um i was looking at you i'm trying to finish my uh storage and then right when i came out the [ __ ] thing rewound and i came out again the lights off so i went down and i was like trying to go up into lab but i didn't want to come up the top and that's when i saw the body wait where was it exactly a circle around outside office it's a bubble oh no buy storage it's a storage on the right corner you did telescope and then you went towards storage see i i did telescope and then i just i was started going down towards office and i briefly saw the report button and started wandering around trying to look for it again oh could that have been um i thought i thought maybe it was around the rock let me get my piece in too because i was following junk around and we both left out of med bay to the left then i got time worked back to telescope and then as i'm going back from telescope i find scotch's body so he definitely wasn't dead when i got time warped yeah i know he wasn't dead he probably just i don't think it was brute either chris hall's little blue body come up i i killed him after the war yeah i was trying to find the body yeah i was trying to like circle around and then i saw you come up and i was like nice reference junk [ __ ] yeah let's do the time warp again then a step to the right [Music] put your hands on your hips well we have to we have to actually uh shoot someone here otherwise we gonzo what oh my god engineer you've doomed us all you [ __ ] us you [ __ ] us engineer [ __ ] us i do it now oh my god the engineer has [ __ ] us no it doesn't matter it doesn't matter if someone goes down we're just we're just dead unless like oh yeah wait brizzy we got brizzy that's right [Music] we've waited long in the no but yeah i was about to button also okay swapping what are the chances that the time master rewound time because someone died oh yeah they would but someone right now would say that they were murdered yeah does anyone know can anyone claim to have been killed yeah i got murdered no i wasn't i wasn't killed i would have hopes and dreams hang on bro you being real no no no no no oh okay word well then okay because i was going to clear a bunch of people but great yeah nice awesome i kind of feel like we should vote somebody you know i'm feeling it feeling frisky got it assuming we got brizzy i think we got frizzy i don't really want to vote here yeah i have no idea who do i really think it is you think it is vince is one of them he's definitely one of them i'm the investor you voted for me i know you think one's me vince likes to butter you up be like yeah i'm a good guy hey hey you know what i'm the investigator all right let's all just relax i feel like it could be vincent i'm gonna i'm gonna i'm gonna bring you all downtown sheriff they all freaking threw me vince that's a weird combo if we believe our comments nothing here's vince then let's just do it let's just [ __ ] do this let's just go seriously listen up buddy we're about to get swapped and one of us is going to die and i'm not sure how it's going to be i'm a crewmate they can't hold on the game might be investigated children is for sure the game already hurt me thank you that's what i'm talking about i voted for him are you the swapper i wonder if it's neither of them yeah like i'm following in there calling you in there z yeah right not gonna do that get wrecked i ain't going with you i'm going with you okay so i can't press meetings that's unfortunate i thought the engineer did some [ __ ] he isn't pushing chilled is hard this round i don't know our lights about to be called oh so it's vince okay lights are out i pass z and o2 running up to lights i see take frost my bubble and then kara's body is in the opening to the lights cage tay would have had the report button the entire time [ __ ] someone was with me on cams i saw nothing this is between you two i have no hey you came from invincibility you came you didn't know this one you you came from the right tay yeah she said no no no i have to vote no no no no she said no no no no no stupid you always say no no no i'm the investigator god damn really no matter what no no no no no no no you're guilty you're dead to me no no no no i mean i might be wrong yeah which way i'm really not getting my whole argument on you i i think it's sorry i think it's sorry i'm pretty sure okay i'm making my whole argument on you i think it's true i think zee might have done this and tay's getting blamed for it no no i probably didn't well then teddy's also bad because she would have had her child saying no no no i had i had my imposter buddy benjamin hey let's scan today come watch me yeah okay i'll watch you stefan okay i just looked at how many tasks we have completed there's no point in finishing yeah there's nothing i don't know i literally only have two left the only problem is the only way to lock you up oh no i'm still finishing my tasks i can't help it i'm standing right now they're [ __ ] even if they're both dead z is dancing on children out he's like just hit a button just hit a vote me out and this i can hear him now that's amazing yeah i shouldn't have killed where i did who oh you were god's father yeah she'll just keep blocking doors unshielded see let me feel your struggle dude okay where do i get anything amazon obviously oh yeah record and say i think we might have been right about no no no oh definitely yeah no no no no i know we were anyway z uh good job good job on the faking of medbay skin scared me a little bit thank you thank you i thought i did a great job yeah i was just you just kept getting on and off i got on and off i was standing there well no no cause kara was actually on it which you wouldn't have known because you're faking it but she was there scanning from the afterlife so she's double good i am i am not killed why are you good i am not contesting this at all why am i good yeah well one i got out brizzy that's your first imposter two i pushed out today with another no that's your second imposter three car i had a car in a med base again as i was sitting there as he saw that then i went and scanned i did the walk i am so [ __ ] good that jesus himself is gonna come down an anointing all right no no no you don't want to vote for me we still got a swapper is this bad that's bad okay sorry yeah yeah yeah why isn't it swapper i don't want to know i don't even want to i want to know keep it to yourself can we do some deduction real quick i'm assuming junk has a role vince pushed out tay as well i think it's brilliant the audacity also brood why are you following me into specimen after going the other way in office i think it's brutal yeah why would i do that broods might be jester he might be jester don't [ __ ] around he was faking men basically it might be him too it's either of them maybe listen i like to [ __ ] around i don't like finding out i'm gonna i think i think that you you chilled chaos i saw a z i i think z killed and hey was this cutting off the what's the other one no vince you announced for me i went downstairs i'm about to be running away from the hallway where the body was and there was no body at the time right well just keep in mind he did fake med bay he's keeping that i did fake med bay yes remember that i'm gonna lock you up [ __ ] i'm gonna lock you up wherever you go i'm gonna lock those doors i you know what because he can't kill anybody hey dead people i'm just gonna i'm just gonna say you're standing in my office and crying crazy i can't just hang out i got no imposter buddy you can't kill that's unfortunate i'm just maybe the brand maybe they'll just give us uh little uh that'll probably be quicker they just do that too eager to kill there sorry no it's all good i'm sorry honestly the attempt to turn it into a joke or fly didn't work yeah the thing is if you can't be accounted for at all and there are no doubts you out just based on that so it's a smart move i mean just just to end it do you think i'm gonna get like three people yeah voted can you watch this i just fixed it that would be amazing that would be amazing if that worked but no oh my god wait can you do that while dead uh is there i guess the time master's still alive i i think junk is the time master that was the role that you're acting at whoever said watch this like that was amazing yeah right yeah i thought they're like watch this and then they rewound time like what the heck we got the mind connection go all the way down i'm gonna set off the reactor again enjoy going all the way back up there oh my god oh you're the worst light it's watching blue now why does it keep flashing i don't know who it is okay i thought that was just my screen that was going to happen my screen's flashing blue it's incredible [Laughter] i already have this let me have this you shall not pass you shut you guys they passed you oh my god [Music] vented brood vented sorry sorry i i i'm not calm okay well z you need to calm down he's just a janitor the most can just hit you with a mop brood and i'm scared [Music] oh all right i want to be put out of my misery stop vaginal so z was just chilling in that bottom bookshelf by admin table for a while really weird we go do the second reactor right now right and it gets time warped it's all weird i walk over z comes down from reactor f i don't know why you didn't kill me z just hops in and out of the the vent seven times i run to the button hold on hold on rude speaking junk is on the button i'm running to it junk presses it and then z immediately starts going so he's pretending to be jester i'm nothing i'm just boring i'm literally just crew doing oh my god he almost killed me wait well we got to be careful because right now hold on we have nx we have a time we have a time thing vince are you that acting investigator i'm an investigator who's the who's the swapper vote z are you here okay just get your [ __ ] pass done just get your test done mine it might have been done for so long i'm just gonna continue my test i got a lot of tasks left i got a lot to do muted i tried dead people i really tried oh my god i'm gonna lock him up i'm so sorry keep locking them up just do it just keep doing it oh everyone thank you for that because i was gonna do that as well i'm gonna i'm gonna wiggle again i'm gonna wake up just don't get in front of everyone just do it in front of everyone yep don't chill i'll do that i could just go down weapons so jump's not gonna do it oh here here's the oh no that's brizzy oops uh i will vent in front of someone chill this over here on uh just do the right reactor and then vent over to the left one yeah and invent give me the oscars no he's not going to he's not going to [Laughter] [Laughter] i feel like i need to change the name of my stream because we're not playing among us anymore i don't know [Laughter] i use my button already oh no can no one button holy [ __ ] oh no oh my god [ __ ] reactor do you kill me just when it's fine can you get your test done please can you guys just get your phone kill me just get your test done please this game could end in less than a minute if you i can't tell you you need to i can't click the button that's unfortunate sabotage go off it could be over in a minute no you're not getting w you're going to suffer you're going to suffer just go all the way down this time how many times do i have the vent to convince you it's all the way down well until i can hit the button i can't i don't even know where the [ __ ] vince may have just died i don't know where he is anymore no james is [ __ ] over on vitals right now he actually keeps trying to push the button but the reactor keeps going up oh my god he'll die one way or another you'll die no no no no i mean he will die in 45 seconds no no no no he's gonna oh my god oh thank god actually i actually i asked we have to please it was a mistake i'm almost done with my tests you haven't done it holy [ __ ] i have i have the rewind button and i've been rewinding half the time just just photos now you're making enough stuff for a joke just kind of i don't know just put it down just put it up just out of here get them out it's been through i'm voting john it feels like 17 games ago but i was the sheriff and uh brizzy shot me before i could do anything so wow do everyone who called that correctly well done to chill chaos who specifically said stupid bold move we got her out we got around for you no no it worked out it worked out i mean you didn't shoot her oh my god oh lover's so good i love the lovers what oh my god [ __ ] no wow who did this oh not brizzy this is outside of storage as i was filling up my gas i'm gonna take oh [ __ ] i'm gonna take a educated guess and say that this was self-inflicted where was the body right outside of storage like i'm filling up my gas i finish dead body oh my god there's a bunch of us there's some people on the node too right outside i saw when i passed out i'm at the top right um gas canister okay yeah we're gonna be sitting out the whole game if you shoot me i'm not trying to shoot you i'm trying to save you cool i'm not trying to shoot you then why are you following me trying to kill me are you no then why are you following me maybe i just want to see what you are playing with here oh what does that mean am i a bad day possibly me halloween the baddies oh you don't let me have my roll it's fun i know my role two rounds ago would have been fun too i'm coming out oh it's such a good one though i know cause you get to go oh [ __ ] well just okay oh no it's happening i got nothing though either she wants my fundraiser i'm just gonna take an educated guess and say it was self-inflicted i guess that too do we have a sheriff do we have a doctor i heard the s in word for my own life [Music] at some point someone's gonna throw up when that happens away the baddies what what i was about to walk out and i think i can't tell because there's a lot of people i don't know who that was on everyone was there it had to be shifter right that was that that was definitely shifter that was [ __ ] yeah but then she did it in the group of six people oh god i think she did it on chilled oh hooligans no i was stacked with everybody else that's why i'm confused i was about to leave and then i saw her explode on over there and i was like what she did on gods brood tay zee car we were all all over there when people make like false accusations like that and it's just kind of like they're like are you certain about it it's a gesture booth whoa is it false though oh my god the vikings have switched oh my god oh you took the rainbow it doesn't even [Music] okay brood where you want to go yes we'll be safe in here we shall be safe in specimen hold on hold on i gotta grab something all right what on a body i swear to god if it's food i'm voting today [Music] nobody else is an electrical cage right now i just opened both doors uh i am on panels well one step away from panels where is this nobody's on palace sounds like where is it where is it or where are you walking build i did not get the report but quiet junk yeah he has the setting on that quiets himself no no no i'm fine i was away from my mic um where did you see the word what door did you go to chilled i just opened both them the top right walked into the top right then i opened the bottom ones intellectual cage i came from the right did not come up was anybody around you all right uh i mean leaving the lab i left lab with tay earlier but the lights went off so i don't have anybody else to really ask the reason i ask is the body is literally right behind you well here's the issue junk junk there's an issue okay there's three imposters correct we can all agree on that there's two yeah saucers and we need to get the rest of the four to vote together and that's gonna be really hard um so what do we do well we're saying la who is shifter she explode on one of us we're saying vince was sheriff assuming he wasn't murdered by the person who reported his body uh and then we're saying there's possibly a gesture among us and a swapper definitely yeah we know the swapper because we keep seeing votes getting swapped yep i'm scared but i think all of crew should vote chilled uh they're gonna get swapped aren't they yep there's thanks to heaven are you jester it's a jester or a w oh no but you all thank god what i have like a medic question i guess but why would the swapper save why would you do that no they didn't trust it yeah i guess was it you yeah it was me oh chaos i love it you literally me uh you explode on me and that's not my fault i was trying also yeah i was definitely the sheriff i couldn't find you who did you shoot i tried doing brutal cara because they were running together i thought it was uh yeah we were the lovers yeah ridiculous i'm gonna get so [ __ ] i hate this why is chill being weird [Music] would you oh you hit a body i just i just want to say i faked keys i'm sorry but we didn't have keys i did see that i didn't even notice i want to talk about that download just now which one there were like four people on the same download it was vince carra brizzy junk and myself and i and i i know i have it how many people can have what download i had new rounds i don't think there's a limit to downloading five people on one download right in the beginning also scotch is dead i love you scotch i already missed you buddy i know where he was on the left-hand side where was he i passed him i was scared of him i was trying to run from him i went through the right side of office he went through the left side of office we crossed he went to vitals i went into specimen button gets called he's dead oh well the only people that weren't over there assuming your story is true brood z uh and lahu no i just did all three times apology areas and now i just uh did the what's it called telescope so soup i mean if she's sometimes i just like walk up to the keys and i'm like oh over because now they're gonna think i'm bad i really do think there's a there's an imposter in that download brew though who is the group uh myself chilled brizzy cara and junk lot of us are going to cool apparently i buttoned spicy [Music] all right it's chilled what's he doing he's going this way okay good don't leave me chill don't leave me don't leave me chilled he left me of course of course he left me he left me oh that was weird why did he do that i found him [Music] all right i thought z buttoned again i actually have the truth car whenever you're ready for it uh well i kind of think it's tay because i saw her run out the right and then i go to the left through office and she's coming in through the left why are you coming back in through the left tay and then you're like walking around over us and weapons i didn't want to do my download and weapons so i went to do my um you flip the switch in the comms and i went down to see if you killed chilled softshell was gone saw you leaving and i went to go see on the vitals [ __ ] she wouldn't have cared about me i also want to throw a little bit of i want to throw a tiny bit of soft sauce on junk because i did my upload he was already on the panel i finished the entire upload load and then he was still standing there for like 15 seconds he's not hitting him how long were you on doing something in irl chilled with characters all numbers so are you on simon says oh i'll let's you go first i was on numbers not simon says hey is greyed out on my screen here by the way what are you doing z what it what hold on let me just uh so vince i i really want to talk about the uh the download pads yes please um so it was myself cara vince junk and brizzy junk i think is a good guy because he can't do the lights uh he was just waiting in the electrical case i'm mayor correct who can't do the lights he can't do the lights which means he's a good role um oh okay okay and i think vince is a good guy i i cara and i we were together for a good bit she didn't kill me uh i think brizzy would be the odd person out in the downloads hmm yeah i'm i'm cool with either busier cara you should vote i'm gonna go brizzy i'm going brizzy i think i'm good you don't want to vote me in med bay and brizzy didn't quote me okay all right goodbye goodbye chilled it for herself i was like dude what the [ __ ] just his swapper most unfortunate who does the swapper work for oh my god [Music] i [ __ ] love that he's unfortunately tight as he died is this a real meeting no no i mean the body was there so we know that cara was not an imposter and she's yeah this is a real meeting this is uh this is a game mechanic okay yeah yeah can be impostors oh we did set it to that now nick oh did we get this one they can't in this one oh okay they came out oh there we go carl was innocent so okay so from the download group if it's not cara is there any chance that junk is misvouched and brizzy is like a jester or something yeah um junk says i'm afraid that brizzy's the swapper and whoever votes for her is just kidding i'm gonna die ah i have to say i apologize for faking just don't swap with me brizzy they have to vote here okay see are you a jester like what's going on dawg i don't know what i am right now i'm just just vibing i'm fine just confused i rather just skip yeah i'm i'm kind of nervous now [ __ ] it you guys have to vote here um i got food god i hope you're saying brizzy's out she didn't get swapped she's not the swapper if they don't vote and z out after this if they skipped on seven when all it takes is one kill i i'm gonna lose my [ __ ] well they didn't get they i don't know if they're paying attention they definitely didn't pay attention who is this next time i don't get attention killed oh okay my bad yeah that's my bad janitor oh who's just swapping yeah i know who is that it's gotta be junk right it's gotta be okay i'll swap it's gotta well no oh yeah because the swap can the swapper do lights yeah oh they can't fix lights they can't it probably is junk he just docker can't fix lights yeah [Music] i just mafioso because you get to just play crew and like not basically you want to be seen basically you want to be yeah it's really relaxing i don't know how uh on seven you allowed three people to skip and didn't call them out and they were the three of the monsters i don't know how don't green is smaller it's definitely scared oh my god that's the swapper it's gotta be junk um oh my god you were following me man were you gonna kill me i was queering you i was like okay it's not him oh thanks buddy and i just want to say i figured just by surviving that long i would have been voted out true i still haven't figured out how to play jester okay who is it jesus what was that nice snack did anyone see that i don't know i just did that oh poor z what happened when i had the you can be a bad man i got it so many times tonight wait really wait yeah you could be evil married the only problem is we've gleamed no information but got a dead sea what does it should be z's body was on the key because i finished my task and i went to walk away saw the report button pop up which is why i stuttered and came back are you really getting your gesture played you finally getting your play if this is how i need to play chester that's cool but no i am the mayor yeah let's give it to her have you just i am not okay i'm not voting for [Music] you have literally no well you were either of you were lying you you were i mean that's how it usually is there's no hooligans among us stories actually match up not like terribly nice to win now is it a jester win oh thank god oh my god it's so funny boom vince was literally just behind me what just happened he did he tried to do something to you either was sheriff or shifter and he died on you so then he was sheriff um yeah and i i literally had the uh telescope task open i had the gaseous planet that's purple and orange uh it i am not a bad guy so vince had to have been the sheriff and tried to kill me because he literally followed me up to labs there's a flaw in your story that planet is blue and orange voter not only if i get memes out right now i swear to god listen i couldn't i could believe wait i just skipped on seven i'm throwing i could believe that vince was sheriff or maybe i didn't say that he could literally be either are there any sheriffs right now i guess they should sorry should they even say oh god yeah i'm just like he was either sheriff and he's like okay she didn't get voted out so i'm gonna go up there and take care of business or he's like oh she's jester and i want that role it is absolutely a vince castle play to say in the meeting i'm not gonna vote for lahu like because he didn't want to vote me out arbitrarily and then come try to kill me as sheriff one for content and two to feel better see all those votes on brizzy i wasn't bad have fun guys someone what are you gonna be a bad mayor oh what did i do fine junk do something where are we going junk where are we going [Music] oh yeah the engineer is terrible i don't know why it's even a thing yeah it just seems miserable she was clean don't click it yeah don't click it she was good yeah no these guys were blowing each other up it was beautiful yeah they didn't really have to do any kills so this is the sheriff and tried to shoot me hell yeah chilled what role were you oh it's mafiosa guys i was the shifter and i and i shifted on a stack of people i i don't know why there was such a big meeting about my body oh that's hilarious oh no one actually died or don't kill you like a six second kill cooldown or shift cool down like it should have been obvious yeah all right so shifters don't last long with us well you see you've been the only shifter all day today z so none of us have that i don't think i've ever survived are you all right though yeah yeah i just had a little boo boo it's annoying oh oh man it's on my it's on my mouse i'm gonna kiss that [ __ ] better i'm gonna play through i'm gonna put it i'm gonna pick you up okay oh she's so brave thank you for joining us very much for letting me let me play yeah thanks for murdering us for swamping us having fun playing with you thanks brizzy hell yeah bye brizzy lots of fun [Music] a drink because i guess he's you know he's just too good at this game so it's hard murdering you know hard work oh god you were a lot nicer i went mean to small-based i want to be i want to be the time master that sounds so fun you know i want to try it boba balls i love both of them with the letter m moba mobile balls i love some mobile in my team not talking about balls balls never came into this ball always talking about the balls no no why aren't we talking about noises my dude yeah dude right with his back in the throat love the bubble balls i love them people it's great yeah i think what they did with both was fantastic it's made out of tapioca which is an old people thing and then they made it into balls i used to get tapioca pudding when i was little that's very good you're too young that bite you still have your teeth thank you you still have your teeth oh boy oh my god [Music] yeah you go first either one of them was a shifter and tried to steal from the other one and chilled killed the other one or you are killed one of them and they were the lovers no you are 100 correct the first expectation i am sheriff i went and shot tay and i think scott's trying to take my role wait no i'm a good guy so i know what the [ __ ] happened [Music] i haven't played this and i know that's not how that works i 100 i swear on tortellini's little shell i saw tay and i'm like i'm getting [ __ ] revenge and i shot her i don't know how scott died scott's probably switched on tay immediately he explodes i shouldn't we got one impostor out let's skip i know you got it mat you got to uh at least one imposter he's got a good chance yeah good job thank you thank you thank you now if the sheriff could kill a jester too and not die right not in this mod but i will say scott's probably tried to shift ante at the same time that i blasted tay wow what did that happen what story what a story or maybe i scott scott and tay try to shift on scotch but i promise he doesn't know what his role is killed one of them and they were the lovers i'm just saying that is a good thing though that is what happens wait can they be lovers and one bee no no no no no it would be impossible if i killed one they were oh my god there is no way right there here we are guys all right there's only 50 chance of lovers by the way oh my god it's kind of sticking a back seat to this to everything i like getting crushed by it oh a blended iced matcha latte interesting i'm just switching it for the fun of it it's a lot to keep track of in this mod oh god i'm sleepy already it's 7 30 what is wrong with me well that is two for two ladies and gentlemen two for two count them chilled chaos wow this man in the west i think he's that is fun i think we should vote him out now i'm scared i'm doing it oh we gotta get rid of the chill we got you over there come on let me go to the triple let me go for the triple crown let me go for the triple crown please all right you're really the third one you could just be an imposter knocking people off i'm not though i'm not i couldn't i physically couldn't do it because i i i killed so [ __ ] fast the first game i don't think he would be this excited if i'm gonna skip i'm afraid he's the jester and he keeps finding bodies and he's saying he's the sheriff i don't know i already bought a chill no no i'm in a seat don't you [ __ ] does anybody want to call you there's man could be jester's business probably the godfather or you want if you feel he's the guy that you need to shoot then do it i i think i probably would just until you mine around so i go up top at the 10-second mark the light goes off lights go off the imposters can see me i can't see them it's the same cooldown which means they can kill me so i hide in the on top of the ship and i'm spamming kill because i can't see if they're going to come up with me brood comes up i blast him i discover his body this is exactly what happened you don't even know so oh so you hate that story so i'm not getting anything no he just came up out of nowhere and i was just clicking wait wake me when it's over for the record where the record skill at all well he shouldn't have came up when i was scared again yeah we changed it so that the impostors cool down for kill and the sheriff's cooldown was the same so there's no difference so trying like didn't you just say you wouldn't have had time for a kill as an imposter on the first round no because i'm thinking that nine second mark i'm gonna shoot you next tahu are you [ __ ] you timeline i have no idea what's going on and i love it and now we are not gonna shoot me i love it no but i actually wanted chill to get killed because i don't know did i do it i did [Laughter] they took my [ __ ] video look look what you guys did look what you're going to see you just came out of the room with me and uh all of a sudden ash's body is which room because i just came out of office and i just entered the hallway of lab yeah you're in the hallway of laboratory and that's where the body is oh you get that incriminates me [ __ ] uh yeah well i didn't literally just started running with me and ash just showed up here as being reported i mean i didn't see you but i just walked into the lab all the hallway sorry you were right i didn't do it i didn't do it is anyone else on the left because i didn't do it i also think we i also think we voted out the real sheriff but i left there a minute ago but i did not see items he asked because i felt he was too freaking excited he was no i i offensively think and the killer or the well one killer because he got dude i offendedly think chill was going for a play i think he was trying to play no i think he was actually no because no like the sheriff three of the cop three of the murderers would have been done and the game would've been over but no you guys voted off a good sheriff just just taking care of the community i ran lab in the beginning but i did not see i didn't see ash when i left i saw the tater tots scotch death happen and honest to god like it it was too close together for it not to have been chilled killing one of them and then being lovers and dying together like the amount of circumstances that would have had to come together for chills theory to come together is just insane i think he was actually i think it's too bold of a play to do two in a row i don't i'm not gonna i'm not gonna go to bed tonight thinking that chilled was a bad guy in this game i'm not kind of thinking it's vincent right now now we gotta figure it out yeah it's not me he was the one pushing [Music] you better not be a jester you better not be a gesture are you are you a jester what's up [ __ ] [Applause] wait to tell this video is the dumbest lobbying among us you still throw the loss yeah no z i did vote for you for that because i knew perfectly [Music] i shot him in the face so who was so who was are the imposters brood scotch and z on my screen you shouldn't have seen me but like yeah abigail was all i was speaking abigail was always mine you can't steal back what's always been mine well she's her own person actually but she likes me more right now now do i hold my sheriff-ness [Music] what's good what's good what's good literally just got the report button and then it vanished it got cleaned where has everybody in the world okay yes okay i was wondering where chilled went because i saw him in top electric i did wires and then when i came off he had he was gone mm-hmm well i wasn't going to say where it was vince thanks also in there was also in there can i have a question to ask yes who who is investigator [Music] investigator today is safe so who else was in electrical now so i just fixed lights but i saw nowhere i just walked into they came up from comms and here's the thing from the very beginning of the round he and i walked into electric together i went straight onto wires and lost track of him after that well it was like right as you like between the electrical panel and the door into the cage that's where it was when was the report button because like yeah it's gone it literally disappeared and then tay immediately switched to me so i was like what the [ __ ] just happened i don't want you guys who was there after lights got fixed but not before i don't want to get started later if i i could get pushed out for this later but i went to electrical first i think and i did wires and then i went straight to o2 so i was there earlier i don't want to get that called out for that at all and somehow cars are my name so yeah no no no because i'm sheriff i was right outside the window don't don't vote for me i i saw carl outside the window that's spicy there were two people in in uh cams i saw footprints oh i had two people jumping why i was just [Music] i just said sheriff i gotta shoot someone married that oh did did tay just explode on lahu what just happened not for me wait i thought the investigator shifters no so i was the shifter and then i accidentally got it back from tape because i was trying to go to against scotch and scotch was not anything so it took it was it shifter i have investigator back so tay was shifter then taylor i just saw her explode on the whole okay so low that means an imposter she's not yeah [Music] shifter back to tay yeah and take exploded on the hooligan the hooligan has to be an imposter the shifter only explodes if they swap an imposter right was there anyone near you right there was anyone else near you i was there but i had the desk open i so i would have died if i had done it with scotch so it has to be who it's you would have died i don't i tried and then i hit the button a second time and it was tay right behind us oh so you failed to shift scars you shifted t and then take it still could be scotch it could still be basically scars you die at the shifter you just try to shift with an impasta okay so either the two else was there scotch and ash and you i ran back oh it was just i walked up i just like kind of like walked on the rock oh okay that's the worst shift that's the worst swap you could do the bathroom terrible who was ejected what what wait arcane is still here what the [ __ ] i'm so confused what i want to kill vince i want to kill vince yes i got him oh my god okay multiple questions why am i alive if i got swapped that was yeah what the heck just happened we and i just found a body oh yeah i killed vince lahu are you dead oh yeah i'm dead what what what happened what happened maybe you just swapped my screen i got a like on my screen cara is dead scottish is dead i'm dead and chill's dead oh well i just killed vince cause he was imposter and vince is not dead on my screen this this round has been scuffed because i saw instead of invoking i said i was sharing that same here okay so we're good oh sorry arcane you're alive the world i'm alive weirdly the actual dead so you guys know it's chilled taylor who in vince those are the four yeah that's the ones i see okay great well good job i don't think kara is sheriff because from the first round she was suspicious like had to say withdrawals said i'm gonna vote for carr and i'm like no don't vote me tam sheriff yeah that is true i think we have one left good job thank you save the game thank you yeah who do we think i don't know i don't think it was the who because vince was pushing the who i think it's scott it's my screen because it was luhu because she literally was the only one she was the one that uh killed tay well no tay shifted on to lahu but could tay have actually shifted onto scotch we don't know that no pate have shifted onto scotch wait why would you kill vince if scotch was the other possible because fans just seemed like the odd one out for everything the one that didn't have a role classic vince i feel like it's ian cara i don't know i literally said i was sheriff and i think we were right about lahu i'm going to skip yeah i think we have one left stay junk use both your votes i thought i got three votes each time no i think it's a pooled not going with you brood damn it it is scotch i knew it arcane is not correct i think it's and i think it's also brewed what did i say i said it was scotch you didn't even need my cleaning services you killed a public official he did because i forgot so mentally i meant to click on scotch for that swap vote by the way uh i figured i still don't know why i was yeah you still got yeah i don't know how you lived there i survived that i have no idea i don't know but i'm very happy but this mod is very buggy yeah so just also arcane future like if someone like is disappearing and then like if someone's in that area good chance is probably them yeah oh god that freaking kill on chilled at the beginning we just like all three of us just walked in there just like i had no idea an ambush [ __ ] out all right he just he got deleted i had to work some [ __ ] out no one listens to no one listens to me no one listens to me i had it all figured out except for the brood thing i was gonna kill brood but i messed up this good thing i messed up wait oh we don't have this i don't know if we have this [ __ ] i don't know what we don't and do have i'll just do water wheels whatever i'll just do water wheels um i don't know maybe maybe lovers is worse at least jester i can like go off and do stuff all right where's the bodies laboratory all right here we go laboratory it is i master okay hmm [Music] what just happened i was sitting there like a maniac trying to press the button wondering why no one's going i was wondering what was happening everything was just like yeah it's a it's a timeline yeah i was in lab and all of a sudden i got rewound i was like hello can i please just watch my node because of your voice i believe [Music] an admin [Music] whatever it's called i was the one who was sitting on vitals saw you daisy as soon as you died i rewound time and ran for the button and nobody was [ __ ] fixing lights yeah so i can i can verify that i was trying to fix lights no scotch was freaking in oxygen with me nope that's where i found the body we're getting out we'll deal with this later oh no junk being a little jester i'll explain why later but i but i think arcane might be one of the imposters also wait why um i've been running around let's just commit murder one at a time okay oh my god i'm so glad you got it no arcane you're great your acting skills are impeccable they're impeccable they're getting auto time down they're getting timed out for excessive caps it's so funny oh that's so funny to me i love that i love that that is great wait who's dead wait is okay brood died brown died i got cleaned brown got cleaned i believe that's what happened and that's how it works this is i don't want anyone else dying oh uh it's oh drunk's dead junk and trolls chilled dropped two seconds yeah didn't invite us right to the bottom button um i'm pretty sure z is clear i'm pretty sure ash is the janitor why i just keep seeing her following people i'm following everybody also i was following lahu for a while and then she like vanished i went tonight who was the time master yeah i went and i did my bed stan i know but no i'm asking you're vanishing actually she might be the mafioso and then i checked the table i saw two bodies in electrical area went over there the doors were locked and but nothing was there came back from the dead z came back from the dead hooligan claimed time master i believe her i'm the mayor and you'll see by the way that i vote in this meeting it has to be either tay arcane or cara [Music] that's fine i mean you can think it's me but it's not me what do you think who were the two that kept saying it was me though i don't know i don't know cara didn't kill chill that's all i know because she was in uh edmond with me at the time yeah i saw cara i believe that she's probably been hanging out on admin this whole time all right you said you're saying you saw literally in the beginning i saw our i saw chilled go up towards like storage and arcane was following him i believe i don't like taylor on car vouching for each other either what i'm worried about i've only seen kara up my back oh my god hold on wait who the two people didn't even vote i didn't vote that was my bad that was good guys i was gonna vote for myself but thank you anyways [Music] my cooldown was on one second to kill you again i was sweating and i'm like i was so mad i cleaned up your body and your body you were sweating dude i killed z arcane cleans it up i'm like everyone keeps talking over each other it makes it impossible to know what we're voting on perfect this is part of the lobby i guess [Music] all right what the hell was that rocket guy shift yeah it looked like she popped by herself i could not see anything because it wasn't junk footprints freaking everybody vince but it was somebody going to the right right in front of me i paid zero attention to who uh arcane actually died it was somebody going to the right that's all i know but i couldn't see it i just saw it either z was above us unless they didn't see them at least for me i just saw a body i saw the body on the floor and i saw z go up that's that's what i i didn't i didn't go up i just didn't okay i could just be trying to incriminate you i came here right yeah i just i just saw her i don't think the sheriff is uh i don't think they have the cooldown yet do they no this is this is this shifter i'm pretty sure it's shifted and i just want to make sure i understand that you should try to shift with an imposter the only one over there yes they die if they ship with an imposter so yeah i've gotten crewmate the last five games i've gotten crewmate four sheriff once and you [ __ ] threw me out on sheriff so no not me again i'm sitting here trying to do my job huh okay well now i feel bad about it thank you joe thank you thanks man oh thank you thank you you should feel bad cause i'm innocent well ash you are seen i'm skipping bad luck what i don't feel bad if i vote you chill's wrong with you i'm the investigator i just have to kill you when i'm evil great you usually do i certainly will do food oh do we shoot [Music] [Music] if we don't get rid of junk right now i'm and like i like to sniff around i'm like a dog he's just he's really excited about it i'll just tell you at least from my perspective i'm sitting there i'm doing my download junk comes to come straight at me then the light turns on and he says oh [ __ ] turns around so that's what i see from no he he just found where you were you're the footprint yeah i i believe john carey i do you have the involvement i'll say that he also just spoke exactly to where i have you had like i you no well not today shouldn't have footprints over there he shouldn't have known i was there what i saw everybody's footprints because i didn't move i was i was doing download it's like an eight-foot horse junk i need a ladder to get up there [Music] but i'm gonna wait get her out of here no please don't i want to it was a good vote for you now i really want to talk to you [Laughter] about yourself when you get voted out oh you know add up the votes as hypothetical yeah the more you don't vote the more votes you get and you don't skip either you don't just a hypothetical question can the shifter take mayor yes yes yes yes uh two games ago are you just wondering yeah vince i'm just wondering today as a mayor he's about to get voted out go for it he's going to send like four votes on me next round we're just gonna explode or something yeah [Music] okay junk safe don't shoot junk oh almost almost did the kill button almost did the kill button [Laughter] saute [Music] thank you very much z thank you did you die i did brood stabbed me and vince was in the area as well what good my job here is done thank you thank you very much yes i need to investigate so who is claiming i'm going to take from taya's switch was just trying to look for cover are you dropping a deuce in them are you dropping five on them today what's your defense i've actually shifted actually across the whole screen and then i ran with chilled and bruised oh yeah who's time warper oh z i think you're blaming flash this is such a weird play i might have so cara and i uh were up at lights and six them and scotch was over there as well nothing anyone died vince all right let's kill vince okay oh can you just vote can you vote first before we poop no she's the one too she's mayor oh no i gotta go i gotta go okay so we know i mean what just happened so cara shot vince he was the other one he was in the air he must have been the cleaner okay uh yeah is the sheriff yeah i should just watch the body drop in the hallway why is brood still alive no he's dead rude vince and arcane are dead still alive so hypothetically we have me who's just regular old crewmaker stabbed in the back i'm good zee time lord tay mayor cara sheriff junk investigator scott your lahu that's our last two one of them is jester maybe i don't know they could also be crew again what what do you have see thee i'll say that i've spent all of my rounds running crazy patterns trying to get you to follow my footprints because i thought it would be really funny it's freaking chaotic i love it who do you think the who do you think the gestures are the two of them i don't know let's just shoot the next one okay yeah yeah car who do you want to shoot you want to show them i'll flip a coin yeah they should want to let the coin shoot no okay i want to be tired really all right all right i got it i got it okay wait who are you shooting tails i guess you'll have to see keeping that aside we're on the hook suspense i don't know i just don't know just follow me tell me i got a feeling you're gonna shoot scotch in the face got that real bad feeling for scotch cara i'm hearing from my chat that you also set off their alexas nice [Laughter] alexa order more 55 gallons of lube make that two of them i'm killing you lahu i'm killing you you sh you shouldn't be scared you shouldn't be scared [ __ ] that's a sh wait what what wahoo just explode sorry uh cara just exploded behind lahu okay because i'm pretty sure scotch was just in lab with me yes okay i was following his footprints yeah no and yeah but this game's already solved alexa gave me tails by the way which was the who this game is solved like can we just like i'm 95 sure cause lahu never turned around and kara was behind her the entire time then kara just exploded which means car which means he's probably currently admitting it okay please can we vote me and get it over here the game was solved by the time counterpoint i turned around and killed cara jester how the [ __ ] do you play jester i have done everything i can this is insane oh my god so uh scotch yes scotch if you want to throw the phone on yeah whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa i heard lahu i'm like all right sure dude i'm getting tired time the time master role is so [ __ ] broken it is yes i mean it is every kill if you can just stare at the button watch what the flicker is hit it and you'll screw an imposter it's been super fun in the past two times for me wait the button what button super fun apparently if you want to like your button it's like a rewind button flickers when a kill happens oh yeah why so you either you're not good vitals basically yeah kill the person who's either camping vitals or kill a person who's used a button or or just kill them far away yeah dealing with it yeah i tried to find him but like the [ __ ] kept happening yeah that's rough you know like i i just couldn't do [Music] i it her all right don't die oh shifter do you ever learn no no it's not it's not a shifter it's not a shifter pain walk away from that what was this literally right when chill died arcane was walking away am i yesterday no i didn't i literally did yeah i have time for the cooldown there's there's not even time for the kill no no no no no no no no no no no no no i don't know what how about the sheriff though no no i'm the shifter i don't believe i don't think i believe you wait a minute because i'm not paying attention who was up there with me not me i love you or was this at it was it this was keys this was like well i'm reporting what could i record oh so it's probably the sheriff who hit the kill button wait what was actually an impossible down at the start of the game what's the sheriff's cooldown at the start of the game i don't know the shifter it had been a shifter then supposed to be the same as imposter but i don't know if they get the half 22. i don't think that was 20. no no but at the beginning at the beginning imposter gets half the cooldown right yeah yeah yeah i also children and i don't think that that was long enough for me i still don't think that was ten seconds yeah it wasn't enough that that felt like ten seconds to me i like those people that weren't at the area were talking mostly like yeah i still don't know who was up at keys with me everyone except i'm the shifter and my cooldown wasn't even up for that okay really okay shift me then i'll do it i think she'll just spawn dead maybe guys i think there's a glitch [Music] unlucky oh beans did i skip did i vote was i stupid and i skipped i don't know what happened i'm usually like it's so ingrained to me to skip i probably just skipped and did a boo-boo scotch can you guys tell me you're something more than a crewmate oh yeah i was a jester so now z is currently the jester i'm now the shifter he's cleared yes no he got it wrong he literally self-killed he got it wrong his cooldown was up very quickly and he just tried to shoot somebody i'm telling you there's five of us on keys and if he clicked it and just rushed and rouletted it then he just died maybe he was just imposter but it didn't feel like 10 seconds but then how would he die yeah i just want to throw something out there because it's already been proven to not be true no someone stepping away from a stat kill does not mean that they are the person who killed oh of course i also stepped away no i i'm a role but i'm not saying i know i know but it i got voted out on that before and i like was not the imposter yeah something just because they walked away is not good just wanted to say it that's all was anyone sussing someone walking away though i did yeah it was okay we saw a cane walked away oh i see i was walking up to the keys and then arcane walked away right when chill dropped that's why i was like what yeah i wasn't trying to afford the body but and all the confusion i just didn't want ash to get voted out for that because you know i i feel like having experienced it it's not enough yeah i've been there been there been there in there good talk y'all why are you not voting are you the man because no because the who is still talking thank you cara yeah i wanted to let her talk oh because i was there oh no is he so i gave him [ __ ] can i get a singular unless junk has a name for me it's junk oh no all right so hear me out and shush young man oh don't drive me we were doing thermometer literally i get off thermometer brood's not around footsteps are going back into admin and there's a dead body right there i am an investigator again okay left i left i got 15 seconds ago john how could you have left 15 seconds ago when you and i both got on the freaking thermometer almost at the same time i got on i just i'm watching this body fall over so it's either junk or myself oh yeah well i left 15 seconds ago and i'm just it's not me it's not me i'm the investigator i saw the footprints go into admin after the body was dropped i'm sorry john no those are my footsteps no no no dude no for me oh this is not me 100 investigator you're about to kill a peace officer of the law i i imagine it's more like a private eye kind of a deal no no no no i am paid by the are you no no no no me no no no no and no swap wow cause you guys just wow that [ __ ] ballot box there that was cara i just stuffed it you know i stuffed it so many red i didn't need to but whatever it's funny are we [ __ ] are we actually [ __ ] don't do it vince don't do events yeah we were [ __ ] holy [ __ ] hey you were stressing me out oh my god like i wasn't sure i forgot and then i was like where's the [ __ ] every [Music] and just falls over and once again [Music] investigators so hard i knew he was telling the truth that was the safer vote for the imposters at least yeah yeah no i was i was definitely jester i was trying to get myself voted i was hoping that when i said it had to be me or junk junk's convincingness would be like oh then it's probably scotch i just want to vote junk be honest you probably shouldn't have said you gave me uh the shifter roll back i kind of forgot and then they wouldn't know earlier i forgot about that i went to people and fired i was wrong i love the swapper the swapper is fun damn it i hate this one this one's hard as long as they don't kill me where did ash go there she is oh god i don't want to be with rude my lunar monkey what's up all right brood and chilled are down there oh we disconnected he got swept i got last saucy up in uh with the arcane faith and oh hallo hooligan there just now is there i think i saw vince just now 37 months let's go on admin i think it's arcane and scotch and that was a miss bro okay [ __ ] i've been looking for you what whoa okay so i increased didn't come and there was just a body i didn't see there was a bottom it was brood yep in here right now okay what's the sub test you want to hear the story shift away from change and then brood took my gesture and i've been looking for him to get my gesture back and i see him dead now and i'm like you [ __ ] you lost it and i was like give it back give me back yeah switch taste stole something from me and i was like [ __ ] no i want it back so i know i stood there i was like hooligan are both clear great yeah [ __ ] okay so here's a little snippet of information he got cleaned up yeah yeah i last saw zee in a med bay i thought and i also saw arcane faith up there too oh standing around and i left you went down because i've actually met you at bottom d com and you and somebody because you guys ran you ran down and then i ran back to office yeah it was chilled and brewed oh wait children brewdrin specimen and then and then after the light fluff i spent most of my time the top left reactor telling chad about the first time i held jessica's hand in the city december 28 2013. nope top left reactor i held it but that's just my feeling at the moment things chill the junk oh my god that thing i'm children too oh my god why is junk sauce oh my god because he's just not with everything standing around you you're standing around and running around [Music] i think it's scotching arcane to be honest this guy is there that locked then i need to press the dang button i think i might need to press the button after this oh [ __ ] let me tell a story god okay vince is good this is good vince is dead this is dead what does that mean he's good i took his i think he just i shouldn't oh but what rinse was a good person yeah and he i saw the doors open down the bot i still think it's john carrad no i want to vote junk as well because jenkins said well here's here's the thing if vince was a good person then dodge is a murderer yeah this is again me and luhu are the only ones in the area so i mean i know who i'm voting already well probably no it's gotta be scotch i was already cleared yeah oh it does yeah to suck there is a gesture about you're right probably chilled but i wouldn't no wasn't it brood oh the gesture got killed because bro but that's only if we believe what tay says right and definitely arcade i think it's arcane as well i think it's dodge and arcane have been like on each other very uh i have not seen scotch at all yeah uh-huh no i literally have not seen him on the body okay maybe she's hard of seeing her the play the miracle worker was the one that started helen keller i didn't know of the the name of that play but it i i can't vote for junkyard yeah [Music] are you splitting votes is it gonna be bad for somebody i don't know i hope so i don't think it's not bad you [ __ ] showers entertain i literally just do it give me all three yeah we either lose or uh well we know for sure it's not all three of them i [ __ ] got [Music] he killed la and you know who's also with junk arcane so i mean i've been getting ground for following me well hold on because i don't know if it's between arcane or cara no that's the thing cara has been throwing sauce on me since the beginning when i'm oh i'm hella dumb yeah i get those mixed up don't worry i'm going to swap you both don't worry about it say i am between you you still have a gun right yeah you better shoot arcane you better shoot arcane it's going to be cool my god arcade's running arcane's running for it oh i have a cool down why would i go to her window because she's got to cool down too soon she's janitor isn't she janitor oh my god she doesn't she can't no she can't take it down here shoot her in the face [Music] oh and then arcane kills me and you all are like is it kara yeah i was trying to yeah i don't know why you guys thought it was me as i was trying to kill junk as the sheriff when taye took my goddamn [ __ ] role i was just like give me something yeah i wanted to put you to work and you did great today okay and then i was like vince is dead i have not ever been so glad to have my thing stolen like that clear works so well for both of us today i was i was about to swap me and chilled so like you're so lucky shield oh my god that's what you get i know i think either make the game for the imposters or ruining it usually oh this is the best ending oops oops oop where'd they go where'd they go who's who's godfather oh you are what all right i like saw some of the corner of my eye so i'm playing one i saw a clear thing i got off the node i got off the node la who either attacked z or no or i think he just tried to shoot me i did see her nearby okay is anyone going to claim the sheriff or the swapper i mean or investigator even i'm an investigator if anybody else wants to try and counter claim z is [ __ ] crazy though because it looked like he didn't have a drive-by like he didn't even stop and think he was just moving towards the left i would like to play one more minute we could do we could do one more we're saying bruce was never mind i don't know but a brood is sure no i think what happened is he's an engineer and got it confused for sheriff because i think they're both yellow right yeah yeah yeah that's what it yeah yeah is yeah orchestra you don't deserve jester so it is not outside of my belief that would absolutely have tried to shoot me first oh it was wait what does he have against you more than anyone i think oh he has done this to me and i will not stand for this blasphemy no z z does this to me all the time in lobbies well it was 100 it was them too there was no one else it was them two together yeah so that's the situation as a stance i would like to continue following footprints and not just be voted out because z decided to shoot a shot on me so i voted rude isn't it hamilton oh [Music] i think he's the engineer he is what is happening till you did that twice are you ready [Music] hi hi drunk died you're just you're just a crew mate yeah i was just a crewmate but then i then i shifted and it i took what junk had and i don't like it wait wait wait yeah okay so look here's what happened i'm shifter brew i shifted um no no sorry i'm not shifter i started as jester brood took my role i was shifter i took our cain's role arcane took junk stroll junk died so right now broods jester arcane is whatever junk was and i'm currently a crewmate yeah wait so our kids and i am still the investigators were all at swapper what and i was really sad oh a swamper okay because i'm just curious why what slapper is so fun what do you mean you name those people again from events so currently brood myself and arcane are not bad but brood is the jester yep okay and when we still have potentially we still potentially mayor uh brood's 100 confirmed gesture yeah yeah but then we have we have mafioso we have the we have the three imposters still okay no okay clusters so tay are chilled yeah that is assuming that we're believing that who is still the investigator you're right i am the investor or she's getting away with it either random and be right nice yeah true true i wish i could swap roles yeah i'm confused actually well because now now this now that shifter is dead right yeah because we can do two things we either we either vote one person and hopefully they're swapping the screwed up or we skip and we play the vital game and try and hit it on six or on seven once three people left who aren't cleared and those are all the bad people then should we tell them about me it's the second shifter no i forgot who this is the second shift should we tell them about the second shift wait it's [Music] [Music] okay so we gotta kill and then call a reactor or something immediately that's like the only thing we can do oh they're gonna call a button [Music] nobody is dead yeah but i wanted to do that because we kind of just we literally can just yeah we have like the three people oh do we it's chiltan kara if you believe that i'm clear then it's those three why is it on youtube no because then i don't believe that's clear because that means lahu and scott are lying because you're wrong about me in that case you could be right about car and t i'm not sure but you're wrong but you're not why would i be lying if scotch is not clear why would i be lying i don't know because you're because he's incorrect about his assortations because one of them is getting a false clear because i know i'm not looped in the three so why is strawberry saying that makes no sense and makes it awesome wait why does that make no sense if i'm innocent literally as the imposter why are the others because they're literally all cleared through shifters that's yeah there's no like that's a hundred percent yeah so all three imposters are between chilled taste gadge and carl we know that yes so i think it's telling the truth we don't have any reason to believe it other than that i buttoned for junk's buddy i think i mean scott you stood behind me weirdly on gas can like yeah i thought you were sitting here because i thought no it's because i thought you ended with the shifter i don't like all these things claiming what they are so i thought that i you were going to shift to me you're going to have a happy time you legitimately okay in the beginning we didn't say who we were the safest best right now i want to vote either scotch or tay personally i was going to be a homie and not say anything and then he joined my house [Music] yeah do not swap with him because that's the way crew loses or the shifter's dead though if the swapper swaps votes with vince we lose i don't know i mean i can't do that i wanted to well this is unfortunate [Music] no no no no i i'm doing something specific chill did you not see me following you in the last round no i was following you and cara no what happened to hooligan so specifically i was following last round right now no no not not this i was at the button this whole time but the round before this when we voted tay out no i stopped in the middle thanked a fan for 10 subs lights go off i go towards lights vince and somebody else's and there's two people in there no i did not i was in there with brood okay i thought it was vintage somebody else but there were two people in there but no one did you see me i didn't see you i mean i think i saw you in office but that's it i left after that okay i'm very happy to vote either children here same yeah honestly this entire play was trying to get one of them to accidentally admit to imposter vision because i was following them as the lights were out and i hovered over both of their bodies um that was it take it we'll just make a new game i can't do buttons again that's just boring that's boring yeah pretty boring yeah let's do another game i was waiting for that i was like oh we should go wait i'm gonna wait it's really let's not like clear everything in the very beginning i mean it's the shifter's fault because the shifter just it's it is a clear it's a hundred percent yeah i don't think it's like it's just it is one of those oh god i hit the battery starting on five oh my god i tapped it back in my bad my back i mean we have a yeah i think you just got to turn the shifter down a bit yeah it was fun but like no it's not too bad the shifter thing it's just it happens you just always get innocent but it was just i'm like oh my god we're calling a button every six [ __ ] seconds oh yeah was a that was a lot my chat made a good point i'm good at finding the imposter as the shifter and crewmates as the sheriff i don't feel like that's fair though saying we're hitting buttons every six seconds and we're gonna quit the game because i think you you had us from the from like first round like that we were going to literally go down every 22 seconds and we're trying to get the last game going yeah yeah you killed me hmm it's lg okay i'm shifter i kind of liked having that though what am i am i jester okay wait who stole it in the beginning who who stole my swapper was it z wait did i steal it from c what just happened who stole my swapper who stole my swapper who was it there we go oh wait i'm investigator oh oops i was trying to steal my swapper back i could have died i don't remember who the first one was um okay yeah of course of course i gotta ask some questions carl yeah you gotta give me some answers yeah um i see you i see i don't know how to explain this birds in southern decontamination yes um and then all of a sudden i see you running towards southern decontamination and now i go back and i find brood's dead body i'm pretty sure bird tried to shoot me in your voice no because because i ran away because i'm like [ __ ] no one's gonna believe me no it's gonna you ran from a body i'm the investigator yeah giggle theory is wrong this time uh chilled i don't want to vote for cara i am a hundred percent she just ran from the body as the investigator not me she ran for the body as investigator it's not kara [Music] you believe it 100 dude skips guys you've got to skip you got it you gotta skip guys [Music] know a lot of things can happen who is this who is this who are you oh shoot i didn't see who voted on me i missed it foreign bro just killed in front of me what the [ __ ] okay this literally just happened no that was okay immediately it's arcane and junkyard they just came up no no no no no no no no no literally killed in front of me you probably tried to clean the body up arcane killed i don't know literally in front of me you freaking killed you guys you got to get tay out you can do it you're my freaking guy i'm engineered i saw her do it yeah [Music] [Laughter] [Music] well first it started i was investigator card takes my role to people coming up on decontamination yes like oh well one of these guys have to be good or right and i die i know yeah you were so good and if we paired together there's only one killer those were the three that voted [Music] and you took my investigator role but someone took my swamper role you're in a room full of actors vince is an actor who started oh wait i forgot i'm jester was i supposed to do something did i miss it oh god i don't know i don't know i guess i did it i don't know we're going to try it again foolproof foolproof meth foolproof method [Music] oh my god i thought you were going to kill me i was going to say hi by sitting behind you but also you moved and then the button got presented because i got scared it looks like you came back from me all i have to say is i'm not going to provide any context but all i'm going to say is ah you're not getting away with this [Music] ah no wait who's doing what i have no idea i'm gonna skip yep i'm gonna skip yep i gotta say you will not do this to me this is just last night i don't know i know i know who i was with last night is crazy i'm jealous it's real dark you can't do that what were you doing vince oh apparently i don't know what do you mean what oh i'm i'm definitely a bad guy i guess i believe that to be true that that's me the bad guy yeah okay which one is it tay in the middle okay i don't know i don't know i have no idea what there is i can't see i can't tell what tasks we have [Music] i just want to say justice has prevailed and i'm very happy with the situation exactly exactly you back the [ __ ] up you back the [ __ ] up yes tay tried to stop something beautiful and she had to get the [ __ ] up she had to go down what we're just we're just defending our territory exactly you know oh i get it i get it okay okay somebody's been stealing my man [Music] announce they're gay oh god yeah oh god oh god it was the beer if you hear me you stay away weird cara oh god [Music] what what's happening what is going on oh no oh my god what just happened wait why did how did brood explode there's another headshot what's going on in there vote me go ahead chill smoke right now you can't do it you can't chill vote me what's happening who said you were going to vote at the wrong time he's too powerful don't do it joe don't throw it are you in relations with scottish right now are you [ __ ] scott no no are you [ __ ] i'm committed you think you see me running around of scotch no i choose to run around with you i don't even know him i don't [Music] i think she might be dead here [Music] i'm happy [Music] i'm the only one that moved on from the relationship y'all are toxic i was he's first lover and i never got brought up once and then if we took two seconds we could have figured out what happened but you know you ruined my love life wait so who was who was linked with that at that time i kept going back and forth and we tried to find scotch to steal it and scotch kept stealing my roll then i took the mayor roll by accident and decided to [ __ ] it they'll both die for a fact that the second child said he was gonna vote me if i took it again i had to take it that was that was a movie oh god oh god where's my boyfriend oh uh-oh i don't know where he went i don't know where he is oh no don't do it don't do it he'll kill both of us oh no is brood down here oh god hmm no no i'm just gonna explode where is he where is he i'm gonna check the homing device i put in his car okay there he is oh hey thank you yeah that was a good button thank you okay so yeah just like two people have gotten cleaned and i want to talk about it yep i want to talk about brood real quick after once you talk about your things what the hell were you doing up there dude hang on i buttoned me okay sorry my baby i last saw arcane uh in o2 near the beginning of the round has anyone seen her since then um two people running together uh admin admin has two people in electrical right now it is the only room that has two people in it i saw children junk hanging around a little bit together we did hang out for a little bit we passed through on vitals i saw z chilling by the button for a little bit and he ran away oh i thought you're doing electrical as well okay what's the bruce oh yeah yeah but well the two people are hanging out together right now vince and la who are hanging out together if you want to yeah because hooligan fixed lights twice so i'm like okay she seems safe yeah well when you're saying two people hanging out that's the i'm just telling you the two i saw that yeah that's one of them okay i'm mayor though okay nice okay now can i spread what he was doing please bruce i saw you through the window what were you doing top left i was just checking it out following some of the footsteps you said wait you say following some footsteps i was just checking it out up there are you in the bed no he's just a rink right now he's like no no no he said he was following footsteps there's nobody junk he's a liar junk he's a liar well then who else was up there there was nobody up there so i left well okay so um i just left up there and saw you cool um for the last 10 seconds can i say something it just turned it just turned midnight in new york city so it's my birthday happy birthday happy happy birthday happy birthday yeah yeah [Music] from our family to yours i don't know how the rest of the song goes i'm gonna try anyway let's go this way brood yeah oh my god we're holding hands because she'll keep saying like one more one more one more one more and z keeps saying one more one more one more and i have it a lot of fun i'm having a lot of fun that's why [Music] okay so why is the who being so weird who's got to be the jester right oh he's dead [Music] i assume brood wanted me to button nina yeah sure sure oh okay i don't know out i i feel kind of like children junk are both imposters uh you are 100 incorrect um are you loving me why is lahood being on jestery i mean just because you feel i'm an imposter i am no i am a crewmate and i'm doing my tasks get killed do you want to ask who fixed the lights nope oh well is that going to ruin your your your your whole assumption so yeah i've seen cool all the bodies are obviously being cleaned primarily i've seen hooligan alone a ton cara alone a ton brewed alone quite a bit and with cara i've seen car together um so i feel like the standouts are chilled junk and tank well here's the thing vince lights are called why don't i just [ __ ] with the switches if i'm evil i mean la who did [ __ ] with the switches if why do i get it back on hold on the reason that i had the lights panel open and wasn't touching them was because i just got 30 birthday gift subs in my channel well they were all off i don't think that's right i'll vote for john you are 100 i feel like i mean i've worked for drunk four times you guys will make you feel better i feel like usually just vote i feel like you do go together so quick help me out if it's going to make you feel that much better and make you feel complete what if junk is the adjuster i don't know if it's just her jester but broods being super weird and juggling i'm always weird don't worry about that why am i being weird what am i doing today why am i weird earlier i did i did say that i did not hear that no thank you thank you okay all right brood wants me to lead i got it oh i actually don't want to go in there i don't want to go in there i don't want to go in there i don't want to go in there i think they're going to kill us nope no i thought i could try it i thought oh wow i thought brook is jester i wish man i wish i thought i'm just here doing my uh who what are you recaro no no brood's 100 i thought brood was 100 gesture because bruce is following carl um i think cars just brute and i are in a very committed relationship um are we going are we announcing this i think we're i think we're going public oh my god oh my god guys oh my gosh it's like not like a really big deal it's not yeah it's not it's not big we're just we're just like yeah together but like we don't want to label it for like a round or two we were talking no you guys are right you guys are liars you guys are 100 liars i'm i'm 100 i'm 100 bulling brood i'm 100 as brood was hitting reports well it's not brilliant i'm nervous though because i don't know it's got a hundred percent i want to vote i gotta vote okay don't vote the [ __ ] other jester i voted for brood definitely brewed so it's not brewed we're actually lovers committed relationship i don't believe it and we just we weren't ready to tell everybody until until now yeah i feel like going to the big lie just to get still did you say you were there too yes and that's why i thought i had the report but so are we going chilled i guess we'll go chill no no no no no no no no no it is brood yeah you went chilled right oh thank god i did wait do we win as lovers if we get it ready oh no no there's there's still two there's still four there's still four oh we have to oh that's tough what the heck you gotta you gotta push the button i'll turn on the lights brood no brood you gotta do it i already press the button press it press the button press the button oh thank god we did it oh my god i was so scared i was so scared i was so scared but which what wait so is it tay is the imposter and well who's the jester i think yeah it's me vote for me oh god i'm pretty sure lahu is the jester nope yeah you're right eat this i mean we have to do it together you know all right i'm going today i'm going today all right you have my vote love real damn you were really [ __ ] hoping that you were there i need to get the heat off you i need to get here [Music] you're making it too obvious now hold on i told you that i was a jester that time because you're like not voting for chilled or tay you're standing around places you're on the lights panel but not doing them like it just seemed very obvious no no i did like panel the first two times before vince even got there i did it after that time where i was legitimately talking to my chat so i've been fixing lights the whole i know something about how you're talking and voting and caring yeah but not immediately it sounded like gesturing stuff it just sounded very gesturing either as jester because this gesture you really have nothing else to do but my instinct is to walk towards the lights when they're out you got we wouldn't have been able to do anything but i didn't know the lights were still i thought i thought who was gonna vote for one of them right then that's why i was just like no because i think i think lahu may have known it was both of us i don't know the way the lovers really nice yeah yeah that was a great ending [Music] this is way more fun than vanilla oh yeah i like this too this is really good you can you can adjust it however you want to like yeah yeah yeah me i'm enjoying the acting rolls you know because right there i was the mafioso and i took the bullets [Laughter] [Music] [Music] hey good games everyone good games those are so funny very fun very [Music] bye funny all right guys thanks for watching make sure to like comment subscribe and also catch it live at cara corvus bye bye
Channel: Kara Games
Views: 11,731
Rating: 4.9200001 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, minecraft videos, minecraft lets play, vanilla minecraft, funny minecraft, kara corvus, kara games, corvus, streamer, girl, girl gamer, cute girl, callmecarson, captainsparklez, smplive, smp live, antvenom, smpearth, wilbursoot, technoblade, philza, among us, dream, amongus, gumiho, among, tubbo, tommyinnit
Id: dDciTkHynh8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 5sec (14165 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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