Among Us But JOKER Imposter Role (mods)

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today i'm playing two games of among us but there's a new mod town of imposters by the way check it out i'm flying joker has abilities designed to cause chaos amongst the crew sniper can guess someone's role and snipe them even in meetings share it find and shoot the imposter in order to win the game jester whose goal is to get voted out in order to win this mod completely changes the dynamics between crewmates and imposters make sure you watch until the end because it gets crazy joker let's go all right welcome to the krusty towers time to test out these new abilities first i'm gonna need some cover lice out a child while we're in the dark i wonder what this does and whoa it leaves a clone uh that probably wasn't the best place to put one i'm hoping that nobody notices i'm just gonna act natural time to test my second ability so whoa i can morph too well while i'm morphed i might as well huh what just happened why you always lying i accidentally attacked someone else's clothes yeah i'm hoping nobody noticed that either the good news [Music] i saw is i saw you kill a decoy and vent dammit so jordana set me up what are you talking about i'm in the lab what the f you went in the van by electric hernandez is making stuff up follow the truth but i me know i'm the jester this time real gesture doesn't say they're the jester no i'm the jester i am why would i lie because you think you can one thousand might cue this lance mountain you always have it against me okay not the best start wow i need to find a way to get rid of tornanda but the question is huh uh you all saw me not kill right because i was like six meters away from that body forgot to mention that in this game the impostors don't know each other so the other one got it what is going on today i think hernando was an imposter it was a shout out to skip for now skype i got lucky but i can use this to my advantage i guess i'm causing chaos just as the joker should before i can use my new abilities lights out time to test my third ability first i'll set up a decoy now i need some distance away from the decoy and whoa so i can swap locations with my decoy this is gonna get interesting i guess first i'm gonna morph into police and while everyone's fixing the lights this is my chance to and i've got the perfect getaway what just happened who killed new swap again and it's gonna look like police morphed no i'm the jester no you're not yes i am you're only saying you're the gesture so we don't owe you all right wait so did police really just do a negative 900 iq play it looks like police just ran and killed somebody and then morphed into me somebody transformed like five times all right everybody buddy up fish i'm going with you okay buddy of order in effect i didn't get police voted out but everybody is confused and paranoid [Music] oh that's hot that's hot heron keeps venting so i guess he's showing us he's the plumber lights out i'll set up a decoy in your office in case anybody tries to call a meeting after for now i'll head to lights to pretend i'm helping fix the sabotage but while i'm fixing the lights this is the perfect time to swap what do you know looks like police is back on the trail and when the lights come back up all the crew is going to see it what the hell so spam what what do you have to say i was with aldo no spam was with me police you saw yes i saw same one aldo and spam or sus no i'm the jester jester wouldn't say he's jester let's vote spam and follow aldo what that was close the mayor is a role where their vote counts for one more each round and it looks like the mayor voted against me this is bad i might not survive another meeting i'd better we saw that right two two zen modes two zen moves let's vote chavez don't vote me you're the mayor vote spam spam is literally playing us no spam is clear he was with me finally now back to our regular program hi my name is derek welcome to pizza split em up the reactor is gonna be a perfect opportunity for me to put my decoys to use set one up here and then morph into aldo sorry fish you've been a good friend now i gotta hide some more before i transform back engulfed whoa uh hey chavez crap do you see me he's the mayor i can't take any risks uh chavez wait up wait i gotta tell you something lock the doors just a couple seconds until i can [Music] wait don't vote him let me tell you guys something i'm the sheriff let me get justice by killing him no someone is lying it's him oh try to kill me this lying imposter deserves death shoot aldo party sheriff let's go let's get these keys out of the way because i miss you my job is simple one don't die two shoot the imposter yo why is he looking at me like that what's up little bud the thing is i don't know what other special roles are here so i gotta be careful and keep my eyes open for anything sucks unusually sus what's up oof tornado is dead i saw sean's body on vitals just saying i have an important role i am the major okay noob is mayor i'm not revealing my role yet and he's us now seven of us were together i'm following aldo skip for now okay i've got no leads so far i'm 11 so shut up and i still have no idea what special roles the imposters have but for now i'll keep following all doing huh we're all camouflaged and comms are down there's only one race the human race what about nascar okay i've got to keep an eye on huh when who and what does that sniper mean brah get the medic noob i saw you run away and pull out that sniper rifle at least i think it was him samuel didn't you say you were following aldo nice try you all saw that camouflage play all right here's the deal i'm the sheriff i'm gonna shoot zen mode sus and then i'm gonna follow new huh we're camouflaged right away police could do weekend too that must mean that i'm on the right track comms are down and i have a feeling the imposter's gonna ah i knew it but which gray blob was it i gotta shoot i think i got him damn camouflage again why do you gotta be such a saucy buckah wait i think it's ending all right i'm gonna stay with the group as soon as the imposter makes a move i'm gonna chase them down and shoot them sooner or later they have to reveal themselves alright so which one of you is it five minutes later still nothing eh i see you're being patient if we keep moving as a group then the taskbar will eventually be finished i've got a feeling that i knew it okay here we go and there you are end of the line [Music] you
Channel: ZMDE
Views: 579,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: zmde, zmde animations, among us, there is an imposter among us, among us memes, how to be the imposter, among us short film, among us tik tok, among us gameplay, imposter iq, among us iq, mods, among us mods
Id: jMeqbiN6BSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 31sec (511 seconds)
Published: Sun May 30 2021
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