AMONG MY PEOPLE THERE ARE WICKED MEN By Apostle Johnson Suleman (MWB 2021 - Day1 Evening)
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: CelebrationTV
Views: 62,201
Rating: 4.8902893 out of 5
Keywords: Apostle, Johnson, Suleman, messages, prophecy, grace, glory, bible, church, God, Jesus, good, great, celebration, tv, pastor, rev, lizzy, papa, mama, america, europe, nigeria, edo, state, auchi, prayer, word, preach, preacher, prophetic, declaration, manifestation, power, politics, ministry, anointing, voice, fire, new, rebroadcast, live, service, invasion, crusade, outreach, ministering, upper, room, he, touched, me, ministers, without, blemish, 2016messages, 2015message, Center For Revival, Scriptures, Strange Miracles & the Prophetic in Africa
Id: tj7Kly22o3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 196min 34sec (11794 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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