Amitabh Bachchan Eye Opening Speech | English Speech with subtitles

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if things happen according to how you wish that's good but if they don't that's even better I keep quoting my father all the time and I'm sure I've done this millions of times one of the first things he taught me was if things happen according to how you wish that's good but if they don't that's even better and I could never understand that and when I asked him he said if they're not happening according to your wish they're happening according to the wish of some Divine force and that Divine force will never think ill about you so you have to respect that as being better so if things worked I said fine if they didn't I felt that there was some kind of divine force or Divinity um that didn't want me to do that and perhaps wait for another opportunity the other thing he told me was uh when I was struggling a lot in those times I said you know so he said I used to tell him you know life is a struggle and he used to say so long as there is life there is going to be struggle I think if we accept this Factor your life is never going to be easy something or the other is going to happen so rather than sit in some some kind of despondency on that be aware that tomorrow is another challenge is another day uh which um which could turn out to be profitable which may not but eventually there will be another day when you can start trying all over again in the back of my mind there will be those ugly moments that plagued me and the fear of them recurring again is perhaps what drives me every day [Music]
Channel: English Network
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Keywords: Amitabh Bachchan english speech with subtitles, English speech, English speech for learning, English speech with subtitles, speeches in English, learning English videos in India, new english speech 2022, motivational speech, inspirational speech, motivational speech in English, English network, english speech for learning, life changing story, Amitabh Bachchan, New motivational speech, Inspirational speech, new speech 2023, Amitabh bachchan inspirational speech
Id: 0IQozBD0xOg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 15sec (135 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 11 2023
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