Amish Survival Secrets You Must Know

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what if I told you that embracing Amish wisdom could unlock a more fulfilling and stress-free life let's uncover the secrets that make their simple lifestyle surprisingly powerful in today's fast-paced world the Amish adhere to a fundamental principle love one another if the entire world embraced this ethos we might find ourselves in a happier more efficient Society where hunger is eradicated I've come to understand over the years that the Amish may have unraveled the secret to a meaningful life while the rest of us often get lost in the complexity of chasing wealth indeed there is greater fulfillment in Simplicity than in constantly chasing the newest Tech Innovations ultimately in a crisis or when Society faces significant challenges it's the folks who live simply who are likely to get through it the best here are 10 Amish survival hacks you absolutely need to know the Amish create their own natural fertilizer utilizing animal manure they produce their own natural fertilizer valuing its safety affordability and environmental sustainability they engage in thoughtful planting strategies such as combining maragold with veget vable crops to naturally deter pests and promote a healthy garden the Amish primarily grow their own food they are skilled Farmers often using horsedrawn equipment to till plant and harvest their crops they grow a variety of fruits vegetables grains and legumes depending on the region and season they typically avoid synthetic pesticides and fertilizers relying instead on crop rotation natur natural manure and compost to maintain soil Health many Amish families also raise livestock providing meat milk and eggs for their tables they may use traditional methods for butchering and processing meat they engage in bulk purchasing for items they cannot produce like grains and sugars at local stores or co-ops aligning with their low Tech lifestyle additionally their strong sense of community in insures Mutual support with shared resources and Aid in times of need reinforcing their self-reliance the secrets of Amish Cuisine the Amish avoid using propane or electricity for cooking preferring to cook over an open fire they utilize highquality cast iron stoves fueled by wood their diet primarily consists of farm raised produce including meat milk and vegetables Amish culinary Traditions are rich with recipes handed down through generations offering a broad array of dishes for immediate consumption or long-term storage they preserve a variety of foods including meatloaf chicken turkey pork and vegetables through canning Amish food preservation methods the Amish are known for their food preservation they engage in extensive canning activities at Fall's end harvested produce is often canned dried pickled or stored in root cellers to ensure a year- round food supply in their canning process the Amish often abstain from pressure cookers opting instead to boil jars for 3 hours to achieve preservation winter is the preferred time for slaughtering livestock as the cold weather AIDS in preservation additional they cure and smoke meat prior to canning to keep perishables cool especially in summer the Amish use ice houses or wooden ice boxes functioning much like today's coolers but made traditionally of wood these ice blocks can keep contents cool for about 5 to 7 days before needing replacement the Amish craft their own cleaning supplies the Amish put together a vinegar water blend to serve as a versatile cleaning agent this is prepared by infusing Orange Peel in hot water and then combining this infusion with vinegar when cleaning floors they enhance the solution with a bit of oil for cleaning stoves they employ a scrub made from vinegar and baking soda moreover they produce their soap using lard rainwater and lie highlighting their commitment to using eco-friendly cleaning materials for household maintenance the Amish Harvest purify and distribute water the Amish capture rainwater from their roofs and buildings directing it into a custombuilt filter often an oak barrel this Barrel is layered with small stones at its base followed by sand then charcoal and topped with larger Stones the rainwater is purified as it trickles through the charcoal which removes contaminants while the sand filters out remaining debris resulting in clean drinkable water at the Barrel's bottom for well water the Amish rely on manually operated metal pumps known for their durability such pumps are essential for anyone living off- grid recommended by Preppers as a primary or backup solution in place of a generator powered pump the Amish produce their own health remedies the Amish seldom visit hospitals and often opt out of contemporary Medical Treatments they prefer to create their own medical supplies and natural remedies for Health Care the Amish utilize lanterns and solar energy for illumination the Amish traditionally rely on kerosene lanterns for light frequently recycling or purchasing used items to economize however contemporary Amish communities might choose propane or solar powerered lighting they start their days before sunrise and use lighting sparingly focusing on work and then dedicating the rest of their time to family the Amish rely on horse and buggy for travel within the Amish community horses and Buggies serve as the primary means of transportation horses don't require fuel like cars and Buggies are straightforward to fix during emergencies using horsedrawn Vehicles proves beneficial for covering long distances or transporting bulky Goods constructing a buggy can be as straightforward as adapting a car trailer for horse attachment and learning to handle the RS effectively the omish form a close-knit community that relies on Mutual support with in the Amish community there is a strong tradition of exchanging goods and services members barter such as when women seow garments from scratch and trade them for different Essentials the community's resilience is rooted in their United Endeavors and common goals unlike many Preppers who prefer secrecy in their preparations to stay under the radar the Amish understand that surviving challenging times often requires the backing of a Cooperative group group as we've seen the Amish commitment to growing and procuring food is deeply intertwined with their values of Simplicity community and sustainability this journey through their practices brings us full circle reminding us that the secrets we set out to uncover are not just about food they're about a way of life by embracing these principles we too can cultivate a more Mindful and sustainable relationship with our environment just like like the Amish thank you for joining us on this exploration of Amish life may their enduring principles inspire you to find new ways to enrich your own life and the lives of those around you if you found this video helpful give us a thumbs up share with friends and don't forget to subscribe for more tips on living a prepared and sustainable life until next time stay prepared stay resilient
Channel: The Prepper Pantry
Views: 40,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the prepper pantry, prepper pantry, pantry preparedness, food preservation, self sufficiency, emergency food supply, homestead, food security, shtf, food crisis, sustainable food, emergency preparedness, survival food, self reliance, off grid living, amish, amish life hacks, off grid, pantry prepping, stockpilling, preppers 2024, survival prepping 2024, stock up, prepper pantry haul, food shortages, prepper pantry stock up, prepping for food shortages 2024
Id: D2thFQzbu5s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 11 2024
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