Amish Canning part 2 / Potatoes

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hey guys welcome back to my channel make it make where i always try to encourage you guys if you can't get it to make then make it make so go ahead and grab your pens and papers because i have a lot of information to share with you starting this amish canning 101 series how to water bath everything [Music] okay welcome back for part two of the amish canning 101 series how to water bath everything um first of all before i even get started of course i have to start off with uh the disclaimer everything in this entire series in fact any rebel canning recipe that you get anywhere is not going to be usda nchfp or fda approved so when you do these recipes they are going to be entirely at your own risk with that said i truly feel that there are so many people around the world and communities that have been water bathing everything and they've been doing it right which is why i'm doing this series so also before we begin i want to just tell you from the bottom of my heart guys you know thank you so much for sharing your personal uh stories and memories um it's just been an absolute honor and pleasure to be able to sit down and read them i'm sorry i haven't gotten to all the comments i'm getting there but just it just warms my heart just that you guys are so vulnerable to share these beautiful just beautiful memories and and and stories and it just i don't know it warmed my heart and thank you so much for sharing them and of course i can't not speak about my favorite canning lid company which is the fajar's company i absolutely love them i've had people reach out to me before but this company just felt right because of their customer service and honestly they were like the only people willing to have an actual phone conversation with me and it felt very personable and i love that so great canon live company if you use my promo code you save 10 off every time you make a purchase all right so let's go over a couple of things in the first video that i got a lot of questions for and i figured why not just address it in the video instead of individually answering the same question uh multiple times so one of the questions that i got was for canning meat and did she can the meat raw yes the meat was canned raw and i gave the recipe for quartz and it was a processing time for three hours yes pints are three hours as well which brings me to my next point that is very important and i wanted to share this with you guys when i am giving an amish canning recipe or any type of rebel canning recipe do not assume okay that for a pint recipe that it's half the timing from a quart recipe okay please do not do that a lot of the times what i see is that when it's a quart recipe oftentimes the timing for pints will be the exact same as a quart okay so i just wanted to clarify that if i do not have a pint recipe i will tell you that i just don't have it for pints but please please do not cut your timing in half okay also if you follow the community tab on my channel you you'll notice that i posted a picture on the definitions of what hot pack and coal pack mean in the with the amish recipes and i'm gonna post that picture here again the reason why this is so important is because people were asking in the first video what does hot pack and coal pack mean because they were on her recipes those nice recipe cards that i showed you guys at the end um there was hot pack in cold pack so let me just tell you again what that means cold pack means water bath okay anytime you see uh if i get any more recipes from her or any other recipes that i put out there when i say cold pack that means water bath hot pack means the open kettle method all right finally let's get into the good stuff we're going to be talking about potatoes i'm super excited to pass on these recipes uh to you guys first of all i just want to say we're the first recipe is going to be though for the white potatoes and can we just please stop and take a moment and admire her absolutely gorgeous potatoes when i was down there in her pantry i could not believe how beautiful they were i mean just so clear and just perfect and they have the skins on them so um we're gonna be going over that today all right so as you noticed in the picture for her potatoes she has some skins on them but i wanted to point out that the skins on her potatoes are really thin the potatoes that i buy like the idaho potatoes that i buy from the store they're really thick so for me when i do this recipe i don't think i'll be living leaving the skins on if i have a potato that has thinner skins then i wouldn't mind leaving the skins on that's just me um let me know what you guys think about that i just kind of noticed that with the picture and with the potatoes that i have and the recipe is super super simple when i was doing the recipe myself a different recipe not hers i it was just a very lengthy process with the brine blanching and then cooking just and then they they turned out horrible i have an i card here or here that i'll put for you to show you the things i'll never can again so this gives me hope guys this recipe gives me so much hope let's go over it so getting into the recipe okay for your white potatoes you're going to cut down your potatoes and you're going to wash them really well until the water runs completely clear okay you want to wash them very very well and then for quartz you are going to add one tablespoon of vinegar and one teaspoon of salt and you're going to fill up the jar up to the neck with water and you're going to cold pack it which means water bath it for two hours and remember guys when i say water bath it and start your timing at two hours it's not at a simmer it's not at a chatter it's at a rolling boil and then start your timing for two hours now for pints it's going to be one tablespoon of vinegar and a half a tablespoon of salt and cold packet water bath it for two hours now here's the thing guys if you do not want to add your vinegar whether it be for the pints or for the quartz the processing time is going to be for three hours okay so if you do not want to add your vinegar for the pints or the quartz the processing time for both pints and quarts is going to be for three hours sorry that i'm like really saying pints quartz and stuff like that but i just really want to make sure that i am communicating the recipe as as well as possible okay i s i'm really noticing that when you don't add vinegar to something in these amish recipes then you're gonna usually add like another hour of processing time all right so i have a recipe for sweet potatoes in a light syrup i do want to tell you that when i came across this recipe it's very vague a lot of the recipes the amish recipes that i have received they're just very vague they don't really go into details and sometimes they don't tell me if it's for court or even if it's for a pint and um it's a little frustrating for me but i'm assuming just because it's the books that they have within their own community that everybody sort of knows how to do it so i am going to give you the recipe again it's up to you on whether or not you feel safe doing it but here is the recipe for canned sweet potatoes in a syrup what you want to do is you want to have two cups of water one cup of sugar and you're going to put that overheat until all the sugar is melted down then you're going to cook your sweet potatoes just enough you're going to cook them just enough to scrape off the skins this is a no skin on a potato recipe it's not like the white potatoes were you saw how she had some skins on them okay so no skins then you're gonna cut up the potatoes you're gonna put them in your jars and you're gonna fill up the jars with uh the brine covering up the sweet potatoes and then you're gonna cold pack it which means water bath for one hour so that is the recipe so it's gonna be cold pack for one hour all right so that's what i have for potatoes and that's mainly what this video is about i wanted to ask you guys are you interested in in me making videos on making some amish meals okay we can start a series on that because i have so many recipes on how to make amish meals coming out of my ears let me know if that's something that you guys are interested in seeing and if there is enough interest i'll absolutely start making some videos on that as well also you want to stay to the end of the video because if you're interested in some beautiful amish like quotes that i've been reading through the books and just some things that they've shared that's really positive and beautiful one of the things was how to preserve her husband i thought that that was really really sweet definitely stay to the end and i will share all those wonderful quotes with you guys as always i just want to say thank you so much for giving me your precious absolute precious time and watching my videos you've blessed me so much you have no idea um and uh thank you for all your encouragement especially in moments that i feel a little discouraged by some other comments but you know it's a journey for me too and it's just been a blessing to be able to you know be a creator and share this with you well i'll talk to you guys later uh wait for the amish canning part three and as always guys take care and god bless [Music] [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Makeitmake
Views: 148,043
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Water bath potatoes, Canning potatoes, off grid cooking
Id: yB6TC4K-VNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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