Americans shop at EDEKA! (German Supermarket)

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restaurant histories sometime sometimes often not always good for your stomach or toilet but it tastes dang is going grocery shopping the bread is so good here I'm showing you a little bit different than America this is something I've been wondering ever since I came to Germany why are the egg orange why is it so or if I ate one of these a week [Music] is gonna be my second day in Germany and I'm excited to be back we're gonna go to the store probably again lift some weights do things that to American guys do in Germany I appreciate you guys watching all right Oh refresh refresh 52 is the best thing about recording and filming and like visiting salad we get hype together we compete we have fun and we just enjoy living in Germany and making videos where you go to the local gym workout because you got to stay healthy regardless of if you make videos when you play football or whatever you got to get out you got a lift keep your body and your mind healthy thanks for watching what what what you put a paper towel in the food section [Music] does own German national team shirt who think we ran all those at 7:00 on so Silas and I he actually backs up a nail to shoulder are you good look at that that's pretty sharp hey do rag cutoff sleeves tight socks and say boy you don't know me you don't know me know my life what gym now see last visitas gym they actually open it up how much it costs 1 million dollars just got done with that workout I know we're getting to the lifestyle right here huge who maybe let's go the weather is amazing as you heard me say nice house and I hope getting food buses lows in the Bundespost hey buses lows in the Buddhist post hey I'm coming she is gonna sleep Newton practices joggers German right here yeah what does this mean xiaochun zahlen chef stands on them yeah shops in zone every time counting the sheet rather mean he's sleeping back going grocery shopping a little bit different than America have different things we're gonna enjoy it me Silas and pickle [Music] one of the first things I'm noticing just walking around this nice little town is everything is so clean and green and like colorful look at this blue skies green fields and Germans they stop for you are you serious that would never happen in the stage that car was coming in hot and it stops it just stopped because it was weird walking frustrate crosswalk yeah cuz it's a crosswalk and there's people waiting no way that happens in America or China and I are you get run over you get run over yeah easy your fault too and if you take a step out the black what are you doing every car is like the pretty nice little car you only see me like jaggedy old things like that like way to I've got now under dude it is true I just came from China which is a country of two billion people it's very hectic but as expected you know Germany is just like a nice little shyer like Silas mentioned in Lord of the Rings so we're getting some food let's see what happens yeah Connor need some food because he's gonna eat all mine if he doesn't get it yeah first time I was in Germany this is my second home see what they got in this one look at those pastries yes thanks okay last year Silas and I made such a big deal about eggs because how much were they last time they were $1 for ten eggs every time we spent a dollar anywhere we were just like dude you sure you want a dollar could you get 10 eggs for that so now they're a dollar 29 which is a little bit too expensive but that's it goes right okay we got all do beat your elbow get it fresh nut streets sometime soon Todd Hoffman the bread is so good here also I don't have a lot of film last year Germany introduced me to this they have it in America obviously but it's huge everybody loves here I ate one of these a week and I would go to Etica or Aldi which is I think the one I went to instead and I don't get the same thing every time once a week and eat it all fast keep going on but I got a new coffee maker this time and this vinegar is just another day in German pickle what do you think nothing so next I'm gonna get and that's really cheap here is oatmeal you know what oatmeal is a German doesn't know what Milla so I wonder what you guys call it we call it I think it's Harbor ha fear flocking I learned stuff to Muse Leto in America there's a saying like starving college students you don't want to spend a lot of money on food 39 cents another thing that I did in Germany for the very first time was I got rice that's in a package and all you do is put it in boiling water and it becomes thick rice let's get it stuff is good right here y'all this is like German version of apple cider up and shortly that bitter sport really popular and crazy good candy in Germany Haribo Paulo sticks these things are dangerous I used to eat a lot of it and every candy here is horrible cherry strawberry sauce you look at all the horrible these are actually really good hear me speak Obama bro I can't and then was dangerously another German thing that I didn't get until last year was this piece quark it's basically super thick Greek yogurt I eat it with the hopper flocking and honey so it's gonna take me like a week or two to figure out what I used to get and then I'll get in a routine and just walk around the store and get the same thing every single time which usually consists of like cheap eggs hover flocking fruit chicken and 920 dried meats so good not always good for your stomach okay more toilet but it tastes dang is that Russians huh oh we're gonna make a specific video tasting like a fresh from a bakery butcher met Russian that's the spreadable meat right yeah spreadable meat it's pretty much like squished up meat that will eat some of this and some of us look at these milk prices y'all that's what I have to see Kieffer I used to always eat this here so I got food probably enough for a whole week it was 12 euros and if you do it right you can eat cheap anywhere in the world Germany surprised me the first time I came because the prices were great local store well it's probably because I came right from college and in college we just ate the food that the football team provided and I never really shot for myself but Germany was my introduction to growing into man this is something I've been wondering ever since I came to Germany why are the eggs so yellow no orange why is it so orange look at how horsy egg is in the US the egg yolks are this color this is the color of an egg yolk in the US and this is the color of an egg yolk in Germany maybe it's farm raised maybe they're healthier I heard the word but do any of you guys have this answer this is just some of them curious about looks good they call me son leave the chef's back in u.s.a cuz I make a system of chicken in an egg okay I forgot to put on that oil vegetable oil it makes it nonstick Don't Tell Sal Silas is trying to catch us turn out the window there for that judge now we got blog exception again Silas is making the video that you guys saw a couple of days ago the day I first got to Germany this is having their second day yes after one night so this is what happens this is how this hard at work for you guys producing some of the best content on the planet at least in German or in Marburg at least I remember oh let go we got a special guest pickle in the house we but I need to talk about this I wanted to ask you guys a question and I know it's far-fetched but there's a there's a soccer game shout gay there's BBD Dortmund this weekend apparently it's a huge Derby a lot of you guys told me to go I'm wondering does anybody have any sort of hook is anybody gonna drive near Marburg to the game because it'd be cool to get a ride and then secondly does anybody have some way to get a car is anybody not going and I could potentially go and I know it's late and you guys already told me keep mine either yet again ticket it's one of the biggest games of the year but dude anything's possible I'm asking for people who might be able to help it's gonna be hard you're not gonna get in but I already know this if you are somebody who might be going and I could ride along I would probably go and if you're somebody that has a card or something that I can even pay for I'll do that as I eat my eggs I will wait for your replies in the comments below for some reason even as an American I like watching soccer probably because FIFA you know those video games you know that yeah he was huge in the States so everybody plays it really yeah everybody plays FIFA the German didn't know that yeah everybody plays FIFA in the u.s. mostly like even I mean that college athletes all play that and the World Cup is really popular stuff I love this film another Derby video [Music]
Channel: Conner Sullivan
Views: 605,407
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: germany, conner sullivan, germany vlog, shopping germany, edeka, german store, german grocery store, germany language, german food, conner sullivan germany, silas nacita, silas nacita vlog, germany youtube, edeka germany, americans in germany, american reacts to german, german american, american edeka, life in germany, germany video, germany soccer, german life, german words
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 47sec (647 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 13 2018
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