Americans are angry over the 'double standard' on Hunter Biden: Rep. Emmer

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political junkies saw a lot of headlines this week about Republican concerns over their plans to retake control of the House and Senate in midterms is it all overblown joining us here in Washington Congressman Tom emmer of Minnesota who leads the committee working to elect Republicans to the house Congressman welcome to Fox News Sunday great to be with you Mike so you heard your counterpart Congressman Maloney I want to give you a chance to respond well this is a this election Mike can be summed up with one word as security it's about Americans Economic Security it's about Americans physical security you didn't hear any of that being talked about in the economic front because of failed Democrat policies Americans are struggling they have to make difficult choices every single day about groceries and gas and on the uh on the security side their physical security Democrats pro-criminal policies have put literally made our cities War zones if you look at for instance say the congressman's own state New York City they they are experiencing a crime epidemic because of cashless bail which he supports you look at my City of Minneapolis Minneapolis has already had six thousand assaults reported since the beginning of the year and look it's about the southwestern border being run over by cartels who are terrorizing American citizens about every community in this country having to deal with a fentanyl crisis and parents wondering if their child's going to be the one that dies next this is a security election it's about groceries and gas it's about being safe and secure in our homes and our communities Democrats have caused this problem they're going to pay for it at The Ballot Box let's talk about the battle for control of the house house Republican leader Kevin McCarthy initially talked about maybe winning as many as 60 seats but that prediction has been quietly scaled back among some Republicans this week Quinnipiac found more Americans approve of how Congressional Democrats are handling their jobs than how Congressional Republicans are handling their jobs also this week a Wall Street Journal poll has Democrats up three points over Republicans on the generic ballot Republicans are up by Five Points in March and the poll has independence favoring Democrats 38-35 in March Republicans were up 12 points with independence why are you losing momentum right now I don't think we have certainly I think some people needed to understand that a year ago was not going going to be today as you know I talked about getting past the Labor Day weekend when everybody starts to engage and I like where we're at Mike right now we're almost seven points better on the generic ballot than we were just two years ago in fact on Election Day in 2020 Democrats on the generic worry plus 6.5 and I'll remind you that we not only held every Republican incumbent for the first time since uh 1994 but we picked up 15 seats in an environment where it was predicted we were going to lose 15. the other thing is you you should look at is my counterpart announced a huge media by last week he's spending millions of dollars defending Democrat incumbents who are in seats that Joe Biden won by double digits look money talks and money is painting a pessimist pessimistic future for Democrats at the midterms Congressman The Washington Post reports quoted at least nine Republican congressional candidates have scrubbed or amended references to president Trump or abortion from their online profiles in recent months has the nrcc recommended to candidates to back off their strong anti-abortion views well I'm not going to repeat the way the Washington Post reports things I trust our candidates to know their districts and know how they're going to appeal to their voters the voters that are going to turn out in November and elect them to the next Congress that being said if Democrats want to make abortion the main issue when every poll we have seen says that the economy and the cost of living is the number one issue good luck to them trying to defend their extreme position every one of them voted for what I call the Chinese genocide bill which would allow abortion up to moments before a child takes its first breath I think our candidates know how to message that and they'll be just fine in the midterms let's talk abortion this week's Wall Street Journal poll says more than half of Voters are more likely to head to the polls because Roe v Wade was overturned can you say definitively that this will not cost Republican seats I think itself to narrow the enthusiasm Gap but if you look at the enthusiasm Gap every measure out there Republicans still lead Democrats in enthusiasm to vote in this next election plus the number one issue in every single poll I'll say it again is the economy and uh rising cost of living everything is more expensive because of failed Democrat policies and Mike the one question that every voter is going to have to ask when they go to vote in November am I better off today than I was two years ago it is a resounding no 8 out of 10 Americans believe this country is in the wrong track and that is why they're going to vote for a change and elect a new Republican majority in the house does former president Trump being in the news hurt your candidates because then you aren't hammering inflation gasoline prices the Border crisis and of course crime in many major American cities look the American intelligence agency and this Administration has been after Donald Trump since day one in fact the Intelligence agency's been after him since he started running for office and now the White House has prioritized going after anyone who disagrees with him in fact the White House Press Secretary last week said that anybody who disagrees with the Democrats in the white house with the Biden Administration is an extremist the raid on the former president's home is not only unprecedented it's outrageous and by the way this double standard is why so many Americans are pissed off about this Republicans Democrats Independents because while they go after Donald Trump and suggest that he's done something which they've been doing for years I would say that they lost their credibility six years ago with the Russian collusion hoax and while they're doing all this Hunter Biden is still out there being able to Pedal influence all around the world and they do nothing to him Americans are pissed off about that they're going to show up in November and Democrats are going to answer for it have you or your team at the nrcc recommended to any Republicans that they distance themselves from former president Trump absolutely not president has been a fantastic Ally of ours especially when it comes to fundraising and our candidates again what we tell them is you know your districts you know how to run to the people that are going to be voting for you in November and I am convinced that when people vote they're going to ask that question am I better off today than I was two years ago and they're going to say overwhelmingly no prices are out of the out of control my Securities in Jeopardy it's time for a change and they're going to vote in a new Republican majority Republicans have been highly critical of President Biden's student debt giveaway some have suggested it's even unconstitutional if you win back the majority should Republicans in the house Sue or take some other action to block the president well I'll let the future speaker the house Kevin McCarthy tell you what the plan will be on that but when it comes to this unilateral move by the president it's not only illegal it's unfair and it's wrong if you think about it every American who either chose to go into a trade or go to work or went to college and paid off their debt like a responsible American is now going to pay two thousand dollars for someone else's debt so blue collar American and responsible Americans are going to pay two thousand dollars for somebody else's college debt they're not happy about it by the way look at a poll in New Hampshire in the past week because I know there's been a lot of mixed messaging about this two-thirds of Independence in this poll are upset by the president's action I think that's going to be consistent across this country and Democrats are going to answer for that in November as well he made reference to leader McCarthy are you convinced he's the next speaker and do you expect any challenges from your colleagues I am convinced that Kevin McCarthy will that will not only be in the majority come the next Congress but Kevin McCarthy will be our speaker um what about the possibility you are seeking if you guys win the majority you're seeking to be the House Majority Whip do you expect any challenges there you got to win an election first Mike I'm concentrating on the next 65 days once we get done with the election we once we perform and win a new majority in the house then we can talk about the future okay on the Mar-A-Lago search some have said this response from Senator Lindsey Graham across the line let's play it I'll say this if there's a prosecution of Donald Trump for mishandling classified information after the Clinton debacle which you presided over and did a hell of a good job there'll be riots in the streets he later softened that comment and condemned violence but is that rhetoric over the line I'm not going to get into other people's words that'd be like me talking about Maxine Waters telling Americans to confront Republicans in public places and I think that's wrong so on this one I would say he's just echoing what I told you about just a couple minutes earlier going after Donald Trump repeatedly with nothing trying to impeach him based on nothing more than emotion and now continuing this uh this charade and invading his his home when Hunter Biden is allowed to skate and not have any consequences for his behavior Mike this is what the American people see this double standard and I'm going to say it again they're pissed off as they're going to show up in November and I'm confident that they will vote in a new Republican majority in the U.S House of Representatives Congressman Tom emmer thanks so much for your time thank you Mike
Channel: Fox News
Views: 629,275
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hunter biden, biden, president biden, joe biden, tom emmer, tom emmer fox news, fox news, fox news media, fox news channel, fox news network, fox news sunday, crime, economy, inflation, rising consumer prices, 2022 midterm elections, 2022 elections, republicans, democrats, trump, donald trump, mar a lago raid, trump raid, student loan debt, student loan debt forgiveness, biden student loan handout, student debt, student debt cancellation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 53sec (593 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 04 2022
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