American was shocked by 30 country's Word differences!!(Pronunciation Differences Compilation)

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[Music] [Music] hello so which country's English is the most different from your country maybe America's English is going to be the most different from my country cuz I think with Canadian English we still have like some words or like phrases we'll say similar and then Australian I think we have like a lot of similarities even with some like slang and like abbreviating words so I think for like British English is definitely the most different from American I think I was going to say the same maybe I was between Australian and British English but after doing some previous videos with Lauren it was like I couldn't understand some of the Expressions at all that they were doing of course I know it's different region by region yeah it just open my eyes how totally different um that it can be so yeah I think British English is most I feel caught a bit because geographically I'm close to America so I sound American but historically you know we're all part of like the common wellth so we have similar vocabulary Expressions some slangs so I almost I guess I would say Australian would be the most different so I was going to say like do you get exposed to like any Australian English or slang like outside of Australia cuz there not many probably just from shows like tvz Australia is so isolated we're like totally outside of the world really though like not like isolated like people don't go we don't like like geographically you're isolated right [Laughter] right in the US we would say cookies uh this is like kind of conflicting for me because the one that's in the picture exactly is a cookie however if there were not like chocolate chips or some kind of Chunk inside of the biscuit then it would just be a biscuit so that picture is a cookie without the chunks it would be a biscuit but I know that America says cookie for all of them yeah oh it's like very dependent on the chunk I'm trying to think of like different kinds of cookies to ask you about yeah actually Australia is the exact same like that specific one is a cookie a chocolate chocolate chip cookie but other biscuits are biscuits yeah yeah in Canada that's a cookie in the US we have a very specific thing that we would call A Biscuit it's like a bread roll but it's very flaky yeah something like that do you have a word for this cuz it's not exactly a scone cuz we also have scones like we could differentiate a scone in a Biscuit so what would you call a biscuit we don't have them then cuz we've only got sweet scans maybe I just say all those American biscuit things those things interesting in the US we would say mailman in the UK we call it the postman in Australia we also call it the postman or posty for short like some people do say posty but it's not super common I mean I've never called a postman a posty but some people do so yeah in Canada that's a postman like in the US people would maybe not use this as much but we would know what it is because we say post off office right post office so post man doesn't sound too strange to me posty is very strange to me but it's very cute tend to add like an ie on words like toasty pry it sounds cute it does sound cute we do that sometimes too putting like the eye at the end of the stuff and I think if we said posty we'd be thinking about like the post office like I'm just going to the posty to like I feel like that's a really like slime thing and maybe from where I'm from of the UK post I think post office I think I would have no clue I like post post it post Malone like a cereal or a snack or something somehow true but mailman is is it weird to say mailman sounds so American it sounds so American does it it sounds so American if one of my friends back home said mail man i' be [Music] like judge them don't judge [Laughter] in the US we would say my favorite movie is Harry Potter in the UK we would say my favorite movie is Harry Potter in Australia we would say my favorite movie is Harry Potter in Canada we'd say my favorite movie is Harry Potter I like the way that Potter Harry Potter Potter I expected it to be a little bit more strong from you like Harry Potter you know in the movie it's very it's like Harry Potter I was thinking should I really like play it up over pronounce it Harry Potter yeah I guess like maybe Southerners would say it like that yeah my accent is like the e r is more like a e like Harry Potter I think that might be like a Norther thing you say the t's too har Potter it seems like the rest of us did like the D sound more Harry Potter yeah right but you said the T Harry Potter is it usually like that water yeah water butter Potter like it's all yeah deified it's got like a mixture of like the way that we all kind of say what cuz you guys say like the D instead of T and then like I'll put like the e or the a at the end but you guys really pronounce the a so it feels like Australians like stupid mix it all together a mixture of it you've got the dirt but you've got like the softer ending yeah yes feel like a mixture of the way that we sound so weird like now I think about it yeah like water Harry Potter ooh Potter was really good yeah po was convincing can I hear it one more time po po po po wait what poter it sounds the same Potter yeah it's it's close say Harry Potter together Harry Potter M pretty good pretty good yeah in the US I would say it's more common to say what are you going to do this Tuesday night m in the UK we would say what you going to do this Tuesday night in Australia we'd say what are you going to do this Tuesday night in Canada we'd say what are you going to do this Tuesday night we're all the same yeah right what are you going to do do you say Tuesday or Tuesday Tuesday I say Tuesday Tuesday CH like CH Tuesday out to Tuesday Tuesday your Tuesday Tuesday yeah oh not Tuesday okay so that's the big difference there Tuesday some people in like my area would say Tuesday like [Music] Tuesday so cute a may be like a Liverpool thing chy my dad says it chy I usually say I'm dead me too yeah I'm dead just I'm really tired yeah uh in the UK I mean yeah I guess you would say I'm dead or I'm naked I'm shattered or we just be like I am yeah exactly the same like I'm always like to friends here I'm like can't be and they're like yeah what like can't be bothered just more of like a yeah like I literally cannot handle I would think like uh you're screwed you have a big problem that's not like I I can't be bothered to like do that right [Music] yeah oh you know this I'm going to guess does it mean to make make a U-turn or ah Chui Chui okay a we say that too like to make a yui y yeah yui but chucka UI cha how about would you guys know what it means if I said to hang a Roger is that I I I learned thiser I before said hang a Louie have no idea turn right right turn right turn right yeah right turn turn right yeah do you know hang Louie do you turn left okay someone knows hang a Lou Lou and rer last time no one believed me hang a Louie you know it hope that I'm never driving with an American Canadian navigation like who's Roger like rer rer what's it was really fun like we laughed so much ways that we say things in the different SLS I really enjoyed doing that that was a lot of fun I think that's one of my favorite things about like meeting people from other countries is just like finding their different slangs and like learning things like that so true we all speak the same language but this type of slang and our different vocabulary is what kind of makes it yours so it's really fun to kind of see what makes our English our English for sure yeah it's like same same but different same same different different flavors yeah I had a lot of fun talking with you guys there was like some memorable ones I loved posty I think I think that's so cute I just want to like since you said everything's with the IE I just want to like not everything not everything okay like I just want to make these rhymes like the posty M makes a toasty or something like it's so cute in Australia you fit right in so today we talked about differences in English between our four different countries if you like the video please like And subscribe and leave a comment see you soon bye bye hello I heard a whisper oh no oh no they're all going to hate me they're all staying their countries um I've always wanted to go to Paris I'm sorry so it's very cliche I think cuz in America the way Hollywood portrays Paris is like since I was little always just hearing like it's city of romance and like you have to go it's like amazing and I don't know it's just I think from TV show like drama movie that's why from when I was younger I wanted to go Czech Republic ooh oh it's really pretty I've been there and I I definitely want to come back uh I would like to go to Sweden because of the Aurora nobody has Ora here [Music] right in the US we would say shark in Polish we would say rein with R in front in Germany we would say hi in Spanish we say ton oh in Belgium we would say hi yeah in Danish we would say hi in France we would say in Italian we would say squalo all the highs are that's catching me like I would think oh hi nice to meet you like oh shark shark you he did you hear that oh look hi watch out hi hi there are actually some really bad jokes about that oh really German like um a high meeting another high and then they're like hi something like [Laughter] that yeah you have all the difficult things sound that goes in there I can't do it two one in America we say Supermarket that's easy uh in in Polish we say Supermarket yeah in Germany we say super market super supermarket in Danish we say superco in French we would say super mar in Italian we would say super marato uh the endings are mostly different like the beginning on a middle of word same just the ending is slightly different it has like an accent of the country but if I was traveling I would know what they're talking about beonica it's literally translates to lady M or also we have japa it's a frog yeah in Germany we also have a lot but I would say like Aldi maybe oh we have we have Aldi in America yeah too what crazy it's German in Spain I think the favorite Supermarket is Mercado for most people we we have a lot yeah in Belgium we have K and Del lasa that's pretty big there's one called n and I think that's probably the most used one n and then fex yeah in France we also have car and oan Clair yeah but I don't know which one is the most like popular actually in Italy we do have Kaur too but we say karur I'm sorry sayur so apparently it's pretty famous but it was most popular before now we likea or gigant are like people always go there because they're bigger so in America we say Snow White and that's the hard one in Polish we [Music] say what does it translate to it's like a PR white German it's in Spanish is Blan Dutch or flish it's in Danish it's in French is BR in Italian we would sayka it's more not like a white it's more like a snow I can't do this this is too in America we say hamburger in Polish we say hamburger in Germany it's hamburger in Spanish it's hamburges in flamish we say hamburger in Danish we say hamburger in French we say hamburger in Italian we say ambur okay can you explain why you're not pronouncing the H and hamburger in your language or is it because it's we don't pronounce it at all in any word in Italian we don't really have words that start with a h sound so it's always like silent it's always silent when start and only the foreign words we actually have many words which starts with the H but we don't pronounce it I think it's just grammar problem like to make it more difficult yeah because like we all find it find it like useless like in America we say car Poland we say uh s in Germany we say vagon but also Auto in Spanish we say co uh in flish we say AO in Danish we say PE in French we say V in Italian we say minina but we can actually also say Auto um I don't think there is any difference because minina is longer than AO so if you want to say something fast like okay Auto get the auto but otherwise ma is fine uh I think vagon is more oldfashioned so today everyone just says a when people are just like in rush and they want to say like something really quickly they say AO but usually we say sam yeah feet but we also have like that's cute I'm sorry that's so cute we use like slang it's mostly like a dad thing but they say to which is like an aom for like H so in Danish we use like it's do like this so we say oh I'll just take the d The yeah the H that's so cute incorrectly in American English we say Louis vuon mostly young people they just say Louis Vuitton and old people old ladies they will say Louis vuon in Germany I say Louis vuon but many people also say Louis vuon Spanish we say Lis Von uh in Belgium we say Louis Von yeah in Denmark we say also Louis Von with like an NG sound in Italy we say Louis Von in France we say Louis Von the I'm correct what a surprise obviously but ex except uh Belgium I think uh Germany was closed not the second one but the first one that you said was really Italy how do they say Von yeah it's more the Von yeah Al Al language what are other brands that people say wrong that's that's the the fact like Dior Dior sometime when I say in my head I'm say I'm saying with the American accent because of the advertising a how are you supposed to say [Music] like I don't know that's that's better than Dior yeah it's a throat sound it's so difficult the r again I should be able to pronounce is the r as is the r the problem in America we say Friday in Poland we say p in German it's F in Spanish is B Belgium we say in Denmark we say in French we say V in Italian we say ven not particularly VES but Lunes Luna it's Moon so Marte Mars mares Mars yeah like we not saying that Italian and France is the same like uh I don't know but FR in English it's like free day yeah same in Dutch so maybe because the weekend is coming and in Polish PCH is similar to P which means five so it's like a five day of the week clever I think if I'm not mistaken we like have some from the Nordic gods so Freya like the god of love is I heard this for the English like explanation Thursday as well like kind of similar to to to that's what we learned in school too but I don't know if it's accurate I I think that's why it sounds similar some of the words that we say I'm kind of shocked that it's similar Friday Friday see when I heard I was like what it's like mday Monday Tuesday WN Wednesday Thursday Friday Friday Saturday Sunday sunay look it's pretty similar yeah quick lesson oh my go Snow White over here gets the prize oh my gosh that was difficult was too hard to pronounce there's a ZJ thing going on should I repeat it Snow White that's easy we can do this you're going to cut it out was like forgot I forgot my language keska no she laughed it was bad no no it it was closer than last time high like the shark yeah that was really funny yeah Snow White was quite funny there are a lot of like similar groups like you can find some languages like relating to each other Latin and German I think like polish and danish I think are the ones that kept being a little bit more different than the other ones slabic Lang languages right that's another group than I just really like to I will remember for sure thank you I learned something I liked the car is it B yeah this is so cute and she said that I was like so today we talked about where differences so if you like the video please like comment or subscribe thank you bye hello for example I mean each country also has different dialects and stuff so instead of pronunciation I would say the vocabulary the Expressions every single Latin American country uses it's hilarious I just love it so much what about you guys yeah I think the accent would be harder for someone from Spain or like the us or any other country but when you are a Latin American you do feel the accent change from country to Country and you're like that accent oh you're from this country right or you're like very intrigued if you cannot pong the accent you're like I don't think it's considered Spanish anymore oh my oh oh don't say no it's because we have like different words a lot of different words that is what yeah they use words in a whole different context they have something about animals I met a Chilean friend before and it's like oh yeah we say like this and I'm like why you using so many animal names for like all of these type of situations I don't even know that okay K in Spain we say coma in Mexico is papalote papot papot how cute in Colombia also coma in Chile is coma in Peru it's also coma in Kuba is Papa lote in Ecuador is coma sounds so fun so so cute and it's like has the word Papa it's like a lote of my papa I don't know I I don't know just a box or something from my D I don't know it sounds if you literally trans like translate the word it means like something my dad like a lot like a I know present I'm stupid I know it to me it sounds like a like a parrot like Papa we say maybe like the colors maybe that's why maybe it's like a papag flying but made of paper I oh my God we would love so hard but in a cute way would think it's really cute no that's why we would laugh because when we don't understand something we don't want to show we stupid so we just laugh and then we say oh wait what what was that like but we have to laugh first popcorn in Spain we say palomitas Yeah in Mexico we say palomitas in Colombia we say crispetas in Chile we say in Peru we say we call it Kil I've heard of palomitas before but you see cabasas palas no for us it's 100% Kang and you know that in parag they say poro really so cute and for me Chris petas is really curious because in Spain we have five languages and I speak Catalan as well and we say Chris petas so it's quite similar it all maybe only palom I would understand Mexico Spain and maybe Cuba because it's like very graphic but the other ones I'm like anybody understand to I don't know I would think it's chichon or something like that yeah yeah Chile cabita sounds like like an animal actually yeah yeah you see you see little so for me hearing all of them very different for sure but I think the one that makes the most sense to my English brain is probably like crispetas cuz it sounds like crispy I know [Laughter] right in Spain Kreo yeah in Mexico conjo Columbia to conjo Chile Kreo conjo in Ecuador is also conjo but why but what when we want to buy like a bunch of crabs we say Hiba oh yeah so we just use that word but it means like a bunch of crap in Colombia we say Hiba only for like a dish made with cono that's what yeah I was going to say I think it depends on if it's cooked or not right like yeah if if it's the Shell with the meat inside and some seasoning it's like hias I I don't know what style but when you say the animal it's just Con in the US you say pen in Spain B in Mexico pluma in colia we say Lao or ESO in Chile we say lais pasta in per we say la Ina we say pluma inator we say esph or esero wait wait wait that sounds so psychedelic it's kind of describing the shape is like these rounded graph graphico sounds really like artistic I don't know but I'm most used to pluma it's funny because for us in Spain pluma means in the old times when peoplek yes yes in col we say pluma or plumon or when it's like the one with the in yes yes we still do have that one we have the same la Pasta Pasta yummy pasta pasta is inside what is it so we say pasta is inside so lapis of pasta I just think of spaghetti with a pen yeah I I thought that it was like lapis but made of plastic pasta cuz like pasta can also be plastic makes sense when Spanish people speak they do use words that old words you know like the the words that we don't use on our daily lives so they they sometimes might sound like more formal when they speak but they can also sound more rude yeah but they can also sound like super rude at not in Spain not I think I think that's a difference I always have with Latin American people is like we use those words as well and it's not even more formal or root or anything it's just your out like up to your preference and something like that I think it's because it's like more straight something yeah so for us it's like you don't have filters when you told but you guys all so soft and cute and already you know giving love to everyone and we a little bit more okay we also yeah we never use Excuse me ma'am yes I understand sounds it sounds so formal I'm like ma'am we are a little bit more for that's true we say flipflops in Spain chlas in Mexico it's chlas or sandalias basically the same like chlas in Chile we say laala talaa in Peru we also say sandalia or Chas in Kuba we either say sandalia or Cheta in Equador we also say sandalias or chlas what happened what happen and this is why we say they don't speak Spanish see I think so I think I think I like Chun class just because it's like I always picture like the meme of like the mom ch ch for an English speaker someone who doesn't study Spanish they would recognize sandal sandalias I think because it SS sandals and actually we also have sandalias in Spain but it's more for those cute open shoes for summer yeah the nice ones ones would be sandalia and the one that like you know like hav like the plastic one like havanas those are Chun but like the cute ones you wear with dresses and stuff there so in in English we would just say butt but I think it different no in K but for us like kulo is such a strong word yeah kind of like you're being rude yeah it has more like for likeon songs in Mexico I don't know we have many words we have like tro yeah but I think kulo is like great like calm down yeah in col say Cola Cola Cola actually means tail so it's like yeah okay in Chile we say photo in Peru we say photo too like actually we have uh for example yeah yeah also we have a animal that is mono yeah have that bre if you want to say it like like strongly you can say k or [Music] like when it hurts just on one side you say n is cheeks cheeks oh this is really fun it's so it's funny to watch them like all laugh at each other because like you can understand but like the meanings like we've explained are so different across like across the world and in different countries and stuff so it's really fun it's really interesting for me cuz now I know a bunch of different ways to understand the same word actually I feel a little bit out of place because it's like from another place in our planet and I can feel the differences but they are kind of connected to each other in some kind of way and I feel completely different but I really loved it they have a really rich culture and I really like it for me I'm just thinking I'm not talking in Spanish anymore like with these girls at all if I speak I try to use like my Spanish like the very basic so it's funny to to see that I maybe the most like difficult Spanish to understand so yes funny so today we talked about Spanish where differences if you like the video please like And subscribe or leave a comment and we'll see you soon bye hello well honestly I think you guys do but Finland is kind of different yeah we're the loners of the northern Europe totally agree yeah well at least for you isn't like just saying hello isn't that Sim I would say hi hey I think is pretty also in Finish yeah what about window in AR we say Vu yeah in Danish we say vindu so in Sweden we say fer and finish we say yeah very different I think for Denmark it kind of sounds like if Americans made the the stereotypical accent and said WI window but everyone else has like their own cool word and I like the finish one um I mean just based on window it's like a old word so I would expect it to be more similar but they're already a bit unique so I think maybe they won't have that many words in common than other European [Applause] languages in America we say sand oh in Norway or noran we say in Sweden we say s in Finland we say Wow Wow in Denmark we say s I think she's going to be the star star of the show very unique well to be honest cuz in Finland we also have to learn Swedish in school as mandatory subject even though I can understand some Swedish when I watch Norwegian TV shows I can like get some of the stuff but I think Denmark like we say in fil that Danish speak Swedish with potato in their mouth I heard that so it's like a Danish goes a bit far away for me to understand and know always the same thing we always talk about Danish as being a potato and no offense but that's grammatically they're the same I kind of agree though I kind of agree written they're very similar but that when you hear it's like why are you speaking and stopping half in I'm like this is confusing MH yeah funny because actually I agree with that I think Danish is very like strong and when I think about Norwegian or Swedish not not Finnish though because I don't know that much of the language but when I think about Norwegian and Swedish I always think about it's more soft in the way they pronounce the words and then we are here like very like I think I don't know if it's just the way she speaks but I think Denmark sounded a bit just like the English word for sand most similar s oh yeah it's very it's it's literally written that way it same spelling yeah yeah we have the same spelling to it too but you just say it a bit differently okay we can all say it down the line again like s s s s in America we say camera in Norwegian we say CRA in Sweden we say k in Finland we say k in Danish we say k i feel like for these three they say the vowel like a and she says it a bit more like a k a little bit different I think it's quite similar because it's a newer word since it's a new invention kind of so that's why I think we got it from probably English or we borrow a lot of words from the English oh yeah country yeah we do that too differences in pronunciation it's difficult because a lot of times these languages are so similar that it's more like different accent um or dialect of that accent yeah because through history it's been so many unions between Norway Sweden Denmark so it's like they're so similar and then I think especially Norway and Sweden as well like we take we borrow a lot of words and I think it's probably the same for dis Finland as well so it's a lot of borrow words from from English as well we also do that a lot so they're similar with like an accent yeah kind of America we say peir in Norwegian we say par in Sweden we say par in Finland we say par in Danish we say pe oh PE I like how for Sweden and Finland there's suddenly like a was it an n Sound can you say it again I think it was yeah and we just made it like finish like from Swedish Pro yeah or we gave it to you like like Danish keeps being more similar to English than I expected kind of yeah yeah I agree yeah it was funny again Danish is similar the most to English with this word and then Norway like adds a little bit of a uh but then Sweden and Finland add an end and an a mhm unique so if everyone said par their own language you can all understand it I think I wouldn't be able to understand if I knew the con like context right like yeah maybe maybe no if I knew a little bit more of the language yeah but I couldn't really guess it that well actually in America we say coat in Norwegian we say FR in Sweden we say yaka in Finland we say Taki in Danish we say f they were all different this time well the region was simil but the way you say it is so different different yeah it was like how do you say it FR FR but I'm not sure if this is the right kind of I think we have so many words for ques he chose Yak yeah right y That's like for all the kind of outoors we can say that too we can say that too yeah ja s we also have the word Frack but that's more like a fancy like suit coat we don't really use it that much we also have the same like but it's likey also like a fancier fancier jacket for men so if you all used like your most common word for coat you could understand each other oh for sure I think yeah defin I would understand in America we say moon in Norway we say mo in Sweden we say mo in Finland we say in Denmark we say again she can be [Music] American I feel like this time Norway and Sweden were the most similar no could you say it again yeah only the vowel at the end is sounding a bit different I think the way I pronounce it is like more like there's no like or it's just oh which we have like they're soft the way they pronounce this is soft again Finland is the star and I feel like that that's the word for cow that I learned from other Europeans on here before yeah really cool cool is cow in Swedish oh well for us it's the moon what's cow Le in America we say Basket in Norwegian we say Kur in Sweden we say Ki in Finnish we say cor oh in Danish we say cool wow so this time Sweden and Finland is the most similar yeah that's it always keeps surprising me every time it's surprised to me too me too actually but I think it's because uh like as uh norian Frontier said it's a we have had so many unions and also like Finland and Sweden where the like same country like in like before so I think we got it straight from the Swedish language Cor CO I feel like Denmark suddenly sounds like it has a bit of a double u sound like w yeah it's that's actually pretty hard to pronounce if you don't know Danish well it's like a V but it's like Co I see k o r i yeah always spells the same k u r v same yeah that's that's the crazy part we have the same spelling but it sounds very differently yeah in America we say robot in Norwegian we say robot in Sweden we say robot in Finland we say robot oh in Danish we say robot robot it's a strong R there's an r in the grammar though right like robot it's like that's what I was talking about before and you said it how a robot a a robot yeah it's more soft why do I also keep feeling like Denmark has w sounds even your R almost sounds like w yeah yeah that's true maybe that's why people think there's a [Laughter] potato quite similar I think even I could guess that it means robot cuz I feel like more modern words are the most similar but I love how Finland keeps like adding Sparkle water the word you said how did you say robot like the ending is like like oh and she also kind of rolls her R oh yeah I think we have a bit like stronger R compared to like Swedish in America we say salmon in Norwegian we say Lux in Sweden we say Lux in Finland we say Loi in Danish we say Lux I don't know why generally speaking Americans completely AIT the L we don't say Salon all right yeah we're like no l and you guys are all like yes L please take it out yes this time is all the same except Finland so she's still shining yay with her language it sounds so cute too why does it kind of sound like a name to me but with pronunciation I don't know can you say it again Lux Lux Lux yeah they say it more like a and you kind of say it like a u like looks how you say a uh L Lo and we say LX yeah yeah a is like a so how do you spell that l a k s correct l a x correct l a x really that's what it sounds like though it sounds like LAX makes sense Finland l o h i oh that was fun I feel like it was more fun cuz I never heard these words beside each other especially with Finland and the mixture but it was funny cuz sometimes Sweden and Finland were more similar yeah that's what surprised me actually me too actually but I think it was it was really funny I like to hear how similar some languages are like Norwegian and danish it makes me happy I think it's fun because written you have Norwegian Swedish Danish being very similar written but then it may sound differently when people pronounce it but then you have Finnish which written is very differently then when she pronounced it I'm like I can get that word I understand it it actually surprised me also how much I could get of your words and how similar some of the words were even though we always perceive ourselves as the loners of the of the northern Europe but yeah it was really fun so today we compared the words that we use in the Nordic countries if you like this video please leave a like and comment and subscribe to the channel we will see you soon bye [Applause] hello tough question maybe Korean well like coffee and like computer are similar and then like handon is like kind of like phone the Kish klish yeah in English we call it trash can in Korean we say in French in Hungarian we say ores in Polish we say Kos in Italian we Sayo in German we say in Belgium we sayak H sorry yeah what's the most commonly used word Kuka is more like slang oh it just sounded super weird long it's like very long yeah it's like basket for trash basically yeah yeah we say that we have that to is basket yeah and then is trash Bell's pretty girl but poo it's poo poo no sorry I think so yeah in German it's exact translation of trash can the first word is M it's trash and IMA is it's not can but like a bucket oh so trash bucket um in the US we say elevator in Korean we say elevator in French we say asur in Hungarian we say Lift or fono but really just lift um in Polish we say vinda we say in German we say or de LIF but people say more than LIF in Belgian we say lift a lot of LIF yeah LIF but if we say elevator in your country then you guys don't understand well find somebody who speaks English yeah same smart okay maybe the German one theuk of the Z is like weird right yeah it's it's a really sharp ofs like it's kind of like TS you speak it like TS really we of ofs yeah that sounds really good back good job um in the US we say soccer in Korean we say cho in French we say football foot in Hungarian we say F orash in Polish we say PNA always so long um in Italian we say ccho in Germany we say footb in Belgium we say footballall she sounded kind of like the dictionary woman like oh so puka is a ball NOA is a it's an adjective so it's like a food but not a noun Fe foodie foodie or something foodie ball something maybe okay yeah yeah yeah so foty is like a slung slang version of football but we say LDA rash which actually means labda is Bow and rash makes means kicking so like ball kicking so no word uses soccer no no soccer okay it is because we have football and then soccer that was so confing to me Cub for us is like rugby why do you say rugby for rugby in got really weird um I think the Polish one it just looks like so confusing but when like she says it it's so nice I don't know yeah that in the US we say beer in Korean we say in French we say in Hungarian we say sure polish we say pivo in Italian we say be in Germany we say be in Belgium we say be German bu is like a mix with French the r is like just a French R I have a French R I think that's why oh maybe how do you say it just gives me tingles in my ears don't fall in love with me but I already did yeah wa girl in America we say principal in Korean we say in French we say director in Hungarian we say OS in Polish we say director in Italian we say pres in Germany we say director in Belgium we say director a lot of directors be confused directly I think of like a band director like a like the like concert band director it's sounds Japanese oh yeah right actually I think it's just person who's directing but not not movies or anything like that just cool yeah oh um a maybe kind of sounds like President yeah president yeah president president president yeah oh my ears are ready in English we say math in Korean we say suak in French we say maatic mat we say m or matematica uh in Polish we say matematica similar in Italian we say Mathematica in Germany we say mathematic in Belgium we say wh is that is there separate no it's one word it's one word whis whis so everyone except Bel yeah literally we have an old word too but like year by year it's it's like disappearing and also it's for the easier version like for elementary school so for that we say samon the the academics of numbers oh I think whin is kind of the same then I guess the the Belgian word can be understood with German yeah because in kunda in German is like studies of a field so with knowledge I think so like wisdom is yeah wisdom in English we say science in Korean we say in French we say in Hungarian we say in Polish we say in Italian we say in German we say and in belgi we say you two are very simar me polish word okay I have to explain that one we we don't really use it we don't have a subject called science at school we would call it sh which is like nature and it's like a mix of all of those so yeah yeah yeah um it was so much fun I'm like in love with Polish Polish right now it's so cool but yeah it was a lot of fun so oh very interesting like what I noticed obviously the Korean one does not sound like any other language I know it's the Polish one I'm like so taking it back like I was really surprised just it's really hard it's like a whole sentence so that's really funny I'm I'm always happy to see that German does have some similar words to other languages because there's like there's memes of Germany always being the one language that that like does not have the same word yeah so I'm happy that you know there is some words that are similar I'm it surprised me that we have really similar words but like Poland and Germany are also neighbors and we don't have anything in common so that's interesting I I didn't think about this before so today we talked about where difference is if you like the video please like And subscribe or leave a comment and we'll see you soon bye bye so I did live in the UK for a little bit which is not like Mainland Europe but I've been to Italy it was decent it was cool I wanted to go to Germany and France did not go because of Co Germany and France yeah Spain I I never thought about really I was just like they're they're kind of cool after watching money Heist though I was like yeah yeah you were like a can get some easy money in Spain no will just bully us all into loving Spain I mean my favorite thing about about Italy was like cheap wine so I feel like if all of the countries have cheap wine then I'd like them but Spanish has yeah yeah I guess good wine [Music] Spanish in America we'd say Europe in Germany we say Europa and in France we say Europe in Italy we say Europa in Spain we say europ I like the French version because it sounds very similar to English but then I like Spain and Italian because it was like it had that like I don't know it just sounded very like sophisticated and like made it sound like a beautiful place it is a beautiful place so basically like everything but Germany yeah I mean this might be an ongoing theme we'll see yeah we shall see Europe Europe Europe I can't do the R I think Europe yeah I think in English we don't really have this kind of like I don't know what noise like like first of all like an noise isn't common in English and then the r is kind of different it's like like almost not saying R it's like yeah I don't know it's it's just my mouth doesn't want to do it I think it's it's pretty like linear like Europe Europe Europe is it because the sound is so difficult to make like water like o what is o o so it's oh yeah wow that's was was really good thank you I'm French I'm French now um so the next word we would pronounce computer in Germany we say computer H in France we say ordinator what in Italian we say computer we say um ordin but in Latin America they say South American Spanish version sounds like kind of like bad words that I heard in the hallway at school um I thought the same um and then for Italian and for German obviously it's fairly similar like I think even like an American could say like computer if or like a British person it would kind of sound the same ordinator ordinator I don't know yeah I don't understand you yeah yeah it gives the vibe of something that yeah it sounds kind of I think I know why she thinks that computadora it's like a bad word because so you know computadora has that's why maybe she's like oh so if you go to Spain don't say say we say laptop I think we also say laptop in France we will say ordinator portable it's like the mobile version of the computer oh so wait or ordinator the mobile like it's ordinator but you can take it and move it yeah I mean I I so what's the word again ordinator port a port a portable orat but usually we don't say that usually we we just say PC like to describe any type of uh computers yeah that sounds easier same in Italy we say computer Porta so it's very similar with the English portable computer but we cut it we just use Porta yeah we we say the same in Spanish P so of course we call that dog or puppy in Germany we say h in French we say sh and if it's a girl we say Shen in Italian we say k uh there's also a female version which is Kanya but it's more like a bad word or specific word where for Veterinary when when when the dog when you bring the dog to the veterinary they just to specify the um the gender of the dog by we don't really call female dogs Kan it's a bit of a bad word in Spain we say pero or if it's like a small dog or like baby dog we say gacho the way you roll your tongue is so cool I cannot but try try here e my my vibrate I yeah I can't I don't know if you ever designer the rapper I like I don't I've I've tried I was in Spanish class since age four and I can't speak any Spanish we we have two bark bark or woof woof bark bark come on really we do we do woof in Fr it's a w w w w you have a French accent I don't remember well but in Italian it's kind of like paw bow like b b like they don't b w nice all right so this one is uh highly contested it's soccer in Germany we say football in France we say football in Italian we say ccho in Spain we say football we win no soccer I don't understand why they say soccer and they call the Rugby Football and they use no feet whatsoever it is not rugby okay it's completely different from it's kind of like that American football americ where's the feed like you just Australian football you know like that's a thing they have they have like football football they doing like different things there but why is it called c c culture culture in Italian literally means a kick yeah to kick a ball I guess I don't know where the word soccer comes from I have no idea it's just like there yeah why did you have to make it it was perfect football was amazing then the next word is wifi in Germany we say villan in French we say Wii in Italian we say Wii in Span we say Wii V how do I pronounce the the the German one Vilan V yeah I've heard that from like a um vlogger or something like that she's like oh yeah at my hotel we didn't have Von and I was like what's that and I looked in the comments wey I've heard it as a joke I think like on the internet like someone be like shut up you call Wi-Fi wey or something like that that's what happened when I go to Latin America because my family well I have like mixed family so when I was there I was like there anybody has wey and they were like what is that and I was like oh sorry you are from Spain you know you're supposed to say wey no Wi-fi that's like English and you are speaking Spanish they were like I don't understand yet sometimes especially people in Germany who speak like English also use Wi-Fi people who know it as Wi-Fi but don't speak English as what say wey so you hear a lot of variety in Germany in that case interesting okay so the next word is cardier I don't wanted to admit it but probably in Germany probably if we don't know the correct pronunciation we would say ker uh in Italy we I think we say ker with a strong word Indian so in France we say we we do not pronounce v it sounds a littleit more i' I've heard people in America legitimately call it cardier those are people who really don't know what it is I've only heard it before as cardier but yeah I've definitely heard people say like cardier like in high school especially cuz they' be like this is my fake cardier ring and I was like what yeah I think Kier is most like a known version use I will say I heard all of the time people saying Cartier like when we don't know like what's the pronunciation we will not get it like if I mean it depend but like if someone's like randomly in the street say oh do you know where is a Cartier I think we will look at them like not not sure that's actually like an American stereotype about the French is like if you go there don't even try speaking the language because they're just going to they just going to like they're just going to be like I don't know I don't know but I think pronunciations is very very big even like in the US like when you don't pronounce the same word correctly it's like totally different word I feel like in the US though there's just so many accents already like mixed into like Society like we have people from that truly like everywhere so the way I talk is completely different than like say my friends that are from the northeast or from the W like yeah I feel like when I talk to my friends about going to the France they're like how are you going to ask for directions no one's going to tell you um and I've actually had really good experiences with French people in Korea I've never been to France so I figure it's not like a true stereotype but it is one that we hold of course we say one 2 3 4 5 in Germany we count in Fr we say in Italian we say in Sp we [Music] say P yes yeah we I think that as Italians most of Italians we understand probably 90% of what panish people say it's pretty sunny today and I'm actually pretty cold um today blah blah the boo blah blah the city she got the bus part right the city Metropolitan is not no metropolitana in Italian it's like subway subway yeah I said today I came to the studio by taking a bus and then I took the subway okay I didn't get that I mean it's it's it's it's a pass for me that is really good yeah yeah that's why I said Italian can understand Spanish people probably not I thought it was very interesting we got into a little bit of a deeper like topic so um it helped me understand a little bit more so much much fun to meet you all and uh really nice yeah it was really great really fun to talk about this world difference and also what I really like is when we realize that there's always a word in either of us who's completely different of your and I'm surprised we didn't mention the ananas one because it's a big topic actually pineapple in pineapple yeah ananas is ananas everywhere but pineapple in in in us you know so it's it's very like I think it's very seen that on the label before like yeah like the translation yeah it me like Anana it's fun because that's how uh Spanish from Latin America will say pineapple and then Spanish from Spain say p so I got like say p colada you know oh my God I didn't realize that we say ananas as well we say ananas even even German your do you mean ger I know we're PL okay okay it was great like uh to check the differences of our language even though they're pretty similar but it's always nice that every language has his own twist uh to it so it was nice to check the similarities and the differences yeah it was fun to know like everyone's uh country language and it was really interesting to meet these people so I'm really glad to be here so today we talked about what differences if you like the video please like or subscribe and leave a comment down below we'll see you soon bye bye [Music]
Channel: World Friends
Views: 20,772
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Id: ysmJ0_ES1HQ
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Length: 63min 14sec (3794 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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