American Tourist in Italy Speaks No Italian, Only NEAPOLITAN?!

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[Laughter] in 2009 while I was in college I decided to spend a year at an overseas language program in Beijing to learn Chinese not only did I get to try squat toilets for the first time at a Chinese University's International students dormatory I was also randomly assigned as a roommate this handsome Italian man named chiro and I learned a lot from his debonaire Italian ways he a rough around the edges punk rocker from the gritty streets of Naples I an introverted bookworm from the leafy suburbs of New York as a match it actually works surprisingly well since leaving China 15 years ago I've missed him quite a lot and I couldn't turn down the opportunity to meet up with my old friend again since I'm a professional language learner who travels the world these days chiro offered to teach me the Neapolitan language of Naples which contrary to popular understanding is not a dialect of Italian but a language which differs from Italian as much as Spanish does I don't speak any Italian so it was quite funny for neapolitans to encounter an American Tourist who only spoke English and Neapolitan if you want to learn Italian or Chinese or need help with language and culture related stuff Shiro link is in the description but first thanks to rayon for sponsoring this video I've been wearing my rayon earbuds every day for many years now you can actually see just how worn down the cases I like to use them while practicing languages but also just jogging and working out around the city what I also love about rayon earbuds is their snug fit they will not budge seriously I've tested in all sorts of scenarios they come with a wide variety of gel tips so you can customize them perfectly for your ears and I can wear them for hours without any discomfort the sound quality is phenomenal but more importantly I love how the noise isolation blocks out the noisy City and with 8 hours of playtime and a whopping 32 hours of battery life with the included case these earbuds are perfect for long days out without recharging true story during my recent trip to Naples I actually lost the case but I was able to keep using the earbuds throughout the entire trip but here's the best part if you use the link in the description or go to NYC you get 15% off your order plus free shipping that's a great deal and you'll really be helping support my channel so whether you're into podcast music or audio rayon will will elevate your listening experience to a whole new level so just click the link in the description below today now back to the video what buddy what's up what's going on buddy very good bro your Neapolitan is impressive I haven't seen you in like [Music] forever first stop dinner with one of chiro's students because we are hungry are you ready ready ready ready brother friend you speak English okay it's okay yo first dinner Ines man I'm excited try some real nealan pizza here bab Grand Pizza you got a french fried pizza yes we call kids pizza yeah cuz french fries is kind of it's really bad okay it's as bad as Chicken on Pizza as a top you mean pineapple that's a um you see that Ma potato egg Lon he said like you want the feet the the chin [Music] sto all right bro I'm I'm jet lagged I need some I need some of this Italian coffee yeah he's always coffee time he's always espresso time I always come to this coffee place I know the owner a very nice guy and he makes an athentic Neapolitan espresso it's called all right he's my friend good morning good morning um CH too badly you speak a little English engl yes speak English all right that's good that's good I don't I don't speak I don't speak Italian I don't speak Italian enjo Cafe Roy cafea Cafe [Music] St St yeah it makes yeah I guess so yeah wow Alto yes okay one shot what do you do with this turn okay you drink one shot how do you do you can't sip it with sugar or no without sugar because the alcohol is sweet we usually drink this when outside is very cold oh my God this is so good yeah when outside is very cold this is so good right this one warms you up in the [Laughter] [Music] morning uh no no bro no you can't you cannot say that Maradona maradon was a soccer player on the napolitan team and is basically considered a saint in the city someone else pay for us already you know oh who pay someone else we don't know that's uh something we do in Naples you know we we pay extra coffee for someone who cannot afford it oh that's nice I think we're going to need I think we're going to need some more coffee I'm like super jet lagged honestly and uh you know I studed in this University and I came to this uh bar like coffee place so many times every morning before attending an exam I used to faded fast I want another coffee I need another coffee I need I need some more coffee um sorry chiaia sorry um I don't speak too much Italian but okay for stud stud um online M no never did it without I don't they pretend they didn't see you okay oh I'm not sure if this coffee is going to wake me up or get me [Laughter] drunk you so that was cool I'm kind of I'm kind of I'm kind of drunk from the coffee but you know man that was just a little shot of oh hey what k k [Music] GES whales Well w look at that that thing is this a p is this a what is that fried pizza with fried hot dog and fried FR fries oh my God fried the out kind of gross um Shia um uh the piz Pizza portf portfolio portfolio Pizza yeah Pizza pfolio [Music] yeah number one we check it out yo this is what I've been waiting for look at this yeah I know I know do you Chin Chin with this one no or no Chin Chin okay that's right how do you eat this oh my God for two this is like the best thing you can eat one when I was ioke CH this is my friend Arie from uh New York hi she's Gina Gina nice to meet you nice to meet you nice to meet you yeah this uh you know we having a tourist uh walk in Naples and so far he's show he's showing me the sites yeah the best place of the Naples uh it's a great City I really I really like it here [Laughter] okay finally got to J exactly this Square in the was the meting point of all the Rockers high school students you know that's where I used to hang out probably shouldn't say that because I look old CTI yeah you can ask for that CET means like small small small and oh wow I think look at this who thought they think of everything you guys is this just for like tourists or like celebrate you know we we we friends you know for fun I personally I don't know if I would eat penis pasta and and you said they have vagina shaped pastas too they sold out sold the vagina shape are the most uh oh see I like this this one yeah like uh you like that one yeah yeah um how much or one one one um one oh it's three qu okay [Laughter] okay [Laughter] [Laughter] frka this great of the sewer it's the the entrance of the where where we going where we going now Cher I'm going to take it to a romantic place because Roman we haven't met in a while and since last night in the this is the very last U um adult movies cinema left in NE there used to be a lot of them there used to be quite speaking of speaking of romance I uh I picked up for you in the in the Chinese [Music] [Laughter] market [Laughter] I got one I got one for me New York one for one for you un unless rever there we go what a romantic evening Cheers Cheers beautiful for na cheers for oh okay thank you [Music]
Channel: Xiaomanyc 小马在纽约
Views: 1,226,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xiaomanyc, learn italian, language learning, italian language, napolitan, neapolitan, napolitano, nabuletano, napuli, naples, NEAPOLITAN, neapolitan language, xiaoma neapolitan, italy, xiaomanyc italian, italian, italian food, language school
Id: EnupXH04tXk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 15 2024
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