American Reckoning – A PBS NewsHour Special Report
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Channel: PBS NewsHour
Views: 1,426,769
Rating: 4.4013424 out of 5
Keywords: pbs, pbs newshour, newshour, watch pbs, watch newshour, special report, American Reckoning, U.S. Capitol, U.S. Capitol Attack, Trump, Biden, President, presidency, economy, race, live, watch live, livestream, live video, pbs live, newshour live, full episode, live episode, Capitol riots, capitol attack, right wing extremism, extremism in america, race in america, police, national guard, Biden inaugeration
Id: jYh4c42Jprg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 46sec (3406 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 15 2021
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I strongly advise you to watch this. Even the Republican operative they interviewed openly said the GOP is now an authoritarian white power party.
Good luck USA.
Pbs and DW have some of the greatest documentaries between them. Jewels amongst the politicised muck.
Bet they dont cover all of the MSM's rage bait they've been putting out for years.
And lets be real the red vs blue tribalism bullshit existed long before Trump. What you've been seeing over the last year from both sides is it coming to a head.