American reacts to 'Why Europeans are SLIMMER than Americans'

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why are Americans so fat or rather why aren't you guys as fat that is the question that this kind woman might answer Smith family travels go check out the channel because we about to find out why are Americans fat or at least why Europeans are Slimmer than North Americans oh North Americans dang they're bringing she's bringing Canadians Mexicans into this I don't know how fat Canadians are hi everyone this is Jackie from Smith family Rebels coming at you with another travel video this time it's not a travel tip video but kind of an observation of our travels this time I'm going to talk about why I think the average European is slimmer than the average North American in other words why the North Americans are fat and we've noticed that the average North American is much bigger than the average European we kind of knew that Europeans have a really much healthier lifestyle than the average North Americans but it became really apparent McDonald's isn't healthy all right to us when we're actually traveling to these places so I'm sure that there are many other scientific factors that might contribute to the reasons why you know the average European is definitely not because we eat McDonald's and just ride around in cars all day and never walk that ain't it it looks healthier or Slimmer than the average North American but I'm just going to talk about our observances as we travel one of the major things we notice is that they walk everywhere they walk to school they walk to work they walk to church they walk to the grocery store to the cafes that alone will that'll help a lot and you know we live in the suburbs in Canada and so we don't do oh she's actually she actually is talking about like comparing it to Canadians that's funny do a lot of walking we hop in the vehicle and we go grocery shopping and we go to work and we drive the kids to school there's a lot less walking and I would say the average city in North America than the average city in Europe I mean you think about it it's just crazy we have made these stupid cars I mean they're not stupid they're just you know the way that life is supposed to work is you eat the food and then you use that food to you know move around walk around run around do things but we just eat the food and then go sit in a chair inside a car and of course we're gonna be fat I remember when Patrick and I went to Paris by ourselves so no kids and we checked into the hotel we asked the hotel clerk if we could walk to the Eiffel Tower from the hotel and he said sure it's about a 10 minute walk and we're like okay that's doable so he gave us the directions to the Eiffel Tower we're walking and we're walking and we're walking and we don't see the iPhone do you guys walk a little faster power in 10 minutes or 15 minutes but we are following his directions so you know we stopped somebody on the street we ask you know are we in the right direction to go to the Eiffel Tower and they say oh yes just you know this is a five minute walk and then you know they just assured us that we're on the right path and sure enough it took us maybe 20 25 minutes to get to the Eiffel Tower now we're pretty quick Walkers you know we're not slow Walkers and we didn't have this I'm very curious where this is going because how how did Europeans walk twice as fast but that's the slowest down or anything and we didn't get lost but the time it turned into Us in other cities as well where you know you ask somebody where the Louvre is and they're like oh it's just 15 minute walk and it turns into a half an hour walk so my advice to you is if you're visiting a European city and anyone tells you that it's a 5 10 15 minute walk just double that time because their 10 minute walk is not our 10 minute walk that's based on our experience walking is what is that what is that just what they tell themselves to make it seem faster such a part of their lifestyle that they can't seem to imagine why you would take a bus or take a car when walk easily somewhere so last year we were in Florence and we had seen all the beautiful basilicas and womos and we're ready to go home so I went into a store and I asked one of the employees there where the nearest bus stop was so he asked me where our Airbnb apartment was so I told them around you know which area it is and he said oh it's just it's just a 10 minute walk and he goes it's easy to get to and I said no we want to take the bus can you tell me where the bus stop is and he looked at me like I had two heads and he refused to tell me where the bus stop was so I finally had to say you know I have a six-year-old he's really tired and we're traveling with my mother-in-law and her knees are bothering her and he's like okay okay okay the bus stop is you know and then he directed us to the bus so I walk out of the store and I'm dying with laughter and I say to Patrick can you believe the guy refused to tell me where the bus stop was because he wanted us to walk and he must have thought you know these lazy North Americans you know they can't that's for sure what they all think I already know that's why if I ever I would love to go to Europe but I just know like I'm gonna know what everybody's thinking about me I walked 10 minutes and I knew it was I'ma try to be the most non-american tourist possible I'm gonna be a 10 minute walk I knew it was going to be a 20 minute walk because we took the bus there and I knew that that was not a two minute bus ride so it certainly couldn't be a 10 minute walk and another thing we observe is their small meals their meals are small every single meal is that's the other side of the equation small so remember the first time we were in Rome and it was just Patrick and me and we stayed in a hotel with free breakfast so I was like okay you know we're gonna save some money we can have the free breakfast well a European size breakfast is very different from an American or Canadian size what is that the appetizer what even is that a piece of bread free breakfast you get a piece of a slice of bread breakfast you're not getting bacon eggs and toast and waffles and pretty much any American hotel if you get a free breakfast it's a buffet so you get as much as you damn well please which is probably good you know like that would be fun if you're a tourist here but it's definitely not healthy if you live here all that stuff you're getting a pastry and coffee you might be able to get two pastries and coffee I mean honestly I don't even eat breakfast so maybe that's why I'm not one of the fat Americans and that is their breakfast so I was quite surprised about that but you know it kept me full for a few hours and that was fine and I also noticed you know the portion sizes when you're in restaurants are very small if you're getting spaghetti in Rome you're not getting a huge plate you're getting a small plate and it wow yeah that is very small it makes it a lot more fancy like here in America if you get a portion that small that means you're eating somewhere real fancy I don't like going to those places it actually fills you the bread looks quite nice though you know that's a little that's a good amount of bread but uh it's not a North American size portion and I think also they they linger when they eat they sit down in a restaurant they sit there for a couple of hours right which is weird because they're not eating that much how do we eat more in less time they enjoy the food and they enjoy the company that they're with Americans are just scarfing it down I've heard that you if you slowly you'll get the message that you're full oh yeah I've heard that and eating too much and then feeling bloated I definitely don't live by that but I've heard it I just eat everything in front of me as fast as I can you know I don't eat I don't talk between bites it's just it's like a challenge I just once you pick up the fork you don't put it down until it's done or the sandwich you know you pick it up there's no putting it back down it's just gone later than what we're used to so I would say breakfast and lunch are usually about the same we're used to sometimes lunch is much later than what we're used to breakfast is pretty much the same but dinner well I'm in breakfast I guess that makes sense because it's like when when else would you eat breakfast except for when you wake up eight nine o'clock I would say is the average dinner time in many European cities and you know we eat dinner between 6 and 6 30 at home but then I have a bedtime snack a lot of people eat dinner at 5 30. around I'd say 9 30 10 so I'm really eating four meals a day I noticed that when we're in Europe and we're eating dinner seven eight o'clock at night I definitely don't have a bedtime snack because I'm hmm that's probably that's actually a good idea that makes sense it's it's like a it's a way of like moving your hunger a lot of people don't like to go to bed hungry you know so instead you are hungrier between lunch and dinner but at least when dinner's coming up you know you're like you're hungry but you're like okay dinner's coming up dinner's coming up dinner is coming up that makes sense push back dinner that could be like the easiest way to maybe lose some weight let's push back dinner that way either you're not snacking at night way too full I've eaten my dinner much later and so I'm actually eating less when I travel in Europe I know I should try it at home but I haven't done that yet because I really like my bedtime snacks well she's not fat this was just a quick video on why we think Europeans are a little Slimmer than the average North American if you have any comments questions that's funny that is I that's a that's a good tip about the how if when a European tells you how far it is to walk just double it they're just making that up they're just they're just saying that to make you walk um have a fantastic day I hope to see you here again tomorrow subscribe if you want to either way thank you and goodbye I don't know what I'm doing bye
Channel: Ryan Wuzer
Views: 184,612
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Keywords: american reacts to uk, american reacts to european food, american reacts to why americans are fat, american reacts to why europeans are healthier
Id: -hACs4_Ybz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 46sec (706 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 22 2023
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