American reacts to the Top 10 Cities To Visit In Europe

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hello thank you for joining me today top 10 cities to visit in Europe it's by this dude Ryan Shirley I've seen I've seen one of his videos before very nice videos very nice I expect some epic drone shots go check out his channel top 10 cities let's go what's up guys my name is Ryan Shirley and I spent what I tell you I'm exploring Europe and now I want to show you my favorite cities so here's my European city let me turn them up a bit top 10. [Music] Europe is home to some of the world's most interesting cities from the ancient history of Athens to the billionaires playground of Montana De Carlo Europe cities billionaires playground whoa look at this what is with this wall it's like a castle wall around this uh Community here are these people just super rich in there is this the billionaires playground there's just a freaking yacht in the back oh my gosh so much variety and diversity let's start this video off at the beautiful city of Lucerne located in the heart of Switzerland Lucerne is a picturesque Lucerne this is cool I've never heard of this city big city surrounded by the Swiss Alps it's just a short 40-minute drive from Zurich one of my favorite parts of Lucerne is all of its medieval buildings and architecture Lucerne is home to Chapel Bridge which is the world's oldest surviving truck there's so many places and as an American you just don't see Ash Ridge it was built over 600 years ago in 1365. it almost burnt down in 1993 but it was reconstructed and it's oh yeah it's made out of wood now open to the public another impressive place in Lucerne is the Musik wall and Towers the fortifications began in the 13th century and it's made up of nine Stone towers that were used as a defense are there archers up in these up in the top of these towers well during Medieval Times aside from all the history Lucerne is just a beautiful city to walk around and explore the lake in all the surrounding scenery I mean it's hard to beat the beauty of this Swiss City wow yeah that's amazing it looks so clean all right after Lucerne we're gonna head over to Portugal to visit the vibrant City Elizabeth being one of the oldest cities in the world what has been is Europe's second oldest capital city after Athens I mean there's just so much culture and history in this city you can there's more people than cars Athens I mean you just don't see it's Latin America very often there's more people walking down and this whole thing is like it's not meant for cars that's so crazy there's just so much I love that history in the city you can check out the sanctuary of Christ the King monument remind me of a mixture of Rio De Janeiro and San Francisco's Bridge the Commerce square is another beautiful spot to explore one of the coolest parks in Lisbon is the parque Eduardo the seventh as it's cool to see so much space being used not just for like retail and Commercial purposes full beautifully designed Hedges and just a great place to enjoy the afternoon or evening the balam tower is also an important monument that served as a point of abortion for Portuguese explorers Lisbon is also close to some stunning beaches such as Ursa Beach I haven't been to Lisbon yet but certainly how do you even get there literally how do you get to this beach do you have to like see what you have to hop off this beach swim a mile that's crazy one of the first new European cities I want to explore all right so after Lisbon were to head over Italy to visit the famous town of Positano located on the Amalfi Coast ositano is a sea it's just magical Eastside Village that's about a three and a half hour drive from Rome back in the first century luxury Roman Villas were built on the coast here it was believed to be the home of mythical Sirens that would seduce Sailors to crash upon the rocky shores Positano it would be crazy to live in like a house where you could fall down a cliff if you went if you were drunk and walk too far out your backyard that's just so interesting how the houses they're almost on top of each other was or they might not be houses I don't know what these are but whatever it is the somewhat poor fishing Village during the first half of the 20th century but tourism began to gain Traction in the 1950s especially after John Steinbeck wrote about Positano in his essay where he said it is a dream place that isn't quite real when you are there and becomes back in Italy real after you are gone when you see this place in real life I think you'll feel the same as Steinbeck I mean it's just hard to be how crazy is that just one dude writing about it and I I guess put it on a path to drastically improving its whole economy like it gets all sorts of Tourism now that's amazing the beauty of this place the backdrop of the metal I can see why this little colorful Villas against the Mediterranean Sea filled with boats and Yachts it's just jaw-dropping Positano is quite a torsi destination so be aware you maybe get some crowds especially during the summer but the beauty is worth that price if you ask me I mean just such a stunning location all right after Italy we're going to visit possibly the most iconic city in the world London I've traveled more to London than any other International destination I love the city so I guess London is the most iconic city in the world I never asked myself that question the most iconic City I guess London huh New York City's got to be up there somewhere but London yeah so much and I just keep coming back for more everything from double decker buses to the energy of Piccadilly Circus makes the city feel so alive there's just so many places to see you can check out the iconic big Ben and walk across the bridge to see the Palace of Westminster there's the survey Bridge which possibly the most famous bridge in all London you can go see the historic guards at Buckingham Valley they've acted as a moonwalk forward it's possibly the most famous bridge in all London you can go see the historic guards at what was that little Michael Jackson we gotta go in slow mo what is his foot doing is he on Heelys how the heck did he do that that's that Buckingham Palace or take a ride on the London Eye if you haven't already been to London I highly recommend visiting when you can it's hard to beat London's atmosphere there's no City like it in the world while we're still in the UK we're gonna head over to Edinburgh if you want to go back in time Edinburgh is a must it's where JK Rowling's wrote Harry Potter novels it's interesting to see London where it's like all this glass well we're still in the YouTube and then Edinburgh so much Stone over to Edinburgh if you want to go back in time Edinburgh is a must it's where JK Rowling's wrote Harry Potter novels when I started that guy was floating huh what I started traveling this was one of the first cities I've visited it's a medieval town with intricate neoclassical buildings cobblestone streets and beautiful gardens the iconic Edinburgh Castle there's the American taking his Tick Tock his YouTubes doing handstands in the middle of the road again look everybody overlooks the city and it's home to Scotland's crown jewels one of my favorite places in Edinburgh is Carlton Hill that just offers a beautiful view of the entire city another cool spot in Edinburgh is out of their seat it's located in Hollywood Park and it's a short walk from Edinburgh Center Arthur C is an extinct volcano with no oh we got some nice tennis courts looks like he got some grass tennis courts that's a luxury here in America in fact you just don't see any vision of 823 feet when I was there I wanted to get as high as I could so I could see all of Edinburgh I made that hike up and reached the top I just had a good time hiking around Hollywood Park and enjoying the views of one of Europe's Most Beautiful cities after Edinburgh we're gonna head down to Croatia to visit the medieval town of Dubrovnik now located in southern Croatia Dubrovnik is one of the most popular dubrowvnik these places are so to me and I am a very ignorant American stereotypically I'd say I'm just saying I I don't know almost any of these places on the map you know I would never think to go to Dubrovnik or medieval cities in Europe the history of dubrowvic dates back to the 7th century when it was founded by refugees during the 14th century to 1808 ubrovnik was ruled as a free state one of the most notable features of Dubrovnik are the walls that surround the old city they are almost two kilometers in length and they are anywhere from four to six meters thick they were used to protect the city throughout history the unique look of the city has made it a popular that's the thing about all these old cities is they have these these physical walls to protect them it's so crazy how the world used to work now you can just use a helicopter or a plane and you know it doesn't really work all that well to for protection but it's beautiful they're filming location Dubrovnik was featured in Game of Thrones as it was used to depict the city of King's Landing after Croatia where it head up north to visit Czech Republic to visit the capital city of Prague due to its location in Rich history Prague is known as the political cultural and economic Center of Europe Prague was the capital of the kingdom of bohemia and was the main residence of many Roman emperors such as Charles IV one of my favorite attractors so much to look at in any one of these frames there's just so many castles and actions beautiful bridges is the Charles bridge its construction began in 1357 and it wasn't finished until the beginning of the 15th century the bridge is decorated with an alley of over 30 statues and it's just so scenic and such a great feature in Prague the Old Town Square is also a great place to explore it's interesting to me here in America you don't have very many just walking Bridges like that that would go across a river because it's like how do you get your car across or you know you everybody's just worried about their car in America it would be so freeing to just walk it's just so scenic and such a great feature in Prague the Old Town Square is also a great place to explore and the Prague Castle is another beautiful sight to see it's considered to be the largest ancient castle in the world and was built more than a thousand years ago in the 9th century I mean that's a freaking long time Prague has such a historic Vibe and I hope all can visit I have to Prague born ahead over Spain to visit the famous city of Barcelona now when you think of Spain this is what you've probably imagined Barcelona is home to incredible architecture how's that possible sure Mediterranean beaches and an energetic Vibe all what did my camera just do it looked like something happened over there all around when I was in Barcelona I wanted to get a good vantage point of the whole city so I hiked up this place called Mirador dude oh no I wanted to get a good this makes me nervous he's staring down at his phone controlling that I don't know it's like have you seen the guys with the VR headsets on and they think they're in the they they actually like fall forward thinking they're doing it I just have that fear that this guy's gonna like he's gonna see a shot he's going back I just need to go forward a little bit well the advantage point of the whole city so I hiked up this place called merudor de los beteris it's a wild spot that offers a 360 panoramic view of the city the most iconic attraction in Barcelona is they're building that but they got actual cranes up there like doing work on this thing how does anybody even know how to fix this thing what are they doing to it I guess they're restoring it got a Familia it's this Roman Catholic minor Basilica that began construction over 138 years ago and it still isn't finished what anticipated that construction will be finished and that's the craziest building I've ever seen it kind of looks like one of those ant hills it like looks like it's melting but it's so intricate and how are they they're still building it today 20 26 but who knows all I know is one of the most unique buildings in the world and I still can't get my head around that it's being construction since 1882. all right after Spain we're gonna head over to Greece to visit the city of Athens it's the capital and largest city in Greece and it's one of the world's oldest cities Athens is such a wild place with so much history one of my favorite places it's interesting to me also how these different cities you know some of them have all Red Roofs everywhere the architecture and apparently Athens it's all white white buildings world's oldest cities Athens is such a wild country with so much history one of my favorite places in Athens is Acropolis if you want to get into Parthenon it cost there's a crappy uh restaurant near me called Acropolis I go there sometimes actually no I don't it's no overpriced about 20 euros so it's a little expensive but it's totally worth it especially that's the closest I've ever been to Acropolis especially if you're there when I went to the Acropolis I was able to get some of my favorite time lapses over the city they're just an Endless Sea of white building with mountains in the background if you do go to Greece I recommend exploring Athens for at least a day or two it's just such a unique I would get lost twice alright so for our last location we're gonna visit the tiny country of Monaco to see the city of Monte Carlo now Monaco is the second smallest country after the Vatican the whole country is only 499 Acres Monaco has been known as a billionaire the whole country is 499 Acres ground and over it's like a neighborhood here in America one-third of Monaco citizens are millionaires one reason one-third are millionaires so you just become a millionaire you move here why Monaco draws the rich is because it's a tax Haven there are no income taxes and other tax rates are extremely low one of the most famous places in Monaco is the Monte Carlo Casino it was opened in 1863 and has been featured in the James Bond films another annual tourist attraction that must be like a different world just living in a little country with only millionaires like a whole different world Monaco is the Grand Prix I'd love to see some race cars ripping through the city there if you can handle the riches of Monte Carlo and Monaco it's definitely a place to add to your European city bucket list well that is it for my top 10 Europe is such a unique Ridge in the world there's just so many beautiful cities in Europe I literally could have did a top 100 list so it's really hard to narrow it down to 10. let me know in the comments below where your favorite European city is if you guys want a free wow those are really amazing it makes me uh kind of sad that I probably will there's no way I can visit all of them you know I'm not rich enough and that makes me a little bit sad hopefully I can go to a few you know that I'd be happy with that um thank you for watching I hope you have a fantastic day and well subscribe if you feel like it either way thank you and see you tomorrow goodbye
Channel: Ryan Wuzer
Views: 198,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american reacts to uk, Top 10 Cities To Visit In Europe reaction, american reacts to top 10 cities in europe, american reacts to europe, american reacts to the best european cities
Id: KtCvTD_GI5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 44sec (944 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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