American Dad! Steve Takes Up Swearing (Uncensored)

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I stayed up until 3:00 playing night manager the most realistic retail themed video game on the market good sounds productive we went hiking at dawn this morning there we are egg whites and soy toast for my little achiever what do I get for breakfast anything you want honey okay how about chocolate chip pancakes and wine chocolate chip pancakes and Chardonnay the Delta Burke breakfast it is put this on steve-arino you start your first day of military school in an hour military school you want those dividends don't you the muscles the brains and you have to trust me I trust you dad attaboy I think I'll take up swearing [ __ ] and so it begins
Channel: santaonthecross
Views: 309,387
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: American, Dad, Uncensored, Steve, Stan, Clone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 58sec (58 seconds)
Published: Sun May 15 2016
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