american chopper senior vs junior return of the black widow part 2:3

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today Vinny and Pauly are coming over to pick up the Black Widow it was part of the deal with the settlement Junior wanted the bike running but that's just not going to happen so he'll just have to take it as is so many bikes do you know you know at this stage in the game is my bike I'm not leaving without I'm going to go in there and get it definitely a little adrenaline a little excitement anticipation you don't know what you're going into but you don't really care because it's feeling good to be able to go in there and walk out with that bike Reba we're anticipating that it's going to be smooth but with OCC you never not wear shoes there what's the deal man you got your permission or something we just take it I don't know a head like being crawl yeah yeah yep no no we'll just take I think we just gotta we probably gonna pull it it is very important that I get the Black Widow it does mean a lot to me I think it's obvious that it doesn't mean quite as much to my father cuz he was obviously able to part with it used to be a garage door here but go in two years so we're trying to figure out our Ralph to get the bike out we were just gonna go out the back door but it's kind of a different setup they kind of a parts area or whatever hey Paulie hey what's up hey doing Blake um he's okay we're gonna bring the bikes to the elevator out that way sure which way around this way out there Jelena sure why wouldn't we just take it out here young kid John comes out and tells me that the back door is broken they wanted me to go through the showroom through the double doors and the elevator they wanted me to walk it all the way through and out the back garage door and so they were trying to be tricky about it oh no we'll bring it out here the bike is out in a showroom he'll have to bring it in through the shop I'm sure that he'll probably feel a little bit weird about that we get it out there okay bill they seem to think these things are funny I was like seven seconds away from kicking the back doors and I'll be honest with you I mean I tried to maintain a calmness and I was able to thank God but I was inches away from losing it because now I was getting frustrated he's already got the bike by the door to go it's the truth that he's right here I'm really surprised that he's coming over for the bike I'm in Vinnie other than somebody else but to me that's a good sign that's a sign of humbleness which is something that was lacking in his quality you've been messing up in this thing rolls keeping riding this thing huh that we should be good right five inch belt drive Manley's or a thing of the past huh right nothing's why all right we're good yeah great buddy what do you think but just pushing like this huh you know I know it means a lot to both of us but when he sat on it man he was just glowing man it was try it was kind of like uniting when an old family member hasn't seen for years or maybe it could see yeah it was cool started off well I don't think it'll fire it will yeah I doubt it all right it's up there hey you're home no i-i've been sitting you know my father came out and everybody was awkward it was awkward but so what you know it's what it was I don't think it's gonna gas me well I was a little confused and in a little while so the first thing I did was I shook Vinny's hand and he seemed to be in a huge hurry almost like he had cheeseburgers waiting for him outside the door they are thinking it right through there he knows the first time and I can pretty much guarantee it'll be the last time I was ever there you know I have no intention to come back in order ever need to unless I'm going here to pick up those two scooters in Ada and Mikey go you gotta cross back there drive through there yeah they should be back there I think that they didn't expect to see me there and Paulie had his head down I shook his hand he just kept moving along with the bike it was an intention of chaos that they were trying to create for us I maintained a calmness but inside I was just a fraction of a second away from it being not so pretty you got the keys I do as useful you know I really felt the need to go out there and at least make an attempt which I did was it a goody good feeling I'm not really I uh I expected a little bit more all right good luck all right thanks that however I'll see you later I just reached down to shake boy's hand and wish him you know good luck with the bike and I'm not really sure what he said but neither time did he look me in the face and you know there's no reason not to look me in the eye especially you know when I'm trying to make a friendly gesture when somebody runs out of a place like that to me that's a sign of feeling guilty about something are you thinking bud I can fake it I haven't seen his bike in like four years I think overall there was quite a bit of tension building but uh you know end result is we get out the back door we load the bike up in the trailer pulls the trailer off bring it back here and it was kind of a kind of an excitement to getting it done yeah you know it was great having been there today we started the whole process together on the Black Widow and to have that thing come back in house after not even a year of being in business is a pretty big deal do you think you're pregnant over it did you wash the back it's got a the show huh it's home it's all you know coming in every day at the shop seeing a widow here um you know it's kind of a big deal it's big deals not only him but to me it does a good no man looks getting here looks better in here than the showroom down the street I think from when I started doing this from when I first built the antivenom we finally got it done I always wondered what it would look like to have the two bikes next to each other and today we're able to see that old-school new-school yeah yeah that's okay shirts it's kind of crazy to see them together man you know that bikes really the first real themed bike I've ever worked on ever my life me and junior no geez it's a lot to look at ain't it yeah yeah you know it was a huge day I mean getting the Black Widow back everyone's done such a great job I thought it was cause to celebrate brought some lobsters out and we started picking out a lobster big place man ain't it it is I would got lost in there man oh you never went there then no I've never been there you know I had no idea how to even get the bike out of there I thought I did going in then I realized they forget set us up before Mission Board mister like no you're gonna have to go through the entire fabric you have occasion areas they push Little John out there and he thought he was gonna try and tell us what to do I don't feel bad for that kid who's Little John he knows what he's doing he probably bought here I'll go out there I'll go out there you know my family's had its share of baggage over the past couple of years and I am honestly hoping to just travel with a carry-on so I hope this is it does I mean all the law students are kind of wait free all lawsuits are done the one that was against Jill with me named in it's over torn I was hoping it wasn't cuz I'm when that gets Olaf's three that we're out of the no no I don't really know what this means I can tell you what I hope I hope is a family they communicate I hope is a business they don't Jr's top three favorite OCC bike builds number one the black widow bike number two the Jets bike and number three the fire bike yeah here we go just want to start working back on the gas tank and we talked about doing the speedometer about how to place it and what we wanted to do with it I'm just gonna actually look like to read out the digital readout on the power probe unit itself I'm just making a nice little mound for it's gonna be right in front of the gas cap and then when its bodywork and everything I should everything flow right into the gas cap so it should look pretty cool were what you do stock the bars without me right so you're making a riser and that one piece then we make that handle bar itself right yeah basically what we're doing now is trying to fit the bars together we got a couple more pieces to cut once we get them cut we can start tacking stuff together and eventually put the bars together cheese man you're rockin rollin in should work so what's going on with Polly he's got he just thought you know what I mean it's like he's 37 years old he's still like sucking his thumb yeah 37 yeah I mean I went out there to shake his hand that day when he picked that bike up remember that I went out there like shook his hand I even shook Vinnie's and I don't like Vinnie neither to be honest with you you could like him doesn't matter to me but I went out the only choke both put our hands you know what I mean so I wish them good luck and after they left here they said he stay said I set him up I said what's set him up he said we tricked them I said what what do you mean I tricked them I went out there and shook the guy's hand - nowhere now we're not doing nothing again with you we're not doing anything what I got to deal with then I got to come here and listen to you funky michael said as soon as I make up my brother he's gonna come around I don't even see me yeah Mikey was always saying that the one thing holding him back from seeing me was the lawsuit well guess what the lawsuits over and is not one word from a view I'm Gavin even you email and Mikey or anything like that no I'm done because they did everything like that I could as far as I'm concerned but the problem is they not the problem but the thing of it is right now is that he's got no excuse his excuse was while you're suing my brother you're doing it on him why not it's done gave him everything he wanted he don't deal so where are you I gave jr. everything he asked for and neither one seemed interested in putting things behind us and become the family again so what more am I supposed to do that's a shame sorry Ben hates the black exhaust he just does it's like his mortal enemy well it's a real charcoal man it's almost flat isn't it it is flat today I made some last-minute changes I felt like the exhaust was looking to clean all black maybe I'll make a cover for this in red so I needed basically an exhaust cover something that's going to make the exhaust a lot more exciting to look at you hate me you love me a little bit of both nope no confusion I'm dead sir I hate you so I had doable fabrication today even though we're all the way into the assembly process but I think it's going to pay off should we get on that coffee yeah you know this is a tight one this might be the tightest one yet this thing's got a ship in a day and a half we got everything coming tomorrow I can't wait until Wednesday to get my front and rear wheel I got too much work to do you got to remember something I don't just have to put the wheels on I got to get the brakes on get them bled get the chain on and I don't have time on Wednesday so I have to start doing that tomorrow yeah you know I got the best wheel guys in the business these guys have recently worked through a holiday to get these wheels done in time they will be here I just don't know if I'm gonna get the complete set with all our plant ons or if I'm just gonna get the planks like I said I got to get something tomorrow to put these on Chuck I'll take my chances they're gonna definitely come through for us I just don't know what stages but you know renegade wheels are the best they've come through on every single project and I don't expect they're gonna let us down poor little guys in a full panic you're freaking out wildly Oh No Oh No yeah Oh No well cause if he freaked out the way you want to freak out he'd probably go freaking heavier so I wouldn't do that man he's trying I know the wheels and tires are being shipped in California tonight so I mean worst comes worse we've been putting rims on the trailer on the way down let's go home all right there's not a lot more we can do we're gonna have it all hands on deck we have stuff coming in morning should have most of the tomorrow yeah tomorrow's our last day of assembly we have wheels starter we have all our lines coming give me a hundred thousand people at this unveil and we're going to be there if I got that finished me out you
Channel: salland12
Views: 805,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: american, chopper, senior, vs, junior, the, settlement, paul, teutul, sr, jr, designs, mikey, vincent, dimartino, orange, county, choppers, occ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 14 2011
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