American Accent Training for Indian Speakers - Accent Reduction Classes

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hi there voice coach gabriel berfado here founder of gb voice academy and creator of the patent-pending sound map system to help master the american accent and rhythm that is taking the world by storm i've literally helped thousands of people throughout the world master the american accent i work with people from facebook google jpl amazon let's face it in this day and age we have zoom calls we're always talking in public we have meetings we're conducting meetings so we need to be clear and concise and that's where i come in and today i want to focus on the east indian accent you need to put the tongue forward today a lot of my clients are east indian and i've put together sort of a conglomeration of the most of the issues that they have when trying to speak american and in this video we're going to cover the biggest challenges and not only are we going to go through these i'm going to talk about it but i'm going to show you actual exercises we could do on a daily basis on this video to help improve these challenges drastically getting you closer to mastering the american accent because remember this is what i tell all my clients learning the american accent it's like going to the gym you have to work at it you have to retrain your muscles to recreate these sounds that your body is just not used to doing that's where these exercises come in so the first thing we're going to focus on is the t sound in words like toy today techno technology this is a challenge for a lot of east indian speakers specifically because they're not really using the abdominal muscles to create the sound because if i put my hands right here my abdominal muscles look how engaged they are when i try the sound watch you need to associate creating that sound with a sort of like like a jolt coming from your diaphragm it's kind of like spinning now i don't want you going around spitting on people but literally the sensation i have in my mouth is close to spitting now let's look at the tongue where is the tongue situated east indian speakers tend to put the tongue back here they tend to put it behind the teeth so toy today technology so if i were to give you let's pretend this is your jaw right and this is your tongue essenians tend to put it back here like ta what i want you to do is i want you to bring the tongue forward so it's just about touching the top teeth right here and remember this is projecting out so remember this is your mouth your tongue is about here so these are your upper teeth so it's literally above your upper teeth right in the tip right in the front of your mouth and remember we're projecting out with the sound not like today or tommy or technology we're projecting it out now you want a simple trick this is where the exercises come in once you get a blank piece of paper i want you to put this paper in front of you and i want you to try literally spitting out that tee okay this is going to be your gauge to see if you're using your abdominal muscles for that because if you're not it's not working engage your abdominals bring that tongue forward closer to the upper part of your upper teeth and literally project it from your diaphragm right okay got your piece of paper you're ready to engage you have your tongue forward just above your upper teeth right there versus so we're going to start with some exercises here we go remember to engage in the diaphragm ready toy try that spit out that paper good today today technology tuesday tree trust tomato tom time test tell now you're probably saying are you telling the americans go around and they spit out well they don't but this is what we need to do to engage ourselves to create that sound now it's going to sound exaggerated but over time as you practice this you're going to get your tongue away from back here and bring it more forward okay so practice that every day you got the words in this video practice every day as much as you can i'm telling you it's going to make a huge difference now this also goes with the t8 sounds both the soft and the hard sound this is also very challenging for east indian speakers they tend to go for example thursday thursday thursday right uh think pink pink this is something they're not used to doing but guess what this is the same sort of construct as creating the t sound projecting from the diaphragm same thing look at how engaged my diaphragm is when i create the soft th sound in words like think thought see how engaged my diaphragm is well that's the same thing air needs to go through your tongue so specifically where's the tongue it's kind of between your teeth right and here's the exercise i want you to do hands in your diaphragm and i want literally for you to hold and extend that air as long as you can obviously without collapsing and fainting but this is going to teach your body how to produce that air flow that you need for words like think thousand right so hands right by your diaphragm if you're wondering what that is it's that sort of mushy part in the side and your side right there okay now let's push out that air on soft th [Music] feels weird doesn't it but get your body used to it remember this is physical here we go [Music] time yourself how long can you do it try to beat your record now let's put it to practice again using your paper watch thousand think thought thorough thespian theater thunder again are we going to go around going all day long and people can look at us like we're kind of nuts no but practicing this and your muscle is going to make this more natural for you because remember these sounds are not natural to you your body is fighting and saying what are you doing people are going to laugh at you so by practicing this it's making it normal so your body will accept it so when you're up there making your speech today's technological advances are very thorough bam you got it got it go now same thing with a hard th sound this is the exact same as the soft th what we're doing earlier but we're humming right so let's try the soft again to refresh remember that now let's hum you should feel a vibration happening in your face it might feel like you want to hit your nose or something that's the sound right same exercise put your hands in your in your diaphragm here engage and elongate as long as you can ready here we go heart th [Music] [Laughter] feels weird doesn't it the weirder it feels the better i'm telling you make your body embrace this here we go with the trusty paper words with a hard th here we go follow me those this that the now your paper should probably be wet by now it feels kind of weird and funky and weird but this is really really good i want that paper to be sort of moist i got to see spit coming out right good that's the heart th sound okay we covered a lot now let's move on to another issue that a lot of east indians have and this is the d sound again the east indians they tend to put the tongue back here for da da da da the tongue is sort of back here i want that tongue to go from da da da to da da da sort of the same area that it was for the tea duh and again it's like we're spitting out duh versus da instead of going in go out everything is forward that tongue is never back here it's always forward duh okay and again same engagement from the diaphragm let's go through some words together with your tongue forward and when you feel it going back to the gut bring it forward here we go doctor dentist door does discover dance a lot of engagement huh by this point your diet friend should be like oh my god i'm so tired but this is the this is the muscle specifically for the east indian accent this is the muscle that we have to start working and a lot of action reductions instructors forget that aspect they focus too much on vowels which i cover in my target map system thoroughly but something specifically for the east indian accent is those consonants we've got to master those this is something very specific to the east indian accent good d now moving on to the l sound same issue we tend to put the tongue back here for listen lollipop london la la la the tongue tends to go back again we need to put the tongue forward right so again bring that tongue forward you can literally almost see it right la la la la so now relax that tongue bring it forward and let's go through some words together here we go listen list laundry location london lobby look now what i love doing is i like putting all these together in tongue twisters or sentences to get your mouth navigating through these different sounds so then when you're up there and doing a presentation it won't be such a shocker it's like learning combinations imagine a boxer learning all the combinations so then when he's out there he'll know where it's going and where it's coming from let's try it let's put it all together in some sentences here we go today's venue went really well did you know that the theory was thorough you see all that engagement and by all means if you want to put your hands here in your diaphragm as you do this and feel that engagement for the by all means we want to associate this with this today's tick tock video was fantastic these are just words i'm sort of creating off the top of my head to get everything we learned into practice fantastic work now make this a habit go through these exercises once a day if you can or as many because then we're all very busy but make this part of your regimen every day to really bring those sounds forward supported and flowing with your breath do you see how i'm sort of exaggerating these sounds now to help you master the american accent now of course there's so much more involved there's the targets what i call the target sounds which is the vowel placements that i cover in my five star best-selling accent reduction course and i have a link for it below you'll see all the reviews and testimonials from clients who agree that it's a game-changing system that i provide in terms of mastering the american accent you want to know what the secret is let me ask you this do you notice singers who have accents famous singers you too adele the beatles they have very thick accents don't they but when they sing do you hear the accent goes away there's no accent well that is the key to my system that i want you to check out below now it doesn't mean i'm gonna have you singing but it's the same concept in mastering the american accent make sure to subscribe to my youtube channel i post these videos regularly daily practice is for you to work out that american accent and to give you the confidence you need to be articulate confident and dynamic
Channel: GB Voice Academy
Views: 223,190
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How To Speak American English Like a Native Speaker, Accent Reduction, Accent reduction American English, American Accent Training for Indian First Language Speakers, American Accent Training for Indian Speakers, Indian American, Indian accent reduction exercises, Indian accent english, Indian accent english pronunciation, accent reduction classes, American accent, american accent training for indians, american accent hindi, american accent training in hindi, GB Voice Academy
Id: _-T3YYFFytI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 42sec (822 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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