America Being Absolutely Unhinged | The Russell Howard Hour

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over in america finally a glimmer of hope for the first time in 25 years alabama a state in america's deep south has elected a democrat senator doug jones is the unlikely victor in a deeply republican state republicans were left to pray their candidate roy moore lost in the face of accusations he had sexually assaulted multiple teenage girls he was accused of abusing a 14 year old girl and who was his main supporter who do you think so get out and vote for roy moore he's a good guy solid pedo let's make america grope again it's unbelievable trump protected an alleged child molester to promote his own interests who do you think he is the bbc right i can do that joke i can do that joke now it's absolutely fine it gets worse look what roy moore supporters said about the abuse allegations that's nothing but a bunch of fake news judge moore is being falsely accused just like joseph in the bible i didn't see it with my own eyes until i see it with my own eyes i don't believe anything i don't believe anything i don't see when i close my eyes you gone you back you're gone you're on the left you want to ride you're jumping you're jumping how can they be that thick i don't believe it till i've seen it with my own eyes and you're like gravity oxygen i mean i've never seen my i'm pretty sure it's there now of all and i've looked of all what are you doing when that mirror rush it doesn't matter mother of all of all the supporters this guy has to be the most shocking 40 years ago in alabama there's a lot of mamas and daddies that'd be thrilled that their 14 year old was getting hit on by a district attorney exactly who in their right mind is gonna think like that i'm so proud a grown man felt my little girl less oh say can you see if only my wife would believe her but she didn't see it with her own eyes now not only has roy moore been accused of being a paedophile he's been accused of homophobia and racism did you see the way his wife defended him fake news would tell you that we don't care for jews i tell you all this because i've seen it all so i just want to set the record straight while they're here one of our attorneys is a jew what a idiot our attorney is a jew our gardener's a mexican our chefs are chinese or japanese i can never tell how can i be racist my daddy used to own black people mind you exactly one idiot mind you if you think his wife's a check out the interview with his chief spokesman see if he can spot the moment when his whole world falls apart judge moore has also said that he doesn't think a muslim member of congress should be allowed to be in congress why uh under what under what you have to swear on the bible you when you you when you are before i had to do it i'm an elected official three terms i had to swear on a bible you have to swear on a bible to be an elected official in the united states of america he alleges that a muslim cannot do that ethically swearing on the bible you don't actually have to swear on a christian bible you can swear on anything really i don't know if you knew that you can swear on a jewish bible oh no on the bible i've done it three times i'm sure you have i'm sure you've picked a bible but the law is not that you have to swear on a christian bible that is not the law you you don't know that i did not know that now even though he lost fair and square roy moore wouldn't accept the outcome defeat is not something republican candidates are used to in alabama but that's what happened to roy moore and he couldn't bring himself to accept it the votes are still coming in and we're looking at that what a surprise a man accused of a sex crime wouldn't take no for an answer not only that he's got some really weird ideas about the american dream abortion sodomy and materialism have taken the place of life liberty and the pursuit of happiness now i'm no expert but i'm pretty sure that sodomy doesn't lead to abortion if you're having anal sex and it leads to a baby you're doing it wrong i mean that is a specksaver's ad waiting to happen just face it roy you lost the people of alabama said no to bigotry no to idiocy and the whole world saw it with our own eye [Applause] over in america the big news was definitely this president trump has declared a state of emergency and risked a major constitutional crisis to secure the funds he needs to build a wall along the border with mexico he said a barrier was needed to stop an invasion of drugs gangs human traffickers and undocumented migrants it's he's using migrants as an excuse to build his wall despite the fact that in the last 20 years illegal border crossings have dropped by more than 80 percent how could it be an emergency if trump himself said this i could do the wall over a longer period of time i didn't need to do this but i'd rather do it much faster if you don't need to do something then it's not a emergency i need a personalized number plate my dog's lost his sunglasses can't find my scented can how am i to sleep without lavender in the air i don't know what that was at the end so as it's such an emergency did trump work around the clock with a special task force nope trump declared a national emergency then played golf all weekend this is a crisis fetch my putter i've said it before i'll say it again it is the duty of anyone who works at trump's golf course to take a in every hole he's a lunatic he's a lunatic i mean trump said the border wall be tougher to climb than mount everest everest is eight kilometers high you lobotomize you could get over his wall with peter crouch in a trampoline he doesn't did you see his speech right he delivered the news like a bored teenage girl we will have a national emergency and we will then be sued and they will sue us in the ninth circuit uh even though it shouldn't be there and we will possibly get a bad ruling and then we'll get another bad ruling and then we'll end up in the supreme court and hopefully we'll get a fair shake and we'll win in the supreme court just like the ban i thought it was an emergency nobody nobody talks like that in an actual crisis never saw churchill we should fight them on the beaches i'm doing the streets we shall never surrender now a lot of people were saying it was trump's craziest ever speech guess again he did a rally in texas and either he was on powerful drugs or the cat is dangerously ill i mean what does this mean we i we i'm one and one i'm one for one think of it we are me and i are you s-u-a-s-u-a even yoda would be confused by that happening this prick is he then did a rambling impression of one of his rivals a newborn baby to come out into the world and wrap the baby and make the baby comfortable and then talk to the mother and talk to the father and then execute the baby never book him for a christening he he then finished by banging on about his favorite dog german shepherd german there is nothing better than a good old-fashioned german shepherd it's hard to believe did you know else like german shepherds this guy i'm just saying hitler and trump both like german shepherds now back in britain you were making your mind up the more i hear about this hitler do you feel a bit sorry for the german shepherd there because he's just i didn't ask to be with him but he does give me treats back in britain the big news of the week the leader of the free world is a racist prick president trump has used his twitter account to share inflammatory videos which were posted online by the deputy leader of the far-right group britain first the tweets from the deputy leader of britain first jada franson showed what she said was muslims pushing a teenage boy off a roof destroying a statue of the virgin mary and beating up a dutch boy on crutches non-verified the last one nothing to do with muslims what a fear-mongering he retweeted deliberately misleading videos from a hate group or muslims a terrorist they're the biggest threat to america no they're not and no they're not more americans die choking on food than from terrorism they're they're seven times more likely to be killed by a law mower i mean christ more americans die from accidents in bathtubs than from attacks by terrorists if bathrooms kill more americans than isis why isn't he tweeting this it's it's unbelievable did you see how trump's press secretary defended him whether it's it's a real video the threat is real and that is what the president is talking about what a load of it's not real but what if it was me let's hope trump never watches jurassic park just stumbling out of his office dinosaurs everywhere they make the water bubble not only that in england there's a talking meerkat i saw it with my eyes now not everyone defended his tweets for once even theresa may stood up to him well yesterday the prime minister had her own rebuke for donald trump i'm very clear that retweeting from britain first was the wrong thing to do donald trump has now responded on twitter telling theresa may don't focus on me focus on the destructive radical islamic terrorism that is taking place within the united kingdom we are doing just fine however he'd link this message to a mrs theresa may from bogner the clues were there teresa from bogner has got six followers theresa may dreams of being that popular also look at the language trump used in the tweet don't focus on me focus on the destructive radical islamic terrorism that's taking place within the united kingdom we are doing just fine doing fine there's been 53 mass shootings since las vegas half of puerto rico still doesn't have electricity and your health care is in tatters yeah you're nailing it aren't you don't drag britain into your hate-filled world we may be divided over brexit or when to put milk into a cup of tea or one's ants and which one's dead but one thing that brings us together is not tolerating racist bigots like you exactly you
Channel: Russell Howard
Views: 825,526
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Keywords: Russell Howard, Russel Howard, Russell Howard Hour, Russell Howard Good News, Russell Howard Full Episodes, Paul Chowdry, Mo Gilligan
Id: tgh3UvELNMs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 29 2022
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