AMD HAS DONE IT! - The RX 7900 XTX Gaming PC Build Guide! 😁 Gameplay Benchmarks

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but in fact our RX 7900 XTX literally get in it is here ladies and gentlemen I think the most exciting launch from AMD in a long long time is in my hands and today we're going to be building and benchmarking a full gaming PC with the RX 7900 XT in this video you're going to learn absolutely everything you need to know about the 7900 XTX you're going to see all of the parts that will make up this epic PC build we'll tell you what's hot what's maybe not quite so good and of course show you the full build process from start to finish so you know exactly how to do this yourself oh and yes the bit you've probably been waiting for the gameplay benchmarks those will be at the end of the video too let's start with the important bit shall we and this is the Radeon special edition but you can get this in a whole range of different aftermarket cards as well but I think here's the thing for me I love the fact that this is compact yes compared to a card like five years ago it is still quite big it's two and a half slots it's fairly chunky it's quite tall But ultimately compared to I don't know the 4090 Master it is comparatively tiny spoiler alert though this is not a 4090 if you're expecting that level performance sadly this isn't gonna quite hit it I think this is going to be more than enough for pretty much 99 of people this is actually far more interesting to me as it comes in at 999 dollars But ultimately good guy AMD even though this is still a very very expensive graphics card is bringing down the price of high performance gaming I mean it actually makes me sad to say that how is 999 dollars a low price point what what's happened to PC gaming I'm ashamed to be part of it I'm also ashamed about my acting skills but let us put this to one side for a second and start our build with something else that's actually brand new this is b650 far more exciting than more expensive x690 motherboards mainly because it's more affordable and remember we're building a priced performance ultimate AMD rig here so if you're wanting to extract the most performance possible out of your machine at a given price point we're going to try our hardest to achieve that in today's video this means that you're going to lose out on some bandwidth so you're not going to have quite as many USB ports you're not gonna have a return bag in your box I'm not turning this unless Asus make me return it like they usually do and you are also losing support for PCI generation 5 on future graphics cards you will still get it up here at the top which is nice for ssds personally I think I'd rather have Gen 4 support on the SSD and then Gen 5 for future graphics cards but let's be honest you're probably not really gonna buy either right by the time you need it you'll be buying a whole new system I don't think I've actually seen this motherboard before and I'll tell you what this is beautiful why don't more boards actually look like this you can go for more of a silvery or White theme but because you've got the black motherboard behind it you can obviously tie it into like a black chassis or a white chassis or as we have here a blue but more on that a little bit later looks cooler doesn't it and you've also got my favorite feature look the quick release you can do your little wiggle but yes motherboards down on box pick up your CPU and this is going to be a little bit of a test here because here we're using the 7700x from AMD and this is not enough for a 4090 but I think for amd's best offering I think this is probably going to work quite well especially with smart Access Memory that works a lot better with AMD gpus and of course it does with nvidia's or I suppose intels but whether we are going to get some CPU bottlenecking I still think there will be some titles where you will start to see a little bit of a problem I would probably recommend stepping up to a ryzen 9 if you can afford it but ultimately for most games I don't think it's going to be an issue especially if you're playing at 4K it's more 1440p where you might start to see your CPU holding you back slightly but whether it's worth the extra money for the ryzen 9 depends what you play and the settings you want to play at but let's crack open our slot being very careful now because you have all of these pins because we've gone to LGA which is quite a nice thing to see doesn't really make any difference yes I mean normally you do this flat but I haven't actually got my overhead camera set up yeah I promise I will do it because I actually have it here I just don't have all of the extra mounts and things but being boring again and we can't have that now can we CPU though is in it's now time to move on to memory and if you can I would recommend getting some AMD Expo memory but don't go thinking that some absolute must because it's not you'll just find that the super fast Intel kits aren't going to work natively with this motherboard if you try and overclock them with the XMP profiles this is some from g-skill is Trident Z5 and this is like a silvery white perfectly matches our theme and this is running at 5600 megahertz you can go a little bit faster but I don't think it's going to make any real difference but this is something we'll be testing very very shortly get subscribed so you don't miss that video oh yeah I love that noise of course we're also going to need an SSD and full disclosure Lexa originally sent this out for some sponsored pre-rolls but this is not sponsored in any way this is pretty much a drive I would recommend going for because it has super fast read speeds but then the rights are slightly slower which makes us more affordable however ssds are always all over the place in terms of pricing so I can never really say what the best one to buy is as long as you're buying a fast reliable drive that's probably what I would do but if there's something on sale like a 980 that's what I would go for whereas obviously if something like this is just cheaper anyway it's going to make more sense but we'll pop this in the top slot remembering if we do decide to buy a Gen 5 driver at a later date we need to swap them around because this is the only one that's going to get that full speed then pick up our drive and whack it in the slot pushing it down into place and securing with the little quick release which I still find completely pointless because it's not tallest because you still have to put this back on oh oh look I almost forgot make sure you take your sticky back off and at this point our motherboard would normally be ready to go if we were using a radiator but today I want to use an air cooler because we never seem to do it you are going to need a decent one for this though because this is a chip that does run quite hot it does use a fair bit more power than the previous generation but it's still very manageable for a medium-sized air cooler the one we're going for today is an ak620 I thought this would fit in with the theme it's big it's bulky but it's not so big that it should start to into RAM clearance at least we hope and I know there are going to be loads of people watching that saying why don't you just use an all-in-one well I did look at them but the problem is you're paying almost like a hundred pounds more for the really attractive RGB ones that have plenty of performance and then you're thinking 100 pounds more is it really worth that it's not going to make any difference to your PC thermally performance wise they just tend to look better I mean yes at the higher end if you go for like a triple radiator that can make a fair old difference but then there's even more money so if I was building my own one I think I actually would go for an air cooler but will this be enough I certainly think so but we'll find out at the end of the video won't we and to install this we need to remove the default am5 mounting hardware remember if you've got a cooler that is compatible with am4 as long as it doesn't require a new back plate it is going to work out of the box but this has caught me out if you go for something like the Deep core Assassin 3 I don't know if new ones have changed but certainly the one I have you need to get some sort of adapter bracket type screwy thing from Deep cool directly these little AMD screws you then pop them onto the motherboard with the silver bits facing upwards you then get the metal plates and pop them on top of those screw holes screw it down into place with the nuts this is very easy to install so far I must admit this is great pick up the tube of thermal paste that you get in the box and then apply a reasonable amount mount to the center of the chip it will spread out so don't worry about it too much better too much than not enough remove the middle fan with these little clips that then comes out then you can pick it up line it up with your CPU Zone and then this should just screw on top of those little plates now we've just put down I already have a long screwdriver for this exact eventuality but deep cool are very friendly and they give you one that will fit if you don't Linus has not offered me a screwdriver I'd like to point out you're welcome to send me one Linus open invitation but there we go just screw it down with equal force on both sides make sure that the fans aren't actually facing the right way by the way because it's reversible but I've realized I've put it on the other way because obviously I don't want to have any Ram clearance issues so I'm just making sure that they blow out of the case once you have got that sorted lower down the fan back into position attach that on with the quick release then of course grab your fan cables and stick it on the one that says CPU fan motherboard complete then which means it's time to move on to the second most exciting thing in this video this chassis I'm an easy man to please blue when was the last time you saw something that was blue well I suppose the sky when was the last time you saw a PC chassis that was blue I honestly don't know other than special editions I can't really think of anything but this also comes in black and white this is from montec and it's called the sky 2 and it comes in at around about 99 US Dollars this Blue version is slightly more about what 115 something like that but you can get it under that magic 100 if you go for black but why would you want to and this is so unique and so interesting obviously they've pinched a few ideas from other people these two RGB fans with this little side intake we've seen before from the likes of Leon Leon Corsair we also have one at the back and then there's one in this little box that's optional all that you can use at the bottom here is like a GPU fan better airflow system I suppose which is a nice touch especially for the price suppose I probably should show you the side before I remove the panel you get to see before me what have we got fairly basic but Cable Management actually looks okay you probably struggle to fit it all in there to be honest well you will because ATX is massive so you'll have to sort of park it in some other areas but you've got SSD Bays hard drives room for two down the bottom but a lot of people will probably remove this but then I suppose you're probably not going to because you can't put 360 at the front can you because there is no front but something that is very important to me is this little fan and RGB Hub at the top here I think this is crucial unless you're buying like a Corsair case or you know you're going to use some external system please make sure you get one of these because it makes your life so much easier so everything here is pre-rooted for us so we just need to plug a couple of things into the motherboard and we're done no mucking about with all of these extra hubs or cables or things that's a really nice touch actually and also for 99 the fact that you get USB see on the top is also nice I saw a review of this online someone complained that this was a square hole they literally complained about an oval peg in a square hole that doesn't actually sound so bad now come on that is being really nitpicky this is this is looking pretty smart so far but let us remove our box of goody let's have a look at our RGB fan well visually it's fine you only have one ring around the front so it's only going to work in one orientation it's very plasticky but as long as it sounds pretty quiet has decent cooling performance it doesn't really matter decent enough but let us lay our case down flat all of our motherboard standoffs are pre-applied for us so in theory all we need to do is grab our motherboards and lay it down into place I got confused because I turned the cave a different ways so you could see through the glass I also forgot to get our screws out of the hard drive cage oh my God they're actually labeled why does no one do this it's so simple motherboard or SSD thank you montek let's get this fitted into place I can't believe how much progress we've actually made in such a short space of time we'll grab our extra RGB fan though and we will place this down the bottom we have two locations but because we're gonna have the power supply here obviously makes sense to put it on the right hand side I always think it looks a bit odd to have one fan I'd prefer they gave you zero water two personally but obviously in terms of functionality you can see this is probably optimal just noticed as well look they give you this mesh down the bottom so that you can actually get more airflow to the fan they have thought this through and it's appreciated but feed that cable through and around the back we get this all tied in here but just for demonstration you can see the extra fan just plugs in this little controller up here at the top and then just above that you have your addressable RGB and then something I'm seeing a lot that's definitely a really nice touch is that instead of a reset switch a little switch on the top can be used either for the RGB or if you prefer to have a reset you can set this to reset just by plugging into motherboard it's entirely up to you but have you ever really used a reset switch just hold the power button down imagine if someone's watching that and they didn't know you could turn your computer off by holding down the power button whoa so I think it's time to actually open this up I've gone for a c850 gold here and I think an 850 watt PSU is probably the way I would recommend most people go the only thing you're not going to be able to do with that is like a mad overclocked system with like a 40 90 so pretty much any system will work with this I do recommend a thousand if you're going for 40 90 though so do better in mind and let's be honest there are some unreleased graphics cards they will come a little bit later down the line that might need a 1000 watt power supply so for maximum upgradability maybe better than mines but 850 should be more than enough so just grab your power supply fan facing downwards slide it in screw this into place grab all of our cables and start routing them to their respective places it's a nice touch by the way that these little rubber grommets are also blue then this is a case of plugging in the CPU at the top right our big fat ATX connects like so and then I think it's time for the star of the show not me not today but in fact our RX 7900 XTX literally get in let us first remove the two pcie slot covers in order to get this in we can then grab our card line it up with the slots give it a good push until it clicks and there we have our system it's very rare these days that the CPU Cooler is bigger than the GPU maybe we do need the 4090 Master to even that out look I mean that would just about fit in to be fair but let's screw this back home we pick up our piece IE and I would actually recommend that you use two separate connections rather than daisy chain I was going for appearance here but I don't think that matters quite so much anymore but where connect our two eight pins because of course there is no funky adapter here today neaten everything up then actually that is our system complete and I have not muttered the phrase about radiators today because there aren't any but I bet you as soon as we turn this thing on it's gonna look the one and I think it's pretty much time to do that I'll just show you around the back Cable Management actually pretty good on this for a more modest build I've not really had to do anything one more cable tie here and actually that's about it really really easy to build in good job Monte let's grab ourselves a 4k monitor a copy of Windows 11 on a USB flash drive plugged into the back of the system a keyboard and a mouse plug it into power and then here is our 7900 XTX gaming PC and yes it's live it works enough as I said it's definitely better now that the uh RGB fans and everything is spinning but I don't think I can cover up the fact that it's not the best I've built in terms of appearance it's such a shame I feel like I've wasted this case a little bit because it just looks like there's a massive great cooler strapped onto a motherboard really doesn't it it doesn't really work with the aesthetic but new CPU has been installed I think I need to reset the firmware TPM because we're installing Windows 11 which is really annoying for me but will make no difference to you I feel like I've built a monster it's the Frankenstein we're in the Bios it's okay we did it resizable bar is on by default so this will get you your smart access memory docp which is the equivalent of XMP for Asus and AMD we're going to turn that on I'm going to tune the fans because at the moment they are making quite a lot of noise oh we've got the green light we got the green light that's good now because we've got our Windows 11 copy already plugged into the back it should now load into it and it's very very simple to install you basically just go through everything if you don't have your product key yet you can get it later choose a version here I'm using Windows 11 Pro I accept custom install new apply okay and then let it do the rest and that's it so just give me a few hours to get some games installed and we start testing as soon as it's ready ladies and gentlemen that is it we are all set up and ready to go or are we I think we need the brand new pc Centric mouse mat available linked down below PCC Centric dot Store look at it I designed this and you can have it on your desk this could be you perfect size look lightens up the room it's almost as if I've thought this through and I think we should very much start at the deep end with some cyberpunk 2077 and this is a game that's actually become fairly well optimized to be surprised for AMD over the last few months we've now got FSR 2.1 we'll leave this at quality everything else at Ultra but for now we'll leave raytracing off and here we go our first Glimpse at AMD top end performance and at 4K with cyberpunk we are getting around about 75 FPS that is actually not too shabby whatsoever this is actually very very impressive because it feels great I mean who doesn't want to play cyberpunk at 4K at 75 FPS you pair it with a monitor like this that's got freesync and Bam happy happy days until we crash that was great timing though cyberpunk's really well optimized in the last few months should we try that again this time at 1440p and in terms of our frame rate we're looking at about 140 FPS now so probably able to use a higher refresh rate monitor obviously it is going to depend where and when you are in the game but I mean this is probably how I would choose to play it but of course the elephant in the room is Ray tracing this is a card that we are expecting to not be as good as nvidia's when it comes to RTX and things like that but is it going to be good enough that the extra performance doesn't really matter well let's find out so we're on 135 we'll go to Graphics so let's scroll all the way down find our Ray tracing button set it to ultra everything on hit apply and predictions please I'm guessing about 65 FPS I'm not far off actually around about 65 to 70 FPS and a crash no no it saved itself haha how about that amazing immediately the game does look a lot better you can tell especially when you sort of come under all of these tunnels and things it just looks a lot more realistic but the question is unless there are loads more of like really high brow Ray tracing titles that are going to demand specific Nvidia Hardware I don't think this doesn't have enough performance to bother me personally but actually while we're here we probably should turn this up to 4K see if that makes any difference and yeah sure enough it does around about 38 39 FPS which bear in mind on like a 4080 you can get way higher than this you can use their dlss 3.0 technology if you want to play cyberpunk with Ray tracing no surprises here Nvidia Hardware is just going to be a better bet let's have a look at a different Ray tracing title this time Metro Exodus extreme Edition or enhanced Edition the ray tracing only one and the problem that you'll have here is not only that this is very demanding but also because there is no form of FSR because this was an Nvidia sponsored title it's one of the original RTX ones and it used dlss and if you play something like this then again you're going to suffer a little bit but I wouldn't let this put you off too much to be honest because I think all games really that come out now will probably have both bearing in mind the adoption of FSR has actually been very very good but even so you can see completely native rendering 4K Max settings extreme preset we're getting around about 32 FPS or so not what I'd want to choose to play at but still not bad for like a tech showcase I suppose turning it down to 1440p though does yield much much better results around about 60 FPS or so and again this is at the extreme preset so if you're willing to turn things down a little bit more 1440p maybe like high preset something like that you got to get above 60 FPS and I think that's going to be fine for most people it's pretty much the main compromise you're going to have with these cards is when it comes to Ray tracing performance it's not going to be as good as in videos I wanted to get that out the way early to when we move on to the titles that let's be honest probably matter a bit more you can take it all with all the information that I suppose you need to know let's get this side panel on now so you can see some thermals in Factory to appeal glamorous here we go this is the moment I'm sure you've been waiting for what are we going to see 4K Mac settings let's go oh but Marcus those are the settings I'll be playing at this is worst case scenario we'll get to that so here we are in the plane and you can see top left of your screen around about 140 FPS but I think as we jump out and land we're gonna get something a little bit higher and as we hit down and touchdown we're getting around about 150 to 170 FPS that is really not too shabby especially bear in mind this is 4K with FSR FSR is set to the ultra quality mode so it's almost rendering full but not quite and I don't think anyone's really going to be playing this game at 4K anyway if you want the highest possible FPS but the fact that you can have your cake and eat it for a much lower price than the RTX 4080 is brilliant I mean 4K does have an advantage with a game like this because you can sort of spot a little bit further into the distance with extra detail but I think most people would rather have the extra frame rate but again bear in mind this is Max settings 4K really not too shabby whatsoever now what you're seeing is 1440p as we've turned down the settings and at this point something happens if you look at the top left of your screen you'll see that GPU utilization has actually gone down a bit it's going anywhere really between about 75 and 100 and I think we are going to get better performance than you would on something like a 4080 because smart access memory with a ryzen CPU the two of them talk more efficiently it does work in practice but this goes to show that if you do want to play Warzone even this GPU at 1440p is too powerful like unless you have a top end CPU you're not going to unlock that full performance and remember that it's 7700x is no slouch whatsoever so if you do want to specifically play Warzone at 1440p I would recommend stepping up to the ryzen 9 but I still think on balance from most people this is going to be a brilliant combination I mean to be fair if you are playing at 4 140p you might as well just turn FSR off because it doesn't look quite so good at 1440ps it does at 4K and you can see that we are still a little bit CPU bottleneck so that's almost like a free visual upgrade for you here next game whoa okay that's not bad this is now OverWatch 2 running at Ultra 4K FSR and we're getting over 200 FPS I know that this is obviously a much easier game to drive not an easier game to actually play as you can see from my terrible skills but that is no doubt impressive again absolute worst case scenario so if you do want to have like a 4k monitor like this and play with all the eye candy and everything turned up and still have fantastic latency clearly this is a brilliant GPU to do on it it's built for 4K gaming and it can game at 4K turning it down to 1440p though and this is where the Esports nuts amongst you are going to get very excited because now we're looking at around about 350 FPS so if you want to pair this with a 1440p 360hz monitor clearly this is going to be an excellent GPU for you not entirely sure why this card likes to have everything 140p in a window like this I'm sure it's fixable but I don't have time to fix it let's press on to the next title though everybody's favorite some fortnite this is running at 4K and the whole new quality DirectX 12 unreal 5 mode I believe and it does look very very good I know a lot of people will want to use the performance mode and obviously get the lowest latency I get that but here we're looking at Cutting Edge and this is very much Cutting Edge you can tell straight off the bat that this isn't native 4K rendering though they've got their own like temporal super resolution mode here and it's not quite as sharp but I mean it's still more than good enough it looks I guess about 4040p maybe slightly better and we're getting around about what's that 100 FPS or so so it's still very good but I mean let's be honest if you're running this level of Hardware you probably want something a bit better than this we've now turned it down to 1440p and I definitely think there is some sort of bug in the driver or something somewhere because every single game I've played at 1440p wants to put it down into a window so AMD if you're watching get in touch we need to sort of work out what's going on here but regardless you can see our frame rate has now increase to around about 140 FPS or so so it's definitely going to be worth playing in the lower Fidelity mode I think for most people that actually want to play this properly because you're going to get way higher than this but still very very nice to know that if you want all of the eye candy or just to sort of test out unreal 5 then this is a solid option I mean to be fair let's actually turn all of these settings back to something a bit more normal apply that and what does that do to a frame rate yeah massive you see now we're getting over 200 FPS is better lighting really worth losing 67 20 FPS no freaking way man this is more like it other than that but that's a good place to uh to move on let's do ourselves a little sound test and as a whole this is not the quietest PC I've built actually on the contrary is one of the more noisy ones I've built on a while but what I will say is that in terms of thermals we've not really got anything to worry about on the graphics card at all so personally I would just tune this down a little bit so we're getting higher temperatures but obviously the very large heatsink that you'll find on something like a 4080 it is there for a reason and Acoustics and thermals is that but would I pay all of that extra money just to get that probably not but obviously if you're after extra Ray tracing performance and things that's also something to factor in but overall I think I am very very happy with the performance of this rig I think the whole thing actually has grown on me if you don't mind the blue design I think you're gonna like this if you don't well obviously get it in black or white I think the RGB that you get as standard is great I mean plenty of features in this chassis I do really like it it's just the air cooler is going to be a bit divisive shall we say as I say it's grown on me but it's not to everybody's tastes but crucially the RX 7900x TX I think is a wicked performing card and I have arguments with people all of the time because some people think that having the best graphic visual Fidelity all of the ray tracing is the most important thing and I think it's very easy for those people you probably want to go for an Nvidia card but for everybody else which let's be honest is probably most people I think this is going to be the option that you're going to want to go for I think if it was up to me buying a new card tomorrow when these actually come out I would get one of these generally I think I would choose that over the Nvidia option just because the value is just so much better and you're getting so much extra performance per dollar I can't tell you what to do but I can tell you that overall the performance of this is very impressive and it does come highly recommended well I'd love to hear your thoughts on this let me know what you think of the GPU of amd's performance and Ray tracing everything else what'd you make of this PC absolutely smash the like button if you've enjoyed this video go and grab yourself a PC Centric mouse mat linked down below it's my first ever merch if it doesn't work out you'll never be able to buy this ever again it's a pre-order please go grab it it'll help out the channel and it will help you out because get this lovely little pad don't forget of course as always if you do want to check out current pricing on anything that's actually featured in this rig you can find that link down below with my Amazon affiliate links so thank you so much for watching this video I'll catch you in the next one [Music]
Channel: PC Centric
Views: 111,818
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rx 7900 xtx, 7900 xtx, 7900 xtx benchmark, 7900 xtx gameplay, 7900 xt, 7900 xt benchmark, 7900 xt gameplay, warzone 2, 7900 xtx warzone, gaming pc, pc build, pc centric, pc centric 7900 xtx, pc centric rx 7900 xtx, pc build guide, gaming computer, gaming pc build, pc build 2022, amd, amd graphics card, rx 7000, rx 7000 series, rx 7900 xt benchmark, 7900 xt build, rtx 4080, rtx 4090, fortnite, overwatch 2
Id: M1k0FeYdr4M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 34sec (1714 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 12 2022
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