Amber and Graham - uncut!

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we hope you've enjoyed season 2 of Heartland five five one three two I always a cat grab go hi I'm Graham mortal and I'm amber Marshall we hope you've enjoyed watching hi I'm Graham mortal and I remember Marshall IOP it's we right hi I'm Graham mortal and I remember Marshall we hope you've enjoyed what changed sorry guys we hope you enjoyed season 2 Harland okay we hope you've enjoyed season 2 of Harland hi ok hi I'm Graham mortal and I'm amber Marshall we hope you hi I'm Graham mortal damn it guys cy Dickinson 18 the great hits a stop okay let's get read stop it you do this for a living joy we hope you've enjoyed we hope you've enjoyed season 2 of heartland we hope you've enjoyed season 2 of heartland we hope you've enjoyed watching dammit John Coffey okay okay okay okay go okay wait - why hi I'm Graham mortal and I'm amber Marshall we hope you've enjoyed watching season sorry man I'm sorry okay oh yeah wait yeah hi I'm Graham mortal and I remember Marshall we hope you've enjoyed season 2 of Heartland now this Sunday broadcasting our season finale step-by-step you be sure to watch it I was ready for the 7:30 line and I missed it okay yeah I'm gonna bother my daughter's happen okay okay okay I'm gonna get this ready ready amber yep three two hi I'm Graham mortal and I'm amber Marsha we hope you've enjoyed season two of Heartland now broadcasting this Sunday is our last season finale step-by-step you be sure to watch it at 7:00 7:30 Newfoundland I did it right I got it that's right great oh yeah we tried once more and amber after you look up at him Graham you look down down her okay just don't look over to him yeah okay you don't want the eyeline off-camera to the person who's jealous I thought that was funny okay ready few in the joke you guys are right three two hi I'm wait for Wayne to stop talking hi I'm Graham mortal and I remember Marshall we hope you've enjoyed season two apart land and now broadcasting this Sunday is our season finale step-by-step be sure to watch it this Sunday at 7:00 7:30 Newfoundland good that'll do can we see it I'll watch it what's up oh sorry
Channel: Heartland
Views: 1,002,425
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cbc, heartland
Id: odiF6pKU5Cw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 24sec (204 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2009
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