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hi there my name is Richard McMunn from the interview training company past my interview com and in this tutorial I'm going to teach you how to pass an Amazon leadership principles interview so if you have any kind of manager or leader interview coming up with Amazon please do stick around and watch this tutorial because I promise it will make a huge difference to your preparation and your performance at the interview so as you and I know Amazon has these brilliant 14 leadership principles and these principles are designed to keep Amazon at the top of its game and if you're going to be employed as a manager or a leader then you have to be able to demonstrate them both at the interview and also in your work so we need to assess why they are so important and I will also give you a number of Amazon leadership principles interview questions and answers throughout this presentation now before I do that a very warm welcome to this interview training tutorial my name is Richard McMunn that's me there in the center of the screen I am a former fire officer and founder of the interview training website past my interview calm and I've been helping people for 20 years now to successfully pass their interviews and I always do that by giving you top-scoring answers to the interview questions that you can't find anywhere else please do make sure you subscribe to the channel by clicking the red button below the video and then you won't miss out on any of the weekly training videos I'm uploading you can also connect with me on LinkedIn if you want to my LinkedIn link is in the description below the video and I would also very very much appreciate your support if you gave the video alike thank you very much that tells me you enjoy the content and I will then create more for you so what are these Amazon leadership principles the 14 amazon leadership principles and why are they so important so for the next couple of minutes I want to spend a bit of time going through these tell you what they are and also how you are likely to be assessed to get them against them at the interview and we will then move on to the interview questions and answers so the first Amazon leadership principle on a look at his customer obsession one of the reasons why Amazon is such a brilliant company one of the best organizations in the world and it has been for many years is because it obsesses about the customer so the number one most important person in Amazon is the customer and everyone who works in Amazon always focuses on the customer at all time so my advice and this is an important tip is in preparation for your Amazon interview is to make sure that you have a couple of examples of when you have been able to show how you've gone above and beyond for a customer or a client in a previous role so the question might be posed in this way they might say can you give two examples of when you have gone above and beyond what was required in regards to customer service or client service okay so think of two examples in preparation for your interview the next one is about earning trust you have to be able to treat everyone you work with with respect okay and that's people you work with in Amazon and also external stakeholders because if you do treat people with respect you'll be able to do better business the next one is hiring hiring and developing the best people so leaders in Amazon move forward and they improve with every person they hire the next one is about thinking big the next Amazon leadership principle so you should have big ambitions and always go out of the way for the customer so what I mean by that is Amazon is always delivering great customer service but it is always doing different things so for example it was you know responsible for introducing the Kindle which transform the way that the readers would the way that customers read they have been responsible for improving delivery service so that customers get their orders quicker so they are always thinking big and focusing on a customer the next Amazon leadership principle is biased for action which is actually just getting things done so you have to be someone who gets things done and is someone who takes action another Amazon leadership principle is that you are right a lot of the time so if you're going to be a leader you have to have strong with judgment skills so you might get asked a question that goes along the lines can you tell me about a time when you had to make a difficult decision we've limited information the next Amazon leadership principle is insisting on the highest standards at all times so you should be able to demonstrate that you can work to high standards always you need to show that you are somebody who is professional and wants to achieve the highest standards with everything you do in your work another Amazon leadership principle is diving deep so you have to be able to look into things deeply and analyze information that you have available this is one of my favorite hammers and leadership principles and that's of taking ownership so you have to be able to take ownership of situations and be responsible and accountable and another really important tip I want to share with you is never at any stage during your responses to the Amazon interview questions say that it was somebody else's fault don't say that you could say I was working as part of the team and somebody made a mistake but we took ownership of that collectively together we learned from it and we put things right don't ever blame somebody and single them out for making a mistake it's the the team's mistake the organizer organizations mistake and you have to put things right that's the important thing and on top of that you have to be able to learn and develop so learn and be curious is another Amazon leadership principle so you have to be able to improve develop and also ask questions so you could get asked an interview question during your Amazon interview that goes along the lines of can you tell me about a time when you learned something new that was outside of your comfort zone so that's a question I would prepare for frugality is achieving more with less so keep your eye on the finances have backbone and disagree so can you give an example of a time when you had a disagreement with a work colleague or a manager now it's good to have disagreements and to challenge people but you do it in a professional manner and then you have to move on with an agreed course of action the next Amazon leadership principle is invent and simplify so you have to be able to lead teams that innovate and come up with different ideas and then finally delivering results that's the final Amazon leadership principle or use someone who can deliver results get things done in a timely manner when have you achieved a task a difficult task within strict time constraints so that's the 14 amazon leadership principles my advice in preparation for your Amazon interview is to learn that which you don't have to learn the words in the brackets but be per for a question that goes along the lines what are the Amazon leadership principles and tell me all 14 of them so then let's now take a look at some sample interview questions and answers for your Amazon leadership principles interview so I'm gonna go through these in detail I'll give you a sample question based on what I think will come up during your interview I will then give you a sample answer to that interview question now you can either pause the video as I go along or if you want to wait I will tell you where you can download my full set of 20 to Amazon leadership principles interview questions and high scoring answers so the first question that we want to look at is tell me about a time when you had to make a quick decision that was going to have a significant impact on the organization here is my suggestion answer I was managing a project for a very important client with a small group of people from different departments across the organization we literally only had 10 days left before the project had to be completed when the client contacted me with an urgent project specification change request the changes they were asking for would have a significant impact on the team's ability to complete the project on time and it would also eat into our project budget I had very little time to make a decision and so I decided to agree to the changes primarily because two of our core values were flexibility and customer focus the client had been with us for a long period of time and I saw their business as a valuable asset for the future health of the organization now although we ended up making very little money from that project due to the unexpected specification change request the client was very happy with the results and they want on to spend significant amounts of money with us in the future due to the strong relationship we are built up with them that is a very strong answer what I like about it is it is in-depth and my advice is to give plenty of detail about how you demonstrate those Amazon leadership principles so you are showing there that you can make a decision with little time available and it is to the benefit of the organization so the next Amazon leadership principle interview question we want to prepare for is describe a situation when you have to work with incomplete or information this is a challenging interview question and here's my suggested answer I was working on an internal project from my previous employer that required me to work closely with another member of Starr from a different department we'd been working very well together for the duration of the project and we both had different skill sets and qualities that helped the project move forward nicely however towards the end of the project I received a call from my work colleagues manager saying that she'd been taken ill and that I would need to finish the project on my own now the only way for me to complete the project will be to use the limited information I had available which my colleague had previously passed on to me before she went off sick in the evenings after work I carried out lots of research to find out how to complete the elements of the project my work colleague had been responsible for I ended up taking an online course and I also went online to a couple of technical chat forums to ask for advice and information from the elements of the project I was struggling with I'm pleased to say that after many nights additional work and also by using the limited information my colleague had given to me I was able to put the remaining pieces of the jigsaw puzzle in place and complete the project on time and to the correct standards so that is showing that you can use incomplete information and data you can then take ownership of the situation you are resourceful because you're finding different ways to sort things out and then you complete that project on your own so that is being a you know a complete to finish as somebody who delivers results now I still have some questions to go through so please don't go anywhere but when you're ready if you want to click that link in the top right hand corner of the video it takes you through to my website past my interview comm where you can download my full set of 20 to Amazon leadership principles interview questions and top-scoring answers okay but stick around cuz I've still got some more to run through but I can say when you're ready if you click that link you can download a copy of those the cost is only 7 dollars 99 which is nothing and it's a very small investment if you want to prepare fully for your Amazon leadership interview so the next interview question is number three tell me about a time when you had to take a calculated risk at work here is my suggest it answer in a previous job I had not been there that long when I was offered a promotion now this came entirely out of the blue and whilst I am very ambitious and enthusiastic I decided to turn it down the reason for me turning down the opportunity was based on the fact I genuinely wanted to learn my new role to a high standard so I could then help the organization and my team develop although I feel I could have performed well within the promotion I did not want to risk my reputation and the performance of the company especially as I had only been there for a relatively short period of time now this was obviously a risk on my part as I may not have been offered the opportunity for a promotion again in the future however it proved to be the right decision as my manager respected my choice and I actually went on to be one of the company's highest achievers so that shows that you are putting the organization first you are not thinking about yourself but you are able to take a calculated risk and it's proved to be the right one the next Amazon leadership principle interview question is tell me about a time when you found a simple solution to a complex problem this is a tough one real tough one here is my suggested answer I was in a meeting in my previous job where the company sales figures were being discussed by the managers although the sales figures were healthy there was concern amongst the group that the profitability was not as good as it should be due to the marketing spend that was ongoing at the end of the meeting I decided to try and find a solution to this problem I met up with a marketing team and they explained to me the bulk of the marketing spend was actually going on Facebook and social media adverts after some investigative work it became apparent that the team were not using Facebook's tracking pixels that are designed to measure the performance of the advertising spend I quickly informed them of what I had found and moving forward from that day on the organization was able to measure accurately the market in return on investment this allowed us to cease adverts that were not given as any return which in turn increased profitability so that shows that you are again taking responsibility while thinking on your feet you'll be in smart intelligent and you are taking ownership of a situation to sort it out which is great so let's have a look at some more Amazon leadership principle interview questions don't forget any poor if you do want to skip over to my website and download the full set you can do but here's some more questions tell me how you would complete a project or task if you had limited time or resources tell me about a time when you experienced conflict within a team give me two examples of when you have gone above and beyond what was expected don't forget that is the customer obsession principle have you ever failed at work if so tell me what happened and how you reacted when if you have to overcome a challenging situation at work when have you added disagreements at work evil with a work colleague or a manager give me a situation where you've previously shown one of Amazon's leadership principles at work tell me about an unpopular decision you have to make at work give me one thing you will like the most about being a leader with Amazon one thing you will dislike that's a tough one tell me a time when you have to give bad news to a member of your team give me an example when you led a team of people to achieve an organization's goal or objective tell me about a time when you had to persuade someone to follow your course of action when did you have to overcome a difficult challenge at work give me an example at work where you improved how you did something to achieve a better outcome that's a common one that comes up tell me about a time when you learned something new that was outside of your comfort zone tell me about a time when you received criticism from a manager or a work colleague how did you react to the feedback tell me about a time when you analyzed information carefully to overcome a challenging task or project and tell me about a time when you had to make an effective decision under pressure so if you would like the answers to all of those 22 questions that have gone through including the four that I run-through previously please click the link in the top right hand corner of the video and it goes through to this website so you can have a look at those questions I'll give you the answers as I say so I talked about the leadership principles there and I also give you four great tips so I recommend you read those as well because they will certainly help you so don't forget it's a small investment 7.99 to get all of the answers my suggestion answers to those Amazon leadership principles interview questions thank you very much don't forget to subscribe and hit the like button like I say that tells me you enjoy the content and if you want to connect to me on LinkedIn please you know check out my link in the description below the video thank you very much for supporting my channel I do appreciate it have a brilliant day and I wish you all the best for passing your Amazon leadership principles interview thank you very much
Channel: CareerVidz
Views: 148,812
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Keywords: amazon leadership principles, What are the 14 leadership principles of Amazon, amazon 14 leadership principles, amazon interview questions and answers, how do i prepare for an amazon interview, what questions are asked in an amazon interview, How do I pass an Amazon interview?, What is Amazon's leadership style?, How do you answer Amazon leadership principles?, sample answers for the amazon leadership principles interview, how to ace the amazon leadership principles interview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 52sec (952 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 16 2020
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