Amazon Keyword Research 🧐 Masterclass

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keyword research this is something you should be doing every time you launch your product and also to keep your product fresh you need new keywords going into the listing to maximize your keyword indexing my name is stephen pope i'm the founder of my amazon guy and in this video i'm going to walk you through how to do keyword research and use some of my favorite tools so one of the listings we're going to be looking at is for my age of sage incense sticks these are products i launched back in november i use small and light for my three pack here it's been a very successful product launch you can see i've got over 826 reviews a lot of things i've learned a lot of great things i'm super excited to share i also i'm a really big fan of helium 10. you can get 50 off by using promo code my amazon guy 50 and you will need that to do some of the things we're going to talk about today there are other ppc and seo tools out there that you can use to do keyword research and replicate some of these things as well but let me show you inside of here this is a keyword tracker and there's a bunch of different tools we have these starred if you see a star next to the tool inside of this drop down that's because we frequently will use it today though we're going to be focused on mostly on the keyword research tools section as well as the keyword tracker so this is kind of like showing you the end before i show you the beginning to kind of give you a flavor for context of where we're going to end up and in here you can see that i've got a bunch of different keywords that i track over time you can sort this by search volume and sales and a bunch of other great things including the impact of of what a keyword could do for example they show you that there's approximately 4 800 sales on incent sticks and they show you a bunch of great information so if you want to know like okay how's the search volume doing over time you can click on this and see a very nice trend line so apparently the week of june 11th in 2021 is the all-time low for somebody looking for an incense stick who knows why i don't but if you look at the history man these things got really popular back in may of 2020 and we're very much down you know almost a hundred percent from that high coming in july 8 2022. so it's good to know the keyword trends to see like how something is doing up and down one of the keys to my own success is doing this keyword research and really diving deep in to see like okay i want to enter the market right here right like on the way up just like you're timing the stock market which is easier said than done you also want to time the keyword market and these charts can really help you to know like if you were trying to look at this and you had the inverse and you were looking at a product with keyword research impressions going down maybe right now is not the right time to launch that product now you can look at the years of data and information to make sure it's not just a seasonal blip like it might have been right here but context is king to be able to understand like up down left right number of keywords number of competitors and so once you've done that you can really get a very good handle on on what to do with it so in here you can also see like how ranks are doing over time and there's some date ranges and whatnot so if we were to look at this particular keyword on my own product you can see here uh when we look at last 30 days let's go out to a year and i've been tracking this keyword a very lengthy period of time basically from the november launch back in here and so when i first got out of the gate you're gonna see that i actually got this keyword all the way up to rank 30 rank 14 right there but then it started to get soft when the new year hit so during the first two months of this product launch back on the smudge kits here i not only had the number one new release badge in all of incense uh it was a very very powerful launch and and the keyword data reflects that as 2022 came along i started to get a little soft in january and then really dipped down once we turned into the february month was able to recover it a little bit and it comes and goes but when you track your keywords when you're when you're able to do this you can see like okay there must have been something bad that happened on may 12th for me to go from rank 75 all the way down to rank 181 sometimes there's a keyword algorithm change on amazon that can cause this other times it could be like a stock out event where you upped up the prices on the product and you were able to see the impact of that by looking at the keyword tracking so after you do all this keyword research the most important thing that you do is make the changes but the second most important thing you do is track those changes annotate the changes hey i made a change to my a plus content how did that impact me well if you use a tool to track your keywords like this you can see over time what those changes could do what they could have caused and that's very very helpful so let's dive into some keyword research i'm going to show you from the very basic level if you load a listing like this you've got a chrome extension with your keyword tool installed you're going to be able to come in here and click on the chrome extension and hit keywords this is the most common way to do keyword research because you can find out how many keywords are indexed the tool we're going to start with is called cerebro and what i really like about this tool is the keyword distribution map right off the gap so i have this product right here the incense sticks we hit the keywords button we're loading cerebro and in here you can see the distribution sponsored keywords these are paid keywords or ppc keywords organic keywords these are earned keywords you don't pay for and i like to have a golden keyword ratio of one to two that is one sponsored keyword to two organic so on this particular listing where we're very close to having that gold standard we're uh at a very i would need to be about 1500 so i would give myself a silver star badge silver star rating right now for my my keyword ratio so whenever you're looking at high distribution charts macro trends you can usually boil down marketing for amazon into one of two camps you either have a traffic issue or you have a conversion problem and when you look at data sets like this we know that there's plenty of traffic being spent on the ppc but the conversion of the keywords for organic is a little soft and that means that's probably where we're going to need to focus today on this listing to figure out what can we do to index for more keywords that is show up in the first 300 results on amazon and try and maximize the value behind that alright so if you're at zero on sponsored keywords you're obviously not spending much enough money on ppc uh but if you you know if you're gonna sell out of a product you might have on pause temporarily things like that would make sense but in this distribution you get a pretty good sense and idea if you're at a one-to-one ratio you need to stop focusing on ppc and start spending a lot more time doing seo and and work on that and you can use the keyword research from today and immediately go action it onto your listings because you're going to be able to know like hey this is really important i need to go focus on this and update the list and copy the title the bullet points the description right so if we were to go through the elements of seo the title is the most important element on a listing you should spend significant time working on that and trying to make sure you address it to get a 10 out of 10 sort of title that you're looking for the second most important thing for seo is actually the main photo and that's because ctr on a keyword will affect your keyword rankings quite a bit you'll notice i have a box in the image like this that is intentional not only do i want to prevent hijackers from selling kind of a commodity item like this but i also want consumer to know like hey this ship's in a nice box like you're gonna really appreciate this product and and take it seriously right so so that's part of it does hurt my margins a little bit i don't make a lot of profit on this but you know i sell a six pack for 13 versus the three pack for 10. i'm clearly trying to get them to upgrade to a larger purchase here and get some cost savings i make the most money on the hunter pack but that's also the best deal at a dollar 33 per count versus the least best deal at 33.33 per count right all right so so the most important elements title then photo then on the back end if we look at the keyword search terms and what i'm going to do here is i'm going to go to seller central go to the inventory page i looked up the acen and then here you can see i stock 1200 of these things and that's i've got a little red alert here because i need to ship more in because the sales are actually pretty good right now and although you can't see it so i'll move my camera here i'm ranked 24 000 in all of home and kitchen that tells you this is a very well received product it's doing pretty good it's also not the best it's ever been this is kind of just the average place i've been so i'm going to hit edit on that move my camera back down here and in and in here i'm going to go to the uh keywords tab which they have moved there to where is it where did they move that gee supplier description product identifier sometimes they make changes to uh the backend ui and even throws me off so i'm clicking on each one of these sections to take a peek for it product details now is that where they stuck the keywords they did okay so the normally most categories right now have a keywords tab so that sometimes it throws me off all right so we're in the product details tab on my particular product we've got the uh we're gonna go down to the generic keyword section first and in here uh you can stick 250 bytes of information i was the first person on the entire internet to point out that amazon changed from using characters to using bytes what this means is that you have 250 bytes to put into the generic keyword tab here what that translates to is about an extra 20 percent of spacing that you can put in that if you were counting by character instead of bytes you're missing out on that's because counting by characters counts spaces but amazon's rule for bytes is they don't count spaces so you could have lots of small words inside of your generic keyword tab or search terms tab and that would not penalize you likewise if you're using asian script or german script and you've got teal days and a bunch of you know other things that goes above other letters and you've got more than just one byte in a letter that could count the word for multiple bytes all right so in here this search term field this is the third most important thing to focus on when you're doing seo work it's also not customer facing which means you can do some clever and creative things back here like using spanish where you can see i've got lots of spanish in the back end here you can also uh put in this spellings although amazon claims they take care of misspellings from our experiences you absolutely want to be doing uh misspellings back here and getting exact matches um rotate this copy once every 30 to 90 days because you can rotate and gain additional indexing when you're doing your keyword research that's why this field is the third most important going next would be the bullet points spending lots of time on the bullet points we threw emojis on our bullets you don't need to do that in most categories but if you've got a playful gifty type of category or if you sell to people who like to cleanse their house with incense sticks like these they might be pretty prone to like emojis all right as you scroll down on this page you can see oh my gosh look how many ads there are which is why we take up so much space with our a plus content this is called a brand story this is the most newest module you can add to an amazon detail page and is frequently overlooked and missed by most people you need to fill this out it's a great way to tell the story get additional real estate in here see how i can scroll left and right and click on different products and ask different questions and get average order values up by linking and connecting my products it's a great module takes up an entire space of an entire fold of a particular product when you scroll down you see product description this is the a plus content module you'll notice that you can put in lots of pictures lots of text please keep in mind when you're working on seo and your product keywords that the text inside of the image does not help you for your indexing however if you right click it and hit inspect you can look at the html code and it's image alt equals this is called alt text and in here you can fill in a hundred characters it is characters this time of of text essentially to put in keywords and search terms to try and extrapolate for additional things the consumer technically could find this but nobody ever looks up the code when they're shopping like this so this is another place you can put misspellings and spanish and other things but if you're like me you just put spanish right into the text there and go for that exact match this doesn't work in every product or category but for this product it does which is why i'm getting away with adding some spanish text in there and then notice just how much sheer volume of space i take i mean i'm just taking a tremendous amount of space that's intentional because when you do your keyword research the most important thing that you do after you do the research is implement it and put it into your copy well to do that you need lots of space so here's the rule of thumb that i use text is for robots and pictures are for people and humans and therefore your secondary image stack up here is extraordinarily important to consumers but this text in the bullets and the titles and the search terms and the brand story and the a plus content and the description inside of these blocks is for the robots and with that in mind keyword stuff as much as you possibly can because the consumers never read this text they do read the text inside of the images for whatever reason so if you're going to make sure they read something put it inside of the image even though that doesn't help you with the robots down here i really like the product grid module it's one of my favorite modules inside of a plus content because guess what it's another place you can stick additional keywords and you can go in here and say what things it includes what things it doesn't include and link to the other products notice how i have the get this cta or call to action inside of the product images that's because we found that when we include it it increases our average order value people are going to come in and buy more than one thing i cross pollinate across the brands sometimes i'll connect things that aren't a direct fit to the current product just because i know if i do that i'm going to pick up some additional sales which is way better than them scrolling down further and checking out my competitor's stuff you'll also see here that we have a follow button this is uh the brand store as well as the social media posts that we've been making so once you make this master keyword research and do all of your keyword research you need to implement it not only into the listing but also into your social media strategy because there's a lot of benefit into putting it into social posts and considering all of the value that you can gain free traffic now in the past these social posts only showed up on mobile but as you can clearly see now they're starting to show up on desktop and that means these are additional real estates to take versus guess what you look down here and you see competitor products and so we don't want to lose them to the competitors we want to keep them on our brand on our stuff so taking up as much space as possible filling out every one of these fields not only long big a plus luscious photos and content and brand stories but also filling out the social posts and keeping these fresh and cross-pollinating all the different things that a brand can post like this and then once you go over to the brand store you can see there's a bunch of products you can load here all additional opportunities to tell the brand story you can build out an entire storefront with sub pages like this so these are all the things you're going to do once you do the keyword research and you track everything but if we go back over to cerebro here and check it out looking back at that distribution how do we know where to start our product research so what you're going to do is you're going to look at 10 competitor products and you're going to pull them into cerebro and you're going to create what's called a master keyword list and basically what you're doing is you're combining all of this data into one location and that allows you to extrapolate and know that okay these 10 products are all consistently ranking on this keyword data set these are the most relevant keywords with the highest impressions and i'm going to score those top to bottom 10 9876 and allowing us to understand where to focus our attention but if you start this out you're on the beginner level what you'll essentially do is just go look at a couple competitors here and sort the data and say hey okay these are the ones that they're ranking in the top of the serps for that's the search engine results page and here you can filter and sort the search volume to see what is the most important you've got sage you've got incense sage candles for cleansing house incense sticks and the list goes on and here we're going to able to understand like okay so there's some really big keyword volumes on some of these keywords and there's some big opportunities once you understand that there's a big opportunity and you're doing a brand new product you're going to probably want to stick these keywords directly into the title so this is a signal to you that when you do this keyword research you're going to take this keyword and put it directly into the listing in multiple locations so let's see how i did with the keyword sage candles for cleansing house we're going to go over to the listing again and we're going to do a control f and we're just going to type in sage candles for cleansing house and what you're going to see here is clearly i paid attention to the data set i i put it straight into my title why did i do that because look here 62 000 search volume in a month that's a drastically high number this is something we've got to pay attention to right if we look at the trend for this you can see that right now the trend is drastically up in the month of july which means this is an even more important keyword it was right now than it was previously if we try and go back out further guess what it's up at an all-time high right now that's a really good thing that means a lot of people are looking for this the other thing you'll notice is that the product i sell is not a candle which is a kind of a really big point right like should you tell the consumer what your product is or isn't or should you let the consumer tell you what it is or isn't well one of the ways that i came to this so so here is data set number one telling us this is an important keyword another really cool dashboard that everybody needs to check out this is especially true for mature listings that you've had around a while is go over to the search query performance report and in here this is part of brand analytics you need brand registry for this you can select the brand you can select the data range of reporting and hit apply and in here what do you guys see sage candles for cleansing house and in here it tells us exactly the search query volume the impression counts and what not now what's interesting of note here is the search query volume is showing 1600 which which i believe that they're doing on a a weekly or a monthly basis it's not really abundantly clear but i'm going to say weekly and in here you'll notice this number is significantly smaller than the suggested search volume right here which they're defining as the estimated number of times this keyword is searched monthly so if we times 1600 by four it's nowhere nearly the size of 62 000 so you do have to take these volumes with a grain of salt this data in the search query performance report inside of seller central is directly from amazon we believe these numbers to be the bible directly accurate so when you're doing your keyword product research you're going to want to take these these numbers as gospel however when you're starting a new product you won't have access to these so you should definitely consider using these as the baseline as you get started now helium believes the trend is up 186 percent right now but their data could very well be off there could be a reason why they see a spike but but amazon doesn't so right here you'll see this is the data set for july third of july 9th of 2022 and and this is um sorted already by the value of the search query the value of how much important this keyword is to my brand now one of the most frequently common questions i get asked about this report is can i download it the answer is no unfortunately not yet in 2022 i think that'll probably change here probably in the next three to six months another common question i get is can i understand this keyword down to the accent level or the particular product and the answer to that is unfortunately no you only get this data at the brand level i've got a a cameo coming this is my three-year-old daughter sage and this is the here come on over she's um well she just wet her pants i'm gonna hit pause and take care of this guys i'll be right back i love being a dad and sage is the reason i made this brand i know nothing about sage styx but her name is sage she's three and i really wanted to leave a brand for my daughter so that's my why that's why i do all the things that i do and shoot all the content build out the agency so nice to take a little anecdote there but if we get back to business here uh so here's the data it's already pre-sorted based on what amazon says is the most important and although i don't know which specific product it's pretty easy for me to know that this keyword is for this product in particular and so i put it into the title i was able to do a bunch of really cool stuff this is why i call the search query performance the icap marketing funnel and it stands for icap impressions clicks add to carts and purchases this particular keyword that we're looking at right now is one of my biggest use cases to show and study because i was able to do keyword research and then immediately implement it and gain market share so the icap marketing funnel leads to gaining market share this is part of our seo phase four that we do at my amazon guy and check out the data right here i started with 2.75 impressions when i first did this in the first week of data and within seven weeks i went to 7.5 of impressions that basically is triple the data for the amount of market share that i'm getting seen by the consumer the clicks went from under eight percent to 20 percent which means not only did i increase the eyeballs but i almost tripled the amount of people who clicked onto my product specifically which is insane if you think about it i mean this is a gigantic number one out of five people on a keyword that cerebro says is 62 000 it's not 62 000 but pretty close within 50 000 and and and that's pretty awesome because you're able to look at the analytics here and be told what's the most important now during week 27 the volume has gone down but during week 13 if we go back to that and here's another example of how you can track your keyword research success rates it was at 2 900 search volume and here's the original data set from 2.75 on the impression brand share by week 20 we're going to apply that and you can see sage candles for cleansing house now i'm at 7.52 and the clicks at just one percentage uh click off of that 20 right there and that's pretty awesome to see that data in real time and be able to uh go from what i did to more than five uh one out of five people purchasing my product uh after clicking on it right so if you extrapolate down the list here um now we've got add to carts then we have the purchases right there and that's why i call it the icap marketing funnel impressions clicks add to carts and purchases so after you do your keyword research you're going to want to track it you can track it in both the keyword tracker inside of helium10 right here and then you can see here sage candles for cleansing house we're tracking that as well as the trend line so i'm in rank 20 right now or ranked 2017 to 21 week to week here or day to day and i'm trying to defend that turf because it's such an important keyword for my brand so important that amazon puts it at number one as the most important thing that i need to focus and work on because of the market share opportunity uh and and track it over time so it's a really really cool and powerful tool it's free it's part of amazon seller central search query performance report part of brain analytics it is in beta and it is an incredibly powerful tool all right so you learned how to access it in search query performance you learned you can track the keywords in the helium 10 keyword tracker tool you learned that cerebro gives you the keyword distribution and indexing as well as some trend lines up and down so what's next so if you're going to build out that master keyword list you would do this on 10 competitors build an excel file and then look at all of the different keywords that are all at the top of the search results sort it by search volume rank them all and then keep going another cool tool though is inside of helium 10 so if you look at the tool list here you can see under keyword research we've done cerebro we can reverse product lookup you can also go to magnet and inside of magnet you can type in keywords so let's type in sage candles for cleansing house just like this and in here we're going to be able to extrapolate a bunch of additional keywords and information and suggestions that we can understand and look at right so here they're not showing us the search volume for whatever reason which is kind of silly considering how important it is but under here we can see other keyword phrases that are similar so muji candles i have no idea what that is but when we look at it looks pretty similar somebody who would buy this would probably buy my product so i have never seen muji candles before hopefully i'm even pronouncing that correctly let's go over to my listing do i have the word muji and probably i don't it doesn't show up not even in one of my sponsored product ads from a competitor on my own page so now if if magnet is saying this is a related keyword phrase does it have the search volume to justify us looking at this and and honestly i don't know the answer to that but what i will say and i don't i don't want to make sure this is a brand name it doesn't look like it is it looks like an actual category term so what we could do next is go into our listing hit edit on it and try and figure out how we would improve the listing essentially right so if we go to the product details section we look at the description we look at the bullets where could we stick in muji right first thing i'm going to do is i'm going to define muji i just want to see what it means make sure it's relevant slang your abbreviation form a major heeding which refers to islamic terrorists okay that was not that was not on my bingo card for this for this i only do one shot takes and edit it so uh we're not editing that one out so i might i might pick a different keyword knowing what i do now about that well maybe we'll mix that one all right so i probably don't want to put that onto my listing don't want amazon to yank my product so that's a great example of why you do this keyword research to figure out what i should include what should i not um all right so candles yankee i'm guessing that's probably a misspelling of yankee candles um and that might be kind of an industry you know interesting thing so if we do this is the exact match for this on the search results there is not i'm pretty sure that's a misspelling and so if we go into our listing keywords do we have a misspelling for candles in here survey says no should we add it and and so i think we probably might be able to get away with it right one of the other cool things here is you can see here is the proof that you're only going to have 250 bytes not characters and and clearly the error message right here says value for generic keyword is no longer than the allowed maximum 250 bytes so anybody who thought characters was in this search volume term section clearly error message says otherwise help files back me up on this i broke the snooze back in february of 2022 made a ruckus i tagged all the keyword tools including helium 10 telling them they were all calculating this incorrectly was lots of fun so what we're going to do is we're going to look at this and say hey what should we cut out what is maybe not so important i'm going to just kind of cut the word juliet i'm going to look for other things that i might want to cut so something i focus on in the past was witchy but the keyword data just never really improved so i'm going to ditch that so i made room in there for for that now yankee is technically a trademark term i have i run a little bit of a risk by including it however yankee itself as it's not connected to the candles we're doing a misspelling next to it i think i can get away with that and i like to i like to just get right up to that edge of the layer when i do tests on my own products to show you what happens if something goes wrong and then i'll do another video to show how i get it fixed so i take some risks mostly because i don't make money on these products or at least i i mean i do but i don't i don't do it to make money i do it to show and tell and to demonstrate more than anything and i focus on the agency mostly so there's an example we did some we we ran magnet we said hey this might be an important keyword magnet's going to show us keywords that are not necessarily on my radar for other things now there is the yankee candles right there 25 000 search and as we scroll down we can see positive energy gifts and other things we might want to go ahead and now sort this by search volume to see what else might come up here that might be relevant so we got crystals fall to core housewarming gifts you know housewarming gifts is not an angle that i have chased at all so this is a keyword that i think we might want to check here housewarming gifts new home we probably don't have that on our listing at all at this point so let's type in the word house uh let's do warming no housewarming gifts at all so in here one of the things we could do is we could put it into one of the bullet points thoughtful gif it could also be like so there's a house emoji right there invite positive energy approach to clear space so uh somewhere in here we could probably fill it in so purifies the environment great for house warming gifts new home right so now that doesn't grammatically make sense great housewarming gifts new home so how would we go about doing that sometimes if you want to get an exact match of a keyword the best place to do it is a headline of the apus content i might have to do that here great for housewarming gifts new home i'm going to go ahead and leave it just like this because i don't believe anybody reads the bullets anyway and i'm going to go ahead and leave it in so that's a case example we looked at the data there's 115 000 search volume i'm curious does this show up on the search query performance let's do the keyword warming it's not even on there so if your product is not indexing it won't show up on the query performance report which is why you need to use an additional tool called magnet to do research to find new things the other thing too is you might find this on some of the competitor keywords that we'd find by using a master keyword list and building that out as well so as we scroll down is there any other things cute room decor probably not my thing um healing crystals maybe that's the sort of sort of person who would buy this would probably buy that as well paulo santo we've got that one covered and as you go down the list you're going to knock a lot of these out pretty quick but then you'll find some good things like chakra scented candles small candles stuff like that smokeless ashtray will also show up and you'll just kind of be like i don't really get it that can happen so that's the tool magnet which will get you like keywords let's click on the analyze keywords tool which by the way you can enter up to 200 keywords which will give you a detailed summary of up to 200 keywords of which interests you and it'll tell you what's worth keeping using filters and organizing keywords that matter most so if we were to take this keyword here as well as sage candles for cleansing house and we added in uh sage and sage incense and stuff like this and then hit enter let's see what it does when we analyze the keywords this is a part part of the tool i don't use very much but what you do get is a keyword summary the average search volume um some of the the search volume distribution and word frequency and down here you can see additional information when you click on this button it'll actually load over on amazon i own two percent of the market share for sage as a term uh which is kind of cool and and then and i got that data from the brand search query performance report which you can see right here so i get 2.5 of all the search cart ads let's scroll to the far right i get five percent of the impressions four percent of the clicks so in this case i have what's called a tornado and that is when i'm i've got more of a higher percentage at the top of the funnel and it shrinks as it goes down in the instance of sage candles cleansing house i had a pyramid so let's pull up that back on screen to explain this the impression count down here was lower than my clicks which was lower than my add to carts which made a pyramid shape what this means is i need to focus on the traffic of the listing because the conversion rate improved against the market share of all of the competing products all of the competitors keep in mind these percentages right here from the search query performance report are indicative of how i am doing against all other products therefore your marketing funnel if you have a pyramid or a tornado depending on the shape it will tell you you have a problem either with traffic or you've got a problem with conversion and in this particular instance when i have a pyramid it's a problem with traffic and so you want to go in and buy more traffic you want to spend more on ppc you want to work more keywords into the listing and that's the greatest example here with sage candles for cleansing house so really good informative information inside of that report we used magnets just now and the next tool we're going to go over to is going to be the misspelling so this is a misspellings checker of course do not have permission to view this thank you helium10 uh all right so let's scroll over here click on this we're gonna go to the stephen pope drop down this is the worst thing about helium10 is if you have an enterprise plan it bugs out all the time i i constantly complain but it falls on deaf ears over there all right so inside of misspellinator here are the original keywords so what you can do here is you can go download a downloadable report either from your keywords that you're tracking or you can go over to uh cerebro and download it from there one of the fastest ways to download a keyword report is just inside of cerebro you can go over here and hit the export button or export data so you can download it to a csv if you hit export you can down and then you can also copy to clipboard if you use the export data button and so if we go back over to the misspelling we're just going to go ahead and type it in right here and hit prepare so let's see what the misspellinator comes up with here all the prepared keywords we've got sages sades salvia galaxy cleansing and the list goes on so it gives us all of the unique words that can possibly show up and what it can do is it'll it'll check for all of the misspellings and show you like the original words uh find misspellings and the uses uh and filter common words and stuff like that so no keywords for checking so let's see okay so white with a w there let's see what that does when we click this button here find misspelling started uh and so i don't really know what happened actually i barely ever use this tool um because usually when you look at the serial report you can filter it by the filter and figure out like what's going to matter so i don't really i'm not really clear what i'm missing here feel free to add a comment let me know what i'm doing wrong when i use this so uh and i'm not really clear at all i've grayed out now i can't click around yeah that's pretty confused okay oh it's fetching misspelling still all right so i just had to be a little patient and wait for that so i waited for it it hit finish something went wrong try again later so misspellinator checking for keywords maybe not the tool for me but let's go back to the tool keyword list here and we also have my list keyword save your keywords so this is not necessarily something that you're gonna track but you're just going to save them and then you can create folders number of keywords what marketplace and when you're looking to do them and the date added and this is just a way for you to organize your master keyword list i personally don't use this i use a google sheet and i'll save it on my my my drive and i prefer to do that and it's a little easier to navigate it but you can go in here and click on you know click on things that you're saving so we had a test project unrelated to my account here we had arm compression sleeves and search volumes and competing products and data added and of course you can export the keywords you can export it like this and match so if you're doing a product research project you can use that tool to come in here and save the keywords before you actually commit them to your tracker and this could allow you to do keyword research across multiple products multiple categories finally after you select the ones you want to do you'll take it from the my list and upgrade it navigate it over to the keyword tracker all right the next thing i want to do is i want to look at some competitor reports so we're going to go to amazon we're going to type in sage incense and we're going to see what everybody else is doing and when you're looking at your top competitors you're going to want to look for things that have a bsr that is in the top of the rankings or categories so in here you can see 12 000 8 000 2000 27 000. these are all very competitive products however these ones are more of the palo santo element and not as directly relevant so i'm going to ignore the apollo angle i want to look more at these smudge sticks like this and this is probably my number one competitor they're at 2200 in the home and kitchen this is something i want to learn a lot about so in here we can see what they're up to they're also going for sage smudge stick for home cleansing incense healing meditation and stuff like that they even have the word rituals and they have a lot of things chalked into there you'll notice our main images are pretty similar uh which is fine they don't have the humanization element i think we have a little bit of an edge there they they sell it as small as a one pack their three pack is less expensive than ours but we come with a box they don't and i think i can maximize it on that so they have the nice small business badge which is kind of cool but not really that helpful or relevant for our product research in here we can track to see like how they're doing they raise their prices up and down you can see that they have a direct correlation part of the reason you might raise the price though is to prevent a stock out there's some advantages to that i prefer to go from margin and prevent the stock out these guys are missing their brand story they have limited texts inside of uh the a-plus content and they're having lots of big images but they do have a big strong text chunk right there they don't utilize the product grid as best as they can um so if you're my competitor watching this you could make some improvements um all right so we're going to look at their keyword distribution though theirs is going to be better than mine despite the fact uh so you see how it switched over my cerebro again this is such an annoying thing for you helium 10 like just awful awful um so in here if we go into surrey so i actually have to now type in the ace again uh going back into cerebro super annoying guys all right so we're going to click here hit get keywords we're going to run a new search because this is the first time i've looked at this competitor in about 90 days and i want to get a fresh keyword shot so here they go 3 200 organic keywords they have a platinum ratio because they're doing better than one to two i usually like to see a one sponsor keyword the two organic these guys are doing let's see what is that roughly a one to five yeah one to five or so so they're doing really really good with their organic indexing so we we could run a keyword distribution uh gap analysis here to say okay we're gonna download this list we're gonna sort it by relevancy and then we're gonna figure out like why they're doing better than us and how they're indexing for more keywords on their listing so some of the things that we'll do is we'll sort this by their organic rank they have 50 keywords in the top rank including sage energy sage naturals just dominating across the board there we can sort this by search volume to decide okay what's the most important thing so they're number one for the term sage but in incense they're 115. so as we scroll down and see some of these search volumes what is it that we need to pay attention to so sage smudge kits is absolutely one that we probably need to pay attention to their organic rank one it's a 29 000 search volume term super important to folks on this there's also the palo santo angle but they're not palo santo so it's not as relevant they have dried lavender and so you can go up into the filter list sort it by search volume and then keep it in the top rankings like this so if you want to just look at things that they're in the top 10 ranks for it'll give us an even faster idea and way to do the keyword research we can then also see the trend lines as well as the volumes and make some extrapolations so now that we've got this a little bit filtered and tailored in where is the value where are they doing incredibly well on that we need to focus on so sage to burn for cleansing 1500 search volume they're rank one how do we fare let's click on the live listing and see if we can find ourselves find the age of sage box and i'm right there so i'm up there but i'm getting beat out by seven other products so is there a way for us to improve our rank on sage to burn for cleansing house so i'm going to go ahead and copy this keyword i'm going to go to my listing let's actually click on my listing here and we're going to do a control f to see do i have an exact match and i do not i don't believe yeah i did the control f nothing came up right so i have a one for one but i think it's finding it from the search box yep all right so then the thing what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna hit i'm gonna go back to my product and say okay where can i put an exact match can we stick it in to the bullet points sustainably grown thoughtful gift invite positive energy aerobic white so i i hit four lines here three three three and four so probably want to add it to one of the three lines um and then we got the word shrub just randomly hanging out here uh sage to burn for cleansing so i'm gonna go ahead and stick it right there that's gonna be my exact match and we're gonna report back and see how we did it's a 1500 search volume uh i'm in rank seven can i get it up to rank two rank three i probably won't be able to get it to rank one just because i don't have the velocity that this guy has but that's kind of an idea there so now we have dried sage there's a thousand search volume do i have an exact match for dr i cannot believe this guys i don't have a direct match for dried sage on my listing so that's a huge opportunity there's a there's a reason why this guy is indexing for more keywords than i am because i don't have the exact match i'm actually kind of curious though does he have the exact match where are we on the uh here we go control f he too doesn't have the exact match but he's still indexing better than me uh and maybe he had it previously and rotated it out tough to say so i'm gonna see if i can fit the word dried into my back end of my search terms i was able to not sneak it in so now we're gonna go through remove the word which i thought i deleted that already maybe i already hit save and i'm overriding on two different fields uh yes yes that's the case all right so hopefully i'm not doing double work here let's see what did i do over here nope nope nope okay i can close this one i think okay so in here uh we're going to remove let's see what do we want to remove to make room for this so we want the word dry to be entered in hopefully i closed the right one now i'm wondering if i didn't all right so scroll to the far right sage for burn for cleansing what's the word we're gonna delete today probably the word lick uh yeah that looks pretty good the word twin all right so now i made room for dried so we got dried in the back end and then where else can we put aeromic white dried sage maybe i i don't want to go to four words before there but uh we're gonna do that okay so we got dried sage in there uh and i'm gonna go ahead and hit save and finish the other thing that we can do is we can go into the a plus content manager like this we can look up sage uh smudge kits that's the six pack we wanna look for the three pack i usually do most of my work on the three pack because it's the highest velocity bsr i'm gonna hit edit on it we're gonna go and find out where we can get some more exact match so dried sage candles for cleansing house they're not really candles a little inaccurate there uh and then we're gonna hit edit onto one of the photos like this and we're gonna switch out so large stone some of these words may or may not make sense so we're gonna do draits dried sage what was the other word we worked on today i already forgot so scrolling back up sage bundle burning sage here we go so sage for cleansing house negative energy so we want an exact match of that to go into our a plus content we're going to delete some of the words that may not make as much sense the word soldier and merchant kind of not fill in those uh and we got to get rid of one more word we're gonna get rid of samick okay so i'm gonna hit add under the a plus content we're gonna then go and see if there's any other places we might be able to stick the word dried we want to get a couple more iterations of it age of sage smudge uh sticks three pack 100 pack probably don't want to put it right there on the product title metric sustainably sourced includes abilities great gift great box bulk 100 i'm going to say dried sage right here and i'm gonna scroll up one two three so these are the three that are dried sage so we're gonna put the three boxes like that uh and gift box why why would these be none and there's text over here that doesn't make sense uh all of these are basically coming in a gift box so we're gonna we're gonna switch these to check boxes like this because almost everything comes in a gift box why is why is there text right there it's pretty weird um okay well all these come in a gift box they're all and then these three are the dried sage so the next thing we do is we hit apply a sins review and submit submit for approval submit for approval this change will probably go through in less than 24 hours allowing us to get as much juice as possible into the listing and really make it shine all right so i just showed you guys how to do the product research go in there and make immediate changes and then after you make these changes annotate the changes then go back check to see how your market share goes up looking at the search query performance report track the keyword inside of the keyword tracker report to see if you move up in the rankings and then this is how you know if you improve in your traffic you're improving in your keyword ranking then your market share is going up and you're going to get more clicks which then leads to more purchases which of course is the whole point to selling on amazon i have hundreds of videos on seo check out this playlist next if you want to learn about our four phases of seo where i go through indexing to matriculating the keyword ranking to gaining your market share like we kind of talked about today in our icap marketing funnel impressions clicks add to carts and purchases it's a lot of fun doing this stuff add your questions to the comment section if you want to help me rank this video write in the comment section keyword product research amazon or something along those lines that will really help me out thank you for watching my name is stephen pope and i'm the founder of my amazon guy
Channel: My Amazon Guy
Views: 12,395
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: keyword research, how to do keyword research, keyword research tutorial, keyword research for seo, keyword research tool, seo keyword research, keyword research tips, keyword research tools, keyword research 2022, keyword research seo, seo, keyword research course, types of keyword research, keyword research meaning, keyword research template, amazon seo, amazon keyword research, amazon product research
Id: J1g8AppC6i4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 47sec (3047 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 18 2022
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