Amazon FBA Product LAUNCH! How To Rank #1 On Amazon With ZERO Reviews (No More Giveaways!?)

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first Amazon removed any ability for us to get new reviews on our products and then giveaways don't work anymore why does Amazon keep throwing us these curveballs and how are we gonna launch our first product on Amazon if you're asking yourself those questions then you are not alone trust me there are thousands of people asking these questions in this video I'm gonna answer those two questions for you but I'm gonna do so in a way such that when you get to the end of this video you're not just gonna say well miles said this so it's probably true but then again that guy said that so maybe it's not true I don't know what's going on because I know there's so much conflicting information out there and so what I'm going to give you is the actionable information the fundamental concepts so that you can really understand what's going on and therefore make the right decisions in your own business and go away and and take some sort of action after this video rather than just moving on to the next one rather than just getting a second opinion because that cycle never ends so by the way guys if you like that my goal with this channel is to cut through the noise such that every time you watch one of my videos you can go away and do something improve the way you think about Amazon improve your Amazon business and get moving faster and accelerate your journey if you do like that please leave me a comment down below saying that that's what you want to see please give the video a thumbs up as well and if you haven't already subscribed to the channel all this stuff will help me spread this message and help me grow as well so I really appreciate it so I'm gonna dive you into my computer to get started so we can start explaining these start answering these questions do you need Amazon reviews to get started and do giveaways work now I will be explaining the the content of the lessons the things that you need to understand not just to answer those questions but to be able to sell well on Amazon in general so I advise you if you have a pen a paper or something or you want to take notes then then do that but definitely have your mind in learning mode please and let's get into this a will as well by the way I'll be showing you a couple of examples on Amazon and not only that I'm gonna show you some examples from my own cellar storefront I won't show you the actual products but I'll show you the numbers and the things that I'm doing right now that should help you answer these questions so if you're ready let's dive in so let's start with some really basic logic if you start by saying giveaways you do not work or for example you cannot launch a product without reviews or you cannot run PPC without reviews then what you're saying is it doesn't work for anyone at all so zero sellers out of the hundreds of thousands of Amazon sellers around the world this method giveaways or launching without reviews or doing anything without reviews does not work alright so it's actually really hard to prove that statement because as soon as you find one person and hopefully a lot more than one person who can show that it does work for them then the fact is that it does work then once we've broken that down and by the way actually before we go any further I'll just show you this screenshot I apologize for the messy screen and I have a fear there few things that I want to run through with you so I'll get into all of these but now in terms of does it work for anyone the answer is yes so I'm gonna be that one person out of hundreds of thousands who says that yes you can launch a product or you can start running PPC and you can do fine from day one with zero reviews so this is a new product I took this screenshot just this morning new product zero reviews which means not a variation anything it's just a brand new listing obviously it's filled out it's it's pretty optimized kind of and so if you go into the listing it says you'll be the first to review site so it's brand new and it's making sales through PPC with PPC a cause which is the the cost of advertising basically of less than twenty six percent that is actually the average of my entire account so I've done around about $400,000 in sales using advertising to date and my account average for products that have hundreds of reviews is around about twenty-six percent so I'm getting that already on this completely brand-new product so I'm gonna be this one guy who is just gonna come out front and say yes you can do it and doing it right now so I'll be explaining the difference between the can do this camp or you can start and you can launch a product with zero reviews and the difference between that and the difference between you know nobody can start a product with zero views or you can turn on PPC and you definitely can't do this but first I just want to introduce one quick concept here which is believability so I really really like this this is by a book by Ray Dalio called principles and Ray Dalio is a really smart guy he's his billionaire investor and his book is fantastic he in this book he proposes that if you're looking to take advice from somebody in anything this is an Amazon FBA specific I just found this really interesting and useful if you want to take advice from someone you're wondering who to trust then ask yourself these three questions first of all ask yourself have they done what I'm trying to do and can they show it right and then secondly ask how successful is their track record at doing this how successful are they how are they sort of just starting out and then sort of explaining what that what they're trying to do or do they have a really good track record of doing this over and over again and then the last thing is how well can they actually explain their method because some people will go through the entire process with luck on their side and just get to the end and actually not really understand anything that they did so those three things really important questions to ask yourself going forwards I think for anything in life I use this all the time so my answers to those three questions just so you know before we go on do I trust miles have I done what I'm trying to or what I'm trying to show you what I'm trying to argue yes I have actually so these my sales now this doesn't include my European account so all its over two million dollars which is cool in less than two years so I see yeah I started in November I was doing you know a couple hundred dollars a day or was actually it went down again say like a few hundred dollars a day in launching products pretty much since then hit a peak oh sorry I hit a lower went up launching more products peaked big time in December hopefully will be much higher than that this year and and so on and so forth so yeah I've been launching products for a while now and doing it quite well so I do know what I'm talking about at least at least in my own experience and then how successful is my track record you can be the judge and then number three as well you can be the judge of this how well can actually explain what I'm talking about so if that's believability guys I just want you to make sure that when you're getting this information for example like I don't know don't take the advice of somebody who hasn't been selling on Amazon ever over my advice because of these three questions but I really recommend you take away these three questions in this concept whenever you're watching YouTube whenever you're reading anything even in day to day life and just ask those questions because they're they're really useful I also recommend that book a lot anyway let's move backgrounds on FBA now and we're talking about can you launch or can you start running PPC with zero views and if so what results should you expect so of course the answer is is yes you can do it there's the proof this is the most recent proof anyway I have more but this is anyone with zero reviews on my account right now so the difference between the groups of products and the groups of sellers who can do this you can start with zero reviews and start doing like a well performing PPC campaign straight away versus the the people who will tell you that it's not possible to understand this difference let's go back to fundamentals so let's for a second stop thinking about reviews and let's just thinking about Amazon okay so I'm gonna scroll down here and I'm gonna start teaching a little bit so fundamentals of Amazon your success or your product success on Amazon is going to be related to your ability to rank for keywords okay emmalin is a search based marketplace everyone who's coming for Amazon is is searching for things that they already want to buy right so they're typing into the search bar almost always that's that's the way that your products will get found and the way to get found is by ranking for those specific keywords that customers are typing in so that's number one that's that's success and then secondly okay so we know that to be successful in Amazon for our product to sell well we need to get keyword ranking how do we get keyword ranking and the answer there is sales velocity right so if you can get sales for that keyword Amazon's algorithm is going to go that's a great product it should be higher up in the search results and here's a little graph which you may have seen in my channel before but I'm gonna always refer back to it because it teaches this fundamental so well so this is graph of these sales volume right in a search result and up here we're looking at the number one search result for a keyword and then number two number three and so on and so forth and the key thing here is that it's it's an exponential relationship so you want to get up to the top because at the top you're gonna make as many sales as all the like bottom five pages or whatever so it's really like a not a winner-takes-all game but you can see the exponential benefits of getting getting to the top so the way that sales velocity leads to keyword ranking which leads to success on Amazon is you say you're down here you're at the bottom of page 10 or wherever your product has just brand new you have no sales philosophy but then suddenly you start getting sales force we've either through PPC you give away some sort of traffic something needs to start that sales velocity going and then what that does is it shows Amazon that although you're down here currently is the way that the algorithm currently is for that search result you're actually getting the velocity of a product that's up here and so Amazon goes hey hang on this isn't right why is this product all the way down here it actually needs to be to be moved up it needs to be moved up here because it's equal to these ones so that's really how sales ball sea bike by getting sales well see you'll be showing Amazon that your product needs to move up it needs to get better key ranking and then when you get better keyword ranking you're up here getting all this visibility you're getting all of these sales right so that's how sales velocity fits into keyword ranking which fits into success on Amazon now let's dig into sales velocity right so we're either normally doing this using giveaways or PPC either one and so you might be thinking well do I do one or the other or whatever but in this case I'm gonna break it down so that sales wall city is just these component parts so that you can either use PPC or you can use giveaways or you can choose to do something else entirely as long as you're getting that sales wall sleep then that's fine so how do we get the sales wall see all we need are clicks and sales and by sales I actually mean conversions but I like to say clicks and sales so let me define that I'm gonna bring up Amazon so we're we're looking at Amazon as I custom on now we've talked in food storage because I'm looking to buy food storage related products and this is the search result so then to get that first thing to click all you have to do is have your listing show up first of all through keyword ranking whatever or PPC or giveaway whatever haven't show up and then somebody just has to click on which means you know that it has to stand out and then they click on it cuz they're interested so they click on it let's say they click on this one and then they're here you turn up on the listing page and then the only other element that you need to get sales velocity is you need to actually get sale and all that is is somebody to you and then they click the Add to Cart button so if they've done both of those things they've they've clicked onto your listing and then they click the Add to Cart button or call it sale or conversion either of those then you do that enough times and you have sales velocity so I'm gonna forgive all the windows I have a lot of open at the moment so jumping back into our lesson so you get clicks and sales and the metrics here that we'll be using that you'll be hearing a lot about especially if you get more advanced as an Amazon seller is the metrics that define clicks and sales which are click-through rate and conversion rate or CTR and CVR all right so I will show you that here now as well going back so I don't have the conversion rate on this screenshot I'll try and can I get them both up at the same time not very good with computers all right so click-through right click the rate is here that is the percentage of people that actually saw my ad because member this is PPC they saw my ad in these search results where are we they saw my ad up here okay and then they click through so actually of a hundred times that people saw my ad 1.23 people click through and that's actually a good click-through rate especially when there's zero reviews on that listing all right so I got the first on the first element of sales velocity through PPC I got clicks enough people are clicking through and and they're interested in listening and they're going to view the listing page and then once they're on that listing page how many people are actually clicking Add to Cart and and buying my item that's the conversion rate so both of these metrics that's everything really you can then bring bring it back through those steps we just talked about and that's success on Amazon so if you have a good click-through rate and you have a good conversion rate you're gonna get sales you're getting a keyword ranking and then you're gonna be successful and in this case just as a side note this is campaign manager you can't actually show the conversion rate but the to calculate the conversion rate I've got here percentage of people who clicked and then bought versus the people who who clicked sorry it's just gonna be orders divided by clicks so in this case 8 divided by 54 I can't maths what's that one in 8 I'm gonna say 15 percent conversion rate so for this 0 review product through PPC I'm getting one 0.23 people per 100 clicking on Tony listing which is pretty high at least for my products and then of those people 15 percent roughly are choosing to buy my product without reviews so those are good metrics so click-through rate conversion rate equals sales or sales velocity sales Horsea equals keyword ranking if you have enough keyword ranking you should have success on Amazon how do we tie this all back into reviews what the hell does this have to do with reviews so all that reviews do going from 0 to 10 or 10 to 100 or 100 to 102 a thousand or whatever all the reviews do is increase in some way shape or form your click-through rate and your conversion rate now we're starting to look at things in terms of building blocks and again just to take this back a little bit all that means is that going back to our listing page where are we all that means is that this listing with a thousand one 600 reviews it's gonna increase the click-through rate which means that when somebody looks at this they're trying to buy through storage the percentage or the chance that they will click on that listing he's going to go up to some extent a little bit a lot we'll get into that but that's going to increase increase the click-through rate and then when they see this listing page they've already clicked through when they see they look up here and they see 1600 reviews that number being 1600 versus zero is going to increase the conversion rate right to some extent we will talk about how much in a second so having reviews just pushes both of those up and again how much is the big question how much does that push that up so let's talk about that now I hope you're finding is very useful by the way a lot of this stuff is those concepts that I'm really expanding on a lot in the course in the FBA freedom accelerator I've been doing that over the last week or so and that's why this is all really fresh in my mind so I just wanted to sort of get it out and hopefully teach you guys something useful if you are interested in learning about this in more detail and how it fits into everything how to really launch a product really successfully then click the first link in the description down below I'm going to be launching that at the end of October for a really short period of time so if you are interested in that you'll have only like five days to join anyway we're talking about reviews click-through rate conversion rate so we know that reviews are going to boost up our click-through rate and our conversion rate so the only question is instead of do I need reviews it's do I have a high enough click-through rate and conversion rate to account for the lack of reviews right is is it enough to do so without reviews if those both those metrics are high enough you got the sales you got the keyword ranking you've got the success and you once you have those as well then you get more reviews because people buying they're enjoying your product and so it feedback so all we're trying to do is find some other way if we if we don't have reviews then we need some other way of increasing our click-through rate and our conversion rate and these these six things right here these are the biggest factors that will influence your click-through rate and conversion rate and so what I mean by this is if you have enough pieces of these six except for number four so you don't have reviews but you have one two three five and six if you have enough of them then reviews don't matter and I'm going to show you later on something apples I've already showed you my product as an example where I have enough of these other elements that my reviews aren't necessary to get the click-through rate the conversion rate but I also show you at least one example of another product that I just found on Amazon that also didn't start with reviews and yet still had all the other elements in order to be successful without reviews so you can think about this as a continuum these are prioritized which means and this is the the big mistake that most people make is they they jump down to number four number five and number six and they throw out about number one number two and number three which are by far much more important okay so the first one is your product research this is identifying the right niche the one that has not too much competition but also very importantly has room for you to differentiate and then for you to actually identify what your differentiation will be what your improvements will be and then going into that and and the secret is that when you differentiate the the niche that you're looking at you actually sort of cut away a part of it and you become or you create your own little sub niche because if you have this unique improvement let's say so it's a it's a different design if you are the only one with that design then anyone who is looking for that design has no other choice because that's what they want and you're the only one offering it and when you can get into that position differentiating effectively essentially you have your own niche you can pretty much set your price you can do what I did again with this or is it so this product is unique on the market it's a very very low competition niche which is why I'm not launching at the moment it's a low priority but there's nothing else that exists that looks exactly like it does this has the same function works the same way or will give the same benefits to the customer and so I I can afford to do this I can pretty much I could probably increase the price and be making money right now I do have to go back and fix those things up first the title the keywords all of that stuff but because I've done my product research correctly in this case the Denisha is nice and not very competitive its differentiated all I need in this case is number one okay I have number two as well I think and and number three is okay but mainly its number one and so I've done that I've got enough of that that my click-through rate my conversion rate going back up here my click you rate my conversion rate are high enough and again you can see the numbers one point two three percent and a conversion rate of around about 15 percent my maths is good that I get sales velocity I'm ranking already as well because the niche is not competitive and so this product pretty much is successful from day one and so when I rank it properly it will be much more successful but like this is the baseline so that's number one product research so so important and I've really gone into depth in this in product research in my course again like based on fundamentals but I'll be putting more videos out about how you can select these sorts of products as well on my channel the second thing is main listing image and in fact I wanted to show you an example of why I prioritize these like this again I'm going to use fact see I'm going to show you real evidence with science this time so this is a we call it a heat map and what this is is they've actually like sat down some buyers in a test environment in a laboratory and then they track their I've movements okay so they're actually seeing what a customer is looking at when they're on the Amazon page and by that you can see the the where the majority of the I is looking at that's where the person is focused on that's what they're thinking about and therefore that is what is most important for your listing so this is really cool stuff this is like technology to hack into our buyers brand really cool so you can see what they looking at red is is being heat map red is like the hottest areas it's the most focused so these guys are looking at the main image because it's just this visual differentiator so it's the the main thing that stands out they're also looking I guess at the keyword and the Amazon logo is probably for security just checking it they're on Amazon and then after they've looked at that main listing image which not a visual differentiation by the way that is a really great differentiator so if you have a listing image that just it pops and it looks completely different to all the other products that they're looking for or in the search results then you get this big red effect where your customers eyes are just drawn to your listing image and then they're very likely to click if you can get that done so it's listing image and then it's also you can see here the these other factors that we're talking about is the title as well so they want to know what is the product and that also relates to differentiation and your niche because if you have the right keywords there and then they'll be seeing that and realizing that you're the only option for them then they're looking at price and you can see that the size of these looking at that price figure there is bigger than the reviews so price is actually more of a factor than reviews you can see they look at the reviews this sort of lighter area but it's not as much of a consideration so here's the evidence for what I'm talking about that's all I wanted to say with this so main listing huge anyway I won't get into details of what you need to do but basically if you have an effective mainland sting image what that will affect is click-through rate so again that's that's this number here if you just have the most fantastic image or it's a product that really jumps out that number will go up you could get 2% I guess I think is really high but but I think my listing image on this product has a good main image and I think that's why they click to rate is good and the next factor is going to be price so generally lowering your price will increase both your click-through rate because people are looking in their scene and checking whether the price is right it will increase your click-through rate having a lower price and it will also increase your conversion rate the lower the prices this varies if you have a luxury good or something like that we call that overblown good in economic terms that's where as you increase the price you actually sell more which is that sounds like you know the dream right most private label goods won't be luxury goods like that so generally you lower the price you have more demand you can test this I've tested this many times I'm gonna show you one example of how lowering the price will drastically increase the conversion rate and therefore get you more sales so this is one example now you can see here this is from SELEX my profit dashboard so in the first what is it four days or so the price was at $22 and the conversion rate was 10% so you can see here by the way this the scale is blue is units and pink is conversion rate and they kind of they are kind of a same so I dropped the price or I dropped this was the higher price here you can see like sales conversions down there and then I dropped the price about $5 and then immediately and it starts going up there's a bit of a lag but almost immediately my conversion rate went up 50 50 % so from 10 to 15% this is just one example in I have a lot of products and almost always this is what you'll see sometimes it's not the case but if you're starting out particularly when you don't have those use it generally works quite well just lower the price of it you'll increase both the click-through rate and the conversion rate and you'll be compensating for that lack of reviews so yes this is going to reduce your profit margin and in fact in this this one so I've actually lost money over the last whatever this is period of 10 days or whatever because in this case I'm getting more sales but the price is low however going back to this and there's so many windows here going back to this sort of graph the way that Amazon's ranking works it's not a linear thing so it's okay to lose money at the start and in fact you should expect to lose money at the start ideally you don't but a lot of the time you do on the first order you're down here and you're sort of spending all of this money you're lowering the price you're doing whatever you can basically spending money or foregoing additional sales I'm sorry additional like selling at a high price you're forgoing that in order to increase your click-through rate and you can version rate so that you get the sales velocity when you're down here and you get up here and then once you're up here you're getting so many new sales that your reviews are coming in for example and once you're up there you sort of like solidify it as well and so you you've front-end load all of this cost and so you're losing money at the start but you're building your way up here and then once you're up there that's when you can start to increase your price over time now I've shown you that I hope that this has all made sense up until here so again what we're trying to do is just find other ways in which we can increase our click-through rate and our conversion rate because that's all we're trying to do at the end of the day to be successful on Amazon and reviews are one aspect of that but we have many options to choose from and these are the top options secondary listing images and listing copy less important than reviews I believe anyway my personal opinion this is harder to test as you go further down the list it's harder to test and harder to get good data because again those other things are more important so I'm not gonna talk much more about that but in this case it'll be make sure that you have your optimized listing done before you start all of this okay next thing I want to show you now that you hopefully know what the biggest factors are that are influencing the click-through rate the conversion rate the things that you're getting reviews in order to boost right so you're just looking at alternative ways to boost those two metrics I want to show you one example from Amazon that I just found it's not my product showing you that yes you can start and you can very quickly get sales with zero reviews and then what you do is you just increase the price so and then it becomes sustainable as well so let me show you this product that I found so then the niche is beeswax wrap and then I clicked through to this listing in particular right where as the brand name honeybee organic beeswax wrap alright so if you don't have these tools keeper and viral launch I recommend you get them I will put some links down below this stuff this is sort of getting to more like advanced usage being able to look at these graphs and these trends and see what's going on and once you can see what's going on you can start answering a lot of these questions for yourself because you again you just need to you just need to see a few examples to realize that oh yeah actually this is possible so I'm gonna show you now that it is possible this is how this seller has done it so maybe I'm just trying to organize this so it's a little bit easier to see alright so actually I'm gonna close this so in case you haven't used keep it before well get out of here close that right so we're looking at keeper this is a Chrome extension it's completely free I actually either put the link or something down below but keeper chrome extension and what this is showing us is up here we have this blue line actually I might just briefly hide this one okay so we're looking at this period I don't know what that is I guess the product wasn't selling but this is effectively where they start selling so we'll zoom into here the blue line is telling us what the price is the sale price over time and so we're looking at starting in July frier or roughly the start of July and then going up until now so the blue line is their sale price over this entire selling history they currently have 23 reviews and then the Green Line is the sales rank now you can pretty much flip this graph upside down if you want to know the sales right so that the higher the sales rank goes up the less sales they're making so if you see this line going down closer to the bottom like it is here here and here these bottom points that's where they're actually generating more sales and in fact if you look at enough of these you'll see that and when when the line disappears the blue line disappears and the green line the sales rank goes up this means they're out of stock during this period so they're not making any sales at all so of course their sales rank is going up because their sales are going down okay so they've been out of stock three times in the last couple of months what I want to show you now is or actually I'll bring up viral launch so what viral launch is doing in this graph is just taking the same data as what keeper has and then flipping it upside down to show you the sales so where the viral launch graph goes up like this that's lots of sales basically and then when it goes down that's not many sales so basically I just want to show you that during these periods here here and here when they're not out of stock these are out of stock completely out of stock this product is making good sales it's making you know 900 sales where are we 500 sales per month 500 so let's say 500 sales per month so I'm gonna close that now and then bring up this more historical data so now we've seen through through viral launch that we're getting you know between nine hundred to five around sales per month during the periods where this product is in stock it only has 23 reviews now and it started at zero I'm just gonna again just get this timeframe to be smaller so you can just click and drag and it automatically changes the timeframe so we're looking at the very start of this product from its product launch and it had zero reviews there's nothing on here so this was zero reviews one thing to note as well this is really useful to see if somebody's doing like blackhat stuff for example in this case they had you know about a week without reviews and then there are two reviews for what another week these guys are getting reviews organically they're not doing anything out of the ordinary I don't think any way to get say lots of black hat or unverified or otherwise fake reviews these guys are doing a very similar approach to to what I normally do it's easy as well okay so let's have a look at this they start with zero reviews they're getting sales already the reason why is because their price and start is really low so they're priced at eleven dollars and forty seven cents and you can see here after was is one month arca one month then the sort of average sale price is actually around $16 so they started at five dollars less than what they wanted to end up selling it and you can see here they immediately start getting sales because bringing this back to our lesson they're nishi's good jungle a viral launch said that it was five stars I don't recommend you put too much weight on that but that's just an indication it's you know there's decent revenue not many reviews so they picked a good niche in terms of differentiation I I don't know I haven't looked into this too much but just looking at this quickly I can say that that main listing image does stand out it looks different to the other ones on the search result which are these ones so a pop that's that's the one we're looking at by the way so it pops out so they've done that well visual differentiation they're they're listing looks good at the time they had the low price which going back when someone's scrolling through here it's gonna increase the click-through rate as well as the image and all that so they've done all these things right so they've done that right good main listing image starting with the low price so important they didn't have any reviews didn't have that at all they did have looked good secondary listing images let's go back and have another look at that these are fantastic images very lifestyle very very colorful they show the product really well so good listing images and best element number five and then lastly good listing copy I haven't read through this I like the little bee symbol although it's against Amazon Terms of Service and it's Australian made of course it's selling well so that's good to know so they have five out of six of these initial elements okay so they did not have any reviews again I'm just gonna drive his point home started with zero but instead all they needed to do because I have everything else they just set at a low price and immediately what happened was this product took off they immediately realized that it was taking off and so they started increasing the price up to where they wanted to be and in fact they were about to stock out so you can see they increase the price past where they wanted to be they stopped out for how long a week ten days something like that came back into stock lower the price again because you lose a bit of ranking juice when you go out of stock maybe they may have been hitting PPC extra hard here I don't know you can't see that from the data but that's generally what you do is again just get that sales well so they're happening and again to increase the conversion rate they started with a slightly lower price so they're really they're just playing those two fundamentals here I hope you can see this all all coming together um and then working to following back from even though we didn't have any reviews or this these guys didn't have reviews they had everything else to get the click-through rate and the conversion rate they needed to get the sales Varsity with the sales velocity comes the keyword ranking and once you can gain that and then maintain it success on Amazon this is a really fantastic case study guys I just stumbled upon this right now so I'm happy that I found it so I could show it to you guys I'm happy for their success as well I hope they continue to do well so that's really end to end everything that you need to know to be able to put yourself in this camp this group of sellers who can launch products with zero use if you choose to one caveat I haven't mentioned yet but I'm not recommending that you just always do this if you can get reviews then then do so but just understand that it fits into this this bigger picture this framework so it's not just a bill and an end-all it may be if for example if you do really bad product research and you start selling me to product then yeah hell yeah you're gonna need a hundred reviews and if you can't get one hundred views you're in trouble but now you know why when and how you need reviews or whether you don't or not so the next thing I wanted to talk about is giveaways okay let's talk about giveaways I'll do this one more quickly and I apologize if there's some thunder or crackling in the background when it comes to giveaways it's going to be the same logic as before again if somebody tells you that it's not possible they don't work that logic is proven false as long as at least one person can show that it does work alright so I advise you to just go and rather than just looking for anybody saying it doesn't work look for anyone saying that it does work and you'll find people in Facebook groups I have a few comments on my own channel as well so you can search through the comments and all you need to see is a few people or you know at least one person saying yeah I tried this recently and it worked for me or is this is how it went you don't need to be looking for the one person saying it doesn't work again just at least one person who says it does work and then once you can find one person who says yes giveaways do work I tried this it worked for me and for my business then you can again divide everybody into two different groups or sellers and products into different groups so it's firstly though to tried to giveaway and and it failed volume they were not able to get it to work and then those who tried it and succeed alright so again we have two camps and then we're just gonna analyze the difference between these two groups to determine if when you try it which camp will you fall into will you try it and it won't work or will you try it and it will succeed to analyze the difference then we need to know how do giveaways work and I'm gonna go into that now so we can split a giveaway launch into two different parts and then just dig down into these a little bit more so first I'll talk about the the actual giveaway which is just like you know setting up your maybe using a launch service or choosing whatever you two need to do setting up the coupons setting and picking the keyword doing all of that correctly and then actually distributing coupons and and getting sales using them so that's the the actual giveaway so in terms of this part the the actual giveaway process there are really not that many things that can go wrong you can not give away enough units you can not set up the ranking URL correctly or maybe that URL doesn't work and you could pick the wrong keyword so either one that is irrelevant or doesn't have enough search volume right so these are questions you need to be asking yourself if you're going down that pathway have you done those things correctly if you're interested I have a tutorial it shows how to do this using Facebook ads and mini chat I think that's the best giveaway strategy I think my tutorial is the best one on YouTube as well I that's up here if you want to check that out and I do break down step by step what all of these steps are serve one if the process isn't working you'll be able to see which step in this process isn't working for you and probably the most common two ones are giving away the right quantity of units there's always variability in that so I would say if you don't sure about that give away more units again short-term thinking leads to short-term results and and long-term thinking will lead to long-term results and we need to go into this with long-term thinking so you may be losing money up front but again you if you have confidence that you're doing all of this correctly the system is correct then then the results pay off in the long term there's the other one is picking the right keywords so if you just take in and irrelevant keyword what you'll find is that these metrics these critical metrics which we always keep going back to which are click-through rate and conversion rate you'll find your click-through rate and your conversion rate will both be very low for those keywords that's if they're the wrong keywords so that's the giveaway so if you've done all of that correctly then you will see your product starts to move up in the rankings so it gets up to a certain point in this curve here so let's say you started down there you did the giveaway you ended up here so if you did all about and you ended up there then technically the giveaway worked the second point the second part of the entire launch process is called sticking launch that's just started raining so I hope you can still hear me so sticking the launch is where you get up here that's that's doing the launch doing the giveaway sticking it is staying up here being able to get Amazon to recognize that you actually deserve to be up there and just making it basically in staying there so this is the second part and all that really matters for that is you maintaining your sales velocity and we know we've gone through this enough times that sales velocity is related to clicks and sales or click-through rate and conversion rate so if you have done the giveaway you've got up there the next part you need to do is stick the launch which means you need a click-through rate and a conversion rate that's high enough now this sort of I hope you can see this coming together where again if you've done these parts incorrectly then yes you will not be able to stick the launch because one or more of these ingredients is not sufficient to give you the click-through rate and the conversion rate to get the sales velocity to maintain the keyword ranking - to get success on Amazon so those are the two parts and and here is how I'd recommend you troubleshoot this now that you can break it down a little bit more rather than just give away worked or give away it didn't work one of one of these things or one or more of these things will determine whether it works on troubleshooting first of all I'd say again just going back to this point believability if you're just looking at people who are saying I did a giveaway my first people ever my first product or I've got a few products on Amazon and it didn't work for me and it didn't work for me check their believability if they're not an experienced seller if they haven't done this ten twenty times then don't believe them that's the honest truth and also again look for the people who say that it does work the people who have no self interest in sort of like lying about it to you you will find those people on Facebook groups and as long as there's one person doing it then it works this process works so now somebody saying that it's not working then at least now you have the steps in detail enough that you can go through and troubleshoot or at least like figure out which part of the process doesn't work and here's the thing here's the last thing I want to talk about Amazon always changes this whole environment is always changing it was different in 2016 reviews were completely different in 2016 to what they are now I'm still sewing I'm still succeeding and reviews will be different again probably in 2019 and of course in 2020 so Amazon is always they're always changing things and if they do now that you know how all this stuff works how it all fits together you'll be able to work out not just like it doesn't work or does work you'll be able to work out not just oh you know someone said it doesn't work or someone said it does work but which part doesn't work and if there's one part that doesn't work here's the thing that I've discovered over the last two years and two million dollars is that you can just take that part out and Amazon sellers have always found a way to just replace that element with something else so no matter which part of this process changes fine if it stops working in the future that's fine you know what to do to change it because you know the fundamentals now and I'm gonna wrap this one up now because you know the fundamentals you will always have the ability the skill set to be able to troubleshoot this to be able to ensure that whatever product it is that you're launching you have all these key ingredients to get those two factors that matter which which is click-through rate and conversion rate and those things will never change so this information that I'm teaching you now will be relevant in two years time in five years time so the last takeaway that I want to leave you with is now that you understand these fundamentals go and use them to take action please do this get keep I'll get buyer launch go onto Amazon if you're in the product research stage and go and reverse-engineer some competitors there are lots out there I found the one the one that I showed you I found it really quickly you have to find them and you can see what they're doing and then use that if nothing else to just convince yourself of the fact that real products real sellers are doing this it's maybe some people aren't but that doesn't matter and just get off the rumor mill don't let that hold you up from moving forwards and actually taking action and then you know succeeding with Amazon so I've given you the keys to success on Amazon I've broken it down step by step as to what you really need to be looking for in concrete details that's all I wanted to leave you with with this video again guys if you found this video valuable if this is helping you take action and grow your Amazon business then leave me a comment down below telling me that this is helpful smash the thumbs up button definitely subscribe if you haven't already done so all of these things not only tell me that it's worthwhile making more videos like this but it also helps my channel grow on YouTube as well so I really do appreciate it and one last thing if you are looking for more guidance like this but take it to the next level and up times 10 then do click on the first link in the description down below that will allow you to join the wait list for my FBA accelerator program if you do that then I'll see you on the inside otherwise we'll catch you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Myles Dunphy
Views: 104,967
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon fba product launch, How to rank on amazon, amazon fba launch, Amazon product launch, Amazon product launch strategy, amazon launch strategy, how to rank on amazon fba, amazon launch profitable, How to launch a product on amazon, How to launch on amazon, how to launch amazon product, amazon launch, amazon fba, amazon giveaway launch, how to rank for keywords on amazon, amazon fba keyword rank, amazon fba tutorial, amazon fba ranking
Id: v-OUUjaMs_U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 46sec (2446 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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