Amazon FBA 2024 Beginner’s Guide | Step by Step Tutorial to Selling on Amazon | Private Label

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hello and welcome to today's video if you are here and if you clicked on this video that means that you are wanting to start selling on Amazon in 2024 but you might not know exactly how to get started you are in the right place because I'm here to tell you exactly how you can get started with Amazon selling in 20124 and how you can use it to create a whole side hustle or an entire business if that is what you are looking for now before we get started I do want to let you know just a little bit about me so you know that I am qualified to teach you this information I'm Abby I've been in Amazon seller for 5 years now 2024 is going to be my sixth year selling on the platform and I have learned so much about Amazon selling over this amount of time you guys I've made a lot of mistakes I have lost a lot of money I have made a lot of money we're talking in the seven figures very proud of that but it took a while to get here so I'm really excited to be able to share this information with you today so that you do not have to make the same mistakes that I did and that you can get started a lot more seamlessly and a lot more easily than I did when I very first started so if you are interested in learning keep on watching this video now before we get started with this video I do want to let you know that I have a bunch of helpful resources for you linked in the description of this video including my free 60-minute training so if you are still not understanding everything at the end of this video definitely check that out for even more information on getting started with Amazon FBA and with that let's jump into the video now the first thing that you might be wondering is is it even worth it to sell on Amazon in 2024 I've been hearing about Amazon FBA for years I'm always scrolling on Tik Tok I'm scrolling on Instagram and all I hear is people talking about passive income and making money online what does that even mean and is Amazon FBA even viable anymore I'm here to tell you with a great joy that yes Amazon FBA selling is still an amazing way to make money online and the reason that I know that is because I make a lot of money online selling with Amazon and I also have members of my program who are launching products and actively making incredible money selling on the platform but there are some things that you have to know when you are first getting started one of the most important things to know is that the more that Amazon succeeds the more that its sellers succeed and the reason that I say that is Amazon's products that are sold on the platform are mainly provided by thirdparty sellers so me I am a third party seller on Amazon I do not work for Amazon I am technically a contractor of Amazon because I utilize their platform to sell my products if you wanted to start selling on Amazon you to would be a third party seller and actually the majority of the products that are sold on Amazon are not made by Amazon they are made by the little guys like us who sell these products that we are sourcing from elsewhere personally I Source all of my products from China we'll get more into that later on in the video but that is how Amazon revolves and that's how they are able to provide so many products to customers is because they've got lots and lots of people like you and me who are selling our products on their platform as well okay so now that we know that Amazon is alive and well thriving and making lots and lots of money let's talk about how you can utilize it to start selling products as well first things first is if you are already a customer on Amazon you might be thinking that you're just going to use your customer account or your buying account to start selling your products and I want to just clarify right up front that there are two different types of accounts that you can make on Amazon you can have a regular customer account and then you can also have a sellers account so what you will want to do is create an Amazon seller account which again is separate from your customer buyer account the website that you are going to want to go to to start selling your products is sell. again that is sell. and here's where you will actually create your Amazon seller account now when you go to sell. you are going to be prompted to fill out an application and I know that that might sound scary and you might think that they're not going to accept you but if you fill out the application correctly there is no reason that your Amazon account will not be approved for selling but there are a couple of things that I want to let you know about ahead of time so that you don't get stuck on any of the prompts as you're going through the steps you are going to need to provide a phone number Amazon will send you a onetime password to your phone number to kind of verify that aspect and then from there you are going to go through all of the different prompts and they're going to ask you for some fairly easy straightforward information like your name your address your business name your brand name and and before you run away and start getting scared your business name is something that you can change at any time so just come up with whatever you want and use that for the time being you can go ahead and edit it later along with your brand name and anything else that they are asking for it's okay to you something temporarily that you will go back in and change there are very few things that you can't go back and change but the few things that you want to make sure that you get right obviously is the spelling of your name your correct full mailing address so that they can send you out something a little later on I'll talk about that but you need to make sure that that information is correct everything else can be changed later on as you are going through the prompts you are going to get to a particular step where they're going to ask you what is your business type now you might be confused by this you might not know what to say you're in the right place let me tell you when they're asking you for your business type what they're asking you for is essentially whether or not you are selling as a sole proprietor meaning you as an individual are synonymous with your business you are your business I'm Abby Abby is the business the business is Abby or if you are an LLC and you have a separate business entity now if you are just getting started you most likely do not have an LLC or a limited liability company and that is just a separate business that is formulated to operate your business underneath do not worry you do not have to have an LLC when I first started selling on Amazon I didn't even have an LLC for about the first year of even having my business I operated as a sole proprietorship and I recommend that you do that as well if you are just wanting to get started you don't need to run out and spend the money and the time with an LLC right off of the bat now I am not a CPA but let me just tell you real quick in case you're still concerned what an LLC will do is it will protect your business assets from your personal Assets in the event that you are sued I have been selling on Amazon for over 5 years I have never been sued I've never been in a predicament where that has even come up I do have llc's now but I didn't have them when I very first started because they were not necessary at that time for the small scale that I was operating my business underneath so the point of what I'm saying is that as you move through your business as you grow in your business you will always have the opportunity to go back form an LLC and then kind of restructure things that way if you don't want to do it right in the beginning so once again revisiting that point when you get to that prompt or it asks you what is your business business type you're going to have a couple of different options now if you do have an LLC you can select the one that says that you are a publicly held business a privately held business whatever applies to your specific LLC or if you don't have one and you're a sole proprietor you just select none I am an individual that is going to be one of the answers and that's the one that you would select which would then indicate to Amazon that you are selling as a sole proprietor not with a separate LLC another thing that I want to mention because I know that you might see it and be confused is a prompt that asks you do you have upcs now UPC stands for Universal product code and these are barcodes that you would need in order to create your Amazon listing do you have a UPC right off the bat as you're making your account probably not but what you can do is just select yes because you will purchase your upcs later when you need them and it'll just help you get past this step and it's not a big deal at all you can purchase them at any time from a website called gs1 but when you get to that point you might not know what to say so just say yes and it'll move you to the next the next step now when you get close to the end of the process you are going to go through what is called a tax interview and essentially what Amazon is trying to do here is to verify your identity and all of the information that you have input so most likely they will ask you to provide them with some documents to identify yourself so if you have selected none I'm an individual ual as you were talking about your business type they will ask you for documents that pertain to you as an individual so these would be things like your driver's license your state ID your passport these are things that identify you as a person if you had selected that you have an LLC or you formulated an LLC specifically for this business they will ask you for things pertaining to your LLC so things like your Articles of Incorporation your EIN and that is what you would use during that step in the process but for the vast majority it's just going to be your ID and things that you would readily have available one thing that I want to point out because I've seen this cause delays for some beginners in the past is that you want to make sure that the address on your ID matches the address that you input when you were going through the application process so let's say that you're living at 123 Apple Street and you have an ID that is from an old address but you put one 123 Apple Street you are going to need to make sure that those addresses match now what you don't want to do is put in your old address because they are going to send you a piece of mail to that address and obviously you don't live there so that's not going to work so that is the only thing that would hold you up is if the addresses are not matching you would want to go and get that sorted out first to make sure that there are no delays with approving your account once you submit the copies of everything that they are asking for then it would move you on to the next next step and one more quick little tip cuz I want to make sure that you guys do this right the first time is to make sure that everything is visible on whatever images you are sending Amazon here is something that I learned the hard way is that if you are going to send a picture of your passport make sure that everything is visible on the passport don't have any Corners cut off don't have any signatures missing don't have any information missing it has to be legible it has to be clear and shown in full on the images that you send Amazon now the next step in the process is that they're going to ask you for either a bank account statement or a utility bill or something that verifies your address now that you've already verified your identity they want to know where you live where you at so you want to provide them with that information but you don't want to take a screenshot so if you are going through your banking website or whatever it is or wherever you're going to provide a bank account statement make sure that you You are downloading the PDF and then uploading the image of that PDF and not just screenshotting it I have seen delays happen for some people who have screenshot so download and then send that in or the utility bill or whatever it is that you have you can easily also I don't know if you guys know this maybe I'm old but I just found out not that long ago that you can use your phone if you have an iPhone to scan documents and it literally is like you're using a scanning machine but you're just using your phone so that's another easy way that you can just kind of get images of your documents and make sure that they are clear and acceptable for Amazon so after you have provided and submitted those documents one of two things might happen okay and I wish I could just tell you what will happen for sure but I have seen different things happen for different people and actually it's one of three things might happen so one thing that might happen is that Amazon might approve you immediately this used to be the case when I started selling on Amazon everyone would get approved right away you wouldn't have to wait for anything you wouldn't have to have any type of a delay you would just be approved right on the spot and everything would be good to go as long as you provided the documents what has happened in more recent years is that Amazon has put extra checks and balances in place to make sure that there are not people who are just trying to scam or do anything that is not a good look on their platform so they want to really make sure that people are who they say they are so the other two scenarios that could happen is that one they could have you do an interview with an Amazon employee right on the spot if you can't do it right that second you can always schedule it for another time but it could be a scenario where you are prompted to then get on a verification call with an Amazon employee who will then look at your documents again just to make sure that you know I'm Abby they will you know look and obviously be able to see that you are the person in the documents that you have submitted and that you have in your possession the third thing that could happen is that you could have the most common scenario which is where Amazon will send you a postcard in the mail to your address which is why it's very important like I mentioned earlier that you input that information correctly because they will send you this postcard to verify your address and once you receive that postcard there will be a set of numbers that you can then use to schedule your verification call with an Amazon employee so if this is what happens you might have to wait a couple of days maybe up to a week for that postcard to arrive once you get it you then set up that verification call and don't freak out about the call because sometimes people think that they're not going to get approved or it's going to be an interview where they're going to ask you these really intense questions and it really is nothing like that at all they literally just want to make sure that you are who you say you are so as long as you are not impersonating somebody and you're not you know trying to use someone else's information everything will be fine it'll be a very short video call and you will be approved to sell on Amazon now that you have been approved to sell on Amazon The Next Step will be to start looking for products to sell now there are so many different products that you can sell on Amazon you guys and I have seen people make disgusting amounts of money selling the most average products that you could ever think of I'm talking things like you know little cotton swabs for your ears and disposable sponges and all of these random household items I've seen people sell pet supplies and pet toys I've seen people sell puzzles I've seen people sell dolls I've seen people sell Home Improvement items I mean they're literally countless and really impossible amounts of products that you can sell but that doesn't mean that you should just sell anything on Amazon and it's very very important that you spend the time and the energy doing good product research cuz you can do bad product research trust me I've seen that happen before but you want to make sure that you know what you're looking for so that you are being effective when you are actively spending your time looking for these profitable products to sell on Amazon so in this video I will give you a little bit of a rundown but again in that free training I go a lot more in depth on what you should be looking for out of these products before I give you kind of the rough metrics that you should be looking for I do want to say that it's very important that you use a software when you are doing your product research you guys product research is not just you scrolling on Amazon looking for random products that look good that is not research that is scrolling when you are researching you want to make sure that you're using a software that gives you data that will actually help you make an informed decision on a good versus a bad product so my favorite product research tool and the software that I have used every day for the last four years is helium 10 now helium 10 is a really really amazing tool because it does so many different things but for the purposes of this video and for the purposes of you all just being beginners not knowing what you're doing I don't want you to be overwhelmed so all you need to know is that helium 10 will give you the data necessary to help you pick a profitable good product to sell on Amazon now helium 10 has two different aspects to it there is a website and then there's also a Google Chrome extension that you can download so if you are looking to sell on Amazon you are going to want to have a laptop in order to do this research effectively so the website that you would go to I will put a link in the description for you guys you can just click right over so that you can try out helium 10 and this is what I have used to find all of my products essentially I have found products doing different variety of product research methods but I always verify the products with the data that I find on helium 10 so I'm going to throw up a screenshot here so you can see what it looks like and kind of how the interface is looking and it's really important that you have both the web tool but then also Al the Google Chrome tool because that will give you easier snapshots of data so that you can kind of decide whether or not something is worth your time so just to give you a little bit of information on what makes a good product versus a bad product these are the things that I would focus on I would look for a product that is Evergreen when I say Evergreen I mean something that sells year round we are not looking for products that are seasonal things like Christmas items Halloween items Valentine's Day items those are things that happen once a year but Evergreen items are products that sell all year round and you can have steadier sales because you are not depending on a specific holiday or a specific season or time of the year in order to make your money once you're seasoned and once you have some experience selling on Amazon by all means sell whatever you want but for a beginner you want to have a more conservative approach and you want to minimize your risk as much as possible so the best way you can do that is by selling a product that does well March January February that was a weird way to say it but you get it January February March all throughout the year now certain things might seem like they're seasonal but they're really not so things like items that you would find in the baby shower Niche or in the birthday Niche or in what something that happens every day for somebody uh wedding Niche I'm just using these as examples of things that might be seemingly seasonal but they're not because someone has a wedding every day of the year someone somewhere has birthday every day of the year unlike Christmas that happens on December 25th so I think you guys understand what I'm saying when I say Evergreen so that is one I would also look for products that are $5 or cheaper per unit to sell the reason that I say $5 and in the past I used to say $4 or less but inflation and you know time goes on and Things become more expensive for materials so I would say $5 or less per unit and when I say per unit I mean including packaging and shipping so to get the product from China to the US that product should cost you $5 or less I would look for a product that has high demand and low competition high demand meaning a lot of people are searching for this product every single month on Amazon and again with helium 10 you can see those numbers you can see the data to make sure that people are actually looking for the product and low competition meaning that there are not lots of sellers who already have very high reviews already selling the product those are things I would look for and last but not least I would look for something that is lightweight and small in size the smaller the product is the lighter the product is the cheaper it will be to ship it and the less you will pay in Amazon fees because the product will be smaller the bigger it gets the heavier it gets the more you're going to pay in shipping and fees and that is going to reduce your profitability so for this very first product make sure it's small and light Evergreen something that you know you can sell year round something that is going to be actually profitable for you and not just something you're going to spend money on and not get anything in return the third step in this process of selling on Amazon is going to be to find a supplier now there are lots of different platforms that you can go on in order to find manufacturers or suppliers or vendors all of these words I'll use interchangeably but I will just say for suppliers the best platform that I have found by far is I'm sure some of you have heard of it already and not to you know sound any type of way but some people do kind of refer to it as Chinese Amazon and the reason is it is a Chinese Marketplace however the big difference is they sell wholesale products so you are able to buy products in bulk from Alibaba as opposed to Amazon where you are more so buying what you need versus buying hundreds of items all at once so that is the big difference between Alibaba and Amazon now when you go on you're going to be inundated with a bunch of products a bunch of options for all different types of products that you can sell but remember in the last step you've already done your product research you've already looked at the numbers and the data using helium 10 so you already know what it is you are looking for so you can start by looking at products and just searching up a product right in the search bar and let's say that that product is an insulated water bottle so if that is what you're looking for you can type that right into the search bar and you're going to be provided with a list of suppliers who can actually create that product for you does that mean that you pick the very first supplier that you see and then just decide you're working with them absolutely not there's so many things that you want to look out for when you are picking a supplier because you're going to be paying them your hard-earned money and you want to make sure that they are going to be you know reliable trustworthy and overall good business partners for you to make your products so these are a couple things that I would look for and I I do have a video already on my channel where I go through what to look for when you're searching for a good supplier on Alibaba but I'll just give you a quick little rundown I would look for a supplier who has been in business for at least 2 years and you can see that right on their profile I would look for a supplier that is verified which is just an extra step that they take with Alibaba to make sure that they are reliable I would focus on how quickly they respond back they do have that information as well response rate make sure that they are getting back to their customers and the people who are reaching out to them 90% or better is a good response rate to me and last but not least the most important thing is your personal experience with them when you reach out to them with an inquiry on you know working with them on having your insulated water bottle made are they being thorough with their responses are they you know expanding on what you're asking or are they giving you the bare minimum if you're asking them and this is the way that I would kind of send an initial message just a a little bit of a script if you have no idea what to say you can say hi my name is Abby I have an e-commerce business and I'm looking for a supplier to partner with on my products I have been looking at your listing for your insulated water bottles and I was wondering if you could provide me with some information one how much does it cost per unit for this item what is your minimum order quantity most likely it'll already say that on the listing but you can ask them what their pricing is you know for different ranges of cost for example if they can give you what the cost would be per unit for 1 to 200 units or 500 or more units 1,000 or more units most likely it'll be cheaper the more you buy so you just want to have that information you want to know what is their lead time or their manufacturing time how long is it going to take for them to actually make this product quick little tip it should be 30 days or less anything more than 30 days is just way too long so you want to have that information up front as well so once you send off your inquiry or your message to them when they respond back to you you have put thought into your message you want to make sure they're matching energy if they respond back to you and they say hi dear what you want or hi it's $22.50 per unit and they answer nothing else of what you said to me that's a big red flag because they're showing you their best communication initially that is when they're going to put their best fo forward it's just like with dating right first date someone is going to give you the best they have to offer but as time goes on their true colors will start to show and it's the same thing with these suppliers you guys I want to make sure that you are seeing the red flags for what they are and not wasting your time with unreliable suppliers who are going to lack effective communication and who are going to stress you out so make sure that you are asking them these questions structuring them in a way that when they respond back to you they know exactly what you're looking for it and you can gauge whether or not you want to move forward with them here's a little bit of information about the manufacturing process so what is going to happen is that you are going to put down a deposit onto your order your supplier is not going to start making your products until you give them a little bit of money up front and this is standard practice there's nothing weird about your supplier doing this what is weird however is if they ask you to pay for 100% of the product up front you you should not be paying for 100% what is typical I would say is right around 30% they might ask for 50% if it's a cheaper product but I would not do more than 50% and I would try to negotiate them down to 30 that way you give them a portion of what it will take for them to at least start making the products and then when they have completed making the products that is when you will pay the remaining balance before the products are shipped out so one tip that I want to give you guys and this is a very very important one because I've unfortunately seen this happen for beginners who didn't know any better is that you should always be paying for your products in a way that is safe and gives you a way to get your money back in case things go wrong now obviously we all want to believe that these suppliers are great people and they would never scam you they would never do anything wrong but we have to be realistic this is real life you're doing business and you want to make sure you protect yourself your money and your business so the best way to do that is to pay for your inventory with either Alibaba trade assurance or PayPal and the reason that these are the two safest ways is because if something goes wrong Alibaba trade Assurance will protect you and they will help you come to a resolution make sure that you get your refund and that you know your money is safe and then with PayPal you have PayPal buyer protection I believe is what they call they call it and it's essentially the same thing just different platforms I will say that sometimes suppliers will fight you on paying with PayPal because there are extra fees involved and I've always had really good good luck with just proposing that I will go half with them on the fees that way they don't feel like you know they're losing money because you want to pay with PayPal if they give you push back on that but Al Baba trade Assurance is a great option as well and with that let me just conclude by saying you will never ever ever promise me promise me right now as you watch this video that you will never ever ever pay your supplier with a wire transfer because with a wire transfer honey once you send that money it is gone okay can ghost you they can do anything and you will have literally no way of getting that money back so if they bring up Western Union absolutely not if they bring up any other bank wire anything like that no nope nope no no no no nope nope and if they fight you on it and they refuse to compromise and do Alibaba trade Assurance or PayPal you need to cut them off and move on the next supplier because that is just the easiest way to lose your money is by paying with a wire transfer once your products have been made made the next step is going to be to ship them to Amazon now you have a couple of different options when having your products sent directly to Amazon and one of the options that you have is to just have your supplier do the shipping for you this is the easiest way to do it you just let your supplier know hey I would like for you all to ship my products what will happen is that they will contact a shipping company also known as a freight forwarder those are the same thing Freight forwarder Shipping Company shipping company is a freight forwarder they're going to contact them on your behalf and they will coordinate it all most likely you will end up paying a little bit more because it's almost like a convenience fee for them to do it for you or you can go directly to the shipping company or the freight forwarder and have them do it for you do you have to do it that way absolutely not it's just really what is most most convenient for you normally I will just let my students know in my program that they can just have their supplier do it but some want to have the lowest cost possible so they will go directly to the freight forward if you want a freight forward that's reliable I will leave the information from my Freight forward in the description of this video as well so that way you guys have a direct referral from me they will take great care of you and they do an excellent job so that is another option for you as well there are going to be a few things that you want to make sure of before your products get sent to the Amazon fulfillment center so you're going to want to make sure that you have got your logo on your products and I didn't touch on it before but a logo is something that is very very easy to have made you can just hire someone off of to make your logo very simple or you can make it yourself on canva or photoshop if you're creative there are lots of different ways you can have the logo made but that is very simple and it's not something that you should stress about or spend too much time on and that logo will be on all of your products a couple of other things that you want to make sure are on all of your products your Amazon barcode also known as an fnsku I also have a video on barcodes in General on my channel feel free to check that one out for more context but you're going to want to make sure that that specific barcode is on all of your units when you were having them sent to Amazon make sure that all of your units have a made in China sticker or made in China somewhere on the packaging or somewhere on the product itself so that when the products are being shipped into the United States there is a way to know of where the origin of the products is where did they come from so made in China made in Taiwan Made in India wherever your products are being made make sure that that is on your products as well make sure that you are sending the products to Amazon in a way that they will accept it Amazon has rules about the size of the boxes about the weights of the boxes so this is all information that you want to make sure that you are clear with your supplier on so that Amazon can receive your product easily they can be checked into the Fulfillment center and I know that this might seem a bit overwhelming it might seem like a lot but I just want to make sure that you have all of the information that I wish I would have had in the beginning I didn't know all of this going in 5 years ago when I was like 24 or 25 didn't know what I was doing I wish that there was a video like this that would have told me like hey you have to make sure that you know you label things correctly you have to make sure that you um follow these specific steps so if it seems like I'm overdoing it on the info I apologize I just want to make sure that you have all of your eyes dotted and your teas crossed my mom used to say that phrase I don't know if people use it but you get what I'm saying so after your supplier sends the products to the Amazon fulfillment center or maybe your Freight forwarder does it you are going to be able to choose whether you want the products delivered by air or by sea C shipping is a little bit slower but it is cheaper so better for your bottom line or you can do air shipping which will be more expensive but faster in the vast majority of cases I do recommend that you have your products sent by C because it is going to be better for your profitability so it it's not that serious you don't need to pay double the price just to get it here 2 weeks earlier that 2 weeks might seem like a long time but it is rarely worth it for the extra cost so once your products get to the Amazon fulfillment center Amazon will be able to scan in your products using the shipping labels that they have provided for you you will make what is called a shipment plan and that shipment plan will have all of the information pertaining to your inventory so how many boxes are you sending how many units are each box all of that detailed information will be part of your shipping plan and then Amazon will provide you with a shipping label that will be attached to all of your boxes so when they're receiving your inventory they'll be able to scan that shipping label that they gave you and they will know that that is aby's brand aby's products and they'll be able to check them in accordingly now this is really cool I never knew this before I was an Amazon Seller but Amazon FBA or fulfillment by Amazon is a very very very intricate complex process where Amazon will deliver products to customers for you so FBA or fulfillment by Amazon is the way that I have been able to essentially automize my business to where I never have to touch products I don't do any deliveries I don't go to UPS and I sell tens of thousands of products every single month on Amazon and I never have to deliver any of it because I use FBA and just a fun fact the flip side of FBA for the buyers is prime so when you're using Amazon Prime that is Amazon FBA where they are the ones who are doing the deliveries as opposed to the seller doing the delivery for you does that make sense so what happens when they scan in your product is that Amazon will figure out where your products need to go so that they are dispersed evenly or in the most effective way for how the products will be purchased and I personally don't even know how they're out algorithm figures out how many units to send to which place but luckily for us as the sellers we don't have to worry about any of that all we do is pay Amazon for the FBA service and they figure it all out so let's say for example all of your products are going to Dallas Texas you might have 500 units that all get received in Dallas but what could happen is that Amazon might then say hm what are we going to do if someone orders the product from Connecticut we can't get it from Dallas to Connecticut in 2 days so let's go ahead and send 50 items to Connecticut let's put 20 of them in Jersey let's put 70 of them in Florida let's do a 100 of them in California and they're going to disperse your products all over the US that way anyone can buy them and get them within 2 days so that's what I mean by it's very intricate and very complex they've got the robots they've got a lot of workers they've got a lot of fulfillment centers and warehouses so they are able to figure it out that's why Amazon makes billions is because they've got gotten very very very good at Logistics and you get to utilize all of that as a seller using FBA so with that being said that is pretty much the overview of how this whole process works and just to put a name to what I was talking about in this video that process of purchasing products and putting your logo on them and then having those products sent to Amazon that is called private label so private label and Amazon FBA is the combination that I do there are other way way of selling on Amazon and there's lots of information out there that you can research on your own if that is what you would like to do but I specifically really love private label because it gives me control over my brand it allows me to build an asset that I am able to sell later on if I would like to and it is something where I truly am building a business and this isn't something that can be taken away from me so I think that private label is an amazing amazing business model and I do encourage you to look more into it it um scroll through my channel guys I've got tons and tons of videos talking all about a bunch of different topics every single thing that I talked about here in this video with the overview I expand on more in my free training that is in the description and also throughout the other videos on my channel so I hope that this was a good starting block for you a good explanation of how the process works and I do encourage you to just give it a try get started you never know how far you can go with this business or with anything if you don't at least give it a try so this was a great first step I hope that you move forward and if you have any questions any recommendations suggestions let me know in the comments below it's been wonderful and I hope you have a great day I'll see you guys in the next one bye
Channel: Learn With Abby
Views: 17,171
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: amazon, amazon fba, selling on amazon, side hustle, make money online, e-commerce, dropshipping, private label, online store, online business, sell on amazon, make money fast, amazon seller
Id: W4a5JlR7fCQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 45sec (2205 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 18 2024
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