Amazing Turkish Food - BEST DONER KEBAB in Istanbul!! 🇹🇷 (Bayramoğlu Döner)

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wow 200 kilos of meat it's incredibly juicy and oily this place is the Disneyland of donor Kebab hey everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's Mark Queens I'm in Istanbul Turkey and today for lunch we're going to go a little bit outside of the center of the city to a restaurant that's extremely popular extremely famous for their donor kebab and they're known to serve one of the best donor kebabs in all of Istanbul uh so we're about to jump in a taxi and we're on our way there right now I'm extremely excited this is going to be amazing it's a really really legendary famous place and yeah people that really love to eat meat they regard it as really one of the best places to eat donor Kebab in all of Istanbul here we go we're on our way it's going to be about a 25 to 30 minute taxi [Music] ride but the good thing is we're going right as the restaurant has opened in the morning but if you go in the afternoon and it seems that traffic can be pretty hectic getting out there it can take an hour or longer to get there so luckily uh the roads are pretty clear right now and we are on our way we made it traffic wasn't bad at all it took about 25 minutes to get here and now we are on the Asian side of Istanbul and quite a ways north of the center of Istanbul and we're pretty close to the Bosphorus as well but it's great to be out here we made it to the restaurant already they just opened and already you hear a buzz of people already eating uh in here and I know I mean the lunch culture is quite late in in his Stull uh but we're here right at noon and already there's lots of people here and if you you know it's a good sign of a donor restaurant when they have a massive donor sculpture on top of the restaurant hello 4 three yes he here we go oh man it's a huge huge restaurant lots and lots of tables lots of seating hello hello seems very friendly and this is the place where like dieh hard affectionado Has Come For donor hello yes yes donor donut came to eat donut Turkish yes yes the best okay okay thank you thank you there it is that's the star of the show that's what everyone comes from oh hello Chef hello chef wow wow oh and the bread station is over here okay okay okay here it is the donor it's huge it's gigantic upright rotisserie the aroma and what's amazing here is that they are cooking it all over over wood oh man [Music] 200 kilos of meat wow amazing [Music] amazing wow oh and he just slices all the way down it's incredibly juicy and oily look at how thin he slices it almost paper thin boom 100 100 G okay so each portion is 100 G of meat per per person lamb olive oil oh okay lamb Olive right next to the donor is where the the oven is baking and they're burning wood in the oven as well they bake your bread you're guaranteed fresh baked bread as well when you eat here oh this kitchen is incredible this is the the most amazing donor I've ever seen in my life but our portion our waiter just said he's bringing it to our table right now so we got to go eat it while it's hot and fresh amazing amazing thank you thank you oh this one is lavash okay just watching the kitchen is a joy it is what a system they have it's a well-oiled machine they can just churn out plates of donor like impossibly fast with fresh bread the lavash with all the side dishes just like seconds and everything is prepared right here I mean when you sit down to the time when you sit down when you order when you get your food everything it just happens so smoothly and it's so fresh coming to your table guaranteed hot everything right out of the oven freshly shaved everything okay oh okay okay the waiters are saying we need to go eat fast oh man I can't get away from that donor they say we have to come eat fast while it's hot and fresh I mean and talk about Speedy service like as soon as you get your order in they start shaving it to your table immediately oh man this is donor on the next level oh just the magnitude and the scale of this restaurant this is literally like a donor Disneyland it's absolutely incredible okay here we go let's reveal oh the hot fresh so thin lavash with the thin donor meat oh that's beautiful it's glistening it's shining all the aroma coming out of it look at those crispy edges for my first bite let's just go in for that meat nothing else just the pure meat to get the ultimate flavor of it this is what we came for one of the best donor kebabs in all of Istanbul oh wow oh that deserves a a moment of peace and silence oh that's hard to process oh that's unbelievable the flavor just keeps on coming the oils and juices just keep squeezing out the smokiness it almost tastes like barbecue at the same time as meat the texture is tender yet it still has that meaty texture that you you crave when you want meat all the saltiness the crispy edges oh that is that's Sensational I think this is what you not totally sure of my edette but I think this is what we can do we can take one of the lavash breads put in the the donor meat into the here add an onions chocolate sumuk oh yes oh man you can smell the aroma of those onions the juiciness of those onions now we'll wrap it up the freshly baked lavage it's so light so so thin and bubbly and has this perfect like it's not it's not that soft it has this kind of uh chewi to it which is perfect because it holds the meat in so perfectly well and it's light and thin but it it absorbs all the oils and all the meat juices oh and that's with crunch of the onion with the acidity of the sumach that's like ridiculously good I'm going to add a little bit of that dry chili to mine next okay this this is I mean this type of place this place this is the definition of Donaire once you come to a place like this it's it just spoils you I mean this is where they do it best and it's just the flavor is on another level the juiciness the meat is cooked perfectly seasoned perfectly everything is fresh and I mean one of the great things about this place is they don't actually serve anything else like literally we sat down and within seconds our waiter came he asked us how many portions we went that's the only question you get even all these side dishes they just come to you you don't order them there's nothing else on the menu but that donor and I mean you don't need anything else on the menu when it's that good well those are excellent a little bit spicy just kind of bursts with that Briny saltiness sourness spicy too oh that's really good oh man what a combination oh okay I try again there we go and then it's popular I mean with a lot of meals in Turkey to drink Iran which is the the salty yogurt well that is thick and Rich and again I think I've said this before but even though you drink Iran with rich food with meat somehow it's still so refreshing okay thank you my TR FL oh nice okay so the tomato salad olive oil goes on I think it's vinegar oh pomegranate molasses okay thank you okay the salad olive oil and that dressing is quite thick I don't know if it's a pomegranate molasses or if it's a like a thickened [Music] balsamic yeah that dressing is sweet a little bit sour um I'm not sure if it's a thickened vinegar balsamic or yeah if it's like a pomegranate molasses but yeah it's fruity sweet sour refreshing and that kind of cuts the the saltiness and the richness of the meat [Music] M okay I'm going back in for some meat just on its own it's stunningly tasty you really taste just the burst of flavor I think it might taste lemon juice in the beef as well and that marinade but just the perfect saltiness the perfect smokiness from that fire the perfect hooked level add some ketchup to my fries another side that comes are the fries and actually I've seen a lot of people put the fries into the meat as well but we should try that and they give you a whole stack of bread on the side of your table as well Ying wasn't actually that hungry so the only thing better than having one portion of donor Kebab from here is having a full another portion oh and because that bread is so thin as it starts to dry or as it starts to said it actually almost turns crackery gets crispy put that meat in We'll add some onions we add some of the potatoes had a few of these little guys oh one slid right out okay yeah I think you can pretty pretty much add whatever you want at least if it's on the table oh the fries is good too cuz the fries are are not crispy they're more starchy and creamy on the inside with just being fried until they're kind of like holds them together without being crispy that's a flavor I'm never going to forget that is yeah talk about knowing how to cook meat that is something truly spectacular another version dip in that oh yeah oh 200 g two portions of donor and I have to say that went down way too easily I would love to have another plate but I think I'll stop there that's that's that's a perfect perfect amount need to have some chai some tea to wash it down though man I mean this place is so cool it's so much energy there's so many things it's buzzing at all times and I know I've seen pictures yeah again we're here much earlier than most people come but I've seen pictures I was looking at the Google pictures and there's a lot of places a lot of pictures where you they see a line lining up outside the door and I think they don't take any reservations here so you just have to come here uh depending on when what time you get here but if you get here at a peak time or on a holiday or on a weekend it could easily have a line going out the door down the sidewalk okay Don Kebab every day Don Kebab every day every day yes yes yes yeah yeah video video oh one month one month one month yeah bye-bye T good T good oh man it's really filling up what thank you very much it means thank you oh that was just outrageously good the amount of people that come in here is just a a testament to how good they are but really the service was outstanding as well so friendly so welcoming uh they'll take care of you and again you're just guaranteed the freshest the highest quality donor when you're here it's well worth the the effort to make it here from from the the center of Istanbul I don't think donor Kebab will ever be the same again but highly recommend it I'll have the information in the description box I want to say a big thank you for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up and also remember to watch this entire uh series where're we're traveling around eating some of the best Turkish food thanks again for watching and I'll see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Abroad
Views: 63,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Turkey, Turkish food, Turkish street food, Mark Wiens, Mark Wiens Turkey, doner kebab, Turkish doner kebab, best doner in Istanbul, doner kebab Turkey, best restaurants in Istanbul, best food Istanbul, Mark Wiens Istanbul
Id: L8J2-NiOzQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 34sec (934 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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