Foolproof secrets to a Perfect Sponge(Genoise) | Pastry 101 | Best Recipe & fail proof

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hi i'm hambit and i'm a pastry chef from korea [Music] hi everyone it's hambit here today i'll show you how to make the perfect genoise so what is genoa genoise is basically sponge cake it's extremely airy and light and it's used as a layer in cakes and it's one of the building blocks of pastry so it's definitely worth taking a bit of time out and putting in a bit of effort in mastering it with me what you need to remember about chinois is that it's all about air the only leftner for genoise is air you're not using any baking powder or baking soda it's just air that pushes it up and makes it expand so it's crucial that you get the hang of how much air you need to incorporate into the batter we have eggs honey sugar cake flour butter and milk that's it it's all about incorporating the right amount of air into it so before we start we need to prepare the pan so i'm using a 15 centimeter diameter pan and i have cut these parchment paper into a strip or two strips actually and a circle so i'm going to line the inside with the two strips [Music] and put the circle inside and that's done have you clicked like and subscribe honey goes in followed by sugar now what we're going to do is we're going to use a water bath to raise the temperature of this mixture so that's eggs sugar and honey up to around 40 degrees celsius this is a crucial step because this will allow air to be easily incorporated into the batter and also allows sugar to melt completely the water bath has raised the temperature of this mixture to around 40 degrees celsius and now i'm going to whisk it using my hand mixer and i'm going to whisk it on [Music] max [Music] you can see that the batter has changed in both volume and in color the color has turned from yellow to pale yellow or ivory because of the air that's gone in and obviously the volume has increased i mentioned earlier that it's crucial in genoise to have a feel of how much air that you've incorporated and a couple of ways of checking that the first method is to take part of the batter and draw a shape or draw a ribbon or let's say a star on top of the existing batter and if that holds that means the batter is thick enough that it holds itself you can see that the batter that i've put on top is still there and it holds we also call this the ribbon stage because you can draw ribbon on top of the existing batter another method is to stick a toothpick in and if that stands that means your battery is thick enough it holds itself so it's done however you're not there yet you're almost done but not quite and this batter at this moment there are small air bubbles and large air bubbles all mixed up together i can actually see the large air bubbles with my eyes and this will result in a generous with bubbles inside and you don't want that because you want a homogeneous texture what we want to do is we want to even out the size of the air bubbles and ideally small air bubbles so that when we bake it we're going to get a homogeneous texture inside how we do that is we're going to whisk it gently on the lowest speed possible for about a minute or two look how smooth and silky that is and that's what we're looking for now i'm going to sift in the flour i'm going to mix it well i'm going to fold it in very carefully it's crucial that you don't over mix it from now on because that is basically reducing the volume mix it until you don't see any dry ingredients but obviously don't over mix it this is my melted butter and milk and i'm going to mix it with the existing batter but i'm not going to mix it straight away but use a technique which is called sacrificial mixing and take a look at this i'm going to take part of the batter mix it with the melted butter and milk and add that to the original batter that basically gives a cushion effect so it doesn't shock the original batter and it makes all the the mixing process easier make sure you mix it well but again don't over mix it because that is basically killing the air bubbles and reducing the overall volume that's enough i have my pan here which i've lined in the inside with parchment paper and i'm going to transfer my batter into the pan i'm just going to give it a slight shock to release the air bubbles on top that's it now that's going to go in the oven now my genoise has just come out of the oven i'm going to give it a slight shock and this will release the air bubbles i'm now going to take my genus out of the pan and leave it to cool upside down like this for about 10 minutes and then turn it back that way we're going to get a homogeneous texture right so that's my genoise and i'm now going to slice it and i'm going to aim for three layers of one and a half centimeter each first of all i'm going to cut out the bottom and i'm going to use these bars these bars are of different thickness so it's a centimeter that way and one and a half centimeters that way so this is what i'm going to use and this bar is half centimeter thick and it's very useful for cutting out the bottom [Music] right so that's my perfection chunwas there i have three layers of one and a half centimeter thickness so one two three and you can see that the overall texture is absolutely homogeneous and so that's perfect so hope all that makes sense generous isn't super complicated but there are key points that you have to remember or else you will end up with the genocide you won't be satisfied with so i'll do some of the key points make sure that you raise the temperature of your sugar honey and egg mixture up to around 40 degrees celsius so that it can easily incorporate air into it and plus you can melt the sugar completely number two make sure you incorporate enough air if you don't you will end up with a genoise that won't inflate and it won't be light enough it'll just become dense and that's not generous it's called a sponge cake for a reason number three make sure you risk it on low speed for about a minute or two in the end to even out the size of the air bubbles that will result in a homogeneous texture inside number four make sure you don't over mix it from the point when you add in the flour and also when you add in the melted butter and milk i've only highlighted a few key points and obviously generous requires quite a bit of practice and so don't be demoralized if you're not satisfied with your genuines just give it time just practice and you'll get better i hope this video on making a perfect noise was helpful and now i will come back with the video on actually using this to noise layer so cakes i will share my recipe on how to make a strawberry shortcake and this is a korean style strawberry shortcake i'm sure you'll love it until then thank you very [Music] much
Channel: Hanbit Cho
Views: 511,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 제누아즈, genoise, hanbitcho, 조한빛, sugarlane, 슈가레인
Id: M2xIDD3Kvdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 8sec (548 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 17 2021
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