Amazing Smile Transformations | SmileFast | Damira Dental Studios

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[Music] i'm excited about coming today because i'm gonna start my smile fast journey my teeth were i mean when i was younger they wanted me to have braces but um i was scared of the dentist but then so i didn't do it um and i've regretted it the whole of my adult life really so i have been grinding my teeth for many many years and as a result of that my teeth have become quite a lot shorter than they used to be now i'm quite self-conscious of them i don't particularly like to smile too much in pictures and that kind of stuff the smile fast journey that i'm on i think it will just give me a lot more confidence i think a new smile will make a bigger difference to me than i thought it would do and the more i've learned about smile fast i'm actually have to say quite excited about the prospect of just being able to smile naturally without being self-conscious so i've been seeing dr brogan for a few years now as a patient she encourages me to look after my teeth and my teeth are in a better state but i think the final piece of the jigsaw is really the the look of my teeth i'm really excited about smile fast just because it was going to make the treatment so much quicker and the finishing product of how it was going to be and then especially my top teeth and how straight and white and just yeah how amazing they're going to be able to look in the mirror and smile and feel happy with myself [Music] back today for my smile fast trial on i'm really excited to see what my teeth are going gonna look like a bit nervous as well so today's the refined stage and i think it's gonna be the real wow factor for the patients and they're gonna actually see what smile fast is gonna be able to deliver for their teeth and i think they're gonna be amazed the design stage went really well the the digital scan and the and the actual image that it produced was amazing the process so far has been it's very easy um and one appointment a couple of weeks ago appointment today and one more next week and then i'll have the whole smile so very excited i feel really nervous and excited about today to see my first trial fit for my new smile [Music] oh my god that is amazing your face just changes completely doesn't it yeah wow that is that is honestly incredible that is better than i could have ever hoped that that would be i love them they look absolutely beautiful happy amazing so happy [Music] oh my god oh my oh all level that looks incredible that's amazing thank you that is literally i'm actually genuinely literally oh my god oh my god oh my god that was mine [Music] [Laughter] [Music] didn't feel really emotional thank you so much yeah thank you so much i love them i can't believe how quickly today has come around i think the smart fast treatment is definitely going to change my life being able to just smile without having to think about how what my teeth look like and kind of being proud of my new smile will be amazing i think my friends and family are going to be amazed when they see me today i know they're going to be jealous definitely a couple of my siblings because um yeah they really want their teeth doing as well mild fast journey has just been incredibly simple and easy i think it's only an hour or so an hour and a half today and i'm gonna walk out with a new smile so yeah very exciting [Music] oh wow oh that is sensational i feel like i feel normal i feel better than normal ah that is literally amazing if anybody had ever said to me you know would you like cosmetic dental treatment i'd have some of them know it's not for me i would have said it's not for me but now having had that it's for everybody [Music] oh my god wow like them i love them i can't believe those are my teeth oh my god they look amazing don't they they do yeah they're incredible oh my gosh i love them i really love them i really love them oh my god i never thought oh my god i love that that's it we're done they are your tea oh i love them i'm so thank you so much they're even better than last week yeah they are yeah so i came to you because my teeth were like really yellow crooked um different sizes sort of all uneven um overlapping i absolutely hated i cannot believe the results i've got i can't believe how quick the whole thing has been from the first consultation through to having my new teeth i can't believe how quick it's all been and yeah i'm really really pleased with the results great i'm amazed at what you've been able to do with smile fast it's when you told me about it i was you know didn't know what to expect but it's incredible and so if someone said to you actually there's a choice between having cosmetic dentistry veneers etc and this what would you say to somebody well i'd say look if you really want to do something about your teeth and you want to do it now go ahead for it do do smile first because it works and obviously we've hardly touched your front teeth so your front teeth are completely intact underneath yeah so whereas with other procedures like you know obviously when we first saw you 18 months ago we treatment plan to do crowns and accept your veneers you know obviously we didn't have to do any of that we just kept your natural teeth intact we've given you the smile you always wanted just with smile fast amazing you
Channel: Damira Dental Studios
Views: 214
Rating: 3 out of 5
Id: JPRZAybsbJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 4sec (424 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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