【尊き】日本の手作り学校給食 feat. 小学一年生の今!職人技 日本 大阪 和泉市 Japan's handmade school lunch and today's students 2021

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Put the radish on it. OK! "Ohayo-gozaimasu!"(Good morning!) Please! "Ohayo-gozaimasu!"(Good morning!) Thank you! Let's all stand! Let's stand properly! (Teacher) Do you stand without holding it? Then please! (Teacher) I will say hello in the morning! "Ohayo-gozaimasu!"(Good morning!) "Ohayo-gozaimasu!"(Good morning!) Rei. Let's sit Based on the hygiene management of Izumi City School Meals, which was prepared with reference to the Hygiene Management & Cooking Technique Manual (Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan). Cut off the skin, roots, etc., and wash vegetables at least three times under running water after thoroughly washing off soil and other dirt. 88.6 ℃ 91.2 ℃ Pork Carrot Stir-fry to bring out the aroma of sesame seeds. The temperature is OK! "konbu"(kelp) flaked bonito dashi broth Chicken soy sauce Chinese cabbage tofu green onion This school is an integrated elementary and middle school. Let's finish the 4th hour of study ! let's end! Rei School lunch duty, let's move! (Teacher) Who's in charge of handing out the dishes? teacher! I'm going to the bathroom! Who will carry the large side dishes? Who will carry the small side dishes? Please! I'm going now! Today's menu. First grade class came to get their lunch! "ITADAKIMASU!" heavy! Hang in there! (Teacher) yoo-hoo I will help you too! (Male student) You're doing your best! (Teacher) We put our hands together! "ITADAKIMASU" (Teacher) "ITADAKIMASU" Then whoever can make more large side dishes, come here! (Teacher) Come here with a mask! (Teacher) There is still rice! (Teacher) Would you like to help? (Male student) How many legs do you have? (Students) It's really reflected in the camera! I know! (Female student) Let's join hands! (Teacher) We put our hands together! (Students) Are your hands properly aligned? (Teacher) "Gochisousamadeshita"! (Teacher) "Gochisousamadeshita"! (Students) "Gochisousamadeshita"! (Students) "Sayo-nara"!(Goodbye!) Rei! Then go out quietly! (Teacher) Thanks your support & Love from Japan! "DELI BALI"
Channel: DELI BALI
Views: 8,400,434
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 給食, 学校給食, school lunch, Elementary school lunch, 手作り, handmade, homemade, 日本, 職人技, 小学校, 一年生, 密着, japanese food, 食べ物, 食べる, street food, 学校, 美味しい, グルメ, cooking, 料理, DELI BALI, 2021, seafood, シーフード, 大阪, osaka, japan, School Lunch in Japan, Kyushoku, 食育, 教育, 黙食
Id: lGLr1akxYo8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 52sec (1312 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 12 2021
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