Amazing Experiments with Science Bob Pflugfelder

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that's yes is an elementary school teacher who understands that the keys to getting kids excited about learning our patients enthusiasm and lots of explosives he is the author of the Nick at Tesla science adventure books please welcome science Bob fluke you got a bunch of stuff again and we're gonna by the way since the last time I saw you you got invited to the White House White House Science Fair yeah what an amazing event you got young people using science technology innovating and at that place it was it's a great event no matter who wins the election I hope they keep I'm guessing you did not explode anything in the way they did not know luckily I was just a guest I see okay all right well that was good thinking Bob all right you're always very bright I do what I can so what should we what are we gonna see here tonight miracles of science do you have to present shall we start with a little physics yes why not all right so as you know light travels but it travels at different speeds travels very fast but it travels at different speeds through different objects I don't know yeah I'm gonna be honest to you I had no one handed so I'll travel through air at one speed will travel through glass of no speed plastic another speed what if it travels to Hawaii is that totally didn't do that at 186,000 miles per second well that is fast fast yeah so I'll show you we can we can demonstrate this okay this is a Pyrex test tube Pyrex is so special it's borosilicate glass it's can take temperature variations so it's used for labs a lot you've got probably yeah he's at my house right yeah Pyrex measuring one so like uh so if you take this we're gonna put it in water so put it partially in water here okay all right we can see it right the reason we can see it is because light travels at a different speed through water then through air which is in the test tube boring right so now fill it with water okay so fill it with water all right now we can see it less because it's traveling at a closer speed to water okay and so boring though right so all right so I'll tell you what for the next part you're gonna need to put some gloves on okay now I know where it gets some series okay Larrick take that all right and these are my hands but those on your hands it's good to see them so we're gonna take another one of these okay bend over and we got an aquarium this is action you can try six per at home with your measuring cups this is an aquarium filled with cooking oil oh it's like vegetable oil okay and so if you take that alright and just dip it in into the edge right there and you can see we can still see it correct yeah because again is traveling through oil then it's traveling through air oh my and Pyrex have something a little bit different thunk it in so it actually fills up with the oil okay we can't okay yeah you can leave that and now you can take your glove off okay all right we got a towel here alright so we can show that I got a friend that works with it works with borosilicate glass so you got what's his name his name is Wayne okay Wayne and so he's created we got a big we made this way made this he's the best he really is yeah yeah alright so we uh there's a little hidden surprise in here though this is a little tube if you blow a hardness - well I trust me are you teaching these things this is not gonna be legal till January Bob all right we're gonna put air into it and what you'll get to see is now that's filling with air and we can actually see the glass tube that was inside waiting really did a number on this yeah that's pretty great that's my breath in there how that is yeah so you can see how air and oil it travels through different yeah you can in fact if we go back to this oh really there's a low head surprise for you after you didn't know it but that whole time we actually had this hidden in there [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay I'm not gonna get that one wait I got it Wow the ending of The Sixth Sense it's like a total surprise twist you bored us for three solid minutes and then came back to this and unbelievable how you pulled that out yeah Wow all right come on over against my Wayne loves to hang out all right so now we're gonna do a little chemistry experiment now we know if you remember from middle school you need three things for fire and you need two Keela you need oxygen you need oxygen of course about that I've got a chemical in here it's a very flammable chemicals called red phosphorous okay we're gonna burn that and air is 20% oxygen so we're gonna see how it burns in 20% oxygen okay these flasks however are filled with a hundred percent oxygen Oh so what we're gonna do is we're gonna burn it see what it looks like in 20 percent oxygen how'd you get it in there uh we used how it was kind of fun we use liquid oxygen we liquefied oxygen we put it in there and let it vaporize oh that's kind of fun oh we're gonna get that burning and then we're gonna uncap it we're gonna turn it upside down and put it right over there all right let's do a difference all right I got our goggles on under all right get ready to go ahead and light that all right there we go all right there's going alright remove the cap now over here ready yeah and carefully flip it over just right over there [Applause] I know this experiments done in the 1600 it goes way back although they were trying to make gold when they did it was Alec did that were they successful and they were not in making gold at all no wow wow that's pretty great yeah so this is a closed chemical breakdown so either the oxygen will run out or the phosphorus will run out and then it will stop going alright well beautiful all right great alright so the only thing better than physics and chemistry is when we can put the two together okay so that's what we got here today so I you know my my favorite liquid cold liquid because we've used it on the show before you enjoy your favorite cold lemonade no no no it's so liquid nitrogen Oh liquid nitrogen right yeah so I've got something here that looks a little bit like liquid nitrogen okay cuz it's very very cold liquid nitrogen is 321 degrees below zero Fahrenheit this is actually 260 degrees below zero Fahrenheit while this is liquid methane would that like if you stuck your pinky in there would it snap right off it would freeze the cells of your skin and kill them yep great yeah so here's what's great that you can't do with liquid nitrogen if I take this little lighter thing here I'm glad you're not with Isis I'll tell you that look at that so now that flame is about 3,500 degrees and below is minus 260 degrees Fahrenheit Wow that pretty cool so it's like the red of alt oh yeah too dated a reference all right it's got another cool feature is called the Leidenfrost effect okay light and frost effect you know when you put water on a hot skill and it dances around I do right so this is very very cold and so the floor consider compared to this is very very hot it's a gear well they dance around alright so let's see what happens when we pour liquid methane on the floor you ready yeah let's see us out [Applause] and will that actually damage the floor it's not even touching you know about a party instead of a bottle of wine yeah you can have that when the door opens you just go get a little more luxury yeah don't do [Applause] and there's look at that science Bob he's a pyromaniac if nothing else all right well we got another a very big you build something I did felt huge a spectacular Bob's website is science Bob calm we'll be right back with science Bob and one more amazing thing all right this is it what do we have here science all right so here's what we're doing we're playing a little high voltage electricity beautiful a little combustible vapors okay all right so here's what I got here these are old school film canisters here and we're gonna create a spark gap inside of these canisters using this little handheld Tesla coil so a Tesla coil creates a high-voltage electricity and it's got that little button if you push that little button go ahead you can take it all right now you can't really see it but if you bring it near the metal edge of this table or should yeah sure it's okay oh there you go oh yeah okay I see what's going right so that if you put it touch it to this just this wire here huh we're gonna create a little spark gap so you can see a little spark in there okay that should ignite the ethanol vapor which is in here and launch this like a rocket oh all right all right all right whenever you're ready go ahead I'm right art is everyone ready here we go now I'm scared to do the rest all right [Music] that's exciting Bobby I want to mention to the younger audience who may not have seen film was something we used to use film canisters yeah to store weed right is that all right I've been working on a little project for you come on over here all right so that's a little bit different we've got a bigger Tesla coil and 315 film canisters awesome so here's how it's gonna work there is a chain-reaction spark gap in here and ethanol is like a biofuel so it's flammable we got a little bit in each one and so if all goes well as we spin this it will swing by the spark will jump from here over to this wire and send this entire volley all off at once that will kill everyone in the audience of coil powered Gatling gun awesome all right so only thing better than one is - I got one over for you all right all right there's a little handle there just go ahead you can start like spinning it just you know a nice even pace I can't understand anything you're saying there you go crank it doesn't matter what direction crank away you know just start what crank ahead start crank are you told me to crank it yeah yeah all right okay all right time to power mine ready three [Music] [Music] [Applause] Wow Wow look at that I gotta tell you something that you must be so much fun to have as a teacher I mean this really makes me want to kick my other team we have a lot of fun go to science Bob comm if you want to see do you love clicking buttons and subscribing to things then click the button to subscribe to my channel and you'll finally be happy
Channel: Jimmy Kimmel Live
Views: 6,287,881
Rating: 4.6319466 out of 5
Keywords: jimmy, jimmy kimmel, jimmy kimmel live, late night, talk show, funny, comedic, comedy, clip, comedian, mean tweets, science, science bob pflugfelder, tesla, tesla coil, electricity, gatling gun, oil, light, physics, chemistry, methane, fire, nikola tesla
Id: exhHtH3HOvI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 25sec (745 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 28 2016
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