Amazing Encounter with Baby Bobcats and Mother Bobcat 08-14-18

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hey guys capper here and another really cool wildlife video from our farm but first i did want to ask you guys to help us out and if you enjoy this video or any other videos to please share them on social media because i know there's a lot of people out there that would enjoy following us because we often hear from people saying wow how come i didn't find your channel sooner so if you like this or any videos or tractor excavator land management please share them and help get the word out for us now on to this story i was coming home down the driveway in my truck and all of a sudden i saw these two kittens right out in front of my truck and at first i thought well great we got some wild farm cats here but after a split second i saw the white on the back of their ears and i realized that these were bobcats so i i really wanted to grab one and check it out but i refrained from that just in case the old stories are true that if you get your scent on them the mom won't want them but i think the mother was in there growling at me and then all of a sudden i think the father showed up and i'll show you how this all unfolded it was a little bit tense and suspenseful but let's check it out i think you'll enjoy it like and subscribe to follow us on all of our country adventures so let's check it out thank you oh my gosh look at this i think these are bobcats they are they are little baby bobcats oh my goodness are they cute cute yeah you guys better run where's mama at she's probably hiding in the weeds there oh she's not happy mama's moaning in the weeds there it's either sounds like she's not happy or she's dying she's moaning i better at least get something to defend myself with if need be my gosh look how cute the thing is look at the blue eyes wow hey hey oh my goodness i gotta go see what's moaning in there i wonder mom's injured or what all right i've gotta [Music] oh geez i don't even see this guy over here [Music] you better get over my mama look at the eyes [Music] why are they coming out here one [Music] kids man curious of course i'm curious now i want to see mom but i don't want her to attack see if i can get a little flank i can hear the growling is about right over that way surprised she's not at least showing herself i mean if it's injured i want to get a rescue place for these little ones it's just moaning and of course they're camoed man she probably only a couple feet in there you guys get back in there this i've never seen that's for sure never ever seen bobcat kits curious little buzzards hey i don't want to even get my scent on you are you frick or you frack wow beautiful little things wow where's mama at wish i could just see it i might pull the truck up and stand on that because this is not a good situation all right let me pull the truck up and see if i can look down from above okay now i'm way up high i'm standing on the truck and i can't see mom the little ones are there you could see them moving right in there [Music] oh there's another one right there i just can't believe though that the mother would leave them run out like this there ain't no way i'm marching in there not unless i meant i knew the mother was gone where are you mama there she is oh now that makes sense but what the heck was growling in the weeds here maybe the dad was yeah swell they're living in my culvert pipes over there [Music] [Music] wow unreal oh there we go there's a big one [Music] i said a better camera [Music] i just want to know if there's the mom and the dad i'm gonna guess there is man it's like a lion sitting in the weeds [Music] so that is where they're living in them pipes because a couple weeks ago i saw one run out of that area here comes mom [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] kits are in there peeping i guess she figures i ain't gonna harm nothing up here wow how amazing was that i was tempted to touch one of them little ones but i did not want to get my scent on it i want to see if she carries them off all right well i'm leaning on these convenient boxes that i had in my truck um she's still down there i could hear him and i could kind of see her moving around i thought maybe she'd come out for a closer look or take the cubs and take off but uh i'm gonna guess she doesn't wanna have me see where her den is so i'm gonna carefully climb down on that side get back in the truck and head in but uh how cool was that man that was just literally amazing totally amazing c you
Channel: Kapper Outdoors Modern homestead
Views: 661,283
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baby bobcat, bobcat kittens, Illinois Bobcat, hunting land, illinois land, kapper outdoors, country living, shawnee national forest, farm life, farm vlog, country adventure, rural life, living the dream, woodland bobcat, wild bobcat
Id: 0FmaVwSlmGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 17 2018
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