amazing bird!!!he talks like a human being!!!

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Einstein everyone tell everybody your name she's getting ready can you tell me your name Don say hi you say hi but be polite sweetheart let's start off with some animal sounds first can you do okay got a clear throat let's do a wolf okay got a bird - the bird get he didn't owls have that rooster how about a penguin penguin for you how about a chimpanzee can you do Pig sometimes they get chunky you think they need to go on a diet white boy oh how about diet how about some Tigers from the jungle growl what about a skunk let's do some sound effects too spaceship good space it with the laser yeah yeah can you fall down maybe could you whisper that's good how about evil opera let's sing some opera there you go Kenya - this is a lot of just a lot of hard work we're not done yet what do you think [Applause] go crazy for everybody can you go crazy go crazy whoa all right she loves the party since so can you just get down let's get down [Applause] that miss for you can use up to drink here no fear you think water that's much better alright so you just wait till later because I have a problem what's the matter watch my dog can you call the dog good job right side don't see the dog anywhere I don't want this to be boring maybe boring yeah well we all love you you know that you're famous are you famous yes what do you say when it's time to go [Applause]
Channel: par11par
Views: 13,366,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BIRD
Id: dU14Fa7IdUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 3sec (183 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 18 2008
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