Amazing Backyard Pond Tours!

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thing that i love about the ecosystem ponds is  that the older they get the better they look   look at this guys whoa i didn't even realize  how big this thing was look at these coins   oh this is cool come here guys i want my  whole backyard to just be a giant water   feature you know what i mean get out  of here look at this you know this is   really cool to see how other people have  incorporated their homes into nature and   it gives it this illusion that it is even  way bigger than it is look at this no way look they created space for animals to come and  live and be peaceful this is someone's backyard   incredible man it's hard to get bored in your  backyard when you've created a spot like this   wow oh my gosh guys look  at how gorgeous that is god   are you serious i get so many great  ideas from seeing what they're up to   dude that's the hobbit hole i'm a nerd by the  way just in case you haven't figured that out   wouldn't you guys love to live under a waterfall  let's go check out this hobbit inspired house oh man what are we doing today here i got the  uh wifey poo right there my buddy stan from   aqua escape he always drives me whenever i come to  chicago and uh i have no idea what i'm doing today   i got a call a couple months ago from good old  greg the pond guy saying hey look um i'm gonna   bring you up to um chicago in the summer and  we're gonna go check out some really cool ponds   and some cool places to hang out so i truly  don't know what this video is going to be about   we might even be lost right now right we don't  know where we're at but here here we go we're   we're looking for greg the pond guy maybe maybe  someone knows who greg is over there is this guy   hey he's waving to us how you  doing buddy we're looking for puns [Music]   we sincerely thank all of  you happy campers out there   your support makes a real difference  in our efforts here at camp cannon   this week's special shout out goes to stephen cup  thank you for all you do and for loving reptiles   all right guys so let's see what we're doing  here today i have absolutely no idea but it's   going to be fun and you've never seen aqualand  never oh this is really cool man you heard the   rumors yep so now you know exactly what i'm doing  there he is the world's greatest pond magician   we almost didn't find you man what's up arlington  heights yes dude what's going on hugs all around   so what i have no idea what you're doing here  we're just going to do a little personal contour   for a couple we're gonna have lunch at my mom's  house oh i love it so we're having a fun day   so we're gonna show you guys some really cool  aquascape ecosystems and the cool thing is   greg is that when we look at all these different  ecosystems yeah it's gonna give me ideas for the   next pond build we've got always it's always it's  so fun yeah so stan check this pond out oh let's   go check it out this is a pond we built nine years  ago and it's the first swim up bar that we ever   built oh so it's a wreck pond it's a it's it's  it's a it's actually a swim up bar for fish oh   you sit on the outside and the fish come up to  you but we had never done that before so i got   my i got my axis go the same one yes i'm gonna  get some underwater cam photoshop i love the   rocks you guys have up here i mean guys look at  this i mean oh god just beautiful nine years old   so it's filled in quite nicely right so that's  the other thing that i love about the ecosystem   ponds is that the older they get the better they  look there's your wetland filter and a beautiful   water oh that's amazing isn't that good that is  amazing and of course you can step all over and   look at this guys that's a really nice drop  i love getting i love seeing this because i   can get so many different ideas so stand  next next to your house hey look at that   whoa i didn't even realize how big this  thing was look at this look at these coins   oh that's beautiful man nice fish so this  is this was a uh the first time that we'd   ever done a see see how the bar comes up  guys sit there at the bar look at this   look at these steps i mean this oh this is cool  so you got little chairs you could just hang out   feed the fish yeah there's some fruit right  there feed them oh cool man check it out on   video yeah let's go come here guys there they  go beautiful koi and of course being up here   in chicagoland area um these koi take the winter  no problem no problem yeah that's awesome man   they're just carp you know yeah  same carp as that you see in that   the rivers up here yeah and greg doesn't mind  again look it looks like you actually have steps   there greg yeah they get into their pond they  they wait and it's only three feet deep but they   can wait in it yeah that's nice you know and and  again you don't need if you guys are interested in   these um ecosystem ponds there's always going  to be on the aquascape website there is a   cac finder there is a certified aquascape  contractor finder for your area so you'll   be able to figure out how you can do this and they  have ponds for every size every budget and ferrari   backyard like yours yeah you know pretty much i  mean this is incredible what kind of uh pine is   that i have it's shocking because it's in the  water i am not the expert but i don't know the   thing is literally in the water it creeps man it  reminds me of japanese of an actual japanese uh   yeah some sort of a weeping tree yeah that's  amazing now can they get out just kind of hop   scotch onto these i mean that's pretty cool yeah  i mean this is three feet deep yours is what five   and a half yeah deep so this is lots of a wreck  pond it's more just a large backyard water garden   yeah but you know i just oh wait do you have  two wetlands yes so there's two wetlands out   here this is one of those projects that as  we started building it they kept adding to it   and and they wanted to expand it because look at  this beautiful these beautiful bay windows here   this is oh that's amazing waterfall over here  and then they're like we always entertain in   our pad our pavilion over here so if we get  a waterfall over there yeah that's amazing   so what's cool is what's cool is kate  is getting to see this as well because   i want my whole backyard to just be a giant uh  water feature you know what i mean i love it   but um let me i'm gonna just kind of wander up  here i just love i just really love that these   fish have so much to kind of explore but look at  how beautiful this is i hope i hope the homeowners   don't mind that i'm really getting involved  in this but my gosh look at how beautiful the   wetland filters themselves are a work of art it's  not just some mechanical pump all that's hidden   but this is as i've said before on my rec pond  that's the workhorse that's what's cleaning the   water that's what's creating the habitat for  microorganisms to clean and do their job so   essentially what aquascape builds they are  ponds but you can think of them almost like   a river system the water's always moving they're  always flowing water through and that really keeps   this water clear so beautiful that is amazing  i love this driftwood such beautiful driftwood   and then the character of these rocks is  amazing we need reptiles though we need   reptiles in these clocks i've talked to dan the  owner okay can we come in and and and film do   you still have that little turtle because oh  wow what do we got they've had they've had   are they here uh they just left they said it's  okay we're not breaking and entering okay our   pond customers are friend customers right oh look  at this i know i know you'll know what kind that   is oh yeah oh he's doing a handstand oh it's a  midland painted turtle may i grab it do you think   oh it's a little midland painted i used to catch  these at woodward camp probably the easterns well   no a midlands start in pennsylvania okay okay  and they come all the way into the midwest and   then once you get a little further west of uh  here you'll start getting western painted but   the midland you can tell because right here this  dark little um marking along the plastron is where   you're gonna know that's the midland painted  turtle so this is a species i used to catch   all the time when i lived in pennsylvania  uh in center county pennsylvania near state   college uh just a beautiful little turtle and  uh so they've had this guy for a long time huh   wow long time man i would love to see them get  this little guy outside and in the pond but they'd   have to do something to secure the pond uh from  him being able to walk away because truth is he   would walk away no worries but hey how awesome is  that they got a little turtle so here's the view   oh i know this guys look at this hon we we talked  about maybe trying to do something to where we   could see our pond more but we found out that it  would be very difficult to do with the structure   you can't just blow out yeah anyway man we'll just  have to walk outside to experience our pond all   right so there you go got some long boards hey  man i'm not gonna get hurt today that's that's   not gonna happen so this is a really cool first  treat uh again super excited to see what we got   going on today we're gonna visit a couple of ponds  we're also gonna visit with ed the pond professor   and uh i'm gonna get to meet the woman who created   this masterpiece look at this specimen of  a man your mom your mom the biggest fan   there you go all right guys very cool  we're gonna keep this party rolling all right so we are at the second stop here on  our tour de pond and already uh certified wildlife   habitat no way really yes let's get out of here  look at this guy wait is this an actual reverse   of a wetland it's it's our uh it's kind of like  a a reservoir like vanishing yeah so there's aqua   block sitting under there it just recirculates but  this family really likes pine trees and not only   they have pine trees but there's something very  unique that i want to show you all right here   but look at this living area oh my gosh look at  it you know this is really cool to see how other   people have incorporated their homes into nature  and that's one of the things i've always loved   about what you guys do at aquascape gorgeous  when we came in here kennen this was just   grass so it was just a lawn in the backyard  they bought the house they wanted the water   there was an architect involved and he  had the pond completely bass backwards   brian met with them and they reversed everything  and then they built this pavilion to be able to   kind of sit back here and enjoy it yeah that's  whether it's raining or not oh yeah you could   be out here where they live and truly all of these  beautiful pine trees again we're seeing different   you know some really different uh plants that  we don't normally see here in our tropical   environment of florida but what i love about  it is it's essentially like you have your own   park this you know what it means this is a park  and not only is it let's walk let's walk around   i want to show you the kind of the cool thing  about that we're always going to as as cool as   the pond is in our mind when we talk about these  customers you know all the customers with the x   look first of all look at this yeah i love it  okay they love national parks and they tour all   the national parks and what part of the pine trees  is it creates mystery so it just keeps going and   spinning back there and it gives it this illusion  that it is even way bigger than it is you see   okay so you got these beautiful wait now is  this a um one of your bio falls it's just a   bio falls that's amazing this is one bio  falls and what do you got little a little   water coming out there spillway look at this guys  duckweed just living on the sides of the rock and   hiding that's really unique to see that all the  mosses i absolutely love okay seems like a cool   big kid what do you think i want you to cool  i want to get kate's expression with you okay   corner here okay what do we got first of all got  a little camping area the northern woods we're in   come on isn't it neat it's just fun but that's  not the piece of resistance here the piece when   you turn and go around this you'll see it there's  still more water look at this oh my god no way not only is it a tp it's a working teepee they  actually make fires in it and he says this is   where he reads his books and kind of falls asleep  in an afternoon nap no i want a tv oh my god kids   love this this is beautiful man what a gorgeous  backyard yeah the kids would freak out for this   holy smokes man i can't believe imagine i have  a lot of effective customers so look at this look at oh what a beautiful beautiful place that  is amazing look at that he's got some axes and   tomahawks here i mean i like this guy i know  i've been the coolest customer i haven't even   met the fella and i i like him um just beautiful  look at this piece of this nice little walking   stick and i love the even the fact that they've  got like a dry riverbed you know get out of here   so it it it actually will flow with flowing water  in here and go under and they we just added the   waterfalls to run you know continuously but it'll  it'll have two three inches of water in it when   it rains that's incredible but you know i look  at this and i keep seeing how can we incorporate   reptiles and animals into this and as he said  this is a certified backyard habitat which means   that they have gotten that certification because  they created space for animals to come and live   and be peaceful and so wait a minute this is just  like a pondless waterfall yeah so it's a timeless   waterfall inside a dry stream bed that is this  is the aqua blocks that sit down here and then   this was how we got rid of rainwater that would  flow through the back of the yard that is true i   mean look at the pine sheets oh yeah well i kind  of want walk out go walk over here and just look   at these big boulders i mean the boulders are  impressive to me i love rock but yes just look   at where we are guys this is someone's backyard  incredible man and i'll tell you what some of   you may be overwhelmed you may think oh this is  totally out of my reach how can i do something   like this i have to be honest when i was a young  person i always had these dreams in my head   about backyards like this i always wanted a  backyard that nature can come to and enjoy   and if you put your mind to it and work hard  these things are not out of reach they're just not   so it's really impressive and gorgeous so let's  have a look some more of these they've got   beautiful koi here look at these fish let's see  beautiful little puppy dog yes yeah that's awesome yeah it's so much fun um i think  you guys are getting a picture   we just need some turtles in here i love it so cool driftwood tour of some of the coolest backyards in chicago  in my opinion and what a time of year to do   this definitely don't want to come up here in  the winter but it's amazing just a fantastic   a fantastic little walk it's hard to get bored in  your backyard when you've created a spot like this   and here's the other side of this dry riverbed  it just runs right down well done well done wow   and it looks as though that's a looks like  a little shinto arm i don't know i don't   know if that's shinto or not but it looks like  that that little trellis so cool whoa big fish love it well we're gonna continue this  tour let's see what else we can find yeah exactly i don't know what's going on  but uh i'm having fun today it's gorgeous   and uh i love the passion and greg  seeing what your team has created   i haven't been here in two years it's  filled in oh my gosh wait i've seen this i've seen this guys being built wow oh my gosh  this is just a traditional neighborhood with   grass in the backyard and now look at it  hibiscus plant they got some tropicals too   wow it's cool to see some florida plants live in  florida see this these windows that window from   their main room is supposed to look all the way  down this stream guys look at how gorgeous that is   look at how gorgeous how can you not appreciate  what these guys create i've been calling them   ecosystem artists because that's what we're  standing on we're standing on a functioning   habitat there's all kinds  of things happening in here   all kinds of animals birds coming down  but look at these destination rocks i   love it oh my gosh the koi are gorgeous half  of these fish were born here yeah this is nice yeah it's a little bit of blue dye but uh look  at all those fish most of them were born here   wild i love just the access here you can walk  across again more of the plant life growing   in and around the rocks yeah you're standing where  the fire pit is and also where the wetland is we   have a underground wetland here because there's  a lot of space in their yard so you're standing   on top of aqua blocks really so how does that work  so it just the liner goes up like this this is all   filled with aqua blocks okay the liner goes on  top again so that it's impervious and then the   water just flows back through oh so so that's  this is really this is where the wetland filter   is it's just all subterranean you don't see it and  it's because they wanted to utilize the space you   know they wanted to still keep their yard for the  kids they had young kids for throwing the football   around and stuff but this is their wreck pond they  swim in this oh man so that that waterfall i'm   gonna pick that oh yeah they shut that off this  is so beautiful yeah so lots of koi um this is   gorgeous man power head you can see that  one of their power heads just pushing water wow let's go see this main body here god are you  serious so this is a recreation pond i haven't   seen a recreation pond up north so oh here we go  oh wow oh my gosh how deep is this one it looks   about it's deep six feet deep it's a about a half  a foot deeper than mine uh but again you know you   can see to the bottom uh that clarity is nice  this is a pond no harsh chemicals in it gorgeous   what's that mate the waterfall yeah look at  that yeah and then there's that bottom narrator   right here that is i'll tell you it's starting  to get warm i feel like taking a dip yeah   that is so cool and then here is the pondless  return this is where the water gets pumped back   to the top this is like six feet deep here  this is filled with the aqua box again   and this is where everything everything flows to  and this was a build a pond day so we did this at   pondemonium which is our annual event yes and we  did this for uh a build upon day three day three   years ago and the challenging part of this build  was all of the soil had to be removed from the   site you can see it's pretty flat i mean there's  a little bit for that firm okay we probably took   40 50 trucks of soil through the front gate that  one little gate with the bobcat and just pulled   it out here because everything that we dug up  had to move out because they just had what'd   you do with the soil we hauled it off and and  and dumped it what man i would use that soil   i could use that soil this is a suburban  neighborhood right it's surrounded by houses   this is an old neighborhood and they didn't want  to move so these are the kind of people that get   a wreck pond they wanted to have the experience  of like a wisconsin home but they didn't want to   move with their kids in school and everything else  so they built wisconsin in their backyard this is   just amazing how many gallons do you think this  is oh this is probably this is probably 30 000   gallons right here probably another 10 000 on the  street yeah 40 40 000 i would say yeah yeah wow   but look at this guys you can just wander right  over you got beautiful flowers i'm none of these   ponds are exactly the same and that is one of the  more beautiful things about aquascape and what you   get and the other cool thing is the aquascape  cacs the artists that create these habitats   they work with you and things as you as you've  seen with my build you may have an idea in your   head and it changes and they're able to change  with it and work with the environment that you had   so it's really cool so i don't know man i'm  i'm really loving seeing all these beautiful   habitats and the ponds and i'm getting a lot  of ideas because you guys know once you start   with reptiles and turtles it's not like i'm gonna  stop and that's why i jumped at the opportunity   to come up here and you know hang out with greg  and we're gonna see ed here in a little while   um because those guys they've been so good to  me and i get so many great ideas from seeing   what they're up to so you better believe that  i'm actually up here doing research i'm up here   because you know what we need to do we're going  to be having that alligator move in um definitely   in a couple of months and i have i have um those  badger of finis and the fly river turtles those   animals are going to need a larger pond and so i'm  actually on a fact-finding mission little vacation   what do you like workation right little work she's  having fun i'm enjoying it but yeah we got to come   up with something for the fly river turtles and  the large badger finis because i can't have them   in with the alligator they'll get eaten so we're  going to create something really cool for them   and uh you know who's going to help me build  it right those guys this is awesome though   all right well our day is moving right along  i think we need i think we need to show kate   a little bit of what aqualand is all about  i think your mind's going to be blown when   we show you i've been building it up all right  we're going to get there but one more time wow sure i don't care hey what's going on no i don't  care we're at home so all right so we saved the   the most interesting pond for last you know  this guy's the paw professor man so he lives   you live kind of off the beaten i do yes let's  just look at guys corn man children of the corn   just what you would expect from this this guy  so we're we're hanging out we're gonna have a   little dinner but i wanted to show you the final  pond on today's tour here in the chicago land area   although we're about 50 miles uh we are 50 miles  west correct of chicago so it's really cool and   you guys have a really interesting farm here man  you've got some goats you will show me around a   little bit we gotta wait for alan so all right  so my wife this is really her thing so i gotta   make sure that all right cool so uh can you show  me the pond i could show you the possibility   i just i just flip fled i just fed titan the fly  river oh he's actually out eating oh let's go see   him man that's so cool i know everyone's gonna  be psyched to see a pond that has turtle in it   and so this is awesome man no dude that's the  hobbit hole i am seeing the hobbit hole in   real life like this is like if  you were living in the shire   you would be like bilbo baggins after he came  back from his trip to the lowly mountain where   he helped dane and everyone get the uh the  horde from smaug really really cool look at   this pond man i'm a nerd by the way just in case  you haven't figured that out all right let's see   now he just disappeared oh come on you got  to dig them out they want to see them ah   i put apples so as soon as i put those  in he came and took a bite out of it   i literally just put this in here put what  the turtle no i i put this in here to feed   him awesome so i put different types of fruit on  here he seems to like the apples the best i do   uh oranges kiwi apples and he loves the apples  what about bananas you should try bananas bananas   do you like but they love bananas okay yeah  definitely well so you know we got this turtle   from big rich at ohio fish rescue okay he he said  this is the one turtle that i've never had kind of   and he said would you like it and i go yes that  is awesome man we built them this pond just for   you know that cichlids in here oh wow  dude so this is a tropical warm water   pond very cool all tropical bio falls we've got  a little intake bay here i got to tell you man   i like the intake phase the best yeah i feel  like they're the most efficient way to kind of   cycle and clean up definitely is good for cycling  it's def it's lower maintenance if you're well i   know i've been to your place you got so much stuff  happening ellen has her hands full here so this   we can get away with i have yet to it's been in  for two months i haven't done anything anything   it's beautiful i haven't done anything love the  driftwood you guys have but we've got to find a   turtle oh he's got a beach and everything so the  reason i did the beach because this is where i let   him go this is the easiest place for him to get  out so i wanted to see if he was coming out at   night okay so in the morning i'll check for tracks  very cool so right now you can see birds okay but yeah that's a green frog okay i don't know my  frogs and then we got taunt well there's tons of   well the tadpoles now are turning to toads did  you see ellen two weeks ago one of the bull blogs   ate a bird i did see that and you guys made it  onto nature's metal yes we did that's awesome   yeah yeah they got hooked up man uh nature's  metal is a really cool instagram instagram   uh you know account that you guys if you aren't  already following you should check it out   we got on it too when slinky ate the snake oh we  got on there so it's usually when things go very   wrong you get on nature's metal well i'll tell you  what let's look at the rest of the pond and i'll   go ahead and get my underwater camera and we'll  go probing around for this guy in a little bit   my goodness though so that's two separate systems  yep oh i love the videos watching you guys build   this yeah it was fun it was a fun project uh no  actually i don't have this is gonna be all native   fish okay so i'm trying to do it with native stuff  there's some really cool local creeks around here   really high water quality i'm waiting for  a permit to catch and keep native species   very cool but it's very slow as i know i know  you're very familiar oh yeah permitting is not   not exactly fun and so yeah i see a lot of  the tadpoles and you've done sand in the   bottom here yes after you yeah that's pretty cool  because it worked out we experimented we did yeah   because you guys are you know the reason they  use the gravel uh as the substrate is because   again microorganisms places for those animal  or those micro creatures to do their work   but you were worried about it becoming hypoxic  but with the flow you guys have i don't think   it matters you at all i don't think so and  it's not fit you know the ground you know the   sand is two inches yeah it's great that's really  really cool man love it you got some carnivorous   plants pitcher plants right there uh but i think  this is wouldn't you guys love to live under a   waterfall how cool is this let's go check out this  hobbit hobbit inspired house that's his window well let's have a look you can see the landscaping  this way so you just have to yeah that's okay no   you guys are gonna get the behind the scenes  tour it's really cool though that is amazing   stairway coming in i got to do more stonework on  this side this will all be vegetation yep this   is awesome dude what a cool hangout i mean when  do you find the time you are so busy that's why   it's not done yeah he's got his own ponds in the  backyard and you probably are doing this on the   weekend literally yeah exactly oh my gosh this  is incredible though man yeah this is what you   expect from the guy who has created literally  thousands of water features this is very unique   and very totally different yeah this this uh again  this whole trip i was telling everyone uh during   my whole vlog today was basically about getting  ideas and that's what's so cool about coming out   here and seeing what you guys do and how you build  up north and it just gives me more ideas of what i   would like to do in the future because you know  i've been listening i know you're the best dude   you're the best i've been telling everyone the  reason that of course you know i do need we talked   about it um a few months back ed and i about a  larger uh pond for some of these bigger turtles i   have more fly rivers that i need home for because  we're going to put the alligator in that pond   i have dug and right now i've got three large  batagra finis and the two um fly river turtles   yes so i need to yeah i've got to come up with  something because i can't have headless turtles   um and that's what i will have if i don't get  another pond but i'm not looking to do that   this guy's busy i'm i'm whenever they're ready  i'm ready for them but slinky loves his pond   this is an awesome day all the beautiful  incredible uh plants and yeah completely different   from florida right totally nuts man i love it oh  titan's out let's go see him everyone yeah he does   so he's really enjoying it huh oh yeah he loves  it so he just was here and he swam over there   oh i got underwater though well i'm gonna go  ahead and get my camera yeah he'll come out   and probably try to he took another bite that's  what he did there's two bikes out of there now   oh he's a small guy he's not big okay oh we got to  see this guy do you get hands on him ever oh yeah   yeah i caught him two days ago there was ellen had  a group of kids out here and i grabbed him and i   was showing them and telling them all about the  fly river that is so tell them about wow thanks   man you're too kind all right we're gonna go ahead  and switch cameras we're gonna go underwater and   i'll get you some shots of titan the fly river  turtle young guy young guy awesome [Music]   all right so we got lucky i was able to get  him i even got wet to do it we found him   off camera but here he is titan so big rich from  uh ohio fish rescue sent you this animal correct   yeah josh brought him up awesome look at this  oh my gosh guys i'm so used to seeing big ones   uh this is a cute little guy and i see why  he named him titan so again for those of you   have never ever seen a fly river turtle uh  very unique species they're pretty much one   of a kind in the turtle world in that they are  the only freshwater turtle that have paddles   and flippers here instead of the most aquatic  turtles which have webbed feet you can also see   uh remnants or toenails there they're not  vestigial they actually use them uh a vestigial   organ would be something that is no longer  used but they actually do use uh those nails   and they'll use it to kind of tear up some of the  fruit um so they'll tear it into smaller chunks   so they can do that and i would also imagine  it helps them cling on to the females   when they are copulating yeah so it's a really  really cool uh remnant of when they in fact if   you look guys you can actually see this is a long  toe these are all just long toes uh they're a bone   in there and that's what creates the paddle so  it's really almost like um and i'm just kind   of this is all anecdotal this is not you know the  science of taxonomy but it really looks as though   it's an animal that is between freshwater aquatic  turtles and sea turtles which are more specialized   obviously for the ocean well that's a great  observation that totally makes sense yeah i   mean it really does that's all scientists do guys  is they're they're detectives and they're just   trying to make sense of the natural world and uh  hey you gotta have a bit of a imagination you're   a scientist but you're also an artist man because  you're taking what nature does and you're doing a   term i love it's biomimicry uh be a great name for  a nerd band the bio mimics uh it would be cool or   or frontline assembly song which is a really  obscure industrial band that i listen to and look   there's frisbee's flying out everywhere here you  go man there's cole what's up austin that's austin   yeah very cool so anyway beautiful little turtle  and uh i'm glad we got a chance to see it man   finally we saw toe uh excuse me a green  frog eat you got toad tadpoles cichlids   we definitely saved the best for last as far as  some fun stuff always a pleasure i love it we're   going to have our little uh house on the prairie  meal right out here look at this this is amazing   all right everyone don't forget to like and  subscribe if you enjoy what you see here head   on over to ed the pond professor on youtube and on  instagram as well as greg the pond guy there he is   holding titan all right again on instagram  and youtube you can find these guys   if you're interested in ponds these are the  masters of pond building here uh and across   the globe and there's a lot of opportunities  if you guys really want to do something   you guys are looking for good people to work  for for you so if you live in the midwest   or you think about relocating to the chicagoland  area or anywhere in the world we're in the   certified operations contractor building ecosystem  of this nature you know the edges must be for 27   years 20 years that's right 28 years yeah  working together he started he had hair   look what working with him can do for you i'm just  kidding i'm just kidding i agree i've only known   him in a few short years i went bald and i love  to say i love mike he loves his job see you guys
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Keywords: kamp kenan, lizard, reptile, crocodile, alligator, iguana, turtle, tortoise, animal, animals, conservation, snake, education, kamp, turtles, reptiles, action, kenan harkin, science, sanctuary, habitat, terrarium, florida, pets, new, backyard, how to, diy, wildlife, tour, amazing, yard, nature, design, aquascape, eyes, difference, outdoor, living, spaces, incredible, beautiful, create, love, job, pure, art, snake discovery, vlog, brian barczyk, king of diy, waterfalls, home, perfect, fish, rock, best, feder, cuffaro, fishing, learn, video, pond
Id: UvQcljMeZBM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 2sec (2102 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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