Amazing Aqara FP2 Tricks | mmWave + GPT

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all right let's go I'm gonna show you seven automations using a car's fb2 millimeter wave sensor and I guarantee that at least two of these automations you've never seen before because they use GPT special thanks to akara for sponsoring this video almost every creator that I've seen talk about the fp2 has hyped it up so my expectations were kind of high and when akara sent me the devices I was excited to try it out and especially try out some of my elaborate ideas turning off and on Lights by walking and sitting in different areas was all I've seen from most creators and this is no shade on them being able to control lights with that type of granularity is amazing but real talk I felt like there had to have been more after playing around with fp2 for a few weeks here are seven automations you can try that ain't your mama's automations in a previous video I talked about a scary moment where my three-year-old daughter vanished from her room and was found wandering outside by herself with no supervision that incident led me to create an automation that alerts us if she escapes when she's supposed to be in bed now this automation was reliable but it had a few flaws for example if she were to throw a toy on the floor after the automation was enabled it would falsely trigger that automation however with fp2 I can set up a zone for my kids bed so the only time the guardian automation triggers is when her presence is absent from the bed but the benefits don't stop there though no no no no another major flaw that this original automation had was that if we forgot to disable it before going into our daughter's room it would just falsely trip now if we were scaling horizontally we could purchase a door sensor for instance so opening the door would momentarily disable the sensor and then closing it with automatic automatically re-enable it because fp2 can vertically scale we can use it and basically use its ability to observe presence in very specific places of the room which means that we wouldn't incur a penalty for entering and leaving the space because it's not watching all of the rumor just watching where our child is additionally I can take advantage of fp2's light sensor to automatically enable the guardian automation based off of the amount of light that's in the room so for instance if the room is dark I.E you know she's going to bed it'll automatically activate and then if there's light it can deactivate foreign set of ideas are really out of pocket and I was inspired by the late attraction at Disney's Epcot Center's Agent P's world showcase adventure it's a mouthful so I've talked about this attraction before as I believe that they use web hooks to trigger automations however if you're not familiar with this attraction the premise is that you're given access to a special website that presented clues that led you to Real World locations within Disney World at these locations you could find answers to riddles which would trigger funny and surprising Easter eggs or automations in the real world and what made this fun was that only those doing the particular Adventure knew what was going on and they knew that they were the cause of those automations to everyone else this was either magic or some random Disney thing now we can do something similar using fp2 for example a practical Easter egg may be to activate the house alarm by sitting or standing in a particular area for a specific amount of time between a certain time window secret event activated the alarm announce that to away mode so this is practical in the sense that the actions you choose could be specific to that of when you leave the house so it triggers intentionally but would seem like magic to everyone else and we can technically even incorporate GPT a silly Easter egg for example could be entering and exiting a space repeatedly within a short interval of time for instance you know you've let's say forgot something and you walk in and out of a room trying to remember what's going on we can use fb2 to monitor how you're moving through the space and then we can tell GPT to say something funny or sassy in response to you aimlessly wandering throughout the house you playing hide and seek with the door or are you practicing for a marathon make up your mind [Music] we can even go For Broke and make a game out of the occupancy sensor so let's say that you can start the automation with let's say a press of a button GPT can create multiple choice questions and provide let's say two fake answers and one real answer you can then use home assistant to randomize those answers and assign an answer to a different fp2 Zone once a person stands in the zone a short countdown timer will start and then at the end of the time where home assistant can announce the correct answer and then those standing in the correct Zone wins this is especially fun if the zones are spaced throughout the house or you can technically restrict the zones to let's say public areas of the house and use it as a party game now if these automations hit different imma need you to hit that like button and subscribe button because bro this is what we do in the shadow man I created this channel as a way to explore the path Less Traveled when it comes to Tech and sometimes I run into dead ends and sometimes I feel like I discovered a new element but in either case it's the journey that I enjoy so if this is something that you're into subscribe and come along okay here's another example of vertical scaling capabilities that fp2 has and all it needs is clever logic to help it take the place of other sensors so let's take a look at let's say bed sensors if like myself you don't have one and you need to detect if someone has left the bed you can create a Zone over the bed now when you get out of bed fp2 can trigger an automation like for instance turning on soft flow lights this is like the typical automation that I see other Traders do now you can do that with just the fb2 and this is what I like about the fb2 it's so versatile that I can squeeze a lot of use cases out of it it's just fantastic and another thing that makes a sensor extremely useful is how well it pairs with other sensors which brings me to es presence you can combine the fb2 with es presence to create a smooth tailor-made experience to enhance the quality of existing automations instead of viewing fb2 as a trigger we can shift our gaze and improve existing automations by treating it as a condition instead take my bedtime routine this automation will turn off the lights set the alarm adjust the thermostat read upcoming events and play music all of this is triggered via web Hook when I plug in my phone at night now this is a fantastic s-tier automation however there are situations I found where it would trigger too early like for instance when my phone is dying by combining fp2 with es presence I can now add the following conditions trigger the automation if es presence detect that the phone is in the master bedroom and if fp2 detects it I've been in bed for over 30 minutes now I can freely plug in my phone anywhere in the house without worrying about prematurely triggering this bedtime routine if my phone is dying and the same thing applies for my wake-up routine which basically wakes up my daughter turns off the alarm adjusts the thermostat and all of this happens when I unplug my phone in the morning so I can add a condition that can wait until I exit the bed to trigger the routine instead foreign videos I've talked about es presence-based subflows that enables you to locate where a person is in a house and send announcements to those specific areas or to specific people but what I didn't mention about these sensors is that they can provide GPT with specific information that can help it make better decisions I use telegram to communicate with Kate oh additionally I am currently in the office let's basically tell K to turn on the lights I'm not going to say to turn on the office lights I'm just going to say turn on the lights and we should see that only the office lights turn on we're going to look at all the lights we can see that this light is on and nothing else so we're going to turn off this light let's try it out to make it more interesting I'm not even going to say turn on the lights I'm just going to say it's dark in here let's see how it responds look at that look at that it turned on all these lights let's see if it only did it to the office though the only light on is the office now with fb2 I can get interesting insights so I posted a while back about how I used es presence to add more context to GPT so that way GPT could actually be a little bit more concise with how it ran my house and with that it was able to actually turn on and off lights in the area that I existed in which was great that's the millimeter wave or the Cara fp2 which uses millimeter waves to track where a person is within a room and it does it very specifically like you can actually see in real time right right here how as I move through the space it can track where you are now that I have this level of observation I can now make GPT even smarter technically my system knows the last time I was in the living room even though no one is currently there now so I can ask it a question like this when was the last time someone was in the living room oh oh man so that is freaky as I'm recording this it is 3 44. this opens up some very interesting discussions such as data mining your family's habits and using AI to generate automations that it learns based off of those habits but that discussion is for another video and if you're interested in that type of discussion just let me know in the comments now is fp2 perfect nothing is perfect they are definitely features that I wish it had and I thought it would have but it was a little disappointing to see that it wasn't there for instance I thought that it would have the ability to tell me the distance an entity is away from the sensor technically it knows this information but it's just not available and I can see the complications with trying to show this information but it would still be very nice to have that at my disposal because knowing the distance can help build exceptional nuance and granularity into automations that we create but one of the features I wished most that the fb2 had is is revealing the number of people it detects and it's kind of weird because fe2 technically knows the number of people that's within the space because you can see it on their graph but it doesn't really show that information to us it just gives us some binary status as someone's there or someone's not there an automation trigger like this would give fb2 a way to further personalize and simplify automations for example sending a notification if the number of people detected in a space exceeds as an expected threshold there's so much that you can do with just those two particular data points but maybe they can roll that out in a new feature update who knows the last thing is that it often gets a bit glitchy and create ghosts as I've seen people refer to them as or it just doesn't detect people at all this I'm assuming happens if you're in front of something or in an area that has a lot of interference um and a car does provide a way to reset the status of the app and add interference zones which can help reduce these occurrences I've tried it it seems to work but it's just something I figured I should call out because it did catch me off guard but technically for what it does and for what this device can currently do I really like it it's very versatile and can take the place of many different sensors so if you want to try it out check out the affiliate Link in the description using this link helps support this Channel and at no extra cost to you guys I really do appreciate the support that you guys give as it does make these videos possible a lot of you guys have clever ideas so let me know what automations you have using the fp2 or automations you would like to explore if you have the fp2 if you liked any of these videos ideas I think you're gonna really love this 7 epic automation ideas and trust me a lot of these ideas hit hard or you can check out the five automation ideas that I had back when I first joined this community that video is going to be very cringy at least to me but um the ideas in there are very solid okay bye thanks
Channel: Technithusiast
Views: 50,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aqara fp2, sponsored post, sponsored, home assistant, automations, GPT, Games, Tips and tricks, Reviews, Tech review
Id: TCan49iY6EU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 15 2023
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