Make Any Device Smart With the Aqara Dual Relay Module T2

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thanks to aara for sponsoring today's video this is the aara Dual relay module T2 now this is a smart relay that is able to control two different devices at once through a wet contact situation or you can set this up in a dry contact situation to be able to control something that has a button press like a garage or other appliances that you have in your home that you want to make smart so let's go ahead get this unboxed and I'm going to show you many different ways in which you can wire this in your home to incorporate it into your smart home so if you haven't seen a relay module this is very similar to others about similar size but some really unique features now this also has energy monitoring built in so you can have lights automatically turn off after they've use so much energy which is really cool now the t2 will need to be connected to an aara zigg 3.0 Hub to have full capabilities so this is the Hub E1 that you can pick up or I'm connecting this to my M2 today so I already have that set up and here on the back are a little bit more details about the t2 and then here it does have that dry mode that I talked about it works with AC or DC power devices it is matter over zigg with the bridge support let's get this opened up so there inside the box we have some instructions now there aren't a ton of details on how to wire this in the user manual but if you scan this QR code it will take you to a page where you can learn a bit more now if you have any further questions about wiring this in your home I highly recommend reaching out to an electrician to get this installed so here is the t2 and then here is the dinrail Mount and it is recommended that you put this in a box that is at least 60 mm deep and then here it has this antenna the antenna comes with a sticky pad and then here is the jumper cable that you will need to short the device when using this in a wet contact situation so on the device itself here at the top you have L1 and L2 so those are your loads that are going to go to load one load two then you have L out and L in that will be used for dry contact mode again we're going to short that out when connected to wet contact mode here you have L which is for line so the power coming in to the device and then here you have n which is for neutral so you will need to have this connected to a neutral line then here on the bottom you have S1 so that's for switch one you have S2 for switch 2 and then you have Comm which is communicating to the switch and so you'll tie this into the bottom of the switch and you'll tie these into the top of the switch to have the original switch work without needing to buy a new Switch a new wall plate all that stuff and this will just sit back in the wall box and then you do have a button right here that is able to help you reset the device but it can also be used to switch the switch when you have this connected so we'll be able to use that um and it's nice that it's right there without even having to open the app if you don't want to use that now Cara sent me a few of these so we're going to try these in a few different places now the first thing that we're going to do is get this installed behind a light switch in my kid's room all the rooms have a fan and it has a switch for the fan light and a switch for the fan so this is going to be the perfect device for that cuz I only need one device to control two different things in the room let's go ahead turn off the power get this installed then I'm going to use my voltage tester to make sure the power is out now let's go ahead take a picture of these so we can remember how they're wired now first we're going to short the relay so we're going to unscrew L out and L in place in the jumper screw that back together now let's go ahead and start with adding the line and the neutral so first I have my neutral bundle that I'm going to add a pigtail to then we're going to attach that to the t2 next we're going to attach the line to the power bundle here so there I have my power let's put it into the relay so next we have the load so we're going to attach that to load one and load two here on the relay there we have load one it's attached to load two now that those are in we're going to attach the switch to S1 and S2 now we're going to take the two lines that are at the top and those are going to be connected and we're going to put those in the com double check the wires all right now this looks a little bit more complicated but it's going to be a pretty cool result so here we have the load one to this switch we have the load two to this switch we have the short cable there we have the line powering this we have the neutral here then down here here we have the switch one so that's attached to over here switch two attached to over here and then back here we have the two tops of the switches that are tied together and they are tied to the Comm Port so let's go ahead turn on the power get this paired to the aara app and see how it goes power is on there you can see the blue light blinking here we're going to head into the aara app now again I already have my M2 Hub set up we're going to add new device add accessory three here we're going to search for T2 long press the button for 5 seconds all right there it found it here we have the accessory name and we'll put this in bedroom 2 now we have switch one this is going to be clar light and you can choose what icon you want here you have the usage type so is this a switch a light a fan so we're going to choose this as a light then here we're going to choose the room and you can choose what type of card it is next we're going to add the second Swit switch so this is going to be CLA fan now we still have pull controls on the fan that's how you'll change the speed but this will turn it on and off and here we have a fan so let's choose that again we can change the usage to a fan and we can choose where this is located and adjust the style and there you go let's try the light and it works let's try the fan nothing so installing the fan I had done that wrong I hadn't double checked the cables so this one is now going to the C bundle and then this one is now going to the load power is back on the fan Now controls the fan it's off it's on and the light yes pretty sweet that we can do all of that with this one relay switch and I don't have to replace any of the light switches I don't have to get a new wall plate and then here if we push the button that turns on both of them at the same time so the fan and light are now on press the button again and they are now off let's get everything put back together and after a bit of work I finally got the t2 back there all the way and now we can attach the switches I might need to do a little bit more maneuvering the power's back on and one thing you will notice is now your switches could be opposite so right now they're both up where they're both off so let's try the light flip the switch there it flips the switch pretty awesome then if I flip the switch here for the fan it then turns on the fan and then I can now use this from the app or through the different voice assistants so here in the app turn off the light turn off the fan and now the switches are right but that's until you use voice control again so here in the app when we open the device you will now see that you have the two different light switches right here there's the light there's the fan down here it's now showing power consumption so I just turned this on we don't have much yet but I'll show you um what this looks like in a little bit then if we go back we also have device group so you could set these up on different lighting groups and turn them all on and off at one time now here under the settings we do have some more device settings you have power off memory so it's going to remember the last state it was in or you can have it always on after power is restored or always off after power is restored so I like having it remember the last state or you can have it reverse from the last state you have switch type so you have rocker style button style or disabled here we're using the rocker style then we have convert to wireless switch so and then I have interlocking mode I'll use that if you're going to use like a roller shade we're not going to be using that right here and then we have device mode currently it's set to wet contact then here we have the dry contact pulse mode or the dry contact on and off then here it's showing what Hub it's connected to the zigg signal so we're here we have some great signal the firmware here we have the option to go and create different scenes or automations with these devices and then if you need to swap this out you have this option for an accessory replacement and we can create device groups and so on right there or remove the accessory okay that is working great this is an awesome situation in which you want to use the aara t2 having it control two different devices in one box next we're going to set up the t2 on our garage in dry contact mode so the first thing it says to do is while it's live short it and see if that switches the garage if it does then it's going to work so here I'm just going to check out the wires I'm going to grab my cable here using some pliers and when I touch them together let's see if it operates the garage no go so I was not able to short it on my garage and get the door the trigger I think because I have garage sensors but here at my parents house they don't let's give it a try that works let's get it set up so here on the t2 I have attached my power supply which this is a 12vt DC power supply I've spliced it and put it in the line and the neutral and just so you know my neutral was the one that had the line on it um other power supplies might be similar like that if not you might just need to switch the line and the neutral I've plugged it in and I've already changed this to dry contact with the pulse mode make sure you take out the jumper wires when you are using this as a dry contact the next thing we're going to do is take take um some wires here and put them in the L1 and the L out and then that's going to attach right here at the garage door um here with the red and the white and those are the two wires that I put together and caus the garage door to open so now we're going to unplug it and install that now we have the relay attached the L1 to the white here the L out to the red and then the power supply so let's go ahead plug in the power supply and the garage door test it out now to make this more smart I could even add a sensor there to the bottom to connect and it would know if it is actually open or closed but this works pretty well all on its own so here in the car app I have the garage and the switch too so if we go in here I can just press and it will close the garage sorry make sure nobody's in the way so here under the device settings we have the switch type so this is set to button switch and then down here we have device mode it's defaulted to wet contact but now I've switched it to the dry contact pulse mode that allowed me to press it to open it and press it again to close it the onoff mode required two presses each time so now when it's wired up correctly I can use the garage door like normal as well as use it from my voice distance or the app so here from the garage door and here in the Google app it's showing that the garage door is on meaning it's open and I can simply press to close it and here in the Alexa app it's showing that it's now off I could open it just by pressing power pretty cool hey Siri turn off garage it worked hey Siri turn on garage so here I have the garage showing that is currently on or open I press it again and then it closes it's going to show off press it again it's on now when you are using dry contact you do not get the energy monitoring like you do when it is set up in a wet contact situation I've now set it up with Google Assistant hey Google turn off garage door turn on garage door right now I'm only to use the onoff command it would be nice if you could switch it to open and close but it's great that that is working all right now let's go ahead and try it with Amazon assistance turn off garage door turn on garage [Applause] [Music] door and so that is how you can control your garage with the aara t2 now um the onoff command is great but if you wanted to use open or close you could just go through and create different routines to be able to do that now let's go ahead and connect the t2 to an outlet to make it smart so installing this on an outlet here I have a bundle of neutral one of them is connected to the switch and then this is going to go into the t2 then here we have our line and this is going to go into the t2 and then I'm going to have this one connecting to the switch so here we have the neutral connected to the neutral the line connected to the line then we have the jumper cable and then we have the L1 connected to the outlet all right for this device we're going to go into the device settings we're going to change the switch type type to disabled because we don't have a switch for this then we're going to go to the device mode and we're going to change it to wet contact so it can be controlled and here we're going to edit the device card all right and now we can turn on and off the outlet see if we can fit this all in there all right all right look at that I can turn them on and off my phone [Music] sweet now the final way I'm going to use the t2 today is as a wireless switch so over here we have this light switch that we don't really use anymore I was using it for some uh plugs outside but now I need to kind of keep those on all the time so is what I'm going to do is rewire the switch so those get constant power but now I'm going to use the power coming into the slight switch box to make this a wireless switch that's going to control other smart devices like maybe pumpkins that I set up earlier today so here for the wiring we have the line coming in and we have the neutral and the ground there and so is what I've done is I've taken the switch line and put it in the bundle here and then I'm now just taking the line to the t2 and then I'm taking the neutral to the t2 and then I have the jumper cable in there cuz you need that when you're using this in a wet contact situation and then I have in the S1 down here connected to the switch and then the Comm connected to the switch there's going to be nothing connected to the L1 or L2 up here on the top because this isn't actually going to be powering any load but it's going to be used as a switch when I flip this it's then going to control another device let's get this installed turn on the power and connect it through the app it's a bit tight but there it was able to fit in let's go ahead and screw that on here we have it as the wireless switch I'm going to go into the device settings and here we have the switch type so this is going to be the rocker type so then again make sure that you are set on wet contact mode as well so now what we'll need to do is create an automation so that when we turn that switch on or off it is then able to wirelessly change out another switch where I'm going to have one T2 in wireless switch mode control the other T2 that's outside on the outlet so let's go ahead and set that up we're going to head into the automations and here we're going to add a new automation where if and then here we're going to go to accessories the wireless switch turns on then we're going to go down here to the porch outlet and channel one is going to turn on then we're going to save that so now let's create a second one where if the wireless switch channel one turns off then the porch Outlet is going to turn turn off so we could set this up on automations but it's also nice that we want to have that manual switch where we can then flip the switch and it will automatically adjust the other device so let's go ahead and save that one and let's try it out all right so here we have our new wireless switch that is now controlling the t2 that's installed in the outlet outside so if I switch this off it then turns those off switch it on it then turns those on now on the settings there's the option to convert the S1 switch to a wireless switch now when you do turn that on it makes it so the switch does not control the light so now if I've done that it is not actually controlling that light so sometimes maybe You' want to have that done if you have a certain sensor or something connected to the t2 but right now I have that setting off and then I have an automation where it's turning on or off when I flip the channel on or off and if it ever gets opposite I just kind of have to go quickly turning it on and then turning it off and that works pretty great now that I've been using the t2 for a few days let's check out how the energy monitoring looks so here under the light and fan that I set up in the room you can currently see how much was used today so we have .24 kwatt hours this month3 and then current power it is using 15.91% if we tap on here we can see a little bit more that during the day we weren't using any energy which is really great and then tonight we have a little bit of energy that it is currently using we can even pinch to zoom in more so here it looks like the light was only on for a little bit and then here you can see the fan has been on the rest of the time so for this week you can see the usage there again you can pinch in and look a little bit more here we can show data so instead of just seeing the graph we can look at a data of the chart seeing how much power is being consumed during the day now this is really great to know when it is on and off then I know my daughter is not turning off the fan so I can now go ahead and create an automation where it's automatically going to turn off that fan and turn it on when she wants or I can make it so it automatically turns off um if during the day a certain amount has been used then it can turn it off so there are some really cool automations I can do now that I have power monitoring on the fan and light so here under the porch Outlet I can see how much I used so tonight is when we had it turned on so here we can see that it's showing 85 watts of usage that it was using to power those lights outside and there we can see that it used about 29 Watts today and there's 26.2 total life and then here we have the breakdown of today this month and the current power being used after playing with the aara Dual relay module T2 for the last few days I'm so impressed with all that this can do it's really cool that just this device by itself can control two different loads and can be connected to multiple light switches that's just pretty impressive on its own but then you can advance this with so many different things being able to have it work in wet contact as well as dry contact situations now I only showed a few of the things that I thought would work the best here at home but there are ton of other different things that you could do with this some of the examples that aara gives is you can set this to arm barriers boilers make an existing Appliance Smart here you could use it with electrical floor heating you could use it with smart roller Shades you could use the wireless switch in other ways and there are just so many possibilities on many different things now the hardest part about this was figuring out exactly how this needed to be wired hopefully this video is helpful in figuring out those in a few different situations but I know there are a lot of you out there that know exactly what you're going to use this for or where this can be used so I'd love to hear about it down in the comments below and then the only other uh thing that I'd like to see about this is a tiny bit smaller size I was able to fit it in all of the different boxes and get everything wired correctly but it was pretty jam-packed in there so if they could eventually shrink this that would be pretty cool to see so if you have any further questions about the aara t2 please let me know down in the comments below and if you would like to pick one up yourself I'll leave a link down in the description thank you so much for watching we'll see you on the next one
Channel: Tech With Brett
Views: 199,784
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Tech With Brett, Aqara T2 Wiring, How to wire Aqara T2, Dual Relay Module, Relay Module for Fan and Light, Smart Garage Door Opening, Garage Door Voice Assistants, Aqara T2 Garage Door Wiring, Aqara T2 Outlet Wiring, Aqara T2 Wireless Switch
Id: ToJHXnb9BR8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 07 2023
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