Amazing Agricultural Machines Operating At An Insane Level You Need To See

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welcome back to another video from lord gizmo today we're going to be covering a number of amazing agricultural machines make sure to stick around to learn what a dry bean digger can do first up we have a clip from videography the company is using special machines and tools to produce sod at a massive level usually sod takes 10 to 18 months to prepare first of all the soil is broken with the help of a tractor and plow after that a special machine sells the seeds in the ground and also levels the ground sod takes a lot of water and it needs to be trimmed precisely if an order arrives the sod harvester pulls the fresh sod out of the ground and wraps it like a roll [Music] so you're now looking at a unique tractor mountable tool built by savannah global this unit has five large blades and a heavy duty tractor is required to use it it is actually a rotary brush rake used for ground clearance the rotation of the blades pulls out dead plants by their roots this is so that the land can be cultivated again or used for some other use the machine can clear an area of 40 acres per day [Music] [Music] so [Music] the k4 disc chain is a new disc specially made for improved weed management in a wide variety of soil conditions the k4 discs sharp edge extracts weeds from the soil turning them over and allowing them to perish on the surface farmers who have used it have reported a decrease in weed density of over 90 percent additionally the mechanical method to weed management results in a reduction in pesticide usage [Music] [Music] up next we have a sweer dry bean digger it removes the full breadth of the plants and creates a swath to the side two spinning axles are used to remove the plants from the ground in this model the unit picks up the plants gently and places them on the conveying belt the conveying belt then directs the product to one side in order to create a windrow next we have the hover 500 it is a sugar cane harvester capable of concurrently harvesting two lines of cane the machine has an innovative ventilation system that maximizes cleaning effectiveness the track width of the hover 500 enables it to go precisely between the lines and parallel to the tracks made by tractors and wagons the cutting and feeding equipment are connected to the machine's main chassis creating a harvesting platform that can adjust autonomously according to the machine's movement [Music] so lastly we have the master iii it is a thresher and a peanut harvester combined the blades begin by uprooting the pinup plants and transporting them to the thresher its thresher unit then separates peanuts from the rest of the plant and removes the waste from a back windrow this machine enables you to harvest peanuts in any field and regardless of the weather conditions [Music] [Music] hey guys thanks for watching and we really hope that you enjoyed the video if you have any thoughts about what you just watched or have ideas for future videos comment them down below if you enjoyed what you just saw feel free to like and subscribe and don't forget to hit the notification bell too thanks for watching and we hope to catch you next time
Channel: Lord Gizmo
Views: 52,654
Rating: 4.8575668 out of 5
Keywords: agricultural machines, amazing machines, machines, agriculture machines, agriculture machine, amazing agriculture machines, agricultural farming machines, agricultural machine, modern agriculture machine, amazing machine, amazing, modern agriculture machines, best agricultural machines, machine, top 10 amazing agriculture machines, modern agricultural machines, agriculture modern machines, latest modern agricultural machines, amazing agricultural machines, agricultural machinery
Id: a50vsi-HRdg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 39sec (519 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 02 2021
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