Am I Making a Mistake If I Leave My Current Job?

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[Music] we go to Nicole who's on the line in Los Angeles California Nicole you're on the Ken Coleman show hi how are you I am living the dream Nicole how are you doing good thank you so much for taking my call sure how do I help today okay so I'm trying to figure out is the next career opportunity that I'm starting in January is the right one for me and if the exam anxiety that I'm feeling over leaving my current position is just because I'm feeling like I'm taking a step back all right so let's just have fun with this what is the new gig that you're taking in January okay so I have a non-disclosure agreement signed with this position so it might be a little bit big okay let me help you out okay and if you can't answer it just say pass and I'll ask it another way I just I just want to know the function of what you're doing you don't have to tell me the company you don't have to tell me your title I just want to know what type of work you're doing so that we so we get a sense so I can dive deeper that makes sense that should be okay right yeah no I can definitely get into that so I'm stepping into a position it's called a family assistant so it's kind of part many part household manager and so I'd be working with a high-profile family with their adopted children from another country Josh and they're a little bit older so I'm going to be kind of acclimating them to life in America okay great all right now why did you take that gig because you've already said yes I want to know why you decided to say yes I said yes one because it is a pay raise to where I'm currently at in the second world of largest reason is because I miss working with children however I have been a nanny in the past and I took a step back and went into being a high profile personal assistant for one of the biggest celebrities on the planet and so I just kind of feel a little weird stepping back from such a desirable amazing opportunity that I've been at for a year and so having all been there for a year I kind of feel like I left pretty much early but I also know that my core and I prayed about it that being treated poorly and having someone control every aspect of my life is not what I want long-term okay well know that kind of person back to working with children yeah so here so this is very clear to me so Nicole I want to set you free I'm so glad you called the show today okay I get the glamour and the power of this person that you are a personal assistant for most people who know you who don't know how you're treated and how consuming it is look at that and go why in the world would you walk away from that and that's making you feel you know a little silly you're like well I lost my mind because that's what people see they only see the outside am i right yeah that's so that's what you're dealing with you're dealing with a little bit of peer pressure maybe it's coming from peers maybe it's come from families it doesn't matter the point is a lot of people that you know you're worried about them going Nicole did you lose your mind you're gonna leave this position working for this big shot and you're gonna go work with kids well what they don't understand is that you love working with kids mm-hmm so let me just put it to you this way if this current position was not with a very glamorous super well-known person that everybody on the show probably would know okay that's based to what you're telling me if it wasn't with them and it was just the same type of job and you had this opportunity to move in to would you have the anxiety that you have no probably not I think a little bit of my anxiety is also coming from and this might sound funny but eventually I'm 26 eventually I would like to get married and have kids and I kind of feel like is that the only thing I'm gonna accomplish with my life is raising children even though I know that it's such an admirable thing I just kind of feel like I'm not moving forward in my career I got it so let me ask you this forget the nanny position that you've accepted which by the way you should take okay because it's not the rest of your life but it gets you out of it gets you out of an unhealthy situation and at least you're in on the surface hope fully a healthy home environment where you're working with some kids you're really helping their transition into this country adoptions a big deal that has its own nuances to it you're gonna be a major player in the life of this family so that's super super meaningful work so you should take that so let's just that's it now let me say this all I want you to think about is if you love working with children and one day you are Mary and you have your own children but you want to get back into the workforce or you want to be a working mom which I'm all for how would you most like to work with kids if you could snap your fingers and make it happen what work would you do with children I used to want to be a schoolteacher but going to school and then having moved out of state it would take me going back to school full-time you didn't answer my question dureena Nicole stop giving me qualification stop giving me reasons what work if I could snap my fingers you're married you got kids great husband and you're still doing work that matters to you with children what would it be blurt it out let it fly yeah because you know I know I saying it no I don't know why I got emotional I would love to be able to mentor children with literature in a book and I don't know exactly what that looks like it doesn't matter you're 26 you can figure that out but what was important today is that you let it out of your chest and the reason you're emotional I'm gonna tell you why you're emotional because you said yet feels stupid saying it and somebody has made you feel that way maybe not intentionally maybe intentionally but for you to feel shame sharing that you want to mentor kids with reading and literature and helping them read and write or whatever that's gonna end up being for you to feel that that is stupid is alive from the pit of hell yeah you feel me Nicole yes I do I can hear it in you how good does it feel to say this is worthy work it matters it feels good it's just hard to let go that ego and I don't even think that I used to have an ego yeah but yeah but you been surrounded by ego I mean listen first of all we all have egos but if you're working for one of the biggest egos on the planet then you know what your whole world's been skewed go do what you love take a deep breath and enjoy being a nanny house manager for a while and while you're doing that and you're out of the spotlight you're out of the rat race I want you to start to just move into stage 2 which is research I think we just covered stage 1 you know what you want to do with your life so what is the best way for you to do what you want to do which is mentoring children around literature you kind of just put it out there you keep writing that out on a piece of paper look at it every day but but Nicole you are free ah makes me mad makes me mad that Nicole feel stupid did you hear her did did she say stupid I wanna make sure I'm not misrepresenting her she she goes I said what is it she was like I kind of feel stupid saying what why would you feel stupid saying that you want to help children learn I'll tell you why I'm not listen listen to Cole's like a million of you out there 2 million 3 million 4 million something in your life or relationships somehow somebody some event just completely skewed the truth in your mind which is that you know this is what you want to do but somehow there's a voice in that says bounce a little stoop but that's not a good career I might tell you what it is in the Cole she somehow in Los Angeles got connected to one of those famous people in the world and everything gets distorted and we and this culture put way too much emphasis on celebrity because I'll tell you what her friends and family might be saying in a cold guarantee I know this why in the world would you leave person X they know everybody they're powerful they're famous they're rich they can put you on the path to happiness bullcrap Nicole told us what happiness is for her she wants to be a wife she wants to be a mom and she wants to be a professional and specifically to mentor children so much so that when she blurted it out she began to cry folks said she's not the only person to cry on the show why does the emotion reveal itself in this moment I'm going to tell you why because your heart for that moment gets uncovered from all the lies in the pain and the insecurities and the doubt whatever your story is and in that moment your heart reveals itself and it catches you it caught her up boom boom boom boom boom boom boom you have got to uncover your heart your heart will reveal what you believe but you have been distracted distorted discouraged that's good radio
Channel: The Ken Coleman Show
Views: 20,593
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The, Ken, Coleman, Show, Am I Making a Mistake If I Leave My Current Job?, should i quit my job, should i quit my job if it makes me unhappy, quit your job, how to quit your job, career advice, i hate my job, quitting, success, entrepreneur, quit my job, job, when to quit your job, advice, motivation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 4sec (604 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 13 2019
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