Alum Creek State Park #rvlife

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hey everyone it's Friday August 18th we are currently in a parking lot I'm waiting for Mike to get his license renewed because it's due in just a few days and he remembered on the way down with his work schedule always working past office hours checked and andhe license bureau that we can fit in just fine and it was even on the way to where we're going speaking of where we're going we don't have a reservation but we are heading towards Columbus and we're thinking about staying at Owl Creek State Park or Delaware State Park so we're just going to roll into one of them see if they have any sights we like stay there if we like it move on if we don't just like normal and they both rather right now they both have plenty of sites open so I have no worries whatsoever that we won't get a site so again we'll save our $8 reservation fee and reap the benefits of that so is that your best BMV experience of ever from the time I walked from here over there and back five minutes had my license plates renewed I think we officially the move to be Sara so I thought something was wrong when he started walking out I thought for sure he forgot something didn't have check booked and something wasn't right and that's why she was coming back so early I couldn't believe it absolutely best ever yeah and it's Friday afternoon he said he walked in and they were friendly we don't have we don't have those in Ottawa County they're not friendly there are annoyed that you're there they are angry people I get it they deal with a lot of boats and stuff like that but come on like most people are renewing licenses and tags it's not that big of a deal and this place is big enough like we got in and out with a camper and there's like deficits yeah it was very convenient in this big Plaza with like half the things are closed so all kinds of open parking your complaint this is the best bmv I've ever been to could you do that I didn't even go in but it was the best experience I've ever had right now turn it around oh it will fail play that road side you'll fail so back on the road for parties my time here yeah yeah I remember how my eye cream if they're about 80% poll which is about what we had expected so we're just going to park go in and see what the gasps all right well they didn't really help us in the office they just do miss an episode these are the sites that are available so let's go drive around those writers modem look good I click one out and don't set up come back make sure no one's booked is online I could've done this myself I thought there were just enough when we go down to other places like East Harbor just go in they say this one this one this one listen then you pick one that you get it I don't really want to drive Crum on a Friday night 23 yeah there's 25 Houston a36 with you the element whatever one you want Mikey I don't know which one well we did it finally take the site and out of all the sites it was a walking music great so I mean either way when when we actually had enough points accumulated to get a free night stay because in Ohio State Parks you accumulate points with every night that you pay to camp and after like what it feels like probably it takes most people probably a couple years to get up for tonight we'll get a couple every season 7,000 points we had over eight so we use one we got a free night so we're only paying 31 bucks for our weekend stay so can't really complain much about that and they let us drive around to look at all the sights and pulling the trailer what a pain yeah absolutely painting to drive around the campground yeah and coincidentally the campsite that we chose is like right around the corner from the office so we're literally should have just walked yes we drove around technically and back up to the office and take that glare now I have to navigate this yeah that's American there still got room because it's gonna absolutely alright yep far away we go good tail swing good oh here we go started by women here's a little bun yours I kind of dropped me off move that Peggy tables going to go swing around that one you'd be able to do that by yourself please pull back here I only work out all the time and yes if I can move with these people [Applause] so they got this got this concrete stopper here kind of keeps us from going back too far but I think if I move over just a little bit I'll be able to just drive right past this so what I did was I put this orange leveling block over here this is my marker I want my tire to come in right next to it as close as I can by moving over that much I should be able to get over over this should fit right between the tires I mean is there a point other than its challenge there I think you have to watch the picture tie yourself up yeah sounds always right there if we do this and oh yeah aha challenge accepted well we are all set up if they it's actually a walk in sight but if it was reservable we're going to get it again the pad is really long their son their shades there's everything and then this little area back here is pretty cool we pick our fire ring is back here this is a perfect campsite and it's a walk in sight yeah but I mean this is kind of why we don't reserved because you never know what you're going to find right and had we reserved we never wouldn't really been in this yeah and we wouldn't have known that it was really even here or even that good we don't have any close neighbors I mean if you look that way it's just yeah you mean what's behind him it's all trees and then around this way this is all just tree and brush all behind you and then we have a neighbor over on this side but you can't see them until you get up to the road because this is all you see so yeah overall we get this sight again [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] hey it's Saturday August 9 1919 and we kind of been just lazybones today it's been awesome we even took him at yeah we really haven't done much of anything today he got up this morning and made breakfast range is slightly less yeah this morning when we're still in bed it was frequent a little bit but it was literally just a sprinkle wasn't bad at all now it's 79 degrees and I'm funny man partly cloudy partly sunny whatever we really haven't left the campsite all day surprised right yeah but we did yesterday yes yesterday we walked a total of five and a half months yeah just over five and a half miles and that was only the campsite roads back here wasn't even like on trails or that yeah it was just up and down the different routes throughout the whole camp from yeah we did some of it when we got here and then we did the other paths later at night one was dark out the dogs love night walk yep so much more things to try to see in the darkness I guess and now it's Mitch 5:12 p.m. and we're just kind of hanging out like drinking a beer and probably have a campfire soon and you dinner eat dinner make some good food and I mean this is kind of like what camping is for us so many people including a lot of our neighbors they're just gone all doing things and that's why people come back and they're like man I need a vacation from my vacation because they don't relax it all yeah Kyle oh are you would you I kind of like to just do nothing yeah take naps drink beer yeah munch on some food hang out enjoy each other's company sit around a campfire listen to the sounds of nature which sometimes is Carl our mission obviously overall is the beautiful part it's really large it's just north of Columbus Ohio you can get to it can't really like to neighbors yeah each site it's so much like mommy Bay where you have like a brush row or trees absorb six menus and this particular site is a walking so it's non reservable so we lucked out with findings I mean this is a gem of a site we love this campsite it's really long and we're way off the road and it goes all the way back here and you have your campfire over there just like all on your own base so we're going to get dinner started have a fire and then tomorrow we'll be packing up and go home hey everyone it's that time again unfortunately going all going home so we're going to do our close out video about our review for alum Creek State Park in Delaware Lewis Center just over Columbus Ohio basically like Mesa is yeah that in my storage space from when I lived in Phoenix well I lived in Mesa but when you say Mesa people don't know what may say is that I mean it's it's Phoenix I live in Phoenix what were your thoughts I love that part as a great part it really is a great part it's large it's spread out all the campsites I mean they're not huge campsite compared to some state parks but they're all pretty secluded you don't have people right up on you and you get to relax it is very relaxing the least our site was very relaxing to me yeah and last night we did more night walking with the dogs which brought our total mileage we get the process right and that was the nice dogs loved it and love the night walks we did do some of the walking before they got dark oh and we walked in this path trail it wasn't very long but it took you all along in water and the dogs got to go in and kind of trumps around kind of like swim and I was impressing the ladies yeah it was it's just a little Ladykiller you know prancing around in the water showing office his body doesn't make him a lady feel crazy so the part was clean the staff was very friendly we didn't have any problems checking it we really just had a really awesome weekend and there's really no problems with knowing this was like any loud groups or anything like that yeah I mean our neighbor they had quite a few people but it wasn't anything unbearable there's no idea the typical daytime campground noise which is in plaintiff offices it got dark I mean that campground is dark and Ethan's life yeah it got dark on our night walks we like to live dangerously and we don't really have we have a flashlight but we don't walk around with it on it we just walk and get off the road when there's cars like well off the road we're responsible so it I don't know but that's they get done where I'm like where's the road go or is this a cul-de-sac we're still coming straight so I mean it makes it more interesting that's for sure that's the dump station what little to be desired but overall I'd give the part like five stars close in Belem yeah we will definitely go back and would recommend it to others it is a very popular state park probably to those reasons so I really don't have any regrets and that walk-in site we had was top-notch it was probably one of our favorite camp sizes we've had in a very long time we stayed there are a couple other times and we actually found our camp sites that we had previously was I mean it was like what three years ago yeah was three years ago the last time we were there last time we were there is when we went down to Columbus and I bought my car that I have so that was a trip with the purpose the state part overall is something like 4,000 acres or just over 40 these are four thousand or six thousand a whole heart including the water either I don't believe they know that they do that rate that a small Beach yeah they have a couple of small beaches in a bowl grant yep heard a lot of people who goes there just walk get these all the tech stuff but it was nice I'm pretty bummed out right now because the weather's beautiful thanks for going 81 degrees honey what me do overall I highly recommend all Creek State Park we're just going to end it on that no great part very good
Channel: Wandering Wagners
Views: 28,201
Rating: 4.8642535 out of 5
Keywords: alum creek, state park, ohio, jayco, whitehawk, ram, cummins, camping, rv, rv living
Id: rGot8wgPkMI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 40sec (1420 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 22 2017
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