Alternate History: What if the Axis Won?

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hello everyone stakui here and today i'm going to address something that has been requested multiple times and so i'm going to talk about it uh a what if scenario what if the axis had actually won world war ii uh keep in mind that everything that comes from here is my personal opinion there's any number of ways that things could happen history after all is not something that is so cut and dry literally anything can happen but we have to approach this realistically and it's on that note that i want to begin this video realism in order for the access to have won the war that means that you're going to need a lot of different factors going in in the first place you can't just look at oh what would it look like if they had but how would you get there in the first place and to do that we're going to need to consider a number of factors first off the united states can't really be involved in the war at least not for any kind of extended period there is the phrase that the war was won by american industry british intelligence and soviet blood uh and this really is true when you think about it in terms of the war and where the most debt most deaths were where the money was coming from where a lot of intelligence operations were occurring etc so one of the biggest factors for war that most people do not consider is logistics an army marches on its stomach and an industrialized army marches on its stomach as well as its oil and finances and that is something that the united states was very heavily responsible for in the early parts of the war basically financing the war for the brits as well as the soviets and providing much of the arms and material that were used in the conflict as a result if the united states is not engaging in the lend lease program and supporting these powers then there's not really going to be anything that say for example the soviets are going to be able to do in the first half of the war where they were relying largely on american imports so let's consider that in the first place the second thing that i would want to talk about is that a germany does not attack the soviet union at least not at first they hold off for another year to be able to consolidate their power uh third that japan instead of surprise attacking the united states which was never really going to work because the moment that they attacked the united states this is going to instill so much public hatred towards japan and drive up war fervor that this is one of the key reasons as to why america pushed so far for a total surrender versus a conventional war more than likely what would happen is that in the case of japan deciding where to attack and where to go that they would choose to go with the army plan of invading the soviet union versus the naval plan of invading south now there's a reason there's a key reason why the japanese decided to invade the southern territories the philippines going to war against the western powers and the united states and that is because they needed material resources specifically rubber and oil because they were on such a limited supply the united states had already cut off steel and oil imports to japan that they had i believe it was only between a year or so worth of supply before they begin to run out this is one of the key reasons why they invaded the philippines so what this means is that a early german japanese alliance to team up against the soviet union would be in effect and the reason that germany wanted to take on the soviet union so badly was twofold one ideologically going back to the german idea of lebensbraum of living room ultimately the goal of germany was not to expand into western europe it was to expand into eastern europe to remove the slavic peoples and populate the countryside with germans practically speaking the reason why germany wanted to expand in against the soviet union was because the soviet union held much of the valuable resources such as oil that germans wanted for example the caucus mountains germany specifically did not go after moscow immediately and moved south in two different directions to try and sweep to the south and take on the soviet oil supplies that which would have fed their war machine so in order for us to assume the axis won we need to assume that japanese and the germans invaded split the soviet union effectively in two on two separate fronts and then the germans were able to secure a large supply of oil for themselves as well as providing for the japanese war machine so that it would not necessitate them going to war with the united states and without that surprise attack without that instigation while the united states definitely would have interfered in the war they more than likely would not just outright declare war and go attack without further provocation the third thing that must be considered is a simple one in the beginning something that would heavily demoralize britain the battle of dunkirk was huge in the beginning of the war because the allied british french force which numbered something along the lines of four hundred thousand men strong were set to be completely cut off and if the germans had taken dunkirk and had killed or captured all those men it would have completely destroyed much of the british military and there would have been nothing that they could really do for years to build that back up thankfully for the british they were able to get their men out of there the escape from dunkirk is one of these huge points in the war that really kept the british in the fight so what we need to assume is that a the germans did not halt their advance like they did for three days which allowed the british to escape and that they actually took them and captured these men or killed them which in turn would more than likely cause the brits to eventually sue for either a non-aggression pact some kind of piece of the conflict that would take them out of the war this in turn would allow the germans to consolidate their hold on much of the territory that they had now assuming that all of this happens what does that mean that europe looks like well first off this does not mean that the germans are not going to have an easy time of it in fact the war is still going to be very difficult especially taking on the soviet union who are going to fight and die pretty much to the last man trying to defend their territory but the germans are going to be able to dedicate a lot more of their time energy and resources and have far more assistance to be able to take them on so while it is going to be a bloody conflict they are going to in the end come out on top but because of this loss of manpower they're not going to be able to hold absolute dominion and control over most of these territories what this means is that france is going to end up largely as a puppet state you would have different fascist governments that are installed in little countries and territories that hold nominal control over the country on behalf of the germans and then what's going to happen in eastern europe is that all of this territory that was relegated as lebensbron again living room these are going to have colonies set up by the germans that are going to focus on the dissemination of the german population amongst the region and replace the local population with aryan stock that is something that was ultimately the goal of germany now assuming that britain signs a non-aggression pact or that they sue for peace in that regard they're not going to be out of the war entirely what this effectively means is a break something along the lines of five ten years maybe something like that before conflict resumes or at least some measure of type of conflict but what's going to end up happening is that by germany taking over all of these territories and spreading their people especially towards the middle to the end of the war they had effectively established breeding programs to increase the german population encouraging women to have more children who would in turn be supported by the state and by conquering all these territories and effectively reducing the slavic peoples to slaves they would be able to sustain this kind of living standard where the germans would be able to breed without having to worry about resources and at the same time any kind of rebellion or thought of it would be cracked down upon with brutal efficiency what this means is that you're going to see the world split into two camps much like you saw at the end of well what actually happened except instead of the soviet union and communism being one block you're going to have it instead be represented by germany and fascism on the other hand because the united states either did not go to war or went into the war and then kind of pieced out along with britain did not engage in as long or severe of a conflict this effectively means that you're going to have two superpowers remaining of the united states and germany that are going to work on funding guerrilla forces against one another all across the globe so you're gonna see all these little fascist and democratic rebel movements that are going to pop up across the globe even in asia where you have japan dealing with well china indochina all these other territories and eventually japan may then choose to go to war with the other european powers and invade and take over the colonies but this is not going to be something that they have to do immediately their preference at that point is going to be able to take on britain and other territories so that is what that is going to look like at the same time the holocaust is going to happen it is going to be carried out with again brutal efficiency it's going to take time but it's not going to be something that is necessitated as quickly as what happened at the end of the actual world war ii and one of the key reasons that that even occurred is because with allied forces invading into german territory the germans quickly tried to kill as much of the population as they could so they sped things up otherwise there's the potential for these concentration and work camps to go on for a decade or more eventually grinding the population of jews gypsies and other minorities into dust and as i said this is going to end up resulting in a new type of cold war one in which fascism and capitalist democracy are competing against one another and sponsoring movements now in the end much like what occurred with the soviets the germans are not going to be able to maintain that there's going to be simply too many rebel groups there's going to be too much dissidents at home and abroad for them to be able to sustain their hold for long but this is something that could potentially go on for 30 40 50 years much like we saw with the soviet union and at least that is my take on it if you all have any other ideas if you think that this is something that could have actually worked out differently or if you agree with what i think do let me know i actually love looking at these what-if scenarios and how they would actually play out so tell me what it is that you think and what it is that i should focus on next anyway have a good rest of your day and i'll see you all next time bye
Channel: stakuyi
Views: 84,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history, alternatehistory, whatif
Id: ws5405SeK0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 37sec (757 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 03 2021
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